Final Control Point - Detailing Mini Contest 2017


Feb 5, 2016
I don't know what a final point of a jump map entails but that should be fine. As long as it abides by the rules.
I'm gonna assume it's the area you get teleported into in some maps if you fall off the ramp and hit the floor.


L1: Registered
Jan 24, 2010
Gonna have to really wrack my brain for this one. I mean, I have a few ideas but they play maybe a bit too much on the TF2 Sci-Fi or even dream category. Might go ahead and do that anyway and do a second as something more serious.


Jul 31, 2009
Sci fi or dream themed maps are fine...that's not against the rules. As long as it's not made in the style of another game like half life 2 then anything is technically fair game. The idea is simply to make a control point final of a bigger map, but that doesn't have to be restritcted to the themes or maps that exist in game already.


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
Say I were to finish my entry, but I really liked the point... Say I then decided to work on an actual map based around the point, but kept the completed entry stored elsewhere in my files...

Say I then finished the actual map, and wanted to upload it here to get some feedback on the map as an actual map...
Would this invalidate my entry?

I have yet to actually finish my entry, but I see myself finishing it really soon... I also really like my concept, and want to work on it further... But I would like to see if that would invalidate it, first


Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
Say I were to finish my entry, but I really liked the point... Say I then decided to work on an actual map based around the point, but kept the completed entry stored elsewhere in my files...

Say I then finished the actual map, and wanted to upload it here to get some feedback on the map as an actual map...
Would this invalidate my entry?

I have yet to actually finish my entry, but I see myself finishing it really soon... I also really like my concept, and want to work on it further... But I would like to see if that would invalidate it, first

Couldn't you just use an undetailed version of it for the actual map?

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
If you really know what you're doing you can use the insane amount of space the 3D skybox gives. You can build whatever brushwork you want in a 4096*16 area - larger than hammer can even hold - and shrink it to 16 times less. Props are the more difficult part but not impossible


Dec 19, 2015
You can't build more than Hammer can hold for this contest - within a 4096x4096 area, you can fit a skybox that'll look like 65536*65536 (not counting borders that can take a tiny bit away), which Hammer can totally hold. Your point stays valid anyway, though.