
  1. TheCrafters001

    Map in Full Bright Even with light_environment and light Sources.

    So, I am working on a map for a friend, and I have some light sources, but when the map is compiled and played, it shows the map in Full Bright. I do have light_environment and light setup around the map, but what is causing the map to go Full Bright? Picture files attached.
  2. Cynder loves Portal


    I want to make a room completely dark for a rave room. It keeps being lit. This is the room: I've set up all the lighting for it to make it a rave but it's not coming out as i wanted. is it worth using "BLOCK LIGHT" brushes and how do i go about it?
  3. The_Gl!tch.exe

    Problem with props being dark

    Hello there, I have a problem where a prop_dynamic model appears dark even though there are light entities all around it. There are a few things you should know about it first: 1. The prop is from a Sketchfab to SFM (& TF2) port. The model is a prop_dynamic to be visible in-game. (prop_statics...
  4. AsG_Alligator

    Industrial lamp 2019-10-20

    A large industrial lamp (48hu diameter). Includes 3 models - ceiling hanging variant, spotlight and bracket variant. 2 skins for on and off.
  5. B

    vvis/vrad/lighting problems

    So I am new to hammer, and trying to learn it. I watch UEAKCrash's tutorial of hammer, and currently i am watching this, chapter 1, episode 4: View: But I face some problems, as you can see is 2:20 of...
  6. Emil_Rusboi

    [GUIDE] Making Source Beautiful Again

    Introducing So, I was inspired by 3kliksphilips video and decided to create my own guide... to how make your map more... beautiful. Disclaimer I am not professional mapper, all of these just my thoughts, advices and knowledge. Lighting Lighting is the one of the most parts of the map. One of...
  7. SnickerPuffs

    Multiple light_enviroments in a map?

    I'm planning a map with three distinct, themed areas, and I want to have the lighting in each area reflect that. Can I have multiple light_enviroments that each effect only certain parts of a map, or do I need to flub it with other light entities?
  8. ThirdEye

    Map looks really washed out with HDR on ingame. [SOLVED]

    The whole map looks too bright, too white. How do I fix this in hammer?
  9. Ailurus

    Light issues :'(

    Hey there, I'm working on my first map, so there is still a lot I have to learn, but I've been trying to learn most of it myself, but I've come to an impasse. I've been using compile pal, to pack props and textures into the map, but each time I compile using it, everything comes out as full...
  10. Cincomma

    Odd lighting between different brushes

    Hello all, I've an issue that I need to fix I've been working on a map of mine and after I ran it, this happened between 3 brushes They have the same lightmap scale, and no props that would mess up the lighting. There's a room inside this building as well, I've also ran into this problem...
  11. Lokk iz a skul

    How do I make a block emit light?

    I'm making a lava pit in a map that I'm working on. However, I can't for the life of me find out a way to make the lava itself emit light. (The lava being a block with a lava texture) How can I/can I make it emit light without using a separate light source?
  12. RaVDice |

    No Light Bounce

    It's me again with another error! Notes: -There's no pointfile, -All lights are outside of props and brushes Decomp Log: Images:
  13. PoFro

    Rare VRAD HDR Compile Error

    Hey all, Whenever I run vrad with HDR enabled for my surf map, I get an error on the BuildVisLeafs line saying: "Out of Memory Address Space. Texture Quality Setting May Be Too High." There are no relevant threads on the internet except for this one...
  14. 9_Loves

    Koth Cholula A2

    I made a good amount of changes. it's 1.5 because I'm kinda iffy on whether or not to change the mode. changes ( w/ screenshots): added a new high ground added flank route and a small surfing area added platform above the point added some more flankibillity near the side "doors"
  15. ZungryWare

    A compilation of misc. questions I have.

    I neglected to post on the forums to answer some questions, but I decided now to give up and ask. 1) Could someone point me to a guide on how to make and install props into hammer? I know how to 3D model in Blender, but since it was for 3D-printing, I never learned texturing. 2) Is it okay to...
  16. Assorted Memes

    What is the deal with the “sky_day01_01” skybox?

    I was thinking of using this skybox in a map I am making, but since it was created for the “Target” training map which is well illuminated with non-environmental light entities, it has no prior used environmental light values attached to it (at least none recorded on the dev wiki). How could I...
  17. ficool2

    How can I re-create this lighting?

    I'm making a map while taking influences from other games, and this lighting especially caught my eye: It has some sharp shadow transitions and dark roof/corners lighting. This is the type of lighting I need in some hallways in my map, but the problem is I'm having trouble creating it. I...
  18. AlbinoMunchkin

    Water Lighting Issue / Solid Water at Certain Angles

    Hello TF2Maps community! My friend noticed a weird lighting problem with some water and was wondering if it was only on his end / the build he made. I decided to take a look at the build he sent me previously, and this is what is seen from both sides. If anyone can help figure out what is...
  19. FloofCollie

    My map is doing minor weird spooky things

    First off: This wall looks like two differently-coloured textures. Note that the lightmap resolution is set to default (16), so it isn't caused by that. Hammer view: They are different textures, though. One of them is the normal texture (the one that appears strangely yellow in-game), and the...
  20. Atasco

    Non-Displacement Lighting Issues

    Hello again, it's me, with more odd issues. I made a displacement for a large spytech style curved window, but the moment I went to light it, very strange things started happening. On the left is a displacement to curve where the (hard to see) glass is, and on the right is a regular old...