
  1. Werewolf

    Different lighting effects on ground and skybox

    I'm having trouble getting even lighting on a texture, despite there being no difference in light sources. I am using the same ground texture on the main part of the map and in the skybox, and yet the ground in the main part of the map looks much darker than the skybox ground Here's what I'm on...
  2. dryerlint

    Make terrain props cast shadows properly?

    Hello! I just started learning about mapping a couple days ago, and this is my first forum post, I apologize if this post is against the rules. So my first map (KOTH) is coming along pretty well, it doesn't look very good but I'm happy with it! I used a bunch of prop_static boulder entities to...
  3. Jansteffen

    Can't get lights.rad to work

    Hello everyone, I just recently began mapping and so far it's been going pretty well, however I wanted to create a texture that acts as a light source, which after a quick google search I found an article in the developer wiki and various youtube tutorials showing how it is can be done via...
  4. B

    Strange Shadows

    I'm not exactly sure when they started occurring or why but after one test compile I noticed that there were some fairly ugly shadows on the wall that were not there before. This is what they look like: The issue does not appear to happen in any of the other rooms besides the one above...