
  1. Donatello

    Too many selected faces share a single edge?

    I don't see anything wrong??
  2. Donatello

    [SOLVED] getting rid of "shadow lines" ?

    this happened when I selected all the snow brushes and used the paint geometry to add those little mountains (if you can call it that) at the edges of the map as seen in the picture.
  3. suber36g

    Leaked, but no coordinates. Help?

    I'm making a map and i got this problem. It say it leaked but there is no coordinates and it doesn't have a Pointfile nor a Portal File, But it look fine in both Hammer and TF2. Here the info: ** Executing... ** Command: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Team Fortress...
  4. fuzzymellow

    Fuzzy's Jungle Pre-Release Map Texture Pack 2017-02-13

    Hey all! Fuzzy here, formerly RetroCitrus, MellowRetro, etc Decided to churn out a small, but hopefully decent map texture pack this weekend with my boy Void helping me with all this on the Hammer side of it all. Thanks for stayin' up late with me gettin this out, man, you really are The Best~...
  5. The Guy You Know

    Hammer reverting to a specific save [Solved]

    Ive been making a map in hammer and saving it each time I run it but now every time I open the map it reverts to a specific save. If I change something like a world brush or a prop and save the map it wont actually do that. Ive made sure that my files are being saved into my hammer files folder...
  6. Donatello

    vertrex tool doesn't work the way i want?

    Trying to use the vertex tool that way shown in the picture doesn't work for me (it simply goes to the upper dot). This strangely worked for me before.
  7. Donatello

    [SOLVED] odd hammer texture bug

    It's hard to explain but here is a picture: map doesn't compile as well (when using this texture)
  8. Donatello

    [SOLVED] Problem with lighting when adding skybox.. (TF2)

    Yesterday I ran into a problem regarding the 2dskybox and the lighting in my map. The problem is that when i add a skybox to my map all of my light suddenly doesn't work (everything is black) removing the skybox resolves this issue, but I want my map to have a skybox. Note that I do not have...
  9. bread bird

    From a beginner, to beginners

    After fighting with Hammer to make maps for the past few weeks, I've been able to gather a lot of knowledge that wasn't covered in any of the tutorials I've been able to find so far. So, I wanted to make a list of all the things I wish I knew before I even got into Hammer. Being that I am a...
  10. Captain gingerbread

    TF2 crashes when trying to load my map

    Everytime I try to load my map my TF2 crashes, I already deleted hammer, TF2, and I reseted the hammer configurations with source sdk. It still crashes everytime I try to load the map in TF2. So I looked in dumps (steam\dumps) I didn't make a new save file every time I saved, can I fix this...
  11. Little Pixel

    Models turn into a colored block when moving away from it.

    (I haven't been mapping for quite a while, so I forgot how to fix this xP) I got this problem with the models when I go away from them, they just turn into colored blocks after I've gone so and so far away from them and I don't remember how to fix it.
  12. Etasus

    Problem with hammer not oppening (Fixed :))

    I had a problem with hammer not loading, here is the video of what happened: View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JcDZCAtovus
  13. Etasus

    Variables and triggers

    I need some help... I am a novice mapper, and I have a really cool idea for the next tf2 maps 72 hour contest... but one thing is tricking me up... how do I make it so that 2 independent variables (In my case, 2 capture points that can be captured independently of each other) can cause 1 output...
  14. Twist.vmf

    Moving stuff

    Hey! it's me again! and do i have a question for you. how do i make a group of stuff that players can hit and walk on and all that, move? now you might be thinking "can't you just google it???" well i did, and i got nothing. now i already know that hammer hates it when stuff moves, so how can...
  15. UnDead Lincoln

    I need some help with hammer

    so I am new to hammer and I created a simple box in hammer. So then I go to run the map but then it said that the file specified could not be found. I'll show you it here ** Executing... ** Command: Copy File ** Parameters: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Team Fortress...
  16. CyanideNoodles

    How to Block Bullets In Map?

    I am trying to making it so bullets can't go through but players can. I've looked and can't find any guides for it. As soon as I make the block bullet texture a func brush with no solidity it removes the block bullets effect. I'm trying to do this to help prevent spawn camping from messing with...
  17. Duck-Joke

    Got some problems while making a remake...

    So right now i'm trying to make a remake of harvest with a frontline and mann vs machine theme, but i have an issue. I can't really use the decompiled version of harvest, because it automaticly causes bugs and leaks when you alter it, so how do you remake it then? I know, that other people, that...
  18. Blobs

    i got problems with water

    ive looked up tutorials for making water, but it has not surface texture. i can jump around in it and make water noices, if i shoot it the water splashes, but i cant SEE the water. how it acctually looks ingame: View: https://youtu.be/Dp9mzhWNvvY
  19. Moonfixer

    Random hammer crashes.

    Hammer has been randomly crashing every few minutes with my new pc build. It has crashed while I have been manipulating brushes, rotating the view, zooming out, etc. I have opened the hammer bat file first and everything, I have tried uninstalling and reinstalling to no avail. My operating...
  20. Erk

    Having Hammer show up in Steam.

    This is a bit off-topic, but I've seen people have Hammer show up as their activity and I think I might save the hassle of taking a rain check on my steam associates. How do I get that?