
  1. Little Pixel

    Landscape such as grass.

    So I wanted to add some landscape to my map but I don't really understand how it's made. Is it made from scratch or is there a tool for it?
  2. Little Pixel


    So I made a set of doors to use for one of my maps, but I wanted to know if I am able to make them open to the sides, like the right side of the door going right and the left side of the door going left. I have never tried doing this before and I don't seem to know how to do it, I would love...
  3. DevilsSon [sourceMM]

    Disapearing walls

    I have just registered an account on here and I need help with this problem, recently I have been playing around with hammer and sometimes randomly a wall or floor disappears for no reason, in hammer its there but in game its not, but sometimes its also missing in hammer at the same time I don't...
  4. Little Pixel

    Adding hats the a map.

    So I placed a few hats on my map but they don't seem to show when I'm in-game. Error! To use model "models/workshop/player/items/all_class/riflemans_rallycap/riflemans_rallycap_sniper.mdl" with prop_static, it must be compiled with $staticprop! Error loading studio model...
  5. Little Pixel

    Custom texture missing texture.

    So I made a custom texture on Hammer that I was going to use for my map. Now this texture works for me, like I can see it just fine, but no one else can do so, I have no idea what the problem for this could be since this is the first time I've added a custom texture.
  6. Peppridge Farms

    Various filepaths needed

    If I wanted to import an animation from say, SFM, what filepath would I need to put it in? Also what filepath will I need to put custom ragdolls/models in?
  7. Viemärirotta

    Is this an issue within Hammer?

    So apparently if you select your whole map via map properties then shift drag/copy and paste for symmetrical maps it crashes Hammer. However if you select the whole map by doing a box with the selection tool then pressing Enter doesn't crash Hammer. (I struggled with that for a hour or so...
  8. Ploomutoo

    Payload: Sacrificial 2016-04-24

    Disaster! Blu Team unknowingly stole a cursed artifact from the lost civillization of Mayanns! To free themselves from the curse, they tried throwing it into a volcano! But they did not realize that the artifact was fireproof, and laid unharmed at the bottom of the volcano! The Red Team noticed...
  9. AlienRadar

    Moving Spawnpoints

    Hello. I haven't mapped in a while and I forgot how to do a couple of things. My question is, how do you make a forward spawn in hammer. Like when you cap a point, how do you make the spawn that they move to?
  10. CyanideNoodles

    Map Displacements Go Black When Taunting HELP

    Only a few days into the map and already running into issues.. So my displacements are level 3. When I am on them or any surface and taunt, every displacement goes black. It doesn't ALWAYS go black sometimes for certain angles it does, but it happens enough that this is a problem and I'm...
  11. Mr8bittripper

    Experts, please help me find a map!

    Hello everyone! I'm looking for a version of tc_hydro that can currently be edited... Whenever I try and start the map in Hammer Map Editor, it gets stuck permanently at the first step of loading. I have left my computer on for 2 days to see if it just inherently takes forever to load, but it...
  12. Simulacron

    Hammer crashes

    After I put some custom assets and materials (mayan assets and borneo assets) in my tf/custom folder, hammer is crashing every 10 minutes! How can I fix this? I don't want to remove the assets because I want to use them in my map. All materials and models are working properly in hammer and tf2...
  13. Fluid

    Getting Tf2 Maps Into Hammer

    It has been so long since I've used hammer, like 5 months ago was the last time I've used it, so bear with me here. I'm making an sfm poster that requires a mirror, now I have all the things I need to make it, I just need the vmf of cp_mountainlab, and all other Valve maps for future reference...
  14. toxxicxmodz

    Make my map look natural?

    Right now I have a ramp of sand that goes up to somewhere, but it looks like it might as well be made out of concrete. How do I make my sand ramp look natural? This is my first time making a real map and I'd really appreciate the help!
  15. GamerFanS.C.

    Prop Browser Issue

    I'm sorry but I've got an issue with my model browser. All of the text and windows are completely blank, leaving me unable to use any props which are not in the ABS prop libraries. If anyone knows how to assist me in this, that would be absolutely incredible!
  16. toxxicxmodz

    TF2 map crashes to desktop about 15 to 20 seconds after launching it without warning

    I built a simple test map (koth) with lighting, spawnpoints, spawnrooms, everything and if I load the map from the TF2 client, my TF2 crashes to desktop without warning. If I run it from SRCDS, I get the message srcds.exe has stopped working. I look in the console of the server and there are no...
  17. H

    CTF score system

    I was wondering if there was a way to essentially cap the Intel for say red, if say something happend like someone on blue walk by x brush without someone on red actually being used to pickup the intel... I have considered diving into using bots to get the job done, in hammer, but I don't want...
  18. MrAurora

    Select All Things

    I am trying to flip a map and I need to select all of the "things" I have placed. If I select all manually it would take forever :P Please help.
  19. Duck-Joke

    Hammer won't show model files tagged with tf!

    I was making a map in hammer, when suddenly the models browser wouldn't show tf models! It still Works with tf2 misc files, but now i can't use custom models! I can't move model files to tf2_misc_dir either! Pls help