
  1. Hai

    Level generation stuff/VMF manipulation

    2019 New link to project page: http://hai.dogpixels.net/projects/Badger/ Link to new knockout.chat thread: https://knockout.chat/thread/1846/1 New link to Twitter: https://twitter.com/BestYeen - - - - - 8< - - - - - - Hello there. As originally posted in this thread, I've aborted my level...
  2. ImCurentlyAlive

    Texture Menu Wont Open

    I recently updated my PC to windows 10 and now I cant open the texture menu. Everything else like the Toggle Texture application will work completely fine but for some reason it wont
  3. Sarcastic_Fantastic

    Many brushes off-grid by a fraction of a hammer unit, how?

    Hi there, I'm very new to mapping and currently working on my first proper map (for arena). It's been slow but steady progress with a couple hurdles but going well. Encountered an issue today though that isn't very major but very irritating, it seems a lot of my world brushes haven't perfectly...
  4. Dead Plant

    3 Most wanted features for hammer

    Hammer is officially almost 20 years old at this point, and as everyone who's made a map knows- it most certainly shows its age. Even though it's incredibly unlikely we will ever get an updated hammer that supports Team Fortress 2, I am still going to list off everything that I'd like to see in...
  5. Cincomma

    ABS Resource Pack Suddenly not working (Solved)

    Hello TF2maps community! Hammer has regurgitated another problem that I can't solve. The ABS Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack suddenly stopped working for me (I've been using it ever since I started mapping). I still have all of the files for it in my computer, but it isn't working. Any way to fix...
  6. Arkadiy_Parovozov

    How do you replicate the easter egg from Thunder Mountain?

    Hello! Recently I got into mapping and my question is - How do you spawn bots and make them perform a certain action like the hidden bot easter egg in thunder mountain? Can you choose what action they will do? Can I select a certain class? Thanks in advance, Arkadiy. The easter egg as...
  7. Hoovytron 9000

    What's the definiative method, if there is one, to run Hammer on mac?

    Apologies for the long post. First time poster to these fourms just because I can't seem to find help elsewhere. I've gotten an itch to make maps. Problem is, right now all I have acess to is a Mac laptop. It's capable of running Source games (albeit at low settings) and things of the like...
  8. Shorty1


    In hammer when i try to model something the window i am using begins to glitch out and start moving the box around and it starts flashing with another window on top resulting in the program being unusable and impossible to work with. An answer or fix would be greatly appreciated thank you
  9. SnickerPuffs

    Does a "Hammer Lite" exist?

    I've been using a relative's computer recently in lieu of my own. Unfortunately, I developed a mapping itch a few days ago. I don't want to download the ~15 GB of files needed to run Steam and Team Fortress just so I can use Hammer, so I'm looking for a standalone version. I don't need to run...
  10. Phased OuT

    My Maps Make a bsp But Dont Work in Game

    I've been mapping for 5 months now, so I have a basic understanding of what I'm supposed to do, but I've never came across an problem this confusing. I have a decently sized map right now near completion, and I didn't exactly compile it to test in game in a while, so I thought, "Hmmmm, Maybe I...
  11. GameSpy

    heellppp heeellpp cs:s Hammer

    how fix this shit ? ( this not models ( func_detail )
  12. Tourifac

    Creating a GFP

    Hello guys, I wonder how to create a Golden Frying Pan entity in hammer, i cant find this model and changing normal frying pan skin doesnt change anything, can you help me?
  13. SuggestiveFruit[TOSx]

    An Idea for an Easier Alternative to Hammer??

    Call me a 9-year-old, but I used to create a ton of half-finished games with Roblox Studio. It was incredibly easy to use and I picked up Lua pretty quickly. Ever since I started trying (and failing) to make maps with Hammer, I've wished there was some alternative so my lazy ass wouldn't have to...
  14. Kunny

    Func_Physbox question.

    In my map I have a ball that players can run up and hit it with their melee and it sends the ball flying. I want to make it so the ball kills players that it hits.
  15. Kunny

    Logic_case Problem

    I'm having a problem with logic_cases. I am having a logic case that is selecting blocks at random then breaking them. Sometimes the case reselects blocks that have already been broken.
  16. Kunny

    How to make spinning objects. [PROBLEM SOLVED]

    I am trying to make a spinning object in hammer that will push players that block it. So far I have only found ways to make brushes spin, but when they collide into a player it just passes right through them. I have tried using a func_rotating aswell and I have tried using func_physbox + phys_motor.
  17. 0

    Executing commands upon loading the map.

  18. DirectKEK

    Applying Textures Don't Work

    (I am completely new to this, and have absolutely no experience in map making whatsoever. Please disregard anything stupid I say.) So, I made a block, chose a texture, and hit enter. The block did not get a new texture, it just went from a blue frame to yellow. help
  19. DirectKEK

    Hammer.exe will not open if a shortcut is made...help

    I am completely new to this, I have no experience of map making at all. So I started with looking for the batch file and Hammer.exe. However, the problem is, when I open them from File Explorer, they start with no problems. However, when I make to shortcut on the desktop and try and start them...
  20. Snazzy Jovial Wyrm

    Hammer Causing Entire Computer Freeze-Up

    As the title suggests, I've been having a problem where Hammer would end up freezing up my entire computer everytime I try to compile a map. It hasn't started doing this when I first began development on the map, and I know for certain it isn't Hammer just being hammer because the program has...