You should make the nose broken off
Actually, every area had a unique look. I did that because of all the players complaining about getting lost. I gave every point area a texture set to go along with it. There was a metal point, a concrete point, a wood point, and a brick point.
I haven't posted any of my sulfur work in here yet, I wanted to surprise people! But now that I've finally got the map to compile and working on lighting, it's starting to shape up.
I changed it in Underbid due to you saying that. Though I stuck close to the original design due to Underbid's brushwork. I'll be further altering it for Burough.Just an FYI, I'm using this point design in one of my maps. It looks like you've changed it a decent amount, so I won't force you to change it. Just be aware that it might be weird for people who recognize it from my map.
I would lighten up the spotlight effect just a smidgen, I'm not sure what you currently have it set to, but maybe take it down by about 1/4 of what it is already. Other that that, maybe just slightly increase the ambient lighting overall and it'll be perfect! (might be brighter in game than in the screenshot though) Also, add a block light in front of your spawn door, that's just sore eye candy.Cardinal sin of doubleposting but:
old, flat lighting
sexy high-contrast lighting that all the ladies love
Pretty pretty!I haven't posted any of my sulfur work in here yet, I wanted to surprise people! But now that I've finally got the map to compile and working on lighting, it's starting to shape up.
How about now?
Also bonus picture of the out-of-bounds area by spawn