It should work though - the convar was enabled.
Due to a personal event happening on my original dates, I'm going to have to change from July 24th-27th to the 17th-20th.
2: Can we use sketchup or any 3d program to plan? Or is is strictly 2d programs only?
I would wager as long as the work isn't actually used 3D programs are fine. Hell, you could plan in hammer then totally restart your .vmf when the contest starts, just don't go and use the old work.
I'm in , but I have a question , after the contest I will be allowed the improve the map and release it separately , right ?
I'm in , but I have a question , after the contest I will be allowed the improve the map and release it separately , right ?
Bingo! You can make whatever you want before the contest, as long as it doesn't end up in the final product (this excludes custom packed content, which can be made before the contest starts and still be used in the final product).
Also to clarify something, if this custom content is say a model or texture it has to be made freely available for everyone to use before the contest starts right? Otherwise you could pull a Rexy and make a whole map out of a model. Or create a really crazy set of props and not release them, then say "It's just custom packed content"
Also to clarify something, if this custom content is say a model or texture it has to be made freely available for everyone to use before the contest starts right? Otherwise you could pull a Rexy and make a whole map out of a model. Or create a really crazy set of props and not release them, then say "It's just custom packed content"
I think this was answered before as "Yes" Anything you've made before the contest that you plan to use, must be released beforehand.
Yep! However, I do ask that you don't test any new versions of your map until the judging period is over. Judging can take a while (it has taken over a month in the past), so there will be an option to opt out of the voting procedure if you'd like to continue iterating on your map directly after the contest.