
PL Sabotage a17


Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
I love the concept of this map, but I did find one very buggy area.

Sorry if you already know about it, but this cart elevator is a problem package; the first time it goes up it's fine, but the second time only the cart went up without the elevator, then I got whatever this is

And so forth. Just wanted to alert you, and I hope you find a cure!

Otherwise good job :p

I'm already on the hunt for a solution, legit I have spent all day trying to fix this issue yet no luck... I dunno what I'm gonna do about it though lol


What's a greybox?
Nov 10, 2017
I'm already on the hunt for a solution, legit I have spent all day trying to fix this issue yet no luck... I dunno what I'm gonna do about it though lol
This is an issue that has persisted with payload elevators for years, it happens even on hightower. I think an issue in your case may be the height of the elevator itself comparitive to the speed. Try lowing the speed of the elevator and you may see some improvements.


Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
This is an issue that has persisted with payload elevators for years, it happens even on hightower. I think an issue in your case may be the height of the elevator itself comparitive to the speed. Try lowing the speed of the elevator and you may see some improvements.

Yeah I just tried that but the problem still persists, however I do want to note when it did end up getting the cart stuck under the elevator once I touched the cart underneath and hopped onto the elevator, the cart would rise up and clip through the elevator again sortof fixing itself, I wonder it it manly has to deal with the cart's pushzone getting disabled somehow, I wouldn't know though....


Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Fixed issues regarding spawn doors not opening and closing properly, readded the 1 way door at B, but fliiped the enterance to give Blu a leg up on Red in that area, B point is now on the elevator

The payload elevator at B is slightly broken as the cart tends to leave the base of the elevator behind and will sometimes phase through the elevator itself, and I do not have the time or energy to attempt a proper fix.

Why you may ask?


If you know a way to fix this issue from occurring please let me know as I am desperate to get this issue fixed as soon as I can.

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Feb 7, 2008
I've felt for a while that this map was a little long, so I decided to test the x1 push time of the map and compare it to stock maps. Here's what I found:


It's longer than all stock single-stage payload maps (excluding Hellstone, which is inflated by a slower cart push speed), but not by as much as I was expecting. Personally, I would trim some of the fat around C, but there are good custom payload maps longer than Sabotage, so you can make this push time work if you want it to.


Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
I've felt for a while that this map was a little long, so I decided to test the x1 push time of the map and compare it to stock maps. Here's what I found:


It's longer than all stock single-stage payload maps (excluding Hellstone, which is inflated by a slower cart push speed), but not by as much as I was expecting. Personally, I would trim some of the fat around C, but there are good custom payload maps longer than Sabotage, so you can make this push time work if you want it to.

Funny you should mention C...

I honestly don't like the way C plays right now. The train doesn't really kill many players if any at all and has a tendency to lead players to think the cart's going to be hit by the train like cactus canyon or banana bay, and that wasn't my intention, the train also is hard for me to design new game play and high ground areas on the map considering I have a train going through the map and the little bridge spawn point red is control of is just too small to cater to it let alone stop spawn camping on red even with the addition of another door.

I've made the executive decision to completely gut that area of the map and start over from scratch, while leaving that I've already done for the finale in tact, I've also been thinking about moving C to the drill able wall which acts the same as a slowly opening door or Barnblitz's turntable near B, however this sort of messes up my idea of the cart going off in a completely different direction than red was expecting. (Who knows to be honest, I'd need to ask around to see if that's the right move to make and whatnot...)

Btw thanks for bringing the travel times to my attention, I'll be doing my best to try and resolve that issue as soon as I can
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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Version V2 A4 of Sabotage is here!
Over the past couple weeks, I've been hard at work to push a major update to Sabotage not only to help with navigation on the map, but proper visibility on the map and to assist attackers when advancing forward, so without further delay here are the changes made to this version!

Changelog for Version V2 A4:
  • Redesigned route from Blu spawn to A, moving the entrance and stairs closer to the main route to assist with visibility and to promote attackers
  • The dropdown route at A has been replaced with a high ground option both teams can easily access
  • the stairwell route has been given a 2 way window into A, allowing players to look into the area and gain intel on the enemy's sentry placements
  • A new route has been added from A to B, where the secondary entrance into A was by the drillable shutter door used to be located. This route now leads into the cubby area next to B point and allows attackers ease of access to the spiral room without much detection
  • The stairwell room next to the drillable shutter door has been blocked off for a new gameplay gimmick, an exploding pile of TNT, there is a wire from the shutter door to the boxes that has a sparking fuse to indicate how much time there is left to evacuate from the general area, the crates explode around the same time the drill successfully drills through the wall
  • A new bit of High ground has been added for red while the stairwell entrance is blocked off
  • The super high ground has been removed due to being too powerful for Blu
  • Added a staircase in the hallway next to B and simplified the route to get to the high ground near C's drill wall
  • Removed and closed off the balcony area in the connector to C's drill wall and moved the exit under the outside balcony
  • Removed the shipping containers at C's drill wall and made the room originally connecting to Blu's flank and remade the area into an outdoors balcony
  • Removed the hole in the wall near C's drill wall on part of the high ground
  • C has been remade from the ground up, with the train being moved to part of Red's high ground
  • there is now one route already opened for both blu and red to access next to the drill wall before the wall is drilled through, once the wall is destroyed 2 flanks are opened that allow Blu to access C freely
  • Blocked off the finale area with doors until the wall is destroyed, this keeps Red from accidentally walking to the finale instead of setting up defenses at C
  • Moved door into the high ground flank into finale to have ease of access for Blu, located closer to the two other flanks
  • removed barriers at Finale's flank to red spawn, if the flank remains to be a problem and keeps allowing for spawn camping a redesign of that flank will be made
  • Started detailing and art passing the map
  • Added signs around the map asking testers what they think of specific areas of the map

If you have any feedback or suggestions regarding the map please do not hesitate to contact me! Happy testing! :medal:

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Changelog for version V2 A4a:

  • Added a new highground flank route into the connector between C and the finale that Blu can access easily and blocked red from easily advancing with a 1 way door
  • Made the gate doors near the drill wall on the highground a 1 way door exit onto the highground for Red
  • remade TNT stack near B into tf_generic_bomb entities preventing tnt boxes from breaking when being shot at
  • made the exploding staircase wall at B into a func_brush instead of a func_wall to help fix a minor issue where the wall would not respawn upon a new round when being destroyed on the first round
  • Removed doorway into the stairwell connecter at B next to the flank into A due to scout's frequent lack of risk vs reward on going through a hidden hallway
  • Widened routes into B to C's connecter will redesign some areas based on feedback if needed
  • the 1 way door next to the spawn at B now opens permanently upon the capture of B
  • Added warning sirens to C after the drill wall has been destroyed
  • Adjusted signs
  • Added more props/overlays around the map for detailing
  • Removed some feedback signs upon player feedback
  • Added a Window in Blu's first spawn
  • added Health and ammo at Blu's first spawn
  • Removed health and ammo located at the drill wall underneath the catwalk
  • Remade the main door into the mines at C
  • added new overlays pointing to the caves to hopefully prevent people from getting lost

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
adjusted sound to the exploding crates at B, attempted fixing stuck spots in signs and doors, added health and ammo at B, adjusted health ammo at C, attempted to patch horrid sightlines after C (A5 will redesign alot of the connecter to finale), changed train times and disabled the train after Blu caps C, adjusted spawn times for red by 1 second.

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Version V2 A5 of Sabotage is here!!

Patch notes:
  • Spawn rooms for red now move only when a control point has been captured
  • Lowered spectator camera at B and gave it a proper model
  • Remade flank shutter doors at B using setup gates
  • Slight detailing at the drill wall before C
  • indented the route out of C for Red team elevating sightlines
  • Red's spawn for C now only moves when C is capped
  • Remade the staircase going into Blu's forward spawn
  • Remade flank routes near finale, 1 leading to the high ground only accessible through a red controlled building the other accessible by both teams overlooking a death pit accompanied by a large health kit and a medium ammo pack
  • Added more high ground for red at Finale hopefully opening up defensive options
  • Downscaled transition area into and around finale.

If you have any feedback/ suggestions for the map please let me know! Happy testing! :medal:

(New payload cart model coming soon by Zeus3005, So stay tuned!!!)

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Version V2 A6 of Sabotage is here!

Patch notes:

  • Raised respawn times for Red by 1 second
  • moved a closing shutter door at Blu's 2nd forward spawn to inside the spawn room itself to avoid Z fighting
  • changed health and ammo at A
  • changed logic at C where the doors leading into last only open once C is capped keeping players from getting lost
  • moved Red's 2nd spawn at C behind the train tracks near the spiral staircase to not only nerf Red's control over the high ground area, but make the train more of a threat
  • Removed the shipping crate high ground due to being over powered to use
  • added a new between C and the finale to allow blu access to the high ground
  • added a new high ground area for Blu similar to v2 A1's high ground area allowing Blu to have a slight advantage, however Red also has access to this area from their low ground routes
  • added a small shack at the finale Red can use to either Build on or go inside for health and ammo
  • moved health and ammo at finale further back closed to Red spawn upon the removal of one of Red's highground areas
If you have any feedback or suggestions for the map, please do not hesitate to let me know! Happy testing! :cap:

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Patch notes for A6a:
  • Temporarily added crystal props from Void to start and get the McGuffin for the map implemented, will come up with a more permanent model later down the line
  • Shortened the train at C
  • Moved control points at both A and C
  • Added cover at C
  • Reverted ammo packs at A
  • Reintroduced the shutter doors at B's flank into A however instead of being a 1 way door the shutter is closed until the door at A is drilled through, giving red more time to set up without being bum rushed by Blu.
  • Made the final stretch at finale a rollback zone, will adjust as needed.
  • Removed health and ammo on the high ground at C
  • Added a shutter door at C that prevents Red from getting lost at one of the flanks
I am planning a remake of the transition between B and C to address sightlines, walk times, etc in A7. If you have any feedback/suggestions on how I could change this area for the better please let me know! Happy testing! :medal:

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
Sabotage is back everyone!
After a devastating computer malfunction with my previous computer's motherboard killing itself and leaving me without a proper PC or the files to Sabotage since October, I've finally decompiled, redownloaded, and extracted all of my previous assets in order to get this new version out the gate as a side project to my Voice Acting stuff.

Patch notes include:

  • Retooling and simplifying the layout for B, removing 1 way doors, opening up areas, and remaking rooms for a better fitting defense that does not lock out players from defending.
  • Reworking the transition from B -> C, such as adding highground where blu didn't have before and adding steeper terrain
  • Removed/changed placement and sizes of Health and Ammo near C
  • Added a new exit to Blu's 2nd forward spawn
  • Reworked the previous location of Blu's 2nd forward spawn to give Red and blu a better flank to assist with manuvering highground
  • Removed the train at C (sad choo choo noises)
  • Changed the color of the Crystals around the finale from Green to Orange to better suit the Red team
  • Remade the mineshaft tunnel near red spawn to act as a flank from lowground to highground to better allow blu to attack sentry nests.
  • remade the finale cap to not only be more fitting for a rollback zone, but also more visually interesting with a proper finale drill tower.
Expect more updates to come soon!​

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
A8 is out and is not OSHA approved!


  • Rearranged Blu spawn to prevent a team wipe from Crit rocket
  • Fixed a ledge at A flank
  • Moved the first drill location nearer to B than A
  • Added a new staircaise and Balcony leading to B from A
  • Changed out a doorway at A for a window to kill a sightline
  • added a new stairwell to allow Blu to flank at B
  • Added a new door entryway at B to allow Blu easier access to Spiral
  • Removed numerous sightlines at A and B
  • Widened the catwalk corridor at B
  • Clipped off the rock near the bottomless pit near the Finale
  • Added a forced respawn after B is capped
  • Reverted Finale to A6's finale while working on new layouts for finale

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L5: Dapper Member
Aug 12, 2016
Did the best job I could of getting our full convo on the latest version of sabotage
I hope some of the stuff in here will be helpful next time you get stuck, or at the very least motivating.

Also hoping I can get some experience playing sabotage in an imp sometime so I can help communicate some of what's going on in players heads during imp (I find that can help sometimes)
But yeah, we both know how tricky time management can be around those things.

Anyways, no pressure to jump on this feedback, just putting it here so you can come back to it anytime you want.
Take care of yourself, this map seems neat and I'm looking forward to playing it sometime.



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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
OctoBlitz updated Sabotage with a new update entry:

Split down the middle!

After not updating the map for a good while I've decided to post something.

Sabotage Version A9

In order to help with pacing and themes within the map, I have decided to make Sabotage a Multistage Payload map. As of right now, A9 contains Stage 2 of the map, with Stages 1 and 3 being added later.

If you have any suggestions, thoughts, or feedback for the map please let me know!

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
OctoBlitz updated Sabotage with a new update entry:

Digging a little deeper

An update to Sabotage Stage 2 is released!

  • Raised Ground level at Last and lessened steepness on displacements
  • added more signs around the map to point players in the right directions
  • added more lights to A
  • slight detailing around the map
  • adjusted the platform out of A side of Red's spawn, adding a barrier to try and kill sniper sightlines
  • added stairs and removed dropdown at B side of Red's spawn to allow for easier access to the main stairwell building and the...

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