
CP dom_loser a6


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
dom_loser - energize your life™


Your excitement is justified, I assure you. In this incredible video-game level you will learn the importance of
and teamwork like no map ever before.

Grudges will be SQUASHED.
Life-long disputes shall have their victors decided.
Relationships will blossom and lasting memories created.

In this somewhat-asymmetrical domination-style control points map you will gain control of DEVASTATING experimental laser artillery and bombard the enemy base with an energy barrage. Whoever's base remains standing at the end will be crowned the VICTORS and shall go down in video-gaming history!
All of your hard work and hours of training have lead to this moment;


This map is a modification of Zeq's magnificent game-mode which can be seen on the equally fantastic dom_cliffhanger.

TF2maps link
Gamebanana Link

Also I called it loser because its spelled like laser and lasers is the whole point of the map.


41 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
yo, this is dope

But in all seriously, I can't wait to see how you theme the buildings.

Especially the buildings that get shreked.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
yo, this is dope

But in all seriously, I can't wait to see how you theme the buildings.

Especially the buildings that get shreked.
If you think this is dope, you would also like dom_cliffhanger.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Updated to A2:

-Changed the D tower to something hopefully better
-Enlarged the D area ;)
-Added new buildings to the B and C points (Red and Blue Base) to make them more fun to defend and attack.
-Added an extra room to C (Blue Base) to make it more similar to B (Red Base).
-Changed the names of the control points because there were 2 labeled "Blue Base" when one should have said "Red Base"
-Fixed some minor clipping and func_detail issues
-Changed orientation of stairs outside spawn to make it easier to travel

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L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 6, 2018
I really like the idea here, but Domination timers are supposed to tick down per second. Taking off time every laser strike makes the progress of each team somewhat confusing and hard to predict, especially towards the end of the game. If you wouldn't mind 'selling out', I have a Domination prefab that you can use to get the timers working per second, all I request is a small mention in the credits of this submission.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
What I really want is a health-bar to represent each team's base, but unfortunately I don't know if that's possible. The game mode I'm using is based off of Zeq's map which I have provided a link to in the description of the thread.

In his map, owning one point starts your team's countdown by 2 seconds/2 seconds.
Owning 2 gives you 4sec/2sec
Owning 3 gives you 6sec/2sec
and so on.

For now I am going to keep it the way it is and see how things turn out. Also I was considering having a constant damage tick done by the lasers which would be always on rather than firing every few seconds, but I didn't want any sound effects to be constantly playing if they were going to be loud. We'll see what happens as the map progresses.

Thanks for the feedback though, always something to consider.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Updated to A3:

-Reworked the D area (again). It's a much shorter walk and should be a lot more fun to fight on.
-D area is overall smaller with way less dead space
-There is now an easy way for RED players to enter BLU's base at the D area
-Stretched out the connectors between A->D by a tiny amount
-Added more directional signs and moved existing ones to be more visible
-Added some placeholder finale explosion particles and sounds
-Added observer cameras and welcome points

Thanks especially to Idolon for great feedback, and Phi for pointing out bad design choices that I should have noticed right away.

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L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
On this episode of Domination: Loser;

-Our heroes venture onto a new-and-improved battlefield!
-Exciting new rooms with interesting geometry replace the boring tunnels of old.
-Puxorb has added respawn-wave logic to help balance out the flow of game-play. A tiresome endeavor but one what should pay off!
-The map gains an exciting new feature: Obtain health by capturing a control point after the match has been going for some time!
-Whats more? You gain a bonus amount of health during the endgame to help make a victorious comeback? This should stir up the competition!
-There, in the sky! Beacons, you say? That should make it easier for our heroes to know which objectives to attack!
-The dastardly sight-line duo have been driven back into the depths by our heroes! A stunning victory for game balance!
-Head's up! The HUD now more accurately displays information about the battlefield!
-A new jump-route appears at D! Enticing for our more daring rock-climbing adventurers!

Catch these exciting changes and many more on the TF2maps Channel! EST 12:00AM-12:00AM Weekdays

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L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Updated to A5:

-Changed geometry at D to hopefully give BLU a slight advantage the same way RED has one at A
-Rebuilt spawn rooms and spawn area to help funnel players through the 2 main doors.
-Moved the MOST ANNOYING ALARM IN THE ENTIRE WORLD (?!?) into another room so its hopefully only a little annoying.
-Also made the alarm trigger at a lower base health so its only on for the very end of the game.
-Increased the capture time from 6 seconds on each point to 8 seconds.
-Added cubemaps and HDR lighting.
-Added windows to B and C walls to help people see the control point better.
-Added windows to B and C ceilings to help people see the lasers better.
-Did some minor geometry tweaking.
-Added a bit of detailing to certain areas.

I thought about giving more health on capture but I'm not ready to change that yet; I want to see how things play out in this version first.

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41 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
This map is cool and fun to play :p Though I'm a bit confused on its layout. Is it symmetrical? I feels like it should be, but It doesn't seem to be.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
This map is cool and fun to play :p Though I'm a bit confused on its layout. Is it symmetrical? I feels like it should be, but It doesn't seem to be.

Its symmetrical to an extent. The layouts of A and D are asymmetrical while everything else is normal.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Everyone seemed to enjoy the latest version of this map which is surprising since most of the time my maps are bad. I've decided to embrace the quick gameplay and constant retaking of points, but I'm glad to see that adding a window looking into B and C (the lobby control points) and increasing the cap times made it easier for teams to hold once capturing them.

Now I'm taking name suggestions! Or maybe I'll just keep calling it loser! Who knows!

Also when is a good time to make a map beta? I've never gotten that far before.


Feb 7, 2008
Also when is a good time to make a map beta? I've never gotten that far before.
When you think you're getting close to going into beta, start telling people while testing the map. This scares people into telling you exactly what they think of the map, which will usually give you a good idea of whether or not the map is ready. Make sure it's with people who have played the map more than a couple of times and/or the people who have been most critical of your map so far.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013
Updated to A6:

-Changed the flat walkway at D into a roof and remade doorways into windows. I think it looks cooler and it seems to play better also!
-Changed the buildings at D to give BLU a bit more of an advantage and make RED's travel time longer. It feels more balanced now.
-Moved the doorways that lead into the team lobby points (B, C) back a bit so that they are more visible. Hopefully players won't walk past them without noticing from now on.
-Because of this, B is slightly larger giving BLU team a bit more defending options, and making it closer in design to C.
-Added a dynamic capture reward system; the lower your timer is, the more time you can get back on successful capture. (Ranging from +10 to +40 seconds).
-Added an end-round sound effect. The last 5 hits on a base play the same sounds found in Robot Destruction. (The pitch may be off).
-Added some sneaky hiding places for spies, mostly under staircases.
-Changed a small health kit to a medium one at D. I felt that health was a bit sparse here.
-Added a 2D skybox so now there are clouds and a sun. Yippee!
-Did some minor texture detailing in areas to further develop the theme I'm going for.
-Added some props for both gameplay and detail purposes.

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