
  1. Top sporing fungi

    MK_test base map 1.0.0

    If u use this, please Credit Sloppyslime (My actual name) instead of whatever my steam profile's name is. I made this using vscript and the karts from the halloween map. I still intend on making maps but I am not the best builder so I let you guys do the work quicker There's leftover code for...
  2. Tick

    how do i give a/the player a weapon with vscript?

    ive figured out how to strip weapons and add attributes to weapons just fine but i cant seem to figure out how to give the player a weapon?
  3. LizardOfOz

    Weapons Lab a22_23w15b

    A map for my VS Saxton Hale: VScript gamemode. At one point it used to be the same with Action Star, but going forward they're gonna be 2 different maps. This map will keep the layout, that map will keep the TV set theming.
  4. Ashe_tfwiki

    Pickup Timer (Particle Based) 1.1

    I always wanted to make a timer for pickups, but it was very tedious with Hammer logic. Now that we have VScript I finally managed to make it. To use the script: * You must add "timer_particle_script.nut" to your logic_script entity. If you don't have one, create it. * You must have a...
  5. LizardOfOz

    VS Saxton Hale: VScript 25 Dec 2024

    From the original creator of VSH! This is the new iteration of VS Saxton Hale Mode made with VScript. Unlike Plugin-VSH, you can pack the VScript Remake into your map, therefore such a map can be installed with ease on variety servers, uploaded to the Workshop, and potentially even added to TF2...
  6. Gismo Gaming

    ctf_nile Beta 2 - Revert and Reverb

    Blu and Red have gained digging rights underneath two opposing pyramids. Upon digging, the teams uncovered a curious artifact. Turns out the artifact is cursed and, with no better way to dispose of the cursed artifact, the teams decide to dump their cursed artifacts in the opposing teams' dig...
  7. main_thing

    [VSCRIPT] main_thing's Fun Commands (MTFC)

    This is my first post here. Please inform me if I'm doing anything wrong. (I have read the rules). [VSCRIPT] main_thing's Fun Commands (MTFC) version 1.0 previously known as [VSCRIPT] Chat Commands version 1.0 This is the official release [VSCRIPT] main_thing's Fun Commands (MTFC) version 1.0...
  8. vtf

    [VScript] How do i use functions that use QAngles?

    Hi, looking through the list of TF2 script functions in the VDC, i see that "GetAngles" is deprecated and telling you to use "GetAbsAngles" instead. However, GetAbsAngles uses QAngles, which i have no idea how to use. I did find some documentation about QAngles, under "Data Types", still no...
  9. ISPuddy

    Yeti Boss NPC 0

    a very scuffed custom vscript npc that will hunt player and punch them to death. requires "nav_generate" to work. boss info: HP: 3000 - (+200 for each player in the server) Melee Attack - (DMG: 80% of the victim's base health) Ground Pound Attack - (DMG: 25, knock and stun players within...
  10. rafradek

    VScript MvM Sticky tank template 2022-12-29

    Sticky tank template for use in MvM game mode, originally made by hellmet Unpack contents to tf directory Includes custom sticky tank icon and FRONTLINE! tank turret from https://frontline.tf/ Requires https://tf2maps.net/downloads/vscript-popfile-extensions.14972/ to be previously installed...
  11. TH3 D34DL3$$

    trigger_timer_movable 0.9.2

    Somewhat lightweight script that manages the object movement in relation to the capture progress of spectified capture area's point Setup: 1) Setup any supported movable object how you'd normally do (Note: make sure there are nothing that changes the speed and moving direction of the entity. It...
  12. rafradek

    VScript Popfile Extensions V3

    VScript-Popfile-Extensions VScript extensions for use inside population files Should make embedding VScripts into population files easier Provides OnSpawn, OnDeath, OnTakeDamage, OnTakeDamagePost, OnDealDamage, OnDealDamagePost hooks to spawned bots with specified Tags Provides OnSpawn...
  13. LizardOfOz

    vsh_tinyrock july24a

    With Muddy's permission, this is a gamemode conversion of Tiny Rock into VSH using VScript from my Action Star map.
  14. Gamer_X

    VDB Never b2

    A dodgeball map, which takes place above an all-consuming soul vortex. The gamemode functions through VScript. No plugins required.
  15. RiverTamSong

    AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'REDClassChange' does not exist] HELP PLEASE IM SUFFERING

    Im trying to recreate class wars with VScript but im getting this error does ANYONE know why this is happening? Error running script named classwars.nut AN ERROR HAS OCCURED [the index 'REDClassChange' does not exist] CALLSTACK *FUNCTION [main()] InputRunScript line [1] LOCALS [vargv] ARRAY...