
  1. Scampi

    Model Separated Upgradestation Props

    Here's an idea: Would someone be able to separate some of the models and their textures out of the mvm_upgrade_tools model? The ones I have in mind are the drill press, the stacked computer box-things, a hand grenade, and the empty pistol with mag and shells. These could be handy little...
  2. Doggo

    Model Quake 1 models

    I'm looking for the quake 1 mdls converted over to work on source. I'd really appreciate it if somebody could help me out with this. I'm looking for the key mdls in particular, although if possible all of the pickups(weapons, runes, armor, keys, etc) would be appreciated. MDLs Download (These...
  3. ISPuddy

    Stock Trees with $treesway Pack 1

    this is c o l l e c t i o n of stock tf2 trees but with $treesway. Model list: models\props_treesway\farm\tree001.mdl models\props_treesway\foliage\tree_pine01.mdl models\props_treesway\foliage\tree_pine_extrasmall.mdl models\props_treesway\foliage\tree_pine_extrasmall_snow.mdl...
  4. EArkham

    Revised Japanese Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Trees B1

    Japanese Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Trees Apparently I am the foliage guy now. Created by EArkham 2017 ***PLEASE SEND ME A PRIVATE MESSAGE ON THE TF2MAPS FORUMS BEFORE ADDING ME AS A FRIEND OR ELSE I WILL IGNORE YOU BY MISTAKE!*** Some...
  5. pennsyrail

    Trees for TF2???

    Hello guys, I am working on a map that involves lots of woods and am wandering if anyone has made or can make a tree model or two that actually has leaves. I'm a little tired of the pine trees. The only thing I could find was the little shrub tree from the Frontline update. I want a tree, Pennsy
  6. NuclearWinter

    Models,textures, and particle problems

    So, i'm having problems importing the models , textures , and other stuff for the frontline pack and from everything iv watched and seen i need to but them in their respectable game folders. When i do the game still shows error when i load up the test map. Anything i should change or do differently?
  7. Arceus

    Model Suitcase / Luggage Models

    Greetings all, I am looking for a skilled designer to create custom models for my latest map, Terminal. Currently, I have two different models- the music cases from Crash's Overgrown prop library. However, it would look ridiculous to populate my map with only two iterations of an idea I would...
  8. Gadget

    Railroad Tracks 1.4

    34 pieces, based on the track001 model from props_2fort Each piece has 3 LODs, a collision model and a skybox version 1 bumper model, 4 LODs, collision model and skybox version 1 variation of the urban_trainrails001 model from props_urban Don't forget to turn off the collisions on the...
  9. {SDF} Priority#6

    How do I import models from the workshop?

    I'm trying to figure out how to import props from the workshop. I found a video on how to do it, but I cant find it anymore. So please help me I really want to start on a map before school starts. Please and thank you. NOTES: -I'm talking about the Gmod workshop, and I'm planning to make both...
  10. Elia

    Custom Frontline models and particles

    So, i normally only use the default tf2 models and particles. But this time i wanna make a frontline map for the 72 hour jam. Because that uses custom content was i trying if i could let the models and particalls work so if the 72 hour jam started i don't need to be searching hours online to...
  11. TheGhostThatWas

    Sean "heyo" Cutino's Jungle Asset Pack 2017-06-20

    Models and materials created by heyo, used on pl_borneo. Redestributed with permission.
  12. EArkham

    Antiquity Cambodian Assets B4

  13. TF2CutContent

    [Resource] Badlands cut props

    -snip, quitting-
  14. Mystic Monkey

    Retexturing props

    I got two model-texture based problems. One involving props, the other involving capture point hologram. So, I know how to replace default textures in TF2 (this tutorial helped) yeah haven't actually tried it on a TF2 default model, but I have with a custom model and it worked. But for my map...
  15. FrostyHoneyJuicy

    Lost Custom Content from

    Starting all the way back to 2015. To be very honest with you I really hate when my imagination is limited! Due to that, I straightforward downloaded all of the models, textures, particles & other stuff to keep myself happy! That's why I have them in the first place. Sure, it was a lot of...
  16. Shadowgattler

    Need help finding these roof models

    Hi guys, I'm recreating a map from a different game, but I'm having trouble finding 2 small details to add to the map; a red overhang and orange tiles. I left a picture for some reference. Any help would greatly be appreciated.
  17. bobotype

    Two questions- water and custom models

    Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I couldn't find an answer anywhere that wasn't from before Steampipe was introduced: Which folder should I import the Frontline and Bulletcrops custom models/textures into to use them in a map? Also a question on water- Should I avoid using it in...
  18. Dozey

    Map wont compile when using the Mayann props

    Hi everyone, pretty new to this whole site so excuse me if I missed anything else I could have done before posting this. I'm trying to do my first compile of my Mayann themed KOTH map, but every compile results in a skybox error, missing vertex data error and "The system cannot find the file...
  19. Peppridge Farms

    Various filepaths needed

    If I wanted to import an animation from say, SFM, what filepath would I need to put it in? Also what filepath will I need to put custom ragdolls/models in?
  20. A Gentleman's Mustache

    Custom model's texture not showing up

    I want to start utilizing models for the maps I make. For my first model, I just want to create a simple curved cylinder arch. Everything about the model itself is just fine - but its texture doesn't load. I've tried scouring forums for any solutions before posting here, but nothing has worked...