Guava Gulf

PLR Guava Gulf A7B


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Guava Gulf - Totally not Banana Bay

My entry for the Connect 5 contest. It currently fulfills all of the tiles in the top row, as well as a few others around the board.

It's a 3-stage PLR map. Stage one starts by the ocean, stage two is (mostly) in a cave by a cliff, and stage three is somewhere in a temple or something. The final stage has a unique twist: both carts enter the same stretch of track and it becomes a tug-of-war! It will probably break during testing, let me know if it does.

Stages 2 and 3 are probably too small. Name subject to change.

Multistage PLR logic originally from @A Boojum Snark's Ultimate Mapping Resource Pack, though heavily modified using @Ynders' Tug of War Payload Prefab as a reference to make the ToW section function.

Uses textures from @fuzzymellow's Jungle Pre-Release Map Texture Pack and the construction pack

Map named by @Blade x64

Thanks for taking time to check out my map, feedback is always appreciated!
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L4: Comfortable Member
Sep 24, 2017
Guava Gulf - Totally not Banana Bay
The final stage has a unique twis: both carts enter the same stretch of track and it becomes a tug-of-war! It will probably break during testing, let me know if it does.
This sounds very scary to program, and I commend you for even attempting to do such a thing.


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Wow that test was one of the worst I've ever seen. Here's a fix that hopefully works.
  • Fixed carts being stuck in tug-of-war mode at all times
    • This means that you can push the carts now
    • This means you can actually play the map now
  • Fixed carts getting stuck in an un-pushable state
    • This is very hard to test on my own, so the fix might not work
    • If the issue happens at all still it should only happen on stage 3 during the tug-of-war, as the logic that appears to cause the bug is related to the tug-of-war section
  • Lowered setup times from 70 to 35 seconds
Let me know ASAP if it breaks again. Thanks in advance.

Oh, I also updated the main download page to give links to the people/resources I used to make this. Thanks @A Boojum Snark, @Ynders, @fuzzymellow, and @Blade x64 for your resources and suggestions!

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Sabotage related, and Tak approved!
Jan 15, 2016
very succulent, also isn't the map only supposed to be a certain specific row, not
fulfills all of the tiles in the top row, as well as a few others around the board.

Still looks fun though, might give it a try sometime.


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
also isn't the map only supposed to be a certain specific row

You have to have at least five of them in a line. My “official” line of five tiles is the top row starting all the way on the left. You can still use tiles on the board that don’t fit into your line though, and I was just pointing out that this map fufills a lot of the other tiles not officially in my line.


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
A2 of everyone's favorite Connect5 entry that is a 3-Stage PLR in a jungle at night by the ocean is here! There's a lot of changes, thank you everyone who played it and gave feedback. Hopefully I've addressed or purposely ignored everyone's feedback.

Stage 1 Changes:
  • Added three new routes
    • Back tunnel between points now connects to main area
      • This hopefully spreads out the fighting to mid, rather than just the tunnel
    • New routes from diagonal staircases to cart turn/crate rooms, creating a basement
      • This should give the waterfront more of a purpose as you can take now push through the new basement route to the capture point
  • Significant health/ammo changes
  • Reduced water push force
    • You can now technically swim around the building at the water's edge as most classes, but it's really slow.
  • Fixed collisions on fence props near capture points
  • Improved lighting
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Rebuilt spawns
    • Easier to get to/see spawn exits when spawning
  • Spawn yard expanded
    • Spawns are slightly farther from capture point
    • Sniper deck expanded to be useful, now has a railing
  • New entrance into cave
    • Enters cave at cart starting location
    • Leads up to a new deck in the new expanded section of the cave
  • Expanded cave
    • Ramps up to cart entrances are gone
    • Adjusted cover
    • New raised platforms at back of the cave
      • The new entrances lead to the high ones
    • New sneaky flank under the new platforms at the back of the cave
      • Almost links both lower entrances, giving an alternate way through the cave
  • Widened several routes
    • Widened cliff-side route
    • Widened ramp up into the cliff-side shack
    • Widened cart starting location
  • Improved lighting
  • Health/ammo changes
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 3 Changes
  • Rebuilt entire center of stage 3
    • Widened entire stage by 128 units
    • Tug of war section now occupies low ground
    • Carts start on bridges above the ToW section
    • There's a building in the center where the rollback ramps used to be
      • There are no more rollback zones in the center section
    • Finals of Stage 3 are still the same
      • There's still no explosion
  • Rebuilt section of spawn leading into center
    • Red also as resupply cabinets now, whoops
    • There are now two spawn exits into center
      • One has high ground
      • The other comes out next to the track
  • New flank under new center building
    • Connects both sides
    • Connects to the drop-down part in the back half of the map
      • This means that the tunnels now connect to the center of the map
  • Improved lighting
  • Health/ammo changes
  • Slight optimizations

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
A quick patch just to fix some slight things I missed last night:

Stages 1 + 2:
  • Upped setup time to 45 seconds (was 35 seconds)
Stage 3:
  • Moved cart starting positions in Stage 3
    • First staring position has not moved
    • Second starting position is closer to start of the bridge
    • Third starting position is now just outside the building, rather than in it
  • Marked cart starting locations with overlays
  • Lighting improvements
    • Upper spawn decks in center now have lighting near the steps down
    • Better lighting under the bridges

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Here we go again:

All stages:
  • Improved lighting
  • All wall torches have been properly clipped
    • You should no longer get stuck on wall torches
  • Significant health/ammo changes
    • There's a lot more ammo on stages 1 and 2 again, sorry for removing it all last version
  • Various optimization tweaks and changes
Stage 1:
  • Widened entire stage by 256 units
    • This moves the bases a bit farther apart
    • The tracks are also longer now
    • Cover has been adjusted to account for the new space
  • Rollback zones now have a SpeedForwardModifier of 0.5
    • This means the carts move at 50% speed while on the rollback zones
Stage 2:
  • Fixed misaligned clip brush on Red's side that was blocking a ramp
  • Rearranged some boxes
  • Added new rollback zones along cliff edge
  • Final rollback zones now have a SpeedForwardModifier of 0.5
    • Only the old rollback zones have this, the new ones don't
  • Improved lighting
Stage 3:
  • Widened entire stage by 256 units
    • Bridges are wider now
    • ToW section is longer now
  • Completely rebuilt tunnels/backside of the map
    • Dropdown room has become a sacrificial altar or something
    • Tunnels now connect center of map to lower section of both finals
    • New tunnels under center building, connect directly to ToW bit under the bridges
  • Cover added to sniping decks on final at far end
  • SpeedForwardModifier on final rollback zones lowered to 0.33 (was 0.5)
    • Carts now move at 33% speed on final rollback zone, as opposed to 50% speed.
  • Slight detailing
...and probably some stuff I missed! Again, thanks for all of the feedback. It's been really helpful!

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Oh boy, 14 days left before the deadline! I'm starting to think I'll actually have a decently fun map by the time the deadline arrives. Hopefully the new Stage 2 is better than the old one!

Multistage changes:
  • Improved lighting in all stages
  • Added Nightfall's overtime system to Stage 1 and 2.
    • Round time is 8:00
    • Carts begin to roll forwards on their own in overtime
    • Only the team with the most players on the cart can push their cart
    • Carts stop auto-rolling at rollback zones
  • Improved pickup locations
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Improved lighting
  • Slightly expanded spawn rooms
    • Spawn points have been rearranged to give both doors the same visibility on spawning
  • Extended track
    • Now curves slightly before point
    • Point is now on an angle compared to the rest of the room
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Stage two has been entirely scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up
    • There's still a cave, but the main combat area is split between going though the cave and going over it
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Rebuilt inside of spawns
    • It should now be easier to know your options when spawning
    • It should now be easier to figure out where final is
  • Raised part of sniper deck on final

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Just a quick update to fix some issues:
  • Fixed gates starting open in Stage 2
  • Moved lower resupply lockers in Stage 2 to be closer to the doors
  • Lighting changes
    • Significantly increased lighting on all stages
    • Decreased brightness of light_environment
  • Spawn wave times reduced to 7 seconds (down from 8)
  • Reduced setup time for Stage 1 to 30 seconds (down from 45)
    • Stage 2 still has a 45 second setup time

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nothing left
Jul 30, 2014
I felt that Engineer in general lacked any real good set up spots to build a sentry. Pretty much every area I went in the Imp always had 3 something doors looking at my sentry or just a big open area. There weren't really any chokepoints to set up a good defense.

Generally multi-stage PLR maps will have a great spot for Engineer to set down a nest to defend the point. Commonly a raised platform or enclosed room that gives a good spot to be relatively uncontested while you whittle away at the enemy team. Without it Engineer takes a pretty big hit to his usefullness in defending, and its lot a easier to cap as attackers. That probably explains why stages passed over pretty quickly in the Imp, it was too hard to set up a long-term defense.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 11, 2016
Love the look of that cave!


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
3 days and 20 hours remain. Let's see if I can do this.

Multi-Stage Changes:
  • Overtime fixed
    • Carts now start moving when time is up
    • Carts don't stop at rollback zones in overtime
    • Carts don't get stuck at track cross-overs in overtime anymore
  • Time limit for first two stages increased to 10 minutes, up from 8
  • Added soundscapes
    • All custom-made by me!
  • Increased lighting
  • Optimizations
  • Health/Ammo changes
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Rebuilt spawns/moved them back
    • There's no more direct sightlines out of spawn onto the cart
  • Expanded capture point area
    • The track is longer now
    • Defenders have an additional route into the area, but it's farther back than the old one
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Added a rollback zone
    • Unlike the rest of the rollback zones in the map, this one does not change the SpeedForwardModifier
    • This may change depending on how this plays
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Rebuilt (most of) Stage 3
    • Stage 3 is now rotationally symmetrical
    • Both finals are similar to previous version, but should be easier to defend
  • Carts now start closer to the enemy if you've lost both previous rounds, and closer to you if you've won both
  • Added large doors that slowly open going into final once a team has passed the ToW section
  • Relocated stage to be near the ocean
    • Watch out for the crocodiles!

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
If this plays well, this might be the final Alpha version. Time's almost up on the contest!

Multistage Changes:
  • All torches now ignite huntsman arrows
  • Custom soundscape fixes/improvements
  • Clipping pass
    • All doorways have clipping now
    • A few perch points have been clipped
  • Rudimentary 3D skybox for testing
  • Lighting tweaks
  • Health/ammo changes
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Added high ground looking over point
    • Accessed through the small spawn door
  • Added another rollback zone
    • On the ramp before the existing one
    • Does not modify cart speed
  • Setup time increased to 65 seconds (up from 45)
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Improved signage
  • Moved some misaligned torches
  • Slight changes to spawn exits
    • Initial exit is now lower
    • A small ramp has been added bridging the upper and lower exits
      • This should allow players to rotate between final and mid without passing through spawn or the big doors easier
  • Added initial finale events
    • The carts now explode
    • The doors to the treasure room now blow open during the explosion
      • Added treasure room
  • Actually added crocodiles
    • They hang out in the water near final now
    • They will eat you
  • Fixed checkpoint doors
    • Fixed door sounds breaking sounds until you respawn
    • Added new door opening sounds that you can actually hear
  • Final platform now sets SpeedForwardModifier to 0.75
    • This means that the cart moves slightly slower on the final stretch
    • This is subtle enough that most player shouldn't notice the speed change
    • This is intended to give defenders slightly more time to react to the initial push through the checkpoint door

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Oh boy, here we go! The contest version of Guava Gulf.

Multistage Changes:
  • Started artpassing the map
    • Stage 1's gameplay space is mostly artpassed
    • Stage 2 has more textures now
    • Stage 3's finals have had a visual overhaul, but incomplete
  • Improved lighting
  • Slight optimizations, but probably outweighed by the new stuff
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Reworked some of the tunnels and hallways around the stage
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Improved clipping in several spots
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Teams can now see how many players are on the carts in the HUD when they are stopped at the doors
  • Changes to SpeedForwardModifier values
    • The final platform now uses a value of 0.8 (up from 0.75)
    • Rollback zone now uses a value of 0.5 (up from 0.33)
  • Replaced full ammo kit at final with a full health kit

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Oh boy, it's been a while.

This map needs more work, so we're rolling back to alpha while I figure things out.

Multistage Changes:
  • Visual improvements
  • Fixed the HDR lighting
    • There was two things trying to set the bloom scale to different values, but both were disabled???
    • Bloomscale is now 0.3, which should stop blinding people as badly
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Replaced the tunnel between the points with an actual area
    • This should make the fight over the points much less of a horrible choke
    • Connects to the central raised platform nobody uses as well to make rotation easier
  • Clipping improvements
    • Yes, I finally fixed the asymmetrical clipping around the doorways that let you stand above Red's but not Blu's center door
  • Cleaned up displacements
  • Fixed some texture inconsistencies between sides
  • Fixed a bunch of visible nodraw
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Rebuilt spawns entirely
    • Spawns are now in caves behind the point, rather than to the side
    • Two exits
      • Upper to where the old upper exit was (roughly)
      • Lower comes out under the point in the tunnel
    • Where the old spawns were is now high ground overlooking the point
    • High ground from A6 removed
  • Moved points closer to new spawns
    • This makes the cart paths about 256 units longer
    • Should provide more space to fight around the point
  • Improved lighting
  • Clipping improvements
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Potential fix for the cart de-sync issue during ToW?
    • I remember working on it, but I don't know if I solved it or not?
  • Pretty sure I moved a tree or something at some point
  • I haven't touched this stage since the contest, I have no idea what to do with it
  • Help

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
Just some quick fixes to get this tested again.

Multistage Changes:
  • Removed round timer and overtime
Stage 1 changes:
  • Moved some torches
  • Added a rock to both finals
    • This should give defenders a slightly better shot at defending
Stage 2 changes:
  • Added the missing resupply locker to Red's spawn
  • Increased door speed from 30 to 50 on the setup doors
  • Clipping improvements
    • Changed some playerclip to blockbullets to stop sentries from shooting at players though props
    • Closed off a stuck spot in both spawns
    • Removed some perch points

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