Guava Gulf

Multi Stage Guava Gulf A7B

Just some quick fixes to get this tested again.

Multistage Changes:
  • Removed round timer and overtime
Stage 1 changes:
  • Moved some torches
  • Added a rock to both finals
    • This should give defenders a slightly better shot at defending
Stage 2 changes:
  • Added the missing resupply locker to Red's spawn
  • Increased door speed from 30 to 50 on the setup doors
  • Clipping improvements
    • Changed some playerclip to blockbullets to stop sentries from shooting at players though props
    • Closed off a stuck spot in both spawns
    • Removed some perch points


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Oh boy, it's been a while.

This map needs more work, so we're rolling back to alpha while I figure things out.

Multistage Changes:
  • Visual improvements
  • Fixed the HDR lighting
    • There was two things trying to set the bloom scale to different values, but both were disabled???
    • Bloomscale is now 0.3, which should stop blinding people as badly
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Replaced the tunnel between the points with an actual area
    • This should make the fight over the points much less of a horrible choke
    • Connects to the central raised platform nobody uses as well to make rotation easier
  • Clipping improvements
    • Yes, I finally fixed the asymmetrical clipping around the doorways that let you stand above Red's but not Blu's center door
  • Cleaned up displacements
  • Fixed some texture inconsistencies between sides
  • Fixed a bunch of visible nodraw
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Rebuilt spawns entirely
    • Spawns are now in caves behind the point, rather than to the side
    • Two exits
      • Upper to where the old upper exit was (roughly)
      • Lower comes out under the point in the tunnel
    • Where the old spawns were is now high ground overlooking the point
    • High ground from A6 removed
  • Moved points closer to new spawns
    • This makes the cart paths about 256 units longer
    • Should provide more space to fight around the point
  • Improved lighting
  • Clipping improvements
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Potential fix for the cart de-sync issue during ToW?
    • I remember working on it, but I don't know if I solved it or not?
  • Pretty sure I moved a tree or something at some point
  • I haven't touched this stage since the contest, I have no idea what to do with it
  • Help


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Oh boy, here we go! The contest version of Guava Gulf.

Multistage Changes:
  • Started artpassing the map
    • Stage 1's gameplay space is mostly artpassed
    • Stage 2 has more textures now
    • Stage 3's finals have had a visual overhaul, but incomplete
  • Improved lighting
  • Slight optimizations, but probably outweighed by the new stuff
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Reworked some of the tunnels and hallways around the stage
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Improved clipping in several spots
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Teams can now see how many players are on the carts in the HUD when they are stopped at the doors
  • Changes to SpeedForwardModifier values
    • The final platform now uses a value of 0.8 (up from 0.75)
    • Rollback zone now uses a value of 0.5 (up from 0.33)
  • Replaced full ammo kit at final with a full health kit
  • Fixed some torches not lighting huntsman arrows


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If this plays well, this might be the final Alpha version. Time's almost up on the contest!

Multistage Changes:
  • All torches now ignite huntsman arrows
  • Custom soundscape fixes/improvements
  • Clipping pass
    • All doorways have clipping now
    • A few perch points have been clipped
  • Rudimentary 3D skybox for testing
  • Lighting tweaks
  • Health/ammo changes
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Added high ground looking over point
    • Accessed through the small spawn door
  • Added another rollback zone
    • On the ramp before the existing one
    • Does not modify cart speed
  • Setup time increased to 65 seconds (up from 45)
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Improved signage
  • Moved some misaligned torches
  • Slight changes to spawn exits
    • Initial exit is now lower
    • A small ramp has been added bridging the upper and lower exits
      • This should allow players to rotate between final and mid without passing through spawn or the big doors easier
  • Added initial finale events
    • The carts now explode
    • The doors to the treasure room now blow open during the explosion
      • Added treasure room
  • Actually added crocodiles
    • They hang out in the water near final now
    • They will eat you
  • Fixed checkpoint doors
    • Fixed door sounds breaking sounds until you respawn
    • Added new door opening sounds that you can actually hear
  • Final platform now sets SpeedForwardModifier to 0.75
    • This means that the cart moves slightly slower on the final stretch
    • This is subtle enough that most player shouldn't notice the speed change
    • This is intended to give defenders slightly more time to react to the initial push through the checkpoint door


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3 days and 20 hours remain. Let's see if I can do this.

Multi-Stage Changes:
  • Overtime fixed
    • Carts now start moving when time is up
    • Carts don't stop at rollback zones in overtime
    • Carts don't get stuck at track cross-overs in overtime anymore
  • Time limit for first two stages increased to 10 minutes, up from 8
  • Added soundscapes
    • All custom-made by me!
  • Increased lighting
  • Optimizations
  • Health/Ammo changes
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Rebuilt spawns/moved them back
    • There's no more direct sightlines out of spawn onto the cart
  • Expanded capture point area
    • The track is longer now
    • Defenders have an additional route into the area, but it's farther back than the old one
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Added a rollback zone
    • Unlike the rest of the rollback zones in the map, this one does not change the SpeedForwardModifier
    • This may change depending on how this plays
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Rebuilt (most of) Stage 3
    • Stage 3 is now rotationally symmetrical
    • Both finals are similar to previous version, but should be easier to defend
  • Carts now start closer to the enemy if you've lost both previous rounds, and closer to you if you've won both
  • Added large doors that slowly open going into final once a team has passed the ToW section
  • Relocated stage to be near the ocean
    • Watch out for the crocodiles!


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Just a quick update to fix some issues:
  • Fixed gates starting open in Stage 2
  • Moved lower resupply lockers in Stage 2 to be closer to the doors
  • Lighting changes
    • Significantly increased lighting on all stages
    • Decreased brightness of light_environment
  • Spawn wave times reduced to 7 seconds (down from 8)
  • Reduced setup time for Stage 1 to 30 seconds (down from 45)
    • Stage 2 still has a 45 second setup time
Oh boy, 14 days left before the deadline! I'm starting to think I'll actually have a decently fun map by the time the deadline arrives. Hopefully the new Stage 2 is better than the old one!

Multistage changes:
  • Improved lighting in all stages
  • Added Nightfall's overtime system to Stage 1 and 2.
    • Round time is 8:00
    • Carts begin to roll forwards on their own in overtime
    • Only the team with the most players on the cart can push their cart
    • Carts stop auto-rolling at rollback zones
  • Improved pickup locations
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 1 Changes:
  • Improved lighting
  • Slightly expanded spawn rooms
    • Spawn points have been rearranged to give both doors the same visibility on spawning
  • Extended track
    • Now curves slightly before point
    • Point is now on an angle compared to the rest of the room
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Stage two has been entirely scrapped and rebuilt from the ground up
    • There's still a cave, but the main combat area is split between going though the cave and going over it
Stage 3 Changes:
  • Rebuilt inside of spawns
    • It should now be easier to know your options when spawning
    • It should now be easier to figure out where final is
  • Raised part of sniper deck on final


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Here we go again:

All stages:
  • Improved lighting
  • All wall torches have been properly clipped
    • You should no longer get stuck on wall torches
  • Significant health/ammo changes
    • There's a lot more ammo on stages 1 and 2 again, sorry for removing it all last version
  • Various optimization tweaks and changes
Stage 1:
  • Widened entire stage by 256 units
    • This moves the bases a bit farther apart
    • The tracks are also longer now
    • Cover has been adjusted to account for the new space
  • Rollback zones now have a SpeedForwardModifier of 0.5
    • This means the carts move at 50% speed while on the rollback zones
Stage 2:
  • Fixed misaligned clip brush on Red's side that was blocking a ramp
  • Rearranged some boxes
  • Added new rollback zones along cliff edge
  • Final rollback zones now have a SpeedForwardModifier of 0.5
    • Only the old rollback zones have this, the new ones don't
  • Improved lighting
Stage 3:
  • Widened entire stage by 256 units
    • Bridges are wider now
    • ToW section is longer now
  • Completely rebuilt tunnels/backside of the map
    • Dropdown room has become a sacrificial altar or something
    • Tunnels now connect center of map to lower section of both finals
    • New tunnels under center building, connect directly to ToW bit under the bridges
  • Cover added to sniping decks on final at far end
  • SpeedForwardModifier on final rollback zones lowered to 0.33 (was 0.5)
    • Carts now move at 33% speed on final rollback zone, as opposed to 50% speed.
  • Slight detailing
...and probably some stuff I missed! Again, thanks for all of the feedback. It's been really helpful!


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A quick patch just to fix some slight things I missed last night:

Stages 1 + 2:
  • Upped setup time to 45 seconds (was 35 seconds)
Stage 3:
  • Moved cart starting positions in Stage 3
    • First staring position has not moved
    • Second starting position is closer to start of the bridge
    • Third starting position is now just outside the building, rather than in it
  • Marked cart starting locations with overlays
  • Lighting improvements
    • Upper spawn decks in center now have lighting near the steps down
    • Better lighting under the bridges
A2 of everyone's favorite Connect5 entry that is a 3-Stage PLR in a jungle at night by the ocean is here! There's a lot of changes, thank you everyone who played it and gave feedback. Hopefully I've addressed or purposely ignored everyone's feedback.

Stage 1 Changes:
  • Added three new routes
    • Back tunnel between points now connects to main area
      • This hopefully spreads out the fighting to mid, rather than just the tunnel
    • New routes from diagonal staircases to cart turn/crate rooms, creating a basement
      • This should give the waterfront more of a purpose as you can take now push through the new basement route to the capture point
  • Significant health/ammo changes
  • Reduced water push force
    • You can now technically swim around the building at the water's edge as most classes, but it's really slow.
  • Fixed collisions on fence props near capture points
  • Improved lighting
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 2 Changes:
  • Rebuilt spawns
    • Easier to get to/see spawn exits when spawning
  • Spawn yard expanded
    • Spawns are slightly farther from capture point
    • Sniper deck expanded to be useful, now has a railing
  • New entrance into cave
    • Enters cave at cart starting location
    • Leads up to a new deck in the new expanded section of the cave
  • Expanded cave
    • Ramps up to cart entrances are gone
    • Adjusted cover
    • New raised platforms at back of the cave
      • The new entrances lead to the high ones
    • New sneaky flank under the new platforms at the back of the cave
      • Almost links both lower entrances, giving an alternate way through the cave
  • Widened several routes
    • Widened cliff-side route
    • Widened ramp up into the cliff-side shack
    • Widened cart starting location
  • Improved lighting
  • Health/ammo changes
  • Slight optimizations
Stage 3 Changes
  • Rebuilt entire center of stage 3
    • Widened entire stage by 128 units
    • Tug of war section now occupies low ground
    • Carts start on bridges above the ToW section
    • There's a building in the center where the rollback ramps used to be
      • There are no more rollback zones in the center section
    • Finals of Stage 3 are still the same
      • There's still no explosion
  • Rebuilt section of spawn leading into center
    • Red also as resupply cabinets now, whoops
    • There are now two spawn exits into center
      • One has high ground
      • The other comes out next to the track
  • New flank under new center building
    • Connects both sides
    • Connects to the drop-down part in the back half of the map
      • This means that the tunnels now connect to the center of the map
  • Improved lighting
  • Health/ammo changes
  • Slight optimizations


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