
CP Reckoner rc6

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Former cheese man Gorgonzola
Feb 18, 2012
There's something about the detailing I'm not too keen on TBH. While I believe the theme can work in TF2, I think it's a bit messy and inconsistent right now. I think part of the problem is that there are a lot of differently styled structures which are small and not clearly separated. Therefore, they blend together into those these big white chaotic messes with no single consistent style (but instead having four different kinds of windows for example). It works in de_season since all the structures with crazy different styles and shapes have a more clearly defined composition and are separated and contrasted by simpler, consistent structures.

Red structure seems like a big jumbled mess:

Purple structures seperated by red structures by both materials and shape/composition:


Speaking of consistency, the platform at 2nd really seems out of place, as if it were ripped out of snakewater: There are four different kinds of staircases/ramps each out of different materials, the wooden railings and old rusty shack don't fit in with the metallic and sterile look of the map and why are the fences torn up, when everything else is so well kept?
I think the same can also be said about the platform and bridge above mid. It doesn't feel like it fit in with its surroundings. Perhaps change the colour of the metal catwalk to black (since everywhere else black is used for beams and grates)?

I apologize if this post is a bit overkill. I know this is only B1, but I still wanted to share some of my thoughts (I have been wanting to make this post for days). Otherwise, the map is fun, and the forward hold platform through lobby-last is cool.


Sample Text
Mar 20, 2016
Someone must have pointed out but the final point looks pretty similar to that of cp_process.
BTW I really like the mixture of japan pack and spytech theme. Nice work!
Could improve on 3d skybox I guess?


L6: Sharp Member
May 31, 2014
One of my biggest pet peeves in mapping is nobuild where it doesn't make sense, so with that in mind, I thought I'd make a little comparison between the last Valve-built map, Powerhouse, and this one, in regards to buildability.
So in Powerhouse right off the bat we've got some interesting building placements.
You can't build in spawn, as can be expected, nor on the hood of the truck or on the thin pipe in the corner, but you can build on the ground of course, and on all three of the large Hydro crates that litter the hallway. I don't think Valve even used any nobuild here: the truck and pipe are both simply non-conducive to building.
Next we have the area of last itself, where again there are some interesting decisions being made.
You can't build on the ramp, which makes sense, nor on the little cable spool since I guess it's too small for buildings, but you can build on the crates again, and even on the point, which is often an area of contention in regards to nobuild.
It's also worth noting that the big pile of water barrels is fully nobuilt, but you can't even access most of it without sentry-jumping anyways.

This trend continues throughout the map, pretty much anywhere an engie could walk on, buildings can be built. The only other place of note is the small strip of water at mid, which is entirely unbuildable. This makes a fair amount of sense from at least a balancing perspective, seeing as the only way to even get into the water would put you directly in the way of any sentries, as well as most of the enemy team on the other bank.
Now, onto Reckoner.
20160331163804_1.jpg can't put sentries on anything.

Honestly, anywhere. And I know what some people are thinking right now, you're thinking "but Tye, just put your buildings on the ground" and that's all well and good, but there are some real problem spots on this map that I'd like to point out.
For starters, we have this little crate on last:
Despite being part of a pathable route alongside those plants, neither the crate nor the plants are able to built upon.
Here's another good one: a crate that you can literally peer over and jump on top of, which provides some nice cover to boot, and yet you can't build on it.
This trend also continues throughout the map.
Hey, wanna build on top of that loaded forklift, where you've got cover from the lower route, can cover the upper route, but can still be spammed at from the far route? Nope, too bad.
Just about the only places you can build are areas I honestly think you just missed, phi.
The side route from second to mid is buildable on the barrels mainly because of manual clipping, which also hovers a fair bit off of the props to be level with the level geometry.
And finally, we have what is likely my favorite sentry spot on the entire map:
To be honest, I never would have thought to try it until I went rummaging around the map for things to complain about. It's a cute little hidey-hole, and while I personally would love it if it stayed, in this case, I'm pretty okay with it being removed, if only because it's an extremely unlikely area to set up in in the first place.
And there are some places you can build. You've got the ground of course, and the shipping containers at mid, as well as the shack roof on second (which honestly surprised me), but overall, this sort of reckless nobuilding is very discomforting to someone who plays Engie a lot.
During the last imp, people kept telling me that the map is made with competitive in mind, and that's all well and good, but the fact that 6s doesn't use Engie all that much shouldn't dictate whether or not a map should go out of its way to actively mess with him.
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Nov 6, 2011
• Changed shack on second to a mini greenhouse-storage shed, adds visibility and cohesive detailing

• Various small clipping fixes

• Rotated staircase in short connector from second to mid

• Various color changes to make areas more team-cohesive

• Increased time to cap on second from 6 to 7

• Reduced time to cap on mid from 11 to 9 (For reference, second was 6 and is now 7)

• Recuced time to cap on last from 3 to 2.5

• Smoothed out/simplified some displacement ground around second

• Moved forward spawn on second away from the point

• Moved small health-ammo in upper lobby closer to upper exit door into second to better support teams holding offensively

• Moved medium health-ammo in main lobby back one room into lobby to support holding more, and make pushing out less of a commitment (since the room it had previously been in was very susceptible to spam if you wanted to grab the health when holding lobby)

• Moved small health-ammo in lower lobby back towards sign to create cohesion between them

•Widened and heightened choke doorway into second from lobby

Lowered thick doorway into second from short connector to cut off abusable sightline

• Moved medium health-ammo in lower connectors from mid to second

• Flipped locations of medium health-ammo in high connector from mid to second

• Removed healthkit on crate on mid

• Clipped standable beam on second

• Fixed fence vis issue on second

Read the rest of this update entry...


Dec 5, 2007
Brush strokes on this look weird and bad and don't rotate well especially when multiple are near each other. Really sticks out and doesn't feel right at all.

This texture is waaaaay too reflective imho, looks kinda gross. I have no idea what it's actually supposed to be. Metal? Plaster? Painted? Plastic? Not a clue.

LOD popping on these is groooooossss. The lods trigger WAY too early and the leaves dramatically change shape each lod. Plus it seems they're not casting proper shadows behind them, if you've already added these props to a lights.rad, try disabling 'cast shadows' on them entirely and using func_detailed blocklight brushes to mimic the shadows from the stems, could look a ton better. Alternatively making the lightmap luxels way bigger behind them could blur out the shadows so the obvious and harsh transition is less apparent.


Sep 1, 2012
Reckoner is being played on GRAND FINALS of DreamHack Summer 2016 Invitational, wow, gz Phi


Nov 6, 2011

• Removed water crate on last that provides a bad sightline

• Fixed asymmetric clipping on certain vents in lobby

• Raised high ground in toxic to 1. make pushing into mid less of an uphill climb and 2. prevent snipers from shooting feet

• Reduced ceiling size in various areas to provide less bouncing and better splash coverage

• Moved around doorways in upper mid-second connector (cargo) to prevent a sightline from one side to the other, this will make pushing through easier

• Opened up various inner doorways across the map to cut back on the “double-door” sort of feel

• Raised second door leading into lobby from green room

• Fixed instances of clipping offering unfair perches, or preventing players from moving alongside geometry smoothly

• Removed box outside of small entrance to cargo

• Made main portion of bridge over mid opaque to offer a little more protection to the point

• Widened upper doorway into lobby slightly

• Added HDR

• Added a 3D Skybox (can be turned off/on with r_3dsky 1/0)

• Made right side from attacker's perspective (yellow room) more spacious

• Moved forklift away from 2nd point slightly to offer more space

• Moved healthkit in lower-mid-second connector back to original position to facilitate rollouts better

• Shifted around small bits of geometry here and there (I honestly can't remember every little thing I did over the last few months, I know I forgot some things in the changelog, and I'm sure I must have missed a few things said to me via only word-of-mouth or steam chat - please post in the thread)

Read the rest of this update entry...
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Nov 6, 2011
  • Removed circuit breakers around the entrances to lobby which held stickytraps easily
  • Clipped lobby-green-room main exit to second
  • Widened said exit in order to make passage easier
  • Added shutter door to said exit
  • Added window next to the shutter door of said exit
    • Note: There are subtle visual indications of the door trigger! Make sure to keep an eye out, and they render no matter what graphical settings you're on. So you won't have to guess where you can or cannot stand to avoid opening the shutter.
  • Widened stairs to upper boiler lobby entrance from 112u wide to 160u. This makes movement and retreating easier and more forgiving.
  • Moved cover on upper side of last entrances for multiple reasons:
    • Cover nearby the entrance didn't provide much usefulness
    • It now blocks a sightline from lobby large door in through to that side, making it harder to collect free information
  • Pulled out left wall of last, contouring greenhouse nearby to rid the side of its sentry nooks
  • Pulled out right wall of last, offering less space for turtling
  • Moved around cover to prevent sightline from toxic angled entrance on mid through cargo (let's just see how this works before I commit to changing any major geometry around there)
  • Adjusted doorways through cargo very slightly as a result of said sightline blocking
  • Removed crates in little rooms beside mid point, filled in with concrete to make a flat-back instead (easier for explosions)
  • Removed access to ledge above toxic entrance to second.
  • Re-detailed said ledge
  • Widened 45° ramp up from grass to forklift on 2nd
  • Re-detailed interior roof of Toxic
  • Put toxic sign in toxic
  • Clipped “open” edges of mid with the delivery truck and metal railings in a better fashion.
  • Blockbulleted said railings so splash is much easier.
  • Remade small cliff leading from lower connector to far-mid area, now it's a solid brick wall. Can't stand behind the wall anymore on top of the cliff.

Read the rest of this update entry...