steam chat: where we talk about everything except mapping 99% of the time.
note:Aimie was asking about lots of mapping-related things in the many hours before this special event.
02:58 - Turbo Lover: just got back from spamming quakeman's give group chat with pictures of futa
02:58 - Turbo Lover: was fun
02:58 - Turbo Lover: giveaway*
02:58 - re.wind: but the jews invented interest rate, so we can't criticise it.
02:58 - Konata: enjoy your community ban, BY
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: anti semiticist!!!
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: how dare u speek badly of juice
02:58 - re.wind: juice....jews...
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: I fucking hate people
02:58 - re.wind: Ahahah
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: who are like
02:58 - Prestige: what is futa
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: you said something about this jewish person
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: therefore you hate all jews
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: like
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: ?????
02:59 - re.wind: girls with dicks presto. if i'm interpreting by's nuances correctly.
02:59 - Konata: dicks alongside their normal stuff
02:59 - Konata: it's a hentai thing
02:59 - Rainbow Dash ♥: do you know what else is a hentai thing
02:59 - Rainbow Dash ♥: shitting dick nipples.
02:59 -

Hech Yeah!: Oh, hermaphrodites?
02:59 - re.wind: ^
02:59 - Konata: no
02:59 - Konata: just futa
02:59 - Space Angus: How did we get to hentai
03:00 - re.wind: technically yes K
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: it was a natural transition
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: from talking about socio-economic paradigms
03:00 - Konata: 7:58 PM - prestige: what is futa
03:00 - Space Angus: from political articles to hentai
03:00 - Konata: that's how
03:00 - Space Angus: Only on the internet
03:00 - re.wind: well, okay, i don't think a futa can impregnate itself
03:00 - re.wind: not with technology anyways.
Fubar entered chat.
03:00 - Aimie☆: You guys don't really talk about mapping, do you?
03:00 - Konata: yes, rewind
03:00 - re.wind: LMFAO
03:00 - Space Angus: we talk when someone asks
03:00 - Mott: On occasion
03:00 - Konata: since in hentai
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: not really.
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: no.
Tao of Krumps left chat.
03:00 - Konata: it's usually teh reuslt
03:00 - Konata: of a magical spell
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: no one maps here anymore
03:00 - Konata: or something
03:00 - DJive: I do lol.. or try to
03:00 - Space Angus: If you ask a question about mapping we'll answer
03:00 - Konata: and is temporary
03:00 -

Hech Yeah!: I was talking about maps before!
03:00 - Space Angus: but otherwise theres not much point in it
03:00 - Konata: so
03:01 - Konata: they're usually normal girls aside
03:01 - Konata: so yeah they could probably impregnate themselves
03:01 - Konata: technically
03:01 - Konata:

Blade Nd64 is now playing Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. Click here to join.
Mott disconnected.
03:01 - re.wind: i said not without technology.
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: I was talking about map testing all day
03:01 - Aly: I don't think it'd genertically work
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: but we never went anywhere with that!
03:01 - Konata: Aly
03:01 - re.wind: because bending dicks that way doesn't work.
03:01 - Konata: this is magical dicks appearing on people
03:01 - re.wind: it'd be a clone of yourself.
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: we;re all
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: each other
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: we are all one
03:01 -

Hech Yeah!: I bet someone out there has the fetish for pregnant people AND hermaphrodites.
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: deal with it
03:01 - Space Angus: IIRC Only one can produce
Aimie☆ left chat.
03:02 - Space Angus: Or neither
03:02 - Aly: We scared Aimie off