Why do you love steam convos?


Jun 9, 2009
18:33 - [FHT] stegarootbeer [mAL]: someone make someone rage quit
18:33 - LeSwordfish: okay heres what you do
18:34 - LeSwordfish: you ask in chat "who here uses "faggot" as an insult often?"
18:34 - LeSwordfish: then kick whoever says yes
18:34 - Seba: except he's not ingame
18:34 - Seba: also yes isn't an acceptable answer
18:34 - Seba: you asked who
18:35 - BY-Winning: "I do"
18:35 - Seba kicks BY
BY-Winning was kicked by Snacks.
May 2, 2009
Tom Hoen is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.

Ok this is getting annoying. Any ideas how to stop this spam? If I want to test my map from SDK it starts to spam this message instead of ignoring the fact that I'm still in SDK. It changes the "in game" status to TF2 and ignores the SDK.


Jun 9, 2009
detective moose is at critical entered chat.
13:53 - Mott: BEEP
13:53 - Mott: BEEEP
13:53 - Mott: <flatline>
13:54 - Seba: more like moosing him
detective moose is at critical disconnected.


Nov 1, 2009
04:09 - prestige: http://teamfortress.tv/
04:09 - prestige: good match goin on i guess
Rainbow Dash ? is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Rainbow Dash ? entered chat.
04:09 - Rainbow Dash ?: This is
04:09 - Rainbow Dash ?: by far
04:09 - Rainbow Dash ?: one of the worst maps
04:09 - Turbo Lover: night cuties
04:09 - Rainbow Dash ?: I have ever seen
04:09 - Rainbow Dash ?: goodnight
04:10 - GameDev: rainbow dash = troll
04:10 - GameDev: ignore
04:10 - Okrag: oh man
04:10 - Rainbow Dash ?: I haven't been called that
04:10 - Rainbow Dash ?: for a while on tf2m
04:10 - Rainbow Dash ?: lmao
Turbo Lover disconnected.
04:10 - prestige: hey connectfor
04:10 - prestige: is playing
04:10 - prestige: ur friend
04:10 - Konata: i feel kinda'
04:10 - prestige: SEL
04:10 - Konata: sick
04:11 - Konata wobbles over and sits on sel's lap
04:12 - prestige: big mistake

04:12 - theharribokid: fuck i hate when that guy who made TF2 Arcade guest casts on these streams, he's an idiot
04:12 - prestige: who is it?
04:12 - prestige: eric ruth games
04:12 - prestige: ya
04:13 - Fr0z3n: yea
04:13 - prestige: he is annoying
04:13 - theharribokid: yeah him
04:13 - Fr0z3n: he's not the brightest.
04:14 - Fr0z3n: what stream, btw/
04:14 - theharribokid: extine's stream on teamfortress.tv
Rainbow Dash ? is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
04:15 - prestige: fucking snakewater last
04:15 - prestige: is so hard to cap :(
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
04:16 - Rainbow Dash ?: you're hard to cap
04:16 - prestige: THAT'S GOOD
04:16 - Snacks: I read that as: prestige: is so hard to crap :(
Fubar disconnected.
04:17 - Tao of Krumps: http://youtu.be/qBjOUtyagmY
WastedMeerkat disconnected.
Rainbow Dash ? is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Fubar entered chat.
Fubar disconnected.
Rainbow Dash ? left chat.
Fr0z3n left chat.
Fr0z3n entered chat.
04:23 - detective moose is at critical: guys
04:23 - detective moose is at critical: menomena
04:23 - detective moose is at critical: join
04:23 - sluncher: kettle cooorrrnnn
04:23 - Fr0z3n: I have to review bio before I crash in my bed.
04:23 - Fr0z3n: kettle corn is wonderful.
Tao of Krumps is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
04:25 - detective moose is at critical: aly leaves
04:25 - detective moose is at critical: I am going to launch a passive aggressive campaign against aly for this
04:25 - Aly: yeah I did, what of it
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Blade Nd64 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
04:26 - detective moose is at critical: :(
04:26 - Aly: I'll be back
04:27 - detective moose is at critical: ok
04:27 - Fr0z3n: No you won't.
Tao of Krumps disconnected.

04:33 - theharribokid: tbf to eric ruth he did just come out with the best line i've ever heard in a cast:
04:34 - theharribokid: a medic needle kills 2 enemies and goes "like a christmas tree in July...
04:34 - theharribokid: needles everywhere."
04:35 - Fr0z3n: Lol
04:35 - Fr0z3n: That is good, yes.

Quoting myself but i'm already quoting someone else to begin with so fuck it


Jul 14, 2009
I agree eric ruth is not a caster, and his games are below average, but

at least his mic wasn't an xbox headset like that third guy's

A Boojum Snark

Toraipoddodezain Mazahabado
Nov 2, 2007
I'm afraid I started that habit awhile ago because I wanted to preserve the sense of time flow that was crucial to the humor of a few snippets that occurred within the same 1-2 minutes but never explained why I did it so everyone jumped on the bandwagon backwards.
Mar 23, 2010
8:48 PM - prestige: hl2 is just like a relationship sim because there are people in it
8:48 PM - prestige: all games are dating sims because there are people
8:48 PM - Konata: ^


Aug 12, 2009
steam chat: where we talk about everything except mapping 99% of the time.

note:Aimie was asking about lots of mapping-related things in the many hours before this special event.

02:58 - Turbo Lover: just got back from spamming quakeman's give group chat with pictures of futa
02:58 - Turbo Lover: was fun
02:58 - Turbo Lover: giveaway*
02:58 - re.wind: but the jews invented interest rate, so we can't criticise it.
02:58 - Konata: enjoy your community ban, BY
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: anti semiticist!!!
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: how dare u speek badly of juice
02:58 - re.wind: juice....jews...
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: I fucking hate people
02:58 - re.wind: Ahahah
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: who are like
02:58 - Prestige: what is futa
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: you said something about this jewish person
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: therefore you hate all jews
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: like
02:58 - Rainbow Dash ♥: ?????
02:59 - re.wind: girls with dicks presto. if i'm interpreting by's nuances correctly.
02:59 - Konata: dicks alongside their normal stuff
02:59 - Konata: it's a hentai thing
02:59 - Rainbow Dash ♥: do you know what else is a hentai thing
02:59 - Rainbow Dash ♥: shitting dick nipples.
02:59 - :D Hech Yeah!: Oh, hermaphrodites?
02:59 - re.wind: ^
02:59 - Konata: no
02:59 - Konata: just futa
02:59 - Space Angus: How did we get to hentai
03:00 - re.wind: technically yes K
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: it was a natural transition
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: from talking about socio-economic paradigms
03:00 - Konata: 7:58 PM - prestige: what is futa
03:00 - Space Angus: from political articles to hentai
03:00 - Konata: that's how
03:00 - Space Angus: Only on the internet
03:00 - re.wind: well, okay, i don't think a futa can impregnate itself
03:00 - re.wind: not with technology anyways.
Fubar entered chat.
03:00 - Aimie☆: You guys don't really talk about mapping, do you?
03:00 - Konata: yes, rewind
03:00 - re.wind: LMFAO
03:00 - Space Angus: we talk when someone asks
03:00 - Mott: On occasion
03:00 - Konata: since in hentai
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: not really.
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: no.
Tao of Krumps left chat.
03:00 - Konata: it's usually teh reuslt
03:00 - Konata: of a magical spell
03:00 - Rainbow Dash ♥: no one maps here anymore
03:00 - Konata: or something
03:00 - DJive: I do lol.. or try to
03:00 - Space Angus: If you ask a question about mapping we'll answer
03:00 - Konata: and is temporary
03:00 - :D Hech Yeah!: I was talking about maps before! http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/209/6/e/soviet_map_of_city_17_by_ppitm-d41je7f.jpg
03:00 - Space Angus: but otherwise theres not much point in it
03:00 - Konata: so
03:01 - Konata: they're usually normal girls aside
03:01 - Konata: so yeah they could probably impregnate themselves
03:01 - Konata: technically
03:01 - Konata: :p
Blade Nd64 is now playing Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. Click here to join.
Mott disconnected.
03:01 - re.wind: i said not without technology.
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: I was talking about map testing all day
03:01 - Aly: I don't think it'd genertically work
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: but we never went anywhere with that!
03:01 - Konata: Aly
03:01 - re.wind: because bending dicks that way doesn't work.
03:01 - Konata: this is magical dicks appearing on people
03:01 - re.wind: it'd be a clone of yourself.
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: we;re all
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: each other
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: we are all one
03:01 - :D Hech Yeah!: I bet someone out there has the fetish for pregnant people AND hermaphrodites.
03:01 - Rainbow Dash ♥: deal with it
03:01 - Space Angus: IIRC Only one can produce
Aimie☆ left chat.
03:02 - Space Angus: Or neither
03:02 - Aly: We scared Aimie off
Last edited:


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
Ergo why you should be there always and forever.

Ehh.. While I did sometimes instigate the off topicness I really only entered chat with the intention of mapping. It got distracting.


Nov 1, 2009
02:50 - Mott is having black forest cake :D
02:50 - prestige: lucky
02:50 - Geit: I love black forest
02:50 - Geit: :V
02:50 - prestige: i have cake
02:50 - prestige: that gives me diarhea
02:51 - prestige: but i really want the cake
02:51 - grazr: I prefer white forest cake
02:51 - grazr: It's racially superior
02:51 - Geit: And here comes the awkward silence
02:51 - Mott: Take some anti-diarrhea meds
02:51 - Mott: and then eat cake ;D
02:52 - grazr: Caffeine is a constapant. Drink loads of coffee or redbull.
02:52 - grazr: But don't blame me if you get anal fissures. You chose to eat the diarrhea cake.
02:53 - Mott: man
02:53 - Mott: can we not have this discussion while I eat dinner
02:54 - [mAL] stegarootbeer: WOO!
02:54 - prestige: no
02:54 - grazr: I'm surprised hardly anyone knows what anal fissures are. 1 in 5 people in their 20 somethings get them
02:54 - [mAL] stegarootbeer: finally got me some rootbeer
02:54 - prestige: it sounds fun
02:54 - Mott: grazr I don't want to know
02:54 - Mott: it sounds bad
02:54 - Siberian Angus: I do!
02:54 - Seba: ubjgraefzds
02:54 - Seba: g

02:55 - Fr0z3n: i'm afraid to google it.
02:55 - grazr: It's when you rupture your sphinctres lining. A clear oderless fluid often oozes out. I guess that's what helps keep it supple.
02:55 - Geit: Nice.
02:56 - Fr0z3n: THAT SOUNDS AWESOME.
02:56 - Siberian Angus: kinky
02:56 - grazr: You get it from forcing your shit out too hard and consuming a lot of caffeine will make you more prone to it.
02:56 - grazr: and coffee
02:56 - Fr0z3n: I dont drink caffeine.
02:56 - Fr0z3n: thus I am fissue proooof
02:56 - grazr: which is why i guess a ton of 20's and 30's get it more than anyone else

who says steam chat isn't informative


Jun 9, 2009
21:04 - Littleedge: I just used a Snark quote in my essay :/
21:05 - Littleedge: " But when the cliffs sing to the fish then you get pies made of hope. So who knows. Maybe we're all pandas."