Why do you love steam convos?


L2: Junior Member
Jun 12, 2009
1:45 AM - Aly: A DOORNOB
1:45 AM - Aly: WHAT THE HELL
1:45 AM - AyesDyef: They put a door knob up whoop whoop?
1:45 AM - Aly: mm
1:45 AM - Aly: Goodnight
1:45 AM - AyesDyef: ...
1:46 AM - AyesDyef: Why ARE you still reading.
1:46 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday: LOL
1:46 AM - Aly: I'm going to attempt to get to sleep now
1:46 AM - AyesDyef: Night night Aly :3
1:46 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday: She's getting tips.
1:46 AM - AyesDyef: :eek:
1:46 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday: THERE I SAID IT
1:46 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday: everyone was thinking it.
1:46 AM - Aly: Frozen
1:46 AM - Aly: Mind promoting me for a second so I can demote you and kick you
1:46 AM - AyesDyef: lol
1:46 AM - AyesDyef: fyi, I wasn't thinking it Aly!
1:47 AM - Aly: I know Ayes <3
1:47 AM - AyesDyef: I was being a derp.
1:47 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday: Can't demote.
1:47 AM - AyesDyef: And was like "How would you get onto a door like that..."
1:47 AM - AyesDyef: in my head.
1:47 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday facepalms
1:47 AM - AyesDyef: Never occured to me that you could take the door knob off the door...
1:47 AM - A very Fr0z3n Birthday: Ayes, you take the knob off. :p
1:47 AM - Aly: Apparently with a stepstool



L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
9:42 PM - rewind: not uipload information
9:42 PM - Jethro: Obviously don't go flaunting around screenshots, etc
9:42 PM - Konata: 8:39 PM - Fr0z3n: I'll kick you if you break an NDA.
9:42 PM - rewind: ^
9:43 PM - rewind: ^
9:43 PM - Space Angus: I won't tell on people for a little break of nda
9:43 PM - Jethro: Except he fucking hasn't?
9:43 PM - Space Angus: for a 1 hour gameplay video though

9:43 PM - Konata: No
9:43 PM - Konata: Jehtro
9:43 PM - Konata: he hasn't
9:43 PM - ( ') Terwonick: thank you jethro

9:43 PM - Aly: Oh crap, I broke a NDA
9:43 PM - Konata: Jethro*
9:43 PM - Fr0z3n: Jethro, we haven't said he has.
9:43 PM - Aly: I kid
9:43 PM - ( ') Terwonick: aly, thank you
9:43 PM - Konata: But breaking an NDA
9:43 PM - Fr0z3n: We're warning him.

9:43 PM - Aly: Please don't kick me
9:43 PM - Konata: is a breach of trust.
9:43 PM - Fr0z3n: ALY
9:43 PM - Konata: They TRUST you to keep quiet
9:43 PM - Konata: that's what an NDA is

9:43 PM - Fr0z3n: FUCK
9:43 PM - AyesDyef: Frozen has 3 nipples?
9:43 PM - AyesDyef: Damn, they must be hard.
9:44 PM - Space Angus: mmmm
9:44 PM - Space Angus: more common then you think

9:44 PM - Aly: Hrrrnng
9:44 PM - Fr0z3n: Fine.
9:44 PM - Konata sighs

9:44 PM - Fr0z3n: I won't tell people that Aly has 6 fingers on one hand.
9:44 PM - Konata: downloading TF2, LoL, Tribes..
9:44 PM - Jethro: You lot were the ones starting on at him about it :/
9:44 PM - Konata: My father was killed by a six-fingered man.
9:44 PM - Konata stabs Aly

9:44 PM - Fr0z3n: We were warning Jethro.
9:44 PM - Littleedge: The number of nipples a species has is the typical maximum number of children they can produce.
9:44 PM - Fr0z3n: If you look back, you will see that.
9:44 PM - Space Angus: I have 3 nipples
9:44 PM - Space Angus: getoverit
9:44 PM - Littleedge: Third nipples are becoming a bit more common.
9:45 PM - Fr0z3n: Nine toes... he has 3 balls.

9:45 PM - Jethro: seemed a lot like telling off, not warning.
9:45 PM - Jethro: whatever
9:45 PM - Jethro: good night
9:45 PM - Space Angus: hehehehee
9:45 PM - Jethro: i can't be bothered

9:45 PM - Littleedge: Connect the dots. Have more children!
9:45 PM - Jethro: with you lot
9:45 PM - Jethro: soem time
Jethro left chat.
9:45 PM - Fr0z3n: Why is jethro so angry now :/

9:45 PM - Space Angus: he saw my nipples
9:45 PM - Fr0z3n: I understand that he had a rough time, but he seemed to be nice for a while.
9:45 PM - Space Angus: and i wouldn't let him touch

9:45 PM - Littleedge: I might do Webmaster or something. That one's pretty easy.
9:46 PM - Konata: I really need to sort my pics folder D:
]9:46 PM - AyesDyef: lol
9:46 PM - Konata: It takes like 10 seconds for it to sort by date
9:46 PM - AyesDyef: I need to sort mine...
9:46 PM - AyesDyef: I takes a few minutes to sort by date
9:46 PM - rewind: abnegation
9:46 PM - AyesDyef: Or by anything other than name :p

9:46 PM - Konata: I HAVE folders
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Turbo Lover

Fight me under Glasgow Central Station
Feb 15, 2011
17:26 - AyesDyef: GHOST CHECK
17:26 - AyesDyef: Okay.
17:26 - AyesDyef: Still good.
17:27 - AyesDyef: GHOST CHECK
17:27 - AyesDyef: GHOST CHECK?!
AyesDyef left chat.
AyesDyef entered chat.
17:27 - µffin: trololololo
17:27 - AyesDyef: :T
17:27 - BY: never was a ghost
17:28 - AyesDyef: GHOST CHECK
17:28 - AyesDyef: I'm just a little paranoid, we've lost Hech
17:28 - AyesDyef: And Okrag
17:28 - AyesDyef: AND WILSON!
AyesDyef left chat.
AyesDyef entered chat.
17:29 - AyesDyef: FUCK YOU BY

17:28 - BY: chat did actually ghost there
17:28 - BY: rejoin
17:28 - AyesDyef: srs...
17:28 - BY: i wish i was kidding
17:29 - AyesDyef: Wait what

Who you gonna call.


Jun 9, 2009
22:24 - Aly: I preferred the "Girls of reddit, what wierd things have you stuck up there" thread for disguisting sadness laughter


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
1:51 AM - Fubar: hey, new layout on gamebanana
1:51 AM - WastedMeerkat: probably still bad
1:51 AM - Fubar: it's better
detective moose fumble ghosts disconnected.
1:57 AM - Fubar: we need better crane models
1:58 AM - Space Angus: weneedcats
2:01 AM - WastedMeerkat: fubar
2:02 AM - WastedMeerkat: I think I may have found the one.
2:02 AM - WastedMeerkat: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Origami-crane.jpg
2:02 AM - WastedMeerkat: NO!
2:02 AM - WastedMeerkat: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fd/Origami-crane.jpg
2:03 AM - Fubar: :|
2:03 AM - Space Angus: yes
2:05 AM - WastedMeerkat: she is beautiful
2:06 AM - Fubar: I think I'm going to skin the hl2 crane model
2:06 AM - Fubar: because why not
2:07 AM - Matt: Because it looks like shit
2:07 AM - Fubar: I dunno, maybe I can make it look alright
2:09 AM - Fubar: nvm the model is not the size I want
2:10 AM - Fubar: w/e I'll just use the construction crane
2:11 AM - Fubar: anyone knows what happened to this crane? http://forums.tf2maps.net/showpost.php?p=187882&postcount=762
2:13 AM - Fubar: the construction crane is better imo but you can't have too many cranes
Dr. Super's Journey to Nihilism left chat.
2:17 AM - Fubar: omg lol
2:17 AM - Fubar: I just found the perfect crane operator
2:17 AM - Fubar: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5181650/mapping screens/vanguardprogress.jpg
2:18 AM - Fubar: easter egg, check
2:18 AM - Matt: haha
2:18 AM - WastedMeerkat: fubar, this would be better http://www.thewonderofbirds.com/crane/sandhill-crane.jpg
2:18 AM - Fubar: nope
2:19 AM - WastedMeerkat: yup
2:19 AM - WastedMeerkat: think abou tit
2:19 AM - WastedMeerkat: a crane
2:19 AM - WastedMeerkat: operating a crane
2:19 AM - WastedMeerkat: it's comedy gold
Tarry H. Sruman left chat.
2:20 AM - Fubar: :|
2:25 AM - WastedMeerkat: fubar, I think we're entering uncharted waters here
2:25 AM - WastedMeerkat: the likes of which nobody has ever seen
2:25 AM - WastedMeerkat: we could revolutionize the world as we know it with this one, simple idea
2:26 AM - WastedMeerkat: Cranes should be the only kind of animal every operating a crane.
2:26 AM - WastedMeerkat: ever(
2:26 AM - WastedMeerkat: ever**
2:26 AM - WastedMeerkat: ever
2:27 AM - WastedMeerkat: I feel like I should sleep
2:27 AM - Fubar: the all mighty dogbread wouldn't allow it
2:27 AM - Fubar: and yeah I need some sleep as well
2:30 AM - Fubar: good night guys
Fubar left chat.
2:30 AM - WastedMeerkat: good night, fubar
I didn't sleep until later when the almighty dogbread allowed me to.
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Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
Snacks entered chat.
Hech Yeah: He went wierd, went all naked and masterbated in public
Snacks disconnected.


Nov 25, 2008
00:33 - bG l:. Mattyy25#fagget stop: Hey guys im looking for xbox liveemebers for call of duty modernwarefare 3. We are a cumminty that wants you! Please message back if you want to. The reason i chose you is because we met in a
00:34 - E² StickZer0: You already asked me to join your group, and I already sarcastically replied that I couldn't wait to see you do well

The fuck is a "cumminty" anyway?


Jun 9, 2009
11:02 - Van Halen is a Rockstar: http://www.livestream.com/ravrage?t=813924
11:02 - Van Halen is a Rockstar: Currently artpassing mah map
11:09 - E² StickZer0: i actually tried skipping ahead in the video to see what it looks like later on
Sep 1, 2009
21:54 - Rexy: oh jesus
21:54 - BY The Cozy Camper: which is just your short sighted ness
21:54 - Rexy: test is going down
21:54 - Rexy: oohhh my
21:54 - Tarry H. Sruman: LETS GO
21:54 - Rexy: bowel movements commencing

Rexy you are scaring me

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
That kind of reminds me of my daily life Godslayer.

Eating at the dining halls is kind of like Russian Roulette;
you never know which food is the "void bowels button" of the day.


Cake or Death?
Dec 20, 2007
Well may as well add myself to this list =/ Also and hello =)

10:28 PM - Seba: I don't like chocolate ice cream
10:29 PM - DJive: i love it but oddly.. I can't eat chocolate ice cream without water..
10:29 PM - DJive: favorite though is coffee
10:30 PM - Aly: Ugh I can't do this without creating a bunch of invalid solids
10:31 PM - DJive: i used to hate that to no end
10:33 PM - µffin: Water with ice cream is horrid
10:33 PM - µffin: Hmm... I haven't actually drunk water all day today
10:33 PM - DJive: idk, its just chocolate ice cream is so rich
10:33 PM - DJive: that i need someone to follow it
10:34 PM - µffin: It's either got to be sweet so it blends in with the ice cream, or coffee because coffee rocks with sweet things for some weird reason
10:35 PM - stegarootbeer: milk
10:35 PM - DJive: true
10:35 PM - stegarootbeer: wait
10:35 PM - µffin: Maybe, never tried milk with ice cream
10:35 PM - µffin: Because I hate milk
10:36 PM - stegarootbeer: you need someone to follow the icecream down your throat?
10:36 PM - stegarootbeer: thats...
10:36 PM - stegarootbeer: interesting
10:36 PM -µffin: Oh, I didn't even catch that
10:36 PM - DJive: omg.. so i did...
10:36 PM - DJive: ah fuck =/
10:37 PM - Aly: I did...decided not to comment :p
10:37 PM - Matt: Nice Stegaa
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