02:50 - Mott is having black forest cake
02:50 - prestige: lucky
02:50 - Geit: I love black forest
02:50 - Geit: :V
02:50 - prestige: i have cake
02:50 - prestige: that gives me diarhea
02:51 - prestige: but i really want the cake
02:51 - grazr: I prefer white forest cake
02:51 - grazr: It's racially superior
02:51 - Geit: And here comes the awkward silence
02:51 - Mott: Take some anti-diarrhea meds
02:51 - Mott: and then eat cake ;D
02:52 - grazr: Caffeine is a constapant. Drink loads of coffee or redbull.
02:52 - grazr: But don't blame me if you get anal fissures. You chose to eat the diarrhea cake.
02:53 - Mott: man
02:53 - Mott: can we not have this discussion while I eat dinner
02:54 - [mAL] stegarootbeer: WOO!
02:54 - prestige: no
02:54 - grazr: I'm surprised hardly anyone knows what anal fissures are. 1 in 5 people in their 20 somethings get them
02:54 - [mAL] stegarootbeer: finally got me some rootbeer
02:54 - prestige: it sounds fun
02:54 - Mott: grazr I don't want to know
02:54 - Mott: it sounds bad
02:54 - Siberian Angus: I do!
02:54 - Seba: ubjgraefzds
02:54 - Seba: g
02:55 - Fr0z3n: i'm afraid to google it.
02:55 - grazr: It's when you rupture your sphinctres lining. A clear oderless fluid often oozes out. I guess that's what helps keep it supple.
02:55 - Geit: Nice.
02:56 - Fr0z3n: THAT SOUNDS AWESOME.
02:56 - Siberian Angus: kinky
02:56 - grazr: You get it from forcing your shit out too hard and consuming a lot of caffeine will make you more prone to it.
02:56 - grazr: and coffee
02:56 - Fr0z3n: I dont drink caffeine.
02:56 - Fr0z3n: thus I am fissue proooof
02:56 - grazr: which is why i guess a ton of 20's and 30's get it more than anyone else
who says steam chat isn't informative
yes7:07 AM - Fubar: looks decent? http://dl.dropbox.com/u/5181650/preview.jpg
Aly is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
Aly is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
7:08 AM - Aly: I APPROVE![]()
14:20 - μffin: So many people i've never heard of are entering this contest
14:20 - godslayer57 llghll: Muffin thats the draw of the medals
14:21 - =v.g.l= vaconcovat: Heh
14:21 - μffin: Oh i forgot about the medals
14:21 - μffin: Dammit how long is left
14:21 - godslayer57 llghll: End of today
14:21 - μffin: Let's do this
My experience in the /v/ chat.7:49 PM - jel.Verumae: !
You have been banned from the chat by MZD.
8:48 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: go eat poop
8:48 PM - Fr0z3nR: I'll eat one now.
Frozen eats poop.
Fr0z3nR : B1 doesn't mean it has to be good gameplay wise.
I'm sorry for sharing these chatlogs that I had found humorous with a community that I once enjoyed (to an extent) in a thread designed for members of the community to share chat logs that they find humorous.Oh god Verumae is back
Rexy entered chat.
17:32 - Turbo Lover: poopy entered chat
17:33 - Rexy: D:
17:34 - E² StickZer0: -in the hospital because you just gave birth to ur baby, it's a beautiful and healthy boy- "can i hold it?" -i ask, admiring the budle of joy in your arms..u tell me i can because u have to go to the bathroom and i realize i do too but you're already using it and i am holding the baby so i set him down on the bed, open his diaper and take a dump in it- "much better" -i say and put the diaper back on the baby- "looks like you're gonna have a stinky baby! -i say and let u know ur kid pooped-
17:37 - Turbo Lover: wat
17:37 - Turbo Lover: but it's a newborn
17:37 - Turbo Lover: newborns can't poop yet
17:39 - Rexy: and THAT is the extent of your conflict with that story, BY?
17:40 - Turbo Lover: yes