You have blue enviromental lighting, which isn't bad. So your torches are also extremely bright and yellow.
... Also, to get the color you want at the primary wavelength of yellow ~580nm you would need a torch somewhere around the temperature of 5000k. (Comparatively, the effect temperature of the sun is 5700k). Torch light peak past yellow (about 3000nm, according to my quick n' dirty calculations), so, the visible light is basically white. Color comes from the chemical you are burning.... I don't know why I did that all. I think it has something to do with me procrastinating my biology homework.
tl;dr: Torch light actually is white and peaks in the infrared.
EDIT: Dear god, that fog is too thick for that environment.
EDIT2: I'm tired and I think I screwed up the science, but the general gist of what I want to say is there.