WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
Yea, i'm trying to go for the progressive theme where it goes wood>metal>industry. This is only before CP2 which is less than half way so i'm not sure metal fits yet. There is actually a metal building on the right but i think brick is a good alternative option, yea.
Sep 1, 2009
grazr the man who likes wood to much for his own good.

Crazy Frog

L1: Registered
Oct 10, 2011

5 months ago I got the idea to make hybrid pl/cp map, but I was never mapping before. So I started to learn how to use hammer and soon I just started to learning what which entity do and if this what I want to do is even possible.
I was also looking where to publish map when it would be finished and I found this useful site. I found a lot of helpful topics here, but I also found out that this "idea" I've got it's not new at all. I red about problems with glitchy hud, but I say to myself I can try and see what is really going on. And yes, I soon found out what those problems are ...

But I didn't gave up, because I really want to make this map, and last 5 months I was working on logic, and I still have some work to do, but so far it works really good. Of course there will be some, I think minor hud glitches (you can see one of them on below screenshots, where it looks like you are pushing the cart even if it's disabled until direction control point is captured), but I'm trying to reduce glitches to minimum.

The map will have 5 rounds, but only maximum of 3 rounds will be playable, depends of choices blue team will made.
In round 1, blue team will make choice with capturing control point A or B. With choice they will made they will go to round 2A or round 2B and in each of second rounds there will be another choice for round 3A or round 3B. Both third rounds will have common final goal.


So far I've made a very, very, very rough plan in hammer, just to approximately see how big the map would be. For now it looks like that first and both second rounds will be a little longer. The length of those rounds will be approximate the same as GoldRush final round or even a little longer, don't know jet, I will see when I will made more precise plan. But I will put additional second spawns for blue team, and if it will be necessary the train will not recede.

Because of the glitchy hud, both paths after the split must be the same length. This will be tricky to do and I think it can turns to nightmare, but maybe I have idea how to accomplish this, I will have jet to try.

It will take very long time before map will be finished, but before I continue with logic improvement and before I actually start making a map I would like to know if you are interested in this type of map (if I actually succeed to make it) and if the hud I've made would be clear enough so that players would understand what is happening on the control points?

This is how the HUD will look like on two different acpect ratios (I will test on bigger screen resolutions in next weeks/months):

Aspect Ratio 4:3 (1280x1024)

Acpect Ratio 16:10 (1280x800)
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soylent robot

L420: High Member
May 26, 2009

5 months ago I got the idea to make hybrid pl/cp map, but I was never mapping before. So I started to learn how to use hammer and soon I just started to learning what which entity do and if this what I want to do is even possible.
I was also looking where to publish map when it would be finished and I found this useful site. I found a lot of helpful topics here, but I also found out that this "idea" I've got it's not new at all. I red about problems with glitchy hud, but I say to myself I can try and see what is really going on. And yes, I soon found out what those problems are ...
[blah blah blah]
This is how the HUD will look like on two different acpect ratios (I will test on bigger screen resolutions in next weeks/months):



what kind of mad genius are you
if you can make it work (which it looks like you can) i look forward to the result


L11: Posh Member
Oct 24, 2010
I take screenshots in Spectator mode. No need for noclip or r_drawviewmodel 0, and no accidentally triggering stuff such as trigger_hurt or a payload cart.
May 2, 2009

Based on last gameday it seemed like the spawn was too easy to camp so I added couple alternative routes out. It also plays tetris music everytime one of those doors is opened