I've been fighting with an idea for the past couple of days and testing it around in game.
Simply put, each team has a generator with 3 'lives'. Destroy one, another one will come up but with more hp (There is a reason for the 3 lives but id rather not share yet). In front of the generator is a gate, enemies can capture the area around the generator to disable the gate, and defenders can capture it back to close the gate again.
Pretty much everything is working so far
https://gfycat.com/HauntingInsecureFritillarybutterfly except for one issue. I cannot get the cap to revert to being owned by the defenders after a generator is destroyed. Setting the owner doesn't work, trying have completely different capture points enable wasn't working (and was making things really messy). So hey if anyone has any ideas Im all ears.
Also if anyone has a clever way to have a game_text show a func_breakables health, that would be a good help