Here's a layout of an idea I had that will probably never hit a1 in the next 2-3 months.
Blue- Blu's side. Yellow- rocket courtyard. Brown- australium room (underground), Red- duplicated & mirrored Blu side.
It's and sd map, meant to be very similar to doomsday, or, if you would- fix doomsday!
Here's what I thought of:
In doomsday, it's really hard to get on the elevator once it started accending.
My idea for the elevator design of moving diagonally- up and forward will offer a better chance of participating in killing or protecting the australium carrier on the elevator, or joining him on his way up after the elevator started accending.
Really short elevator path ensures no more hightower/doomsday-esque stalemates.
Spawn location closer to the australium than to the rocket hopefully helps to make the near-spawn areas (like the one on doomsday) more useful.
^^ these areas.
The traditional sniper balcony from doomsday just got even more separated from the world, being on the other side of the deathpit, only accessible by teammates, or explosive jumps. I planned this feature as a joke, but it might actually work...
I will be happy to hear some opinions!