Game WIP Stuff
Really late on replying here but I just wanted to tell you this:
This is a FPS where you teleport around, as I can tell via the way the dude has his hands held out.
Gonna be totally honest here, not meant to hurt any feelings:
Depending on how you apply this, this could either be REALLY REALLY good
It would probably work best in singleplayer, and not multiplayer, because I really can't see this as a multiplayer game.
It just seems like teleporting beside someone and shooting them would not work out too well.
However, I do have high hopes for the idea, and I urge you to do whatever it takes to make sure it works.![]()
Anyone who likes really long payload maps?
Full album here
I'm going to have to find a way to make the map feel a bit more open here and there... then I'll be ready for some alpha playtesting.
Holy bananas that looks awesome.
The windows with stone all around on the first screen are strange. You should replace the horizontal stones by wood beams.
To note, it might be usefull taking a look on how they solve that in rottenburg.
See the left side, that tiny window. It has a single stone line below and on top of it. Your window might be too large for the top and bottom. But at least it could inspire you on widing it. Many times in rottenburg its done by an arc on top which is much better at supporting and for that reason makes more sense. The bottom in this case could just be a flat but thicker type of stones that are still horizontal.
I also dont like the pink color on it. The right side one looks fine to me (it fits well with wood) but on the left the pink just looks weird.
Damn dude, I hope it's as good as it looks nice.
IMO city could be fixed by adding more cover spots, a better & more open start area, and this one could be like city reboot, lol.
The spawn gates look too closed off though, look at any good pl map's starting part- its always open. Also I don't think a cliff needs to be there.
All the official maps are at least a bit more open.
Thanks man, map's actually almost ready for a playtest (keep an eye on my Steam Group)
Also about City: I'm still not done with the project, it's just on hold. I feel like it has plenty of potential, so when I get a boost of inspiration, I'll get back to it again!
I agree on the cliff there, might remove it in alpha2 if the other playtesters agree.
I also agree that the map should be a bit more open. I ain't too sure how to do that though... any tips are welcome!
OT: new pic:
Opening it up is simple- if you look at where the cliff is, just make it playable space. Make it lowground there or something if you want it to be less useful as an attack point, or make it a large building, but be careful with where the exit points are. Gameplay changes will have to be made there.
It doesn't have to actually be playable.. a fence with detailing behind it can make a space feel more open without actually increasing the playable space. Or you can go the Upward route and make death cliffs all over the place.
Chain link fences and displacements are your friend.
koth map I'm working on as a memorial for the cp map that I accidently deleted