Why do you love steam convos?

Sep 1, 2009
10:24 - Godslayer57 llGHll: what would you be if your mother was a slice of bread and your father a pig?
10:26 - Ravidge: skeptic
10:27 - Yes Mother: alternatively, non existant since bread is dead
10:29 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Personally I was thinking that you would be a ham sandwhich
10:30 - Yes Mother: nope that'd be totally wrong
10:30 - Yes Mother: mother - 1 slice, child - 2 slices. how?
10:30 - AyesDyef: What kinda lame sandwich only has a a sl-
10:30 - AyesDyef: YM beat me to it :p
10:32 - AyesDyef: Hmmm...
10:32 - AyesDyef: I'm wondering if I should dye my hair.
10:32 - Yes Mother: PINK
10:32 - Yes Mother: PINK
10:32 - Yes Mother: PICK PINK
10:32 - AyesDyef: Either brown with blonde highlights.
10:32 - Godslayer57 llGHll: Yellow?
10:32 - AyesDyef: Or maroon
10:32 - Godslayer57 llGHll: banana
10:33 - Godslayer57 llGHll: non existant flavour
10:33 - Yes Mother: blond highlights in guys hair is very 1990s
10:33 - Yes Mother: jfyi
10:33 - AyesDyef: :p
10:34 - AyesDyef: It's common place in Asian countries.

Moving on


Jun 9, 2009
19:25 - Howling Techie: Oh no holding both shift keys at once does not make letters extra capital.
Mar 23, 2010
ƒѕ™Boosε, alien ghost: it just occured to me that this chat feels the need to tell everybody how little it cares about everything at least 2 times every day
ƒѕ™Boosε, alien ghost: when really
Seboo: penis
Seboo left chat.


Sep 11, 2013
7:17 PM - yyler ☂: Does anyone ever wonder what cliff_wall3 and cliff_wall4 were?
7:17 PM - A Boojum Snark: Shhh.
7:17 PM - A Boojum Snark: We do not speak of them.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
So idling in the TWP chats throw up some odd stuff sometimes.

kentservices entered chat.
kentservices: hi
kentservices: hello
kentservices: hello
kentservices: hello
kentservices: hello
LeSawedInHalf: hi
kentservices: hi
kentservices: what you doing
LeSawedInHalf: nothing much
kentservices: kk
kentservices: look when i type my password in it does this
kentservices: ********
LeSawedInHalf: i've done that to too many people to fall for that
kentservices: wtf
kentservices: damn do you have eny saggestions for doing that
LeSawedInHalf: not really
kentservices: kk bye
kentservices left chat.
LeSawedInHalf: ...bye

Also (Paraphrased Heavily)

DEMON MASTER: Hey i need help
LeSwordfish: Sure
LeSwordfish: How can i help?
DEMON MASTER: I need portal 2
LeSwordfish: ..wat
DEMON MASTER: plz i need portal 2 i can trade u serious sam
LeSwordfish: What?
DEMON MASTER: plz i want make video
DEMON MASTER: i have serious sam
LeSwordfish: I can't help you.
DEMON MASTER: pleeease
DEMON MASTER: I need it for a video
LeSwordfish: I'm sorry.
DEMON MASTER: i have serious sam!
Mar 23, 2010
void desligou: i'm wearing kind of skinny pants, a button-up beneath a vest, and newsboy cap that matches the vest. i'm hunched over a computer with a latte and i look tired as shit.
void desligou: plus chuck taylors
])oo]v[ | TF2maps.net: i slowly reach my left hand into my underpants

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
9:04 PM - Languid: 1.6 ghz processor thats pretty ballin
9:04 PM - theConstantWarrior: BOO!
9:04 PM - Languid: im gonna be so pissed if i cant play quake
9:05 PM - Circe ☂: Hey
9:05 PM - theConstantWarrior: Hi
9:05 PM - Circe ☂: The original is dumb.
9:05 PM - theConstantWarrior: D:
9:05 PM - Cash C. Rollin: quake players are pretty elitist
9:05 PM - Cash C. Rollin: gotta play that quake dawg
9:05 PM - Cash C. Rollin: my aim is so good been playing quake 4 hrs a day dawg
9:05 PM - theConstantWarrior: Even with its legit control scheme?
9:06 PM - Languid: doom is superior anyway
9:06 PM - Languid: mouse look is for total faggots
9:06 PM - Okrag: HeXen
9:06 PM - Okrag: bro
9:06 PM - Okrag: it's like doom with wizards
9:06 PM - theConstantWarrior: I like Firefox the Best
9:06 PM - WastedMeerkat: it's funny because languid said it
9:07 PM - theConstantWarrior: 'Failpun'
9:07 PM - Okrag: real men play using a fightstick
9:07 PM - theConstantWarrior: Oh
9:07 PM - theConstantWarrior: Like what Teddy Roosevelt said
9:07 PM - Cash C. Rollin: http://www.youtube.com/watch?NR=1&v=smE-uIljiGo this is old
9:07 PM - Okrag: "Real men use a fightstick"
9:07 PM - Okrag: -Teddy Roosevelt
9:07 PM - theConstantWarrior: no
9:08 PM - theConstantWarrior: "Tread lightly, but carry a big stick."
9:08 PM - theConstantWarrior: - Teddy Roosevelt
9:08 PM - Okrag: "Tread lightly, but if you don't have a fightstick you're not a real man."
9:08 PM - Okrag: -Teddy Roosevelt
9:08 PM - yyler ☂: does anyone want to have a casual game thing
9:08 PM - Prestige: im bored
9:08 PM - yyler ☂: i just wanna play some random customs
9:09 PM - Okrag: monopoly night
9:09 PM - theConstantWarrior: Yeah
9:09 PM - Okrag: oh
9:09 PM - Okrag: you mean casual tf2
9:09 PM - Prestige: isketch night
9:09 PM - theConstantWarrior: I need some causual TF2
9:09 PM - Okrag: ^
9:09 PM - Okrag: no
9:09 PM - Okrag: the prestige thing
9:09 PM - WastedMeerkat: "Tread lightly, but let's go kick some Nazi ass." -Teddy Roosevelt
9:09 PM - theConstantWarrior: muahahahahahhaha


Nov 1, 2009
03:07 - Prestige: let's have some fun, chat
03:07 - Angry Angus: Who knew shoes could be so exciting
03:07 - yyler ☂: alright prestige
03:07 - yyler ☂: im already naked, so thats a start
03:08 - Prestige: nevermind

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
03:07 - Prestige: let's have some fun, chat
03:07 - Angry Angus: Who knew shoes could be so exciting
03:07 - yyler ☂: alright prestige
03:07 - yyler ☂: im already naked, so thats a start
03:08 - Prestige: nevermind

Why am I not surprised.


L4: Comfortable Member
Nov 16, 2009
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: sorry ive been busy
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: i left bf2 open woops
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: also stema overlay doesnt work in bf2
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: butt uhh
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: just finish an alpha on your map and test it
Dragonstorm: you dont even want to view dat file?
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: i lost the link
Dragonstorm: http://www.mediafire.com/?ljl91iyx5omnz1a
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: ew mediafire
Dragonstorm: I dont have my dropbox account favorited anymore
Dragonstorm: I need to re favorite it
Dragonstorm: I just need some brainstorming cause Im kinda stuck
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: what do you want me to say
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: i dunno
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: maybe a path to the top from the middle?
Dragonstorm: just look over it, I cant think of any geometry to break up the site lines but fit in
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: i dunno
Dr. Super and Mr. Sandvich: just get it tested, stop overthinking
Dragonstorm: Gah I think I think about these things to much so I never release anything.
Dragonstorm: I should just finish the stairs and entities and release it.....
Dragonstorm clenches hands and looks up


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
10:30 AM - HauntedScarekat: 'lo
pumpkin_penguin entered chat.
10:32 AM - TechTF: Hi wasted pengcat
10:32 AM - HauntedScarekat: :eek:
10:34 AM - HauntedScarekat: I wouldn't mind fusing together with peng
10:34 AM - HauntedScarekat: we would be unstoppable
10:34 AM - TechTF: You still wouldn't be able to fly
10:35 AM - HauntedScarekat: that's why we would then fuse with owl
10:35 AM - HauntedScarekat: and then muffin, so we could eat ourselves
12:02 PM - HauntedScareKat: there should be an arena_hardhat_event
12:02 PM - pumpkin_penguin: nope
12:02 PM - HauntedScarekat: there should be a koth_hardhat
12:02 PM - pumpkin_penguin: nope
12:02 PM - HauntedScarekat: :<
1 char

Also, this random kid in the server during EU gameday today:
{WFTG} Sn1per : looks same...
{WFTG} Sn1per : same texture used...
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : its a development map
{WFTG} Sn1per : so
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : You focus on gameplay.
{WFTG} Sn1per : everyone had to make with this texture?
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : its not TC... stock.
{WFTG} Sn1per : i mean
{WFTG} Sn1per : i like them
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : no, but this makes it easier when moving things around.
{WFTG} Sn1per : just, simmilar
{WFTG} Sn1per : so is event over?
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : Nooo
{WFTG} Sn1per : to make a map
(Voice) Loc_n_lol: No
{WFTG} Sn1per : is it?
Rikka the Ripper : are you making a map sniper? if it doesn't suck, its mine
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : What event to make a map?
{WFTG} Sn1per : is event to make a map
Rikka the Ripper : oh god, that time
{WFTG} Sn1per : i just asked
{WFTG} Sn1per : could map still be done?
LeSawedInHalf : there isnt an event
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : kinda
{WFTG} Sn1per : well
*DEAD* Rikka the Ripper : i'm the event
{WFTG} Sn1per : who made athose maps then?
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : Which ones?
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : the NotLU ones?
*DEAD* The Haunted Kid : all different people in our community
*DEAD* Rikka the Ripper : those ones
OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag : This is just a map someone made
OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag : there's no event
{WFTG} Sn1per : -.-
OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag : you can make a map whenever
{WFTG} Sn1per : ah
Rikka the Ripper : you do realize anyone can make a map at any time, right
{WFTG} Sn1per : okay
{WFTG} Sn1per : might do one...
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : check out tf2maps.net (the server hosts), we have tutorials.
*DEAD* HauntedScarekat : go for it
*DEAD* {WFTG} Sn1per : i dont need tutorials
It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! : We're the #1 community mapping community
Rikka the Ripper : do it, i need more maps to take credit for
*DEAD* HauntedScarekat : yes you do
{WFTG} Sn1per : i know
Last edited:

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
(3:35:46 PM) TF2M-US[server]: Chocolate Thunder connected.
(3:35:50 PM) TF2M-US[server]: arsenixatgii connected.
(3:35:51 PM) TF2M-US[server]: BlackCalibur connected.
(3:35:54 PM) TF2M-US[server]: OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag: critical mass!
(3:35:55 PM) TF2M-US[server]: Psycopathic Narwhal connected.
(3:35:56 PM) TF2M-US[server]: Rassenmischung connected.
(3:35:57 PM) TF2M-US[server]: [354NC] Alaric connected.
(3:35:59 PM) TF2M-US[server]: jwl1212 connected.
(3:36:00 PM) TF2M-US[server]: TheKaiserMan connected.
(3:36:01 PM) TF2M-US[server]: *SSS* AppleJuice connected.
(3:36:02 PM) TF2M-US[server]: CALE connected.
(3:36:03 PM) TF2M-US[server]: normb7 connected.
(3:36:04 PM) TF2M-US[server]: jal481 connected.
(3:36:05 PM) TF2M-US[server]: OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag: holy shit
(3:36:07 PM) TF2M-US[server]: It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Holy shit.
(3:36:09 PM) TF2M-US[server]: Nutkin (Epplejeck) connected.

Cap'n she's reached critical mass!


L3: Member
Jul 20, 2011

10:47 PM - Angry Angus: OI
10:47 PM - Angry Angus: FROZEN
10:47 PM - Angry Angus: Hows that all nighter going
10:47 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: pretty well
10:47 PM - Angry Angus: Caffine dependance yet?
10:47 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: couple more hours left, still need to shower and a couple problems.
10:47 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Nah
10:48 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Don't drink caffine ever/at all
10:48 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: /if at all*
Eyce is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
10:49 PM - E² SpookZerooooooooh!: Can I join you in the shower?
10:49 PM - E² SpookZerooooooooh! starts undressing
10:49 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Of course not.
10:49 PM - Angry Angus grabs camera
10:49 PM - Angry Angus: Damn
10:49 PM - E² SpookZerooooooooh! stays undressed and sad :(
10:50 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: you guys are nuts.
10:50 PM - It's the Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: ... literally.
10:50 PM - E² SpookZerooooooooh!: No, these are my nuts


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
12:00 AM - OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag: can any of you guys read japanese?
Seboo left chat.
12:01 AM - HauntedScarekat: no
12:01 AM - OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag: can you try?
12:01 AM - HauntedScarekat: sure
12:01 AM - OooooOOOOOOOOoooookrag: http://twitter.com/#!/frieda0914/status/130507500276559872
void, king of space and time entered chat.
12:02 AM - HauntedScarekat: well google translate says "Frank was exposed from the event and play Raccoon"
12:02 AM - El Verumae - M. Lao: rough translation, sorry I'm not good, Frank was exposed from the event and play Raccoon
12:02 AM - El Verumae - M. Lao: fuck meerkat
12:02 AM - HauntedScarekat: lolol