Why do you love steam convos?


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
BY: 21:43 - BY: just make your name 'terwonick desligou'
21:43 - BY: the rest of us will understand
BY: just in case ya missed it
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): I did
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): but what does "desligou" mean
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): To the Google
BY: disconnected
BY: in portugese
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): ahh
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): ok
BY: it's a thing in chat that when a man has bad net, he must hang his head in shame and put desligou in his name
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): aww
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): but I already have another shame mark
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp): Terwonick: Man of Two Shames
( ') Terwonick (on nogame comp) has changed their name to ( ')Terwonick: Man of Two Shames.
( ')Terwonick: Man of Two Shames: good enough?
BY: nope
( ')Terwonick: Man of Two Shames: oh...
BY: must be terwonick desligou
BY: no caps, only words
shad - prestige: http://i.imgur.com/UfnXX.png lol
shad - prestige: america
LeSwordfish ManCarrot: he doesnt need to join in an in-joke
shad - prestige: well not america
shad - prestige: CORPORATIONS!
( ')Terwonick: Man of Two Shames has changed their name to ( ')terwonick desligou/nogame.
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame: there you go
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame: prestige, lol
terwonick desligou: should be this
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame: hey
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame: your' me
terwonick desligou has changed their name to by desligou.
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame: freeky
by desligou: i would be this
by desligou has changed their name to BY.
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame: frickyfrickfresh dog
( ')terwonick desligou/nogame has changed their name to ( ')terwonick desligou.

and no, I'm not getting rid of the apple.


Nov 7, 2010
a slunchy never says pie: i mean, why ruin that relationship with sexual sex
Fubar: hi :D
85KanyePhelps -214 days ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ: "sexual sex"
Fubar: sexual sex?
Aly: sexual sexual sex?
yyler ☂: sex sexual
Fubar: can you have non-sexual sex then?
shad - prestige: oh slunchy
a slunchy never says pie: "hey, wanna go get some coffee?" "woah, bitch lay off, i'm a sex sexual"
Sep 1, 2009
02:49 - Fr0z3n: I'm not Atheist.
02:50 - Fr0z3n: But i'm not super religious.
02:50 - Fr0z3n: I'm accepting in both Scientific and Religious thought.
02:50 - Godslayer57 llGHll: in layman terms : Frozen is a cookie
02:50 - {FITH} ™ Da_man: i want a cookie now
02:50 - {FITH} ™ Da_man eats frozen
02:50 - Godslayer57 llGHll: a little bit of biscult and a little bit of chocolate
02:50 - {FITH} ™ Da_man: that was delicious
02:50 - Fr0z3n: You needed to heat me up.
02:51 - Godslayer57 llGHll: just ignore how weird that sounded
02:51 - {FITH} ™ Da_man: they say the same thing about poptarts, but they taste just fine raw

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010
11:52 PM - Fubar: ragdolls and power 4 don't match too well
11:53 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: haha
11:53 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: I see
11:53 PM - Fubar: you need a big ass brush for it not to crash
11:53 PM - slunchy isn't made of candy: big ass-brush
11:54 PM - Mr. Wimples: What if the poer 4 displacement is relatively large?
11:55 PM - Mr. Wimples: power*
11:55 PM - Mr. Wimples: Is that what you meant by big ass-brush?
11:55 PM - Mr. Wimples: bigh-ass brush*
11:56 PM - Mr. Wimples: dammit slunchy
11:56 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: lol
11:56 PM - pumpkin_penguin: big assbrush
11:56 PM - Fubar: you want your triangles to be big enough
11:56 PM - Fubar: so you need a big surface
11:56 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: I think I should draw a "big assbrush"
AyesDyef entered chat.
11:56 PM - AyesDyef: MAN!
11:57 PM - Mr. Wimples: Ayes
11:57 PM - Mr. Wimples: Quick
11:57 PM - Mr. Wimples: We need a Big Ass-Brush model
11:57 PM - AyesDyef: Okay!
11:57 PM - AyesDyef: What.
Last edited:

Tarry H Sruman

Large Orphanage Proprietor
Jul 31, 2011
11:52 PM - Fubar: ragdolls and power 4 don't match too well
11:53 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: haha
11:53 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: I see
11:53 PM - Fubar: you need a big ass brush for it not to crash
11:53 PM - slunchy isn't made of candy: big ass-brush
11:54 PM - Mr. Wimples: What if the poer 4 displacement is relatively large?
11:55 PM - Mr. Wimples: power*
11:55 PM - Mr. Wimples: Is that what you meant by big ass-brush?
11:55 PM - Mr. Wimples: bigh-ass brush*
11:56 PM - Mr. Wimples: dammit slunchy
11:56 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: lol
11:56 PM - pumpkin_penguin: big assbrush
11:56 PM - Fubar: you want your triangles to be big enough
11:56 PM - Fubar: so you need a big surface
11:56 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: I think I should draw a "big assbrush"
AyesDyef entered chat.
11:56 PM - AyesDyef: MAN!
11:57 PM - Mr. Wimples: Ayes
11:57 PM - Mr. Wimples: Quick
11:57 PM - Mr. Wimples: We need a Big Ass-Brush model
11:57 PM - AyesDyef: Okay!
11:57 PM - AyesDyef: What.

8:57 PM - AyesDyef: What like a square brush?
8:57 PM - AyesDyef: Or like, a paintbrush brush?
8:57 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: not a big-ass brush
8:57 PM - Tarry H. Sruman: a big ass-brush
8:57 PM - AyesDyef: OH
8:57 PM - AyesDyef: Alright
8:57 PM - AyesDyef: Brb assbrush

Mr. Wimples

L6: Sharp Member
Jan 27, 2010

Courtesy of AyesDyef


L6: Sharp Member
Aug 25, 2010
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
4:20 PM - Rexy: looks like it's harribo
4:20 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: hi rexy
4:20 PM - Rexy: hi
4:21 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: so, for all the marbles (quite a few), how do I find out if a girl wants to be more than a friend, what should I do to get a girl to want to be more than a friend.
4:22 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: P.S. I'm not 16 yet and neither is she
4:22 PM - Rexy: sneak into her house and steal her underwear
4:22 PM - Rexy: girls love that
4:22 PM - Ezekel: um, don't ask a gaming chatroom for dating advice
4:22 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: and where should I ask
4:22 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: cause as sure as hell I'm not askin my mom
4:22 PM - supersandvich: ask your irl friends
4:22 PM - Ezekel: but seriously: it really depends the girl, you know her and you know if she'd like you to be straight and blunt or coy and subtle
4:23 PM - Ezekel: we don't know the girl
4:23 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: hmm
4:23 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: good point
4:23 PM - supersandvich: "what is the universal formula for girls"
4:23 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: so give me some generalized advice
4:23 PM - Ezekel: your best person to ask is a mutual friend who you know can keep secrets
4:23 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: and I have none
supersandvich is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
4:23 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: next advice
4:23 PM - supersandvich: wear a sombrero, she will fall for you instantly
4:23 PM - Ezekel: be polite...
4:23 PM - Rexy: steal her underwear
4:23 PM - Ezekel: but not too polite
4:23 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Don't date until your 16.
4:23 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Be efficient.
4:23 PM - Tom Cruise: rexy's plan is foolproof
4:24 PM - Rexy: make sure when you sneak into her house, wear a black ski mask
4:24 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: Frozen, I'm 16 in about two months
4:24 PM - Ezekel: the problem is that girls are just as varied as guys
4:24 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: then 18
4:24 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: no
4:24 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: NO DATING TIL YOU ARE MARRIED
4:24 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: honestly.
4:24 PM - Rexy: yeah, just steal underwear until you're married
4:24 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: so I should just propose to her?
4:24 PM - Ezekel boston bashes frozen
4:24 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: I had 1 relationship in highschool. It sucked.
4:24 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: Don't date til college.
supersandvich is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
4:24 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: this is all terrible advice
4:24 PM - Ezekel: let me ask you terwonick: does it sound like a good idea to do that?
4:25 PM - Rexy: the more underwear you steal, the greater your chance that she will marry you
4:25 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: other than the whole "be polite stuff"
4:25 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: 4:22 PM - Ezekel: um, don't ask a gaming chatroom for dating advice
4:25 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: ...
E² StickZ♥r0 has changed their name to Mm bagels ……E² StickZer0.
4:25 PM - Tom Cruise: it never ends well
4:25 PM - Ezekel: the best advice anyone could give you is this: do what you think is right
4:25 PM - supersandvich: ask tom cruise, he is the expert on girls
4:25 PM - supersandvich: especially GAMER GURLZZZZZZZZ
4:25 PM - Tom Cruise: oh gosh super
4:25 PM - Ezekel: you know yourself and you know her
E² StickZ♥r0 has changed their name to E² StickZer0……Mmm bagels.
4:25 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: she's not a gamer
4:26 PM - supersandvich: i want bagels
4:26 PM - Rexy: the first step in this process, is to remove 'desligou' from your name
4:26 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: , she's a dino-fanatic
4:26 PM - Tom Cruise: play games with her then
4:26 PM - supersandvich: she will love dino d day
4:26 PM - Rexy: girls don't like guys who hang up on themselves, cut themselves off
4:26 PM - Tom Cruise: then steal her underwear while she's too entranced by games
4:26 PM - --Asshat-->: You get bonus points if you stop her from buying underwear ever again for fear running out of money
4:26 PM - LeSwordfish: http://welele.es/post/10992914888/nyan-schrodinger-cat
4:26 PM - --Asshat-->: and an achievement
It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! disconnected.
4:27 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I don't want an achievement
4:27 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I want a girl
4:27 PM - --Asshat-->: pffft
4:27 PM - Ezekel: ...any girl?
4:27 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: no
4:27 PM - --Asshat-->: girls are for losers
4:27 PM - Tom Cruise: then go over there and take her
4:28 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: hmm
4:28 PM - Tom Cruise: throw her over your shoulder and walk out
4:28 PM - supersandvich: i dont need girls i got mountain dew
4:28 PM - Rexy: what are you going to do with her once you get 'this girl' terwonick
4:28 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I'm afraid she might find that kinda wierd
4:28 PM - Ezekel hates the mentality of "need to have a girlfriend to be normal"
4:28 PM - Rexy: I mean really
4:28 PM - Ezekel: people end up getting obsessed over that sorta thing
4:28 PM - LeSwordfish: if you need to, i can play that music that plays in the film
4:28 PM - LeSwordfish: she can put your unsual hat on her head
4:28 PM - supersandvich: rexy: sleep with her
4:28 PM - E² StickZer0……Mmm bagels: Have you tried stealing her underwear?
4:28 PM - supersandvich: then what?
4:28 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I don't need to have a GF to feel normal, she just makes me feel good when I'm around her
It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n! entered chat.
4:29 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: and it's not magic
4:29 PM - supersandvich: oh baby ;3
4:29 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: so trine didn't work.
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Connected again and rejoined chat.
E² StickZ♥r0 has changed their name to E² StickZer0……Mmm bagels.
])oo]v[ | TF2maps.net is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
4:29 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: 4:29 PM - Tom Cruise: aw
4:29 PM - Tom Cruise: he rage quit
4:29 PM - Rexy: that's almost a drug statement terwonick
4:29 PM - Tom Cruise: lol
4:29 PM - Rexy: I don't need POT to feel normal, it just makes me feel good when I'm around it
4:30 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: :O
4:30 PM - supersandvich: anime is tom cruise's anti drug
4:30 PM - Tom Cruise: stalk her, take tons of pictures of her, send them to her house
4:30 PM - Matt (2): Well that was dumb shit
4:30 PM - Tom Cruise: optional: write "I love you" on the envelope
4:30 PM - supersandvich: write "i love you" on the underwear
4:30 PM - Rexy: do what napoleon dynamite did and draw her portrait
4:31 PM - Matt (2): Refactor Code->Don't back it up
4:31 PM - Rexy: make sure to spend lots of time on the shading on her upper lip
4:31 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I was actually thinking about re-doing a bunch of songs and compiling them into an album and then giving it to her for her birthday
4:31 PM - supersandvich: adaaaawable
4:31 PM - supersandvich: daaaaaaaaawwwwuuuuuurrrgggggggg
4:31 PM - Rexy: that's too complicated, just steal a bunch of her underwear
4:31 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: don't worry, if I do, I'll post it for you guys
4:31 PM - Matt (2): lol rexy
4:32 PM - Rexy: and gift it to her on her birthday
4:32 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I have to go do the dishes
4:32 PM - --Asshat-->: I have the perfect chat up line for you
4:32 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: have fun
4:32 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: what is it?
4:32 PM - Rexy: and for best effect shout SURPRISE when she opens the box full of her undies
4:32 PM - Ezekel: rexy, you're a reall ass sometimes, ya know
4:32 PM - --Asshat-->: Does this rag smell like chlorophorm to you?
])oo]v[ | TF2maps.net is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
])oo]v[ | TF2maps.net is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
4:32 PM - Archmage MC: Question. Does an Areaportal also split visleafs or no?
4:32 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: WTF
4:32 PM - Ezekel: archmage: yes
4:32 PM - Rexy: archmage, yes
4:32 PM - supersandvich: haha asshat
4:32 PM - Archmage MC: Thanks.
4:33 PM - Rexy: hey, you were the one who said not to ask for dating advice in a chatroom
4:33 PM - E² StickZer0……Mmm bagels: TF2M Lonely Hearts Club is open
4:33 PM - Ezekel: and you were the one who kept going on about it
4:33 PM - Archmage MC: Finding the right type of girl, or just finding a girl in general thats not taken is pretty hard :(
4:34 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: I'm not lonely :D
4:34 PM - Ezekel: archmage, i think it's true about guys too at least from what girls tell me
4:34 PM - --Asshat-->: thats what they all say
4:34 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: that's because you have the TF2M comunitty to keep you company
4:34 PM - Rexy: well would you be surprised if I told you that's how I met a girl in college, by stealing her underwear and giving it back to her in a box and shouting SURPRISE!
4:34 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I don't
4:34 PM - Ezekel: "mr right is always already taken" i hear so often
4:34 PM - Rexy: ?
4:34 PM - supersandvich: tom "FUCK GIRLS I GOT ANIME" cruise
4:34 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: lol
4:34 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: do it
4:35 PM - LeSwordfish: i got a girl by accidentally implying she was fat
4:35 PM - Ezekel: rexy, i wouldn't be surprised. it sounds like the sorta thing you would say
4:35 PM - Rexy: how do you know I'm not giving advice from experience
4:35 PM - Ezekel: if you REALLY did it is another matter
4:35 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: lol
4:35 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I hope so
4:35 PM - Archmage MC: Hm, Ez, I've heard that too.
4:35 PM - Matt (2): Rexy: Isn't that the story of your first restraining order too?
4:35 PM - LeSwordfish: another one texted me to say "I;m lowering my standards, will you go out with me"
])oo]v[ | TF2maps.net is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
4:35 PM - LeSwordfish: and another one still denies i ever knew her
4:35 PM - Matt (2): Swordfish: Text back and say "Sorry, I still have standards."
4:35 PM - Archmage MC: But usually thats because they don't wanna step up and ask the guy out, they wanna wait for the guy or soem such. Sometimes anyway.
4:35 PM - Ezekel: swordfish: sounds like you have a low self esteem
4:36 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: how much trouble do you think I'd get in if I posted alll this on the steam convo page
4:36 PM - LeSwordfish: oh i have a great self esteem
4:36 PM - LeSwordfish: everyone else has a low me-esteem
4:36 PM - Ezekel: terwonick, i thouhgt you had dishes to do?
4:36 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I do
4:36 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: ...
4:36 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: stop distracting me
4:37 PM - Ezekel: well chop chop. girls like guys who are punctual about things
4:37 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: ok
4:37 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: good advice
Kiddnils left chat.
4:37 PM - Archmage MC: Nah, girls like bad boys that are abusive.
4:37 PM - Ezekel: of course it is
4:37 PM - Ezekel: I said it
4:37 PM - Archmage MC: For some odd reason.
4:37 PM - Ezekel: and i'm a physicist
4:37 PM - Ezekel: i know all
4:37 PM - LeSwordfish: ^
4:37 PM - Archmage MC: Even though they'd prefer to be with a nice guy, they'll find him boring.
4:37 PM - Ezekel: no archmage, that's just you
4:37 PM - Ezekel: XD
4:37 PM - LeSwordfish: atoms, bitches, all the same
4:37 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: rofl
4:37 PM - Archmage MC: Nah, its all hormones talking.
4:38 PM - Rexy: another relationship I started by saying, 'so, when's the orgy?'
4:38 PM - Archmage MC: Evolution is a freaking douche.
4:38 PM - Rexy: that lasted about a year, pretty good for a pickupline like that
4:38 PM - Ezekel: rexy... just stop
4:38 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: hahahahahahahaha
4:38 PM - Rexy: I'm not kidding around man
4:38 PM - Ezekel: i don't care whether you are or aren't
4:38 PM - Ezekel: it's just... not funny and TMI
4:38 PM - Rexy: well maybe to you
4:39 PM - Archmage MC: I've lost quite a few girls to bad boys because they were more 'intersting' and the girl got bored that I listened to everything she said. My experience, not necessarily the norm.
4:39 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: it is funny
4:39 PM - Rexy: some people might find it informative
4:39 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: I think it's hilarious
4:39 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: rexy is the bst part of this convo right now to me
4:39 PM - LeSwordfish: my current relationship issue is i cant remember if i kissed this girl or not
4:39 PM - Rexy: girls tend to be initially interested by outgoing actions
4:39 PM - --Asshat-->: "You have 206 bones in your body. Want one more?"
4:39 PM - LeSwordfish: oh hell yeah
4:39 PM - ƒѕ™Boo-sε the alien ghost: hahahahaha
4:39 PM - Archmage MC: LOL
4:39 PM - It's The Great Pumpkin, Fr0z3n!: i got dumped by my first girlfriend because I was too nice
4:40 PM - LeSwordfish: you want girls, do drama
4:40 PM - Archmage MC: Drama?
4:40 PM - Rexy: swordfish has it right
shad - prestige entered chat.
4:40 PM - Ezekel: jeez..
4:40 PM - Ezekel: american relationships are weird
4:40 PM - Archmage MC: So basically, stop being so mellow?
4:40 PM - LeSwordfish: being prepared to look dumb on stage has been what got me 75% of my relationships
4:40 PM - Rexy: I had a lot of dates in highschool through after-school theater productions
4:40 PM - Archmage MC: I'm GREAT at drama! Just don't got anything to do it with.
4:41 PM - Archmage MC: Ever had that stagefright issue? Like your fine some ngihts and others you've got stagefright?
4:41 PM - Ezekel: never

the only advice I actually got out of this was:
  1. Be Polite
  2. Don't be to polite or they'll leave
  3. Don't steal their underware
  4. Never listen to Rexy about girls
  5. Be outgoing to get their attention

any more advice?


L3: Member
Sep 2, 2011
The Music idea was pretty good. I fallen in love with a gamer girl, too. But I cant ask her.


L1: Registered
Jun 16, 2011

yyler has something to tell us

Well, this was a disappointment.

I guess you could say yyler ruined the joke by being homosexual.
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Jun 9, 2009
23:47 - yyler ☂: fuck you prestige you're just a mouth breathing mongoloid shitstain running down the collective boxer shorts of the more aspergic internet
23:47 - yyler ☂: dont tell me what i know
23:47 - Seba: tell him what he doesn't know instead
23:47 - yyler ☂: FUCK
yyler ☂ left chat.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
23:47 - yyler ☂: fuck you prestige you're just a mouth breathing mongoloid shitstain running down the collective boxer shorts of the more aspergic internet
23:47 - yyler ☂: dont tell me what i know
23:47 - Seba: tell him what he doesn't know instead
23:47 - yyler ☂: FUCK
yyler ☂ left chat.

yyler would be a great writer, if he could channel those descriptive word talents into something more constructive.


L6: Sharp Member
May 31, 2009
Not Quakeman entered chat.
16:27 - Not Quakeman: hey guys i have question
16:27 - Mr. WImples: GOSH I'M SO FUNNY
16:33 - Mr. WImples: Is chat acting up again or is everyone still asleep?
16:34 - Steff0o: still asleep
16:34 - Godslayer57 llGHll: I am the darkness , I am the night. I am ....Gabe newell
16:35 - Mr. WImples: Batgabe
Definitely not Quakeman, iSwear entered chat.
pumpkin_penguin entered chat.
16:40 - Mr. WImples: Did you seriously make a new account just to do that
16:40 - Definitely not Quakeman, iSwear: no
16:40 - Mr. WImples: l: |
16:41 - Mr. WImples: Then why did you respond.
16:41 - Mr. WImples: You just entered chat
16:41 - Mr. WImples: How dod you know I was addressing you?
16:41 - Mr. WImples: huh?
16:41 - Mr. WImples: HUH?!
16:41 - Steff0o Mac OS X: hahaha
16:41 - Mr. WImples: Steff you so bad
16:41 - Steff0o Mac OS X: GOSH I'M SO FUNNY


Jun 9, 2009
Hey guys let's not

here's a random chat quote

17:46 - Super Muffin Galaxy inserts nazis
17:46 - A Celtic Festival, Slunchain: so racism is natural, but frowned upon?
17:46 - Super Muffin Galaxy: I disagree.
17:46 - A Celtic Festival, Slunchain: or should i say, intolerance


Jan 6, 2008
Well that's entirely out of context.

23:45 - Yes Mother: better I bitch about them bronies than them <insert actual minority group here>
¡¡Sébástíáñ!! entered chat.
23:46 - Super Muffin Galaxy inserts nazis
23:46 - A Celtic Festival, Slunchain: so racism is natural, but frowned upon?
23:46 - Super Muffin Galaxy: I disagree.


Nov 7, 2010
85KanyePhelps -214 days ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ: beef or chicken
TheKieranator: Noodles?
85KanyePhelps -214 days ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ: yes
TheKieranator: I don't feel comfortable making this decision

I also hate choosing.