Why do you love steam convos?


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
08:48 - shadPrestige: this girl is out of your league
08:49 - void, king of space and time: prestige she is practically me if i was a girl and more attractive
08:50 - Slunchies: from that moment when you saw her, and decided to pursue her young flesh which is out of your league
08:50 - Ravidge: it's you, from the future
08:50 - LeSawedInHalf: you have a sex chage and get them to take ten years off in passing
08:51 - Slunchies: you were steadfast in your pursuit, but hasty in your willingness to pursue
08:52 - Slunchies: well, he /is/ the knave of space and time
08:52 - void, king of space and time: slunchy it wasnt a love at first sight sort of thing
08:52 - Ravidge: soon a child will appear, which is your son, also from the future. Which will try to convince you two to fuck, so he can exist
08:52 - void, king of space and time: i am uncomfortable with ravidge swearing
08:53 - LeSawedInHalf: nope
08:53 - Slunchies: rav, you're a fucking genius
08:53 - LeSawedInHalf: your son has already arrived
08:53 - LeSawedInHalf: he introduced you

I should be a writer.


Nov 1, 2009
02:46 - SourceTV: Whoa holy shit
02:46 - SourceTV: my nephew got a sword from someone today
02:47 - TheScare-anator: Oh right it's still Halloween for you people
02:47 - AyesDyef: I had some girls come by.
02:47 - AyesDyef: They're still in the dungeon
02:47 - The Haunted Kid: lol
02:47 - Rocket Slunchcoon: heh
02:47 - SourceTV: how old were they?
02:48 - AyesDyef: Too old


Jun 9, 2009
19:24 - The Haunted Kid: seba, are you in tf2map chat?
19:24 - Seboo: yes
19:24 - The Haunted Kid: your ghosting
19:24 - Seboo: oh
19:24 - Seboo: yay
19:25 - Seboo: thanks
19:25 - Seboo: WAIT
19:25 - Seboo: IS THIS A PUN ON MY NAME

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
4:11 PM - Sel: are we talking about that guy from james bond
4:11 PM - Sel: because he was pretty ballin

4:12 PM - finally, slunchy: oddjob?
4:12 PM - Sel: no
4:12 PM - Sel: rennard

4:12 PM - Fr0z3n: Pussy Galore?
4:12 PM - finally, slunchy: my sister gives me those all the time
4:12 PM - Fr0z3n: Incest. Lovely.
4:12 PM - finally, slunchy: james bond movies*
BY [No Sound] disconnected.
4:12 PM - finally, slunchy: and intense oral sex* (ur welcum frozen)

Well slunchy, whatever gets you off I guess...


Jan 6, 2008

Feels good man.

But seriously where the hell is everyone? 5 minutes later, I'm still all alone D:


Muffin has changed their name to The Loneliest Muffin.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
Feels good man.

But seriously where the hell is everyone? 5 minutes later, I'm still all alone D:


Muffin, ah that reminds me, I should update my signature.


Nov 1, 2009
19:36 - Steff0o: lol
19:37 - Steff0o: cops stole my car...
19:37 - Matt: why
19:37 - Steff0o: they neededone
19:38 - The Haunted Kid: what?
aman9 (ConFuzZleD) entered chat.
19:38 - AngryAngus: I think you may have been jacked by someone pretending to be a cop
19:38 - Steff0o: they needed one*
19:38 - Steff0o: he had a gun
19:39 - The Haunted Kid: have you rung the police to ask them where you can pick it up?
19:39 - Matt: badge?
19:40 - Loc_n_lol: you dont ask questions to someon who's got a gun :p
19:41 - AngryAngus: Yea you do, you question why their so fat and ugly. Right?
19:42 - Erich is a Jiang-Shi: don't EU cops not have guns
19:42 - LeSwordfish: brits dont
19:43 - LeSwordfish: some EU ones do
19:43 - TechTF: Most EU ones do
19:43 - Muffin: Norwegian cops just have little stun guns I think
19:43 - Muffin: No guns anyway
19:44 - Prestige: wow that sucks steff
19:44 - Muffin: And yes o_O
19:44 - Muffin: It does
19:44 - TechTF: Say bye to your parents car
19:45 - Erich: you'll -probably- get it backm
19:45 - TechTF: Those aren't american cops
Hanz is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
19:45 - TechTF: who crash the car
19:45 - TechTF: so you're safe
19:45 - AngryAngus: ^
19:45 - Erich: tech: that's hollywood
[VGN-r] Asshat left chat.
19:46 - Erich: kind of how hollywood makes people think planes are made of plastic and will fall apart if something minor happens
19:46 - TechTF: American cops aren't minor
19:46 - Prestige: i want to believe
fraz left chat.
20:01 - Steff0o: Wait you guys didn't notice I was playing GTA IV?
20:01 - Steff0o: -.-


Jun 9, 2009
20:23 - El Verumae: but if I woke up one morning and I had a clone, I would tap the hell out of that

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
4:14 PM - Fr0z3n: 4:13 PM - Fr0z3n: You've been at the same school for 10 years, and you don't have ONE person to call a friend?
4:14 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: not really
4:14 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: everybody has just varying dislikes of me
4:14 PM - Fr0z3n: :|
4:14 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: except for one person
4:15 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: but I wouldn't call him my friend
4:15 PM - Fr0z3n: :|
4:15 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: more of a "working relationship"
4:15 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: if you know what I mean
4:15 PM - Fr0z3n: :/ Ter, I don't know what to say.
4:15 PM - ( ') Terwonick desligou: ...
4:15 PM - yyler ☂: thats what i called being gay when i was young too
4:15 PM - Fr0z3n: Lol yyler.
4:15 PM - TechTF: lol

So thats what you kids call it now a days.
Sep 1, 2009
05 November 2011
00:19 - Godslayer57 llGHll: trees....have an empty space need filling? P00F! Tree
00:19 - Tarry H. Sruman: shazam
yyler ☂ is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
00:20 - Godslayer57 llGHll: cp_treert
00:20 - TMP: My company needs a new coppy machine
00:20 - TMP: BAM
00:20 - TMP: tree
00:20 - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: your company?
00:21 - TMP: Yeah
00:21 - Godslayer57 llGHll: I read that as coffee machine D:
00:21 - TMP: Dover and Dover law firms
00:21 - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: I thought you were a physics student
00:21 - Godslayer57 llGHll: D'Dover law firms
00:21 - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: slah best pyro in NA
00:22 - TMP: Math student
00:22 - TMP: not physics
00:22 - TMP: I'm just good at physics
00:22 - Godslayer57 llGHll: 3.14 to 13 sig
00:22 - TMP: And math is a great degree to jump into law from
00:23 - Prestige: http://tf2tp.com/trade.php?trade=3922640 FUCK TRADING
00:23 - Godslayer57 llGHll: add up their prison sentance XD


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
05 November 2011
00:19 - Godslayer57 llGHll: trees....have an empty space need filling? P00F! Tree
00:19 - Tarry H. Sruman: shazam

Remember, remember the 5th of November. Anonymous makes their move today/tomorrow. They're supposedly attacking facebook, Fox News, and some Mexican drug cartel.


L3: Member
Aug 15, 2009
Friday, November 04, 2011
9:20 PM - WastedMeerkat: 'lo
9:20 PM - WastedMeerkat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tvgx1ae7lQM new fav song
9:20 PM - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: meerkat
9:20 PM - WastedMeerkat: eh?
9:20 PM - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: how long have you been wasted, it can't be healthy
9:20 PM - WastedMeerkat: well, I guess
9:20 PM - WastedMeerkat: 3 years now
9:20 PM - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: holy shit dude
9:21 PM - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: you really need to see a doctor
9:21 PM - WastedMeerkat: actually, I have to be wasted at all times or my hyper tension syndrome will kill me
9:21 PM - WastedMeerkat: it's a very acute case
9:21 PM - El Verumae - I'm The One Percent: that blows
9:22 PM - WastedMeerkat: no, it's pretty sweet
9:22 PM - WastedMeerkat: get to go to school wasted and I have doctor's permission
9:22 PM - finΩlly, slunchy: http://iwastesomuchtime.com/on/?i=6318
9:22 PM - WastedMeerkat: and I've been wasted so long it's like being sober


Nov 25, 2008
13:35 - Languid: but he was too hot to ignore ya know :p
13:35 - E² StickZer0: did you actually tap that then?
13:36 - Languid: ya
13:37 - E² StickZer0: gg
13:37 - Languid: there was tapping involved at least
13:37 - E² StickZer0: no i mean
13:37 - E² StickZer0: did you actually do the fisty or just dance around a lot?
13:37 - E² StickZer0: *DIRTY
13:37 - E² StickZer0: FF
13:37 - E² StickZer0: *DO THE DIRTY
13:37 - E² StickZer0: also time
13:37 - E² StickZer0: 13:37 - E² StickZer0: *DO THE DIRTY
13:37 - E² StickZer0: also time

13:37 - Languid: DO THE FISTY
13:38 - Languid: hahah
13:38 - Languid: well he stayed the night at mine so yeah stuff happens you know
13:38 - Languid: no fisty though


Theme Changer Extraordinaire
Oct 19, 2008
Chatting about environmental stuff and energy.

17:42 - zpq: I'm calling Godwin's Law on this chat, given 10 more minutes
17:42 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: I point again to solyndra
17:42 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: went out of buisness
17:42 - Sel: because progress
17:42 - Sel: wasn't
17:42 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: 4 months before it was supposed to
17:42 - Sel: profitable
17:42 - Sel: :l
17:42 - Howling Techie: Google could save the world
17:42 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: it could
17:42 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: but it never will
17:42 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: because that wouldn't be very socialist of it
17:42 - Erich: zpq that might have been the most intellegent thing
17:43 - Erich: you have said in a while
17:43 - Erich: (given the fact you don't exist anymore)
17:43 - zpq: I exist
17:43 - Erich: not in this chat you haven't
17:43 - zpq: But I lurk
17:43 - zpq: To such a level I'm not on the list of online people
17:43 - zpq: You don't think I'm there
17:43 - zpq: But I am
17:43 - zpq: I'm watching
17:43 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: you stating that it will become godwin's law proves that it had...
17:44 - Howling Techie: haha http://www.google.com/green/operations/shorts-at-work.html
17:44 - Sel: I don't even know what we're talking abuot anymore
17:44 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Godwin's_law
17:44 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: godwin's law
17:44 - Sel: no
17:44 - Sel: I mean I totally lost my train of thought
17:44 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: ah, you were telling me how great capitalism was at ruining the environment
17:44 - Sel: well
17:44 - Erich: terwonick has the charm of derailing every conversation he participates in
17:44 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: even though it isn't
17:45 - Ravidge: http://energyfromthorium.com/ dooo iiittt
17:45 - Sel: lets see we're abusing natural resources like they're limitless

17:45 - Prestige: ron paul is a nzi
17:45 - Sel: and making nowhere near the effort required to shift our reliance onto sustainable energy
17:45 - Sel: do I

17:45 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: Prestige is an ass


Old Man Mutant Ninja Turtle
Mar 4, 2008
21:10 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: many girls want their face chewed by me
21:10 - TMP: because my brain is FUCKED up
21:10 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: that's why I was sooo suprised when she said "no"
21:11 - TMP: Terwonick
21:11 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: yes?
21:11 - TMP: she was the 99%
21:11 - ( ') Terwonick desligou: fuck you