The Mayann Project


L2: Junior Member
Feb 28, 2016
Bah Uni gets in the way of things.

Still working on my SD map idea with the boulder. at this point I've made a pre alpha version of the layout at least.



(in case my chicken scratchings don't make sense) basic idea is theirs a temple with 3 main entrances, one on each side for each team and one in the middle that the boulder will go down (which will be more like an exit). when the briefcase (or in this case, idol) is captured, a trap in the capture room is activated and the only way out of for the holder of the idol (and anyone else caught up in the trap) is to run in the boulder run. While the idol is active (being held or waiting to be reset) boulders will constantly come out occasionally (think Well trains in boulder form) and the capture area will remain sealed.

I still haven't done the logic yet but I'll start that when I get some time. I know theirs no real rush but everyone seems so far ahead of me :D.


An Actual Deer
Sep 20, 2015
Rotation has to be an animation in the model itself. If the idol is being used as a ctf flag then it's likely to be made with that animation by default.


L4: Comfortable Member
Apr 23, 2013
Okay I decided to follow your advice and add detail and make the map less blocky and bland. I added some destruction to some of the bland looking walls to make it more like an actual ruin. I have still a lot to do, but here's a begin. Note these screenshots are taken with noclip off so you're actually hovering on a place higher than where a player should be able to stand.

This is the old version, without E-Arkham's models and with less destruction and less details to break up the big empty walls:


This is the current one, with the first steps of destruction and models added in.


I'm fucking around with the lighting too. The above one uses a Borneo-style lighting, fog and skybox.
Using Granary's skybox and lighting, I get a result like this which kinda looks nice. It looks less like a grey blob and I have a feeling the details of the destruction I was talking about stand out more:


Note these are not full compiles. They're fast-compiles.

Those clouds in the background still look like high altitude clouds in the mountains right? Yeh... just turn around and you'll see that the clouds in the back of the map look like shitty, fucking ugly grey pollution clouds with Granary's light_environment settings...


Not sure how to fix this. Is this caused by the Ambient color in the light_environment settings right?
On the overall, not counting in the pollution cloud thing I just mentioned, which style of lighting do you think fits best for a Mayan ruin high in the mountains?
And yes, I know the real Yucatan isn't actually mountainous... didn't know that when making the map ;)
Jul 26, 2015
I think you should try to break up that large wall into multiple structures. Look at how maps like Viaduct create barriers with a line of buildings rather than just one long brush.

I haven't seen the rest of the map, but from what those screenshots show me the ground looks kinda flat as well.

Diva Dan

Mar 20, 2016
(in case my chicken scratchings don't make sense) basic idea is theirs a temple with 3 main entrances, one on each side for each team and one in the middle that the boulder will go down (which will be more like an exit). when the briefcase (or in this case, idol) is captured, a trap in the capture room is activated and the only way out of for the holder of the idol (and anyone else caught up in the trap) is to run in the boulder run. While the idol is active (being held or waiting to be reset) boulders will constantly come out occasionally (think Well trains in boulder form) and the capture area will remain sealed.

I still haven't done the logic yet but I'll start that when I get some time. I know theirs no real rush but everyone seems so far ahead of me :D.

That is a really interesting concept for a map! I really like bright maps, so I feel like a big bright outdoors should be where the boulder's pit takes place in.

Also, I noticed that cliff. Instead of the cliff being so close to the edge of the map, how about players have a small battlefield around it? It feels like scouts would dominate too well in the area with the small floor and arena.

The map also looks very tight and corridor-y. It could definitely use some opening up.


L1: Registered
Feb 1, 2016
I will create a map with one flag (idol) in a temple with three floors inside it and it will not be entered only from the first floor:
first floor: normal
second floor: adding some traps in it
third floor : idol
when idol is captured the doors and the stairs of the third stage will be opened for 10 seconds (still testing the moment of every class to reach)


Dec 5, 2007
Rather unexpectedly I spent a few hours replacing the detail sprites, so the pack will include some good wild jungly grass for your mercs to romp through :D
I also forgot to mention I've done soundscapes for the two maps using (currently) sounds from tf2 and hl2 to give the map a nice auditory feel. Lapping water at the bank? Buzzing flies? Eagles soaring above? Yep.


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Nice one. I think soundscapes are usually neglected. Nice to see the little guys getting some attention, here.


Dec 5, 2007
There's a sound designer on the team so there might be a few extra sounds for them.
Or there might not. Hard to know really

Jun 17, 2010
So while we are at topic, does anyone know if Valve already fixed the custom soundscapes not playing in the workshop version of the map? They did fix the soundscape bug where wrong soundscape was playing but how about that? I haven't seen any notes about it being fixed.


Sep 1, 2012
So while we are at topic, does anyone know if Valve already fixed the custom soundscapes not playing in the workshop version of the map? They did fix the soundscape bug where wrong soundscape was playing but how about that? I haven't seen any notes about it being fixed.
They don't have time for such a minor errors. They are too busy buffing phlog and fucking cosmetics economy making more and more things multiclass