TF2Maps Presents: The Winter 2017 72hour TF2Jam!


Mar 1, 2010
So here's what I was working on but won't be able to finish in time for the end of the jam, sadly.

I imported all the stock assets from TF2, as well as all my custom content into UE4 (this took the vast majority of the time.) Then I used a plugin called HammUEr (highly recommend, it's an amazing tool for those used to working with the source engine and want to play with UE4) to import my map Glassworks into the engine.

I did so with the intention of creating a stand-alone VR experience, where you could teleport around the map and check it out. All of the prep work would theoretically allow me to easily convert any tf2 map I had the VMF for.

But unfortunately, I had a few major issues with materials/ decals converting over, due to user inexperience/ error. The creator of HammUEr, Turfster worked with me a bunch yesterday to help get the project as far along as it is, but unfortunately I had to call it as I won't have enough time today to keep working on it, and I work tomorrow morning until the jam finishes. I never got the decals fully working, but it was most likely something really simple keeping them from doing so.

On my to-do list left was fixing the lighting, getting the skybox imported properly, applying navigation volumes to allow the teleportation mechanic, applying all the stuff needed to enable the Vive integration (this is actually really easy with templates), setting up the game loading system/ and building the whole thing into a useable package. Then uploading also, which probably would've taken awhile since the assets had my game folder at about 9gigs. So that might've been another nail in the coffin anyway.

Here's some unlit screenshots of Glassworks imported into UE4:





I learned a ton from all of this, and can keep working on it for the future! I'd like to make this a really nice polished experience and expand what maps are included.


L1: Registered
Feb 12, 2017
Hello! I'm super excited for this jam. However, due to work and other commitments, I can only start now (Feb 12, 12:30 am gmt). er... it's not too late to join yet, is it?


L420: High Member
Jul 24, 2016
so, I finished my map, but there are a ton of problems... some of the spawn doors don't work, and the last stage has a strange absence of health and ammo... I wont have access to hammer, or any of my files for another day, at least, but it probably wont even be until next week... (I'm a small child, and my parents arent happy with my excessive use of the computer this weekend) would I still be able to get the medal? even with these two very bad problems?
or would this not be enough?

Creeper Nation

L1: Registered
Feb 12, 2017
I am no where good at modeling anything. It's to late to try making anything anyways because there is only 15 hours left. Also, for maps or models, they have to be usible in game? I don't know how to imported stuff like that to TF2.


L1: Registered
Jan 3, 2017
Unfortunately I won't have time to finish this tomorrow, so I've submitted my map now. This was a fantastic learning experience! I feel as though I've finally crossed the threshold to being a mapper, despite not having much to show for the 25 hours I put in. Here's the map if anyone wants to see it.



L1: Registered
Feb 11, 2017
so, I finished my map, but there are a ton of problems... some of the spawn doors don't work, and the last stage has a strange absence of health and ammo... I wont have access to hammer, or any of my files for another day, at least, but it probably wont even be until next week... (I'm a small child, and my parents arent happy with my excessive use of the computer this weekend) would I still be able to get the medal? even with these two very bad problems?
or would this not be enough?

Did you post what you had?

Hey there are 10 hours left!


L1: Registered
Feb 10, 2017
Are you allowed to post the link to the First Chapter of a tf2 fanfic (on AO3), while you are still completing/editing additional chapters, or does the work have to be finished by the time the clock runs out?


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
so, I finished my map, but there are a ton of problems... some of the spawn doors don't work, and the last stage has a strange absence of health and ammo... I wont have access to hammer, or any of my files for another day, at least, but it probably wont even be until next week... (I'm a small child, and my parents arent happy with my excessive use of the computer this weekend) would I still be able to get the medal? even with these two very bad problems?
or would this not be enough?

This would be fine.

I'm Hoping that making an SFM isn't against the rules

Read the rules and the first question of the FAQ. It's fine.

Are you allowed to post the link to the First Chapter of a tf2 fanfic (on AO3), while you are still completing/editing additional chapters, or does the work have to be finished by the time the clock runs out?

One chapter is enough.