I've been (obsessively?) searching for general feedback on snowycoast since it's been accepted, and the reception is a little mixed. Overally, most people seem to enjoy it a lot, but the ones that don't enjoy it really hate it.
Gotta admit, it's frustrating to watch a youtuber run straight into the enemy team repeatedly, ignoring the flank routes entirely, and then say "I don't like this map, there are no flanks." However overall there was a lot of good feedback to be had, so I've made a list of things that I'd like to adjust and Valve has told me they're okay with changes to improve the map.
Some things already on the list:
* Several unintended perches (basically 1-2 HU ledges or props that weren't non-solid)
* Incorrect smoothing on the cart and crates at last
* Adding a resupply cabinet toward the front of BLU's 1st spawn so it's a little easier to push out
* Adding some cover inside BLU spawn to prevent spamming all the way in
* Pushing into 2nd is hard if you don't use the long flank (and most people don't even realize it's there, heh)
* Sniper deck on 2nd needs to be raised slightly so crouching snipers can't get cover
* Need to change how RED's 1st spawn moves players to RED's last spawn
* Tempted to open one of the doors to 3rd when 1st is capped (currently opens when 2nd is capped) so proactive RED players can fall back to defend 3rd
* Going to swap the window and spawn exit at RED last to help mitigate spawn camping and to remove that direct line of sight to the cart
Because of a small window to test, I won't be making major gameplay changes. I'm actually mostly happy with how 1st and 2nd play; it just needs a little massaging.
I'm going to try to get these changes made and a test version uploaded to the TF2maps server before New Year's, so if you have some feedback now that the map is in game, please do take the time to mention it here.
I'm about leave shortly after this post for Xmas with the family, so don't think I'm ignoring anyone if I don't respond for a few days. Thanks!