
KotH SharkBay RC2

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

-Detailed the map a lot more

-improved the fps overall

- added more lighting around the map

-even more detailing ( outside the playable space ) ( I added a small easter egg somewhere in the map its on the blue side inside of something see if you can find it )

-added the cow announcer back close to the point inside a building.

- Changed the Red shark aquarium a bit so it can fit to the new red spawn

Hey everyone, I am close to Done with sharkbay. I still got to do more detailing overall and to add a 3D skybox and a few other bits and pieces around but I am getting there. I am happy with how the map turned out and I hope you guys like it too.
I will play with sounds , skybox and Lighting more in the next version just in case you are wondering.
I am also making a new payload map to "replace" cliffedge. I am not going to carry on with this map unfortunatelly. I dont know If I ever said that before but here you go. Expect the map to be seen this summer.
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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

- Increased the time needed to cap the point ( reverted it back )

- fixed the long sightline from cp to lobby

- lowered the ship that every class can jump on top even heavies from both the steps on top of the ship and from the small brick walls close to the control point

- changed a few things based on feedback.

nothing here

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

-changed the control point area a bit in order to make it less of an ideal place to stay on and to be more exposed.

-the control point capture area is smaller as well.

-more detailing around the map.

-began making the 3D skybox.

Notes: Hey there. It's me, Bill.
I am really bad at making predictions about map. I mean I think I said B4 would be the version in which I will have the 3D skybox done or something like that. I am too lazy too check it right now. Anywayz. This version would have shipped with a 3D skybox which I made but its....Bananas. I mean it has so much going on and I am like okay lets remake this. I will try something more simple this time. I shoot for B6 to be the version in which I will have detailed the whole map , add sounds and a 3D skybox and hopefully I will have the ship model ready to go. Its pretty exciting. I am working on a new payload map as well which hopefully you will see soon.
Thats all from me for now.

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L5: Dapper Member
Nov 17, 2016
Holy crap you have vastly improved since I was gone. This is map is such a far cry from cp_bloodfall and koth_skyfortress. Your detail is much less cluttered, clean and neat than before.

Color me impressed.


Feb 8, 2016
Literally nobody
-Bill : In this version:

-The ship saw a new design for the upper area of it mainly , to make it easier to model the ship prop for the upcoming version.

- Done more detailing and feedback quested stuff. (such as adding pipes, moving the frog to the shark aquarium , a new spectator camera overlooking the point for a better view of what is happening etc )

- The Full healthpack on the ship was changed to Medium and the small pack near the point to a medium as well.

-Continued making a 3D skybox which is not done but it's getting there.

-Fixed a few bugs with the map and made the compile take less time. Previously it took around 8 mins with both options on Normal. Now it takes around 5 mins.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

* I fixed some stuff

* added the ship. lol

Attention epic gamers!
A friend of mine fgd5 ( ) is making the ship model for sharkbay and he needs your help. Leave your feedback about the ship so he can fix - improve anything wrong with the model so far before he finalises it.
I am really excited for the next version of sharkbay which should have sounds , a 3D skybox and hopefully the whole map fully detailed.

Another thing before I post this bad boy , I am making a new Payload map. I think I mentioned it before but the map its almost done. Hopefully this Sunday it will be out. this is my goal anywayz. I dont think i will hit it though. If not sunday , the map will be released this upcoming week.
If I could describe the map with a few words is what I expected from the jungle inferno valve map to be.

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Feb 8, 2016
in this version of the map:

- The whole map was fully detailed.

-A 3D skybox was Added.

-changed and fixed a few stuff based on feedback

Sorry it took me so long to update the map. I had a lot going on and I wanted to finish most of what I wanted first before I update the map. Well I made the 3D skybox ( which I am not fully satisfied yet , it may change in the future) , I detailed the whole map but I didnt add sounds yet. I was just too lazy for that. I promise I will get back at it as soon as I can. So I guess 2/3 are completed.
Anywayz Personally with the detailing I am really proud. I think I did great and I am hoping to get some feedback on the visuals from you guys. Feel free to tell me your opinion about anything really.
Btw I am shooting for B8 to be something like the final version of the map. Meaning that the skybox should be 100% done , the boat as well and to have sounds of course. So yea, I hope I can achive those. For the time being enjoy the map.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

-Remade the Mid portion of the map from the ground up.

➤the point is now on the ship instead of on the port.
➤the building on mid has now 2 floors and can be used for flanking and getting on top of the ship, something new I believe for tf2
➤there are more height differences overall to the point area.

Took me a while but now that I found plenty of time and inspiration I finally managed to release that new redesign of mid for sharkbay that I promised a while back.
I spent a lot of time with the new mid and I think its gonna be fun and different. Now I am not sure how its gonna play, I havent even playtested it with bots yet but I just wanted to get it out for playtest as soon as possible.
You will notice that the enteriors of the map-lobby is pretty much the same. Probably in the next version i am going to redesign the enteriors as well since I am not happy with how they look and feel as of now. The spawn will remain pretty much the same though. Anywayz when you get a chance to play let me know your opinion and please share your feedback with me. Adios!
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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

-Fixed a part of the water not killing the players.
-Blocked off the fuckhouse ( now there is a small "hole" which has ammo that you can hide into but it's really small)
-made the point area smaller
-completely remade the interiors , the spawns and one of the routes leading to the point.
-Remade the lighthouse detail based on feedback
-Added some details around
-Fixed the shark not working
-The map is packed this time around lol

Well It took me like 3 months to get this update out. Can you blame me?
Well you can, Sometimes I am kinda slow with this part of the job lol.
Anywayz, so my studies are done. This means I am back in action baby.
I am happy with how sharkbay looks and plays now. Hopefully I have improved the gameplay more.
One reason It takes me so long to update my maps is that I try so many different designs until I am happy with what I got. I really want the final product to be worth it and not something that I got out of the door as soon as I could. Cant wait to get back to pl_Eruption as well, I have a few cool ideas that I wanna try. Anyways when you have the chance to play let me know what you think of the map. Adios Amigos!

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

-added more cover around mid
-added more cover on the boat
-tried to break some annoying and long sightlines
-blocked off one route from the lobby that connects to the same area as another route ( to simplify the layout )
-changed some health/ammo packs a bit.
-removed the medium ammo pack from the boat.
-added lamps and lighting to catch player's eyes to certain parts of the map. Such as the point and the mid building with the health pack.
-changed a few other things based on feedback.

I dont have much to say. I am listening to your feedback and I thank you for that. I want to return to pl_eruption as well, something that I will do pretty soon. Hopefully. Hope you like the changes and enjoy the map.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this update:

-Toned down the height verticality around mid.
-Added 1 new way to get into the ship ( near the mid building )
-Tweaked the Health and Ammo placements and sizes.
-Added more clipping around the map.
-Fixed a few stuff based on feedback
-Added more light around mid.

Well I feel like we are really close to the detailing stages for sharkbay. This is gonna be the third time I actually detail this badboy. I hope it's the final one cause I have been developing this map for 2 years straight now.
I am mostly happy with how the map plays and looks. The game's outcome is most of the time 50/50 and it has a good back and forth. I hope with the new changes the map is a little more enjoyable. I was thinking to add another way to get to the point but from the ocean area. Imagine something like a platform going up, but I thought it was really out of the way, that's why I chose the mid building as the new route into the boat.
That's what I got for now, I am working on eruption at the same time, Some good changes are coming there too.

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Feb 8, 2016
In this update:

-added more sharks
-added more detailing
-small changes here and there
-changed some packs
-general improvements
-added more lighting

we are really close to Beta everybody. If this version plays well and you too want to see this map detailed, I will start detailing as soon as possible. This is all I got for now. See ya

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Feb 8, 2016
In this version:

-Packed the map ( correctly this time )
-Moved the ship's small health pack a bit further back away from the cover
-Added more cover and small places to hide so spies can maneuver around the map easier

As I go along, I keep writing less and less for some reason. Some of you say that you enjoy reading what I got to say and I am pretty happy for that. To be honest it surprises me a little that you take the time and read an entire essay that I write every once in a while but still :p
Anywayz, I hope this is the last update for sharkbay's alpha version that I will be releasing, I am pretty excited to get this map detailed since I have been working on it for almost 2 years now. It's history has been insane for me. Sharkbay has seen 3 different layouts, 2 detailing passes so far and in the future a third one, and much more.
It's been a while since I last took part in a 72 hour contest, I have a great idea for a new medieval map that I will be making when the contest starts. It's gonna be something really unique. Anywayz thats for now

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Feb 8, 2016
In this update:

-Moved the ship 64 hammer units lower. So now it's half the height as before.
-Made the midbuilding more open from inside.
-added more clipping
-added more lighting
-extended the cap zone on the ship

I dont have much to say. It's funny though as we go along I keep saying less and do more huh..
it's for the better though :p

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Feb 8, 2016
In this update:

*Added more clipping
*added more lighting
*Changed a few things based on feedback

This update doesnt have much, I was thinking to start detailing instead of releasing this update but I wanted to be sure first. Tell me your opinion if I should go to Beta. My opinion? I think the map is more than ready, I have been developing sharkbay for 2 years now, It has gone through 3 completely different layout changing, 2 detailing passes and a lot of work. I am personally really happy with how it turned out and I cant wait to finish it up. I trully want to deliver a quality "product" and not something that was made in a rush.

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Doctorate in Deliciousness
Mar 31, 2012
I'm going to pretend to know what I'm talking about for a sec.

While I've enjoyed parts of this map, I feel that the point and it's surrounding areas have been the weakest part. While I love me some height variation, I think it changes too much in too little space in this map. The ship itself is a neat idea but kind of cramped unless you're on the point itself which makes it an undesirable place to be, and, since that's where the point is, that's a bad thing. I'd suggest widening the ship, raising it by the lowest nearby ramps length, lowering the ramp behind the cabin on the ship, lowering the ramps to the ship, and adding some cover between the point and the ramps. Cover low enough to shoot grenades' over but high enough to block bullets and sight for all classes. Possibly a shipping container.

I drew this up to try and help get my idea across.

Hopefully this makes some kind of sense.


Feb 8, 2016
Hello Megapieman!
Before I say anything I want to say that I appreciate the fact that you take the time to take screenshots, tell me your suggestions and even draw on the picture to make it easier to understand. Yes you did get your point across.
If I do what you suggest there might be some problems such as not being able to jump from the ship's roof to the pipes and finally to the mid building as I intented to. Even though most players do enjoy the current design, if your idea means that I could improve the map even more then I could give it a test.