In this version:
-Fixed a part of the water not killing the players.
-Blocked off the fuckhouse ( now there is a small "hole" which has ammo that you can hide into but it's really small)
-made the point area smaller
-completely remade the interiors , the spawns and one of the routes leading to the point.
-Remade the lighthouse detail based on feedback
-Added some details around
-Fixed the shark not working
-The map is packed this time around lol
Well It took me like 3 months to get this update out. Can you blame me?
Well you can, Sometimes I am kinda slow with this part of the job lol.
Anywayz, so my studies are done. This means I am back in action baby.
I am happy with how sharkbay looks and plays now. Hopefully I have improved the gameplay more.
One reason It takes me so long to update my maps is that I try so many different designs until I am happy with what I got. I really want the final product to be worth it and not something that I got out of the door as soon as I could. Cant wait to get back to pl_Eruption as well, I have a few cool ideas that I wanna try. Anyways when you have the chance to play let me know what you think of the map. Adios Amigos!