Re: Recent influx of KotH maps


Feb 7, 2008
If you've participated in our impromptu tests lately, you may have noticed that we've had a recent increase in the number of KotH maps being played. We (staff) believe that this is the direct result of a lot of new members finding the site and creating maps of, arguably, the best gamemode for a new mapper to learn from.

This is kinda upsetting to a lot of people, and not without good reason. Playing the same gamemode for every map in a single test starts to become tedious, and a number of people (including myself) aren't really fans of the gamemode itself.

We'd like to encourage our new members to keep at it. As someone who doesn't have much experience as a mapper, working on a KotH map is probably the most valuable use of your time. We also encourage you to branch out when you're feeling capable, as KotH has also proven to be the most formulaic gamemode. It's good to learn the basics from, but you'll be cheating yourself of good learning experiences if you don't eventually try new things.

To our older members: Don't be a jerk just because you don't like the maps you're playing. That's always been an unwritten rule, and it still applies. You're allowed to be unhappy about it, but please don't take it out on our members who are still learning the basics. If you'd like to see some change, your best option is to get involved with helping our newer members learn faster! That way, they'll be on their way to bigger and better things even faster.

We'll be actively trying to spread the KotH maps out in our tests, but we won't be rejecting any maps from testing for being KotH. This is only a temporary phase, and we should be returning to regularly scheduled programming soon enough. Hang in there!


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Hi, there.

I think 2CP is a fine alternative to KoTH for a new mapper. It shouldn't be too much work compared with building a KoTH map, it gives the author a bit more creative freedom, and any problems that are exposed by play testing should be easier for the author to identify and address. It should also result in more varied maps and experiences for play testers.


L4: Comfortable Member
Aug 13, 2014
>inb4 the only reason most new mappers are releasing KotH maps is because KotH is the only gamemode Crash has done a tutorial for
(that's my excuse at least.)


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
Everyone's 'blaming' new mappers on Crash, but surely if anything we should be acknowledging that in the last half a year or so Valve's support for mapping has really suddenly sky-rocketed. Surely there actually being new maps (that's not just at the bottom of the update page, and actually doing something) is a big 'come try me!' to a lot of people.


Certified in best in fun
Dec 12, 2012
Hi, there.

I think 2CP is a fine alternative to KoTH for a new mapper. It shouldn't be too much work compared with building a KoTH map, it gives the author a bit more creative freedom, and any problems that are exposed by play testing should be easier for the author to identify and address. It should also result in more varied maps and experiences for play testers.

I honestly believe this in every way. A 2cp a/d map is probably going to be easier to learn from. In a/d maps, you're able to more clearly identify how your map flows, what problems people are having, and have an easier time trying to fix the problems. As said before, you have more freedom as well because you don't have to mirror the map, and have an easier time dealing with things such as sightlines or open areas., or imperfections in the layout. It's also perfect for trying out different designs for capture points.

To me, KoTH is harder to learn from, and to plan out for. KoTH is mostly picked because it is a favorite of the community, and its small. This is probably the most deceiving factor, as the layout needs to be planned in advanced, and limits how you're able to make a point design. It's also harder to understand how it "flows" since KoTH layouts are typically more open. You'll also learn more from 2cp because fighting flows throughout the map, instead of being stagnant in and around the capture point.


Feb 7, 2008
I personally believe that KotH is a good gamemode to learn from in that you have to make spaces that are fun to fight in. 2cp a/d is probably easier in other regards, but I think more abstract concepts like pacing and flow (that are [imo] harder to get right in 2cp a/d) should be learned second. It's very subjective though!


You should've played Rumbleverse
Jul 28, 2015
Symmetrical maps (koth, 5 or 3 cp) are much easier and faster to make as you only have to design one side. New mappers might like this as their map gets done faster, there is a lot less stress on them, and they don't get turned down by mapping.

I enjoy a/d maps (pl, a/d cp) because I feel they tell more of a story, the design can be very wacky and creative as you make more of the map than the symmetrical maps, and they feel a bit more like a real place. But they also are a little more difficult to balance as you just have to tread in unknown waters to see if an idea will work. That's just my two cents doh.