
PL Operandi A14

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Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015
-Removed unnecessary spotlights, added spotlights in key areas to highlight particular routes
-Reworked cameras so you can't spy on enemy as easily + added new camera for BLU at their first spawn
-Changed staircase to medium ammo ledge at C into an outdoor pipe
-Reworked weird metal battlements at C to be less weird and imposing on BLU's ability to push that area
-Can't remember what else I changed lmao
-Bruh moment

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L?: Creator of Ideas, Not Projects
Jan 12, 2018
I'm really liking the detail put into this map. Good job!


Jun 15, 2013
I put a video together that I hope explains some of the feedback I gave the C point of this map, and how C could be better.



Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015

-Adjusted geometry in main B room
-Adjusted lower hallway from B to room that unlocks on B cap so the exit isn't in view of C
-Changed flank building at C into outdoor cliff
-Removed connecting catwalk to aforementioned cliff
-Adjusted ammo on smaller, older cliff
-Adjusted geometry diagonal ledge near C cap, added door directly up to this ledge that opens on cap C
-Changed stairs in computer room behind aforementioned ledge to retract on cap C
-Detailing adjustments

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Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015
-Made some of the packs on A slightly bigger in RED's favor
-Rerouted the (formerly) one-way route into B to start in the courtyard instead of under the bridge and removed the one-way element
-Removed weird inaccessible balcony at B
-Redid cliff area at C to be an extension of the B building with a door-sized window overlooking the general C area on the rocks
-Adjusted which doorways unlocked when B was capped
-Added second BLU forward spawn at C to make flow into D potentially better (becomes active 10 seconds after cap C to reduce chaos)
-One-way door from C to A (that locks on cap A) no longer unlocks on cap C due to aforementioned change
-Removed a spawn exit from first BLU forward spawn so to not lead players into dead ends (also due to aforementioned changes)
-Adjusted doorway into computer room leading to D to reduce peak angles in new forward spawn
-Replaced cart bypass stairwell at D with ramp from the full ammo to the upper level and a vent connecting where the bottom of the stairs used to be with the inset containing the bomb hatch
-Minor spawntime, detailing, and lighting adjustments

Main thread's screenshots will be updated, haven't updated them in a while.

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Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015
-Updated lighting
-Fixed some solid lights to be nonsolid
-Made tons of walls (especially ones with windows) slightly thicker and less weird
-Slight geometry tweaks at A
-Removed dynamic door and doorway directly under the bridge entirely
-Redirected forward spawn in room under the Beacon building to aim more towards B (also because of aforementioned change)
-Removed dynamic doors from the entryways into B (except the train gate, that stays for now)
-Simplified geometry near RED's holding area at B
-Adjusted cover on highground at C
-Removed all of the dynamic doors from room immediately under highground and removed door perpendicular and next to the cart track entirely (might've done this last version but can't remember)
-Replaced weird "portal stairs" at computer room leading to D with regular stairs
-Replaced dropdown from Alphabet (room connecting D to A and C) with steep ramp decorated as a stationary akira elevator
-Simplified dynamic doors at Alphabet to be constantly open until their respective points are capped (instead of being Badwater shutters) and closed the two formerly partially open windows nearby
-Pushed rollback at D slightly closer to bomb hatch
-Removed weird glass walls near last to make things less cramped (and because they're no longer necessary due to aforementioned changes)
-Removed railing from Queens (room with giant window)
-Possibly more that I forgot lmao

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Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015
-Fixed skybox not having the sun in the right spot
-Detailing adjustments
-Added a few small arrows near the forward spawns
-Adjusted height of the middle door into the yard before B to make using the upper route into the yard more viable (RED has less visibility into the crane room now)
-Made windows at Beacon one-way opaque in favor of BLU
-The guac is extra

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Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015
I don't remember half the things I changed this version, but let's see how much I can remember.

-Adjusted lights to be warm or cool in certain areas (instead of flat white)
-Tons of detailing adjustments/additions
-Added a forward spawn for RED for just defending A
-Removed doorway connecting Last to A due to previous change rendering it unnecessary
-Changed ramp connecting crane room to pre-B courtyard into a dropdown w/ railing due to previous change, and to discourage BLU travel directly to RED's forward as well as encouraging RED travel through A before reaching BLU's spawn courtyard
-Added well shutter onto tracks after C that stays open once the cart gets near in order to block a sightline and discourage BLU travel into Last before C is capped
-Adjusted doorway near slightly open window at C to block another sightline
-Added dropdown passage from giant window room to deeper into Last

Probably want to test this iteration with minimal changes for a bit due to the length of time between A13 and the last playtest of this map.

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L1: Registered
Apr 26, 2020
I love your map loadout, it is stands out compared to the default payload maps structures.
There is a lot of levels and ground to cover and yet if you look from the top it looks like a rather small map, I love it.
Your current build has a few small "oopsies"

Inside close to last you seem to have a big leak.
Maybe it was a window you wanted to place or forgot to stretch the wall fully.

And this door is too small for the frame.
Weird question besides the issues and more of a personal thing, would it maybe be possible to make this door a lot higher or just removed?
Your map has no lower areas except for this door and this map would be amazing for the community made Stop that Tank gamemode I want to use it for :3


Big Ferret
Sep 7, 2015
Just pumping this update out for Sandwhips's gameday tomorrow. Don't remember half the things I changed other than small routing and detailing changes, a piece of cover added outside BLU's first spawn, hopefully fixing the shutter door at C, and lighting adjustments. Hopefully it plays adequately enough.

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A Ninja

L1: Registered
Nov 21, 2014
Played this map on a full 32 player server and it was a hit. The map plays extremely well and is already quite nicely far along for an alpha version, which was impressive. The only problems started when red made it to last point, and the garage door kind of thing along the payload track glitched somehow, where it was constantly open but looked closed. It also felt like red just spawned way too close to the last capture point, which made it nearly impossible for blue to maintain pressure long enough to push it up that last little hill. A lot of players also felt that the elevated flank that blue has to the left of red's area was too easy for red to use against them, either claiming it back or just spamming with explosives. Maybe a 1-way gate could be added somewhere to reduce that problem?

Even with the issues with last point, this map was overall well-received and I am looking forward to seeing updated versions of it!

Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
Played this map on a full 32 player server and it was a hit. The map plays extremely well and is already quite nicely far along for an alpha version, which was impressive. The only problems started when red made it to last point, and the garage door kind of thing along the payload track glitched somehow, where it was constantly open but looked closed. It also felt like red just spawned way too close to the last capture point, which made it nearly impossible for blue to maintain pressure long enough to push it up that last little hill. A lot of players also felt that the elevated flank that blue has to the left of red's area was too easy for red to use against them, either claiming it back or just spamming with explosives. Maybe a 1-way gate could be added somewhere to reduce that problem?

Even with the issues with last point, this map was overall well-received and I am looking forward to seeing updated versions of it!
If you don’t mind me asking, what server is this?


L1: Registered
Dec 15, 2020
The only problems started when red made it to last point, and the garage door kind of thing along the payload track glitched somehow, where it was constantly open but looked closed. It also felt like red just spawned way too close to the last capture point, which made it nearly impossible for blue to maintain pressure long enough to push it up that last little hill.

Totally agree with Ninja. We played this map some times on the server with 28 people (with class limits on the server) and we had all same problems (the gate, spawns and the last control point) .The path from RED last spawn to BLU last spawn (i mean spawns when BLU tries to take over the last control point) is definitely too short, especially when demomen/soldiers use path through roof/opened window. BLU practically cannot leave spawn freely

The last point is almost impossible for BLU to take over, especially when there are 2 engies in RED and their sentries are just above the last control point. It would be great to make the last RED spawn bit further from the last control point. This way the respawned classes need bit more time to get to the last control point and the game wouldnt be so ... stuck on the last point

I forgot to add: besides these problems the map made good impression on the players :)