Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck [Preliminary Voting]

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L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014

Banner artwork by @Pdan4, background by @MC_Labs15

Main Thread | Upload Thread | Voting (Preliminary) | Voting (Finalists) | Results

Voting Deadline: August 26, 2024 2:00pm EDT (18:00 UTC)

It's time to begin! To help this show run as smoothly as possible, we need some audience participation for our preliminary/elimination round! The voting period will last for two weeks, with plenty of chances to play in that time.

UPDATED VOTING PROCEEDURE, AS OF (2024 AUG 7, 21:00 EDT / 2024 AUG 8, 02:00 UTC):

For each map, you must judge if you believe the map qualifies to be a finalist, taking into account gameplay, detailing, and card usage as you see fit. Please vote YES, NO, – (NEUTRAL), or HAVE NOT PLAYED (if you have not played the map). Notes are optional, but encouraged for NO votes. You must score at least 3/4 of the maps (15 of them!) with Y/N/– (HAVE NOT PLAYED does not count as a vote!) for your ballot to be valid. You may not vote for any map you were a contributor of in this contest.

Scores for this round are a simple ratio of YES/NO votes, which will be used to determine the top 10. Neutral votes will not count against a map. In the unlikely case of a tie, we may have more that 10 finalists. Only the top 10 at the very end of the contest will receive prizes and have their maps added to the deck of cards.*

*If there is a tie at the very end of the contest, we will introduce tiebreaker voting (the card printing company only allows enough for 10; it is a physical limitation out of our control in our price range and pack quantity, unfortunately).























Good luck everyone!
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Jan 15, 2023
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesVery cool map, Ive personally never liked it when normal maps include robots in some way, it always felt weird to me, other than that cool map
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesHad a lot of fun as pyro and heavy on this map, even though last is a bit hard to defend its at least an enjoyable loss
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesIdk how people get lost on this map, I've had fun on this map a lot and its sad seeing alrex beat herself up over negative things said about it
cp_foldover_finalHaven't PlayedWish I played it it looks sick
cp_siege_b2Haven't PlayedPretty sure its medieval which is neat to see in a contest
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoI think this map needs more time in the oven before its considered among some of the higher quality maps this contest has given us
koth_splinter_b4YesI love this map and I really want it finished, Ill be shocked if this isn't in the top 5
pl_moonjelly_a5gHaven't PlayedThe mercs being physically underwater doesn't really make all that sense, my only gripe with what little I've seen of it
pl_conclave_b6bYesThis map is fine enough I don't have any strong feelings about it positively or negatively but I wouldn't decline it the chance to win as I'm not the biggest fan of pl
cp_diorama_b1aYesThis map is pretty big in places but its the good kind of big, Its a fun concept and the map itself is fine, wouldn't mind seeing it in the top 5 (Still don't like the catductor tho sorry not sorry)
cp_parkent_b5NoWhile Ive had fun on this map it has some issues for me that make it so I cant say that it should pass on
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesIts degrootkeep 2 Basically, its a fine enough map
pl_cattower_b0NoIf I am being completely objective here, this map cannot be judged in the same category as maps like splinter and diorama, its a fun map to dick around on but I cant rate it higher than other maps, sorry nick and katsu
cppl_puerto_b5NoWhile the gimmick is cool, I just don't have that much fun on either stage
cp_underway_b2YesI actually really like this map and it implements its cards in a very unique way that feels natural to the map, top 5 in my list
cp_lamworth_a12YesThis map is good, I had fun on it, not much to write home about
cp_herbicide_a4aNoThe last point gimmick it has doesn't work as well as sulfur does, and I just don't remember liking it all that much
pd_azureworld_b1YesThis map is fine, the ramp gimmick is cool (Sometimes) and the whole area around it is fine, It-ll probably be rated higher on my top 10 list than you would expect due to having a lot of fun on this map despite its flaws
pl_acadia_a4bHaven't PlayedHaven't even seen this map be talked about before lol
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aHaven't PlayedI might've played it before but it only has one image on the download so I cant recognize it all that much but if wont give me more than 1 image I wont give it more than 1 second to find it

Katsu! :3

Veteran Cat
Jul 30, 2021
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesEasiest decision I ever made in life.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2Yes2nd-easiest decision I ever made in life.
ctf_chouhen_b5aNoI think this was a fun experiment but at the end of the day it didn't really make it to the finish line. I much prefer a more linear style of gameplay to this, esp with A/D CTF.
cp_foldover_finalNoHaving played this again... I'm sorry Oakridge, but I gotta pull my vote. :(
cp_siege_b2NoI think this was a good way to experimental how to map for medieval mode. I have found it fun, but more often than not it tends to get a bit stale after a couple rounds. Maybe not this time around, but I do think you should still try again with the mode.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoThis map has consistently felt bad to run around in.
koth_splinter_b4NoMap logic is partially borked in that teams can't actually win a full round. Rip.
cp_parkent_b5NoI remembered the "Neither team capped A for four rounds in a row" incident and that pretty well changed my mind. ...seriously though, I had to really look back at this map and I just kinda came to the conclusion that it was more consistently not playing well than actually playing well, which is frustrating. I wanna like this map.
pl_cattower_b0-Remember to vote yes for Cat Tower! <3
cppl_puerto_b5NoThe first stage is designed way more for DeGroot-style A/D, and I think the results are evident of that. It's frustrating, because I do have respect for this map, but I feel that combined with the middling quality of the second stages just makes this map not really there in terms of quality. Sorry Gismo :(
pd_azureworld_b1NoJust ain't really my thing, sorry.
pl_acadia_a4bNoMap has a lot of bugs (including non-auto team swap.)
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoI like the theme, but the layout misses a LOT with me. It feels like repeatedly pushing dustbowl chokes, and it doesn't feel good for such an otherwise-open map.
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L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2023
the robot theme is very cool, probably my favorite map in the contest (other than a certain rats map...)
I love the scuba cow 11/10 (fr though, the map plays great and looks amazing)
very fun, cool theme, the map looks amazing. I always look forward to playing it
the map is a bit rough for attackers but it looks great
really fun map, funner on defense than offence imo
rough around the edges and it feels like some feedback was consistently ignored, but enjoyable nonetheless
suuuper cool gamemode, very fun to play, map looks great
I really want to say yes but the map feels like a roll for blu followed by not moving for 5 minutes, 4 times in a row
looks good without being over the top. last is a bit rough, but overall very fun
the train pushing the other train into the water is genuinely the coolest thing I've seen in a map, ever
as much as it does have its problems, it's a fun map
pretty standard degroot keep style map, not much else to say
I'd like to give feedback on this but last time I played it I was malding extremely hard so idk
2nd on this map has been one of my favorite points in the competition, last is a bit rough but overall pretty fun
this one was close, it feels bad to push some points as some classes, and stage 2 not being artpassed is unfortunate (albeit understandable)
as much as I like the theme and the gamemode, the map is a bit of a labyrinth and last is impossible for blu and boring for red. I wish this had been reworked/tested more, I think the idea has potential
The map looks amazing but I just think that PD works best when the point is moving, and that too much of the map exists in a single area, although the sightlines were admittedly dealt with nicely.
there are some visual glitches and the cart's hitbox is a bit weird feeling (which might just be me idk) but I really like the map
way too open, others have said it better
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L5: Dapper Member
Jun 20, 2020
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESReally nice detailing and a cool idea for the map lore. Had fun playing the map
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2-My map
ctf_chouhen_b5aHAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_foldover_finalYEShad fun, the detailing could use more work
cp_siege_b2YESI enjoy medieval mode, so I enjoyed this map, detailing is alright but can be improved
koth_splinter_b4YESThe detailing, atmosphere and the brushwork of the map are great. There are some signs in English that look out of place which could have been translated into German. The logic was broken which caused the team score and the number of areas left to not get updated, I am not voting no as the actual game logic worked.
pl_moonjelly_a5gHAVEN'T PLAYED
pl_conclave_b6bYESMap plays fine, but the detailing could use more work
cp_diorama_b1aYESEach point is interesting and fun to play around, detailing is quite nice and there are some cool details around the map. Although some of the textures and models feel too detailed for tf2
cp_parkent_b5NOIts a tiny bit too big for a steel type and the pathing is a bit odd. Some areas are a bit barren in terms of detailing and the many textures dont really go together
cp_shanksgiving_b6HAVEN'T PLAYED
pl_cattower_b0-Had fun messing around on the map, I can't really vote yes as the artpass doesn't feel as complete as the other entries, but I also don't want to vote against it
cppl_puerto_b5NOFirst stage was alright, not a fan of second stage. The map could also be optimised more, I get lag spikes on the second stage
cp_underway_b2YESEach point is distinct and fun to play around, neat theme, 3d skybox and last could use more work in terms of detailing
cp_lamworth_a12-Map is fun to play on but I can't really vote yes as half the map isn't fully artpassed but I also don't want to vote against it
cp_herbicide_a4aNODidnt really enjoy playing this map and the detailing is quite bare
pd_azureworld_b1YESHad fun, Im a fan of the boost pads that launch you onto the point, nice theming
pl_acadia_a4bNOThis map is ok but feels undercooked in terms of artpassing.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOThe map is feels a bit overscaled and too open in some areas. Has barely any detailing
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Jan 20, 2019
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESweird but still fun to play
cp_siege_b2YESsurprisingly had fun on this medieval map as sniper
koth_splinter_b4YESImpressive, Very Based
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESMore Yes than No. Wish it looked like Bioshock tho
pl_conclave_b6bYESKinda yes? It was still fun to frag around but there isnt anything remarkable about this one
cp_parkent_b5YESThis is fun but the layout needs more polishing and the detailing is absolute mess
cp_shanksgiving_b6NOI might change my opinion on this but I didnt want to stay for much longer
pl_cattower_b0YESIn the currrent year of tf2 mapping we need silly maps like this
cppl_puerto_b5HAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_underway_b2HAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_lamworth_a12HAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_herbicide_a4aHAVEN'T PLAYED
pl_acadia_a4bHAVEN'T PLAYED
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L3: Member
Dec 9, 2023

pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixMine10/10 map pls add
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2Not Played Yet
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesI can see the effort put into this map, and acknowledge the problems the gameplay card restrictions may have caused. It is still a nice map though, and looks visually interesting, however busy the detailing can be. Nice work Alrexx :3
cp_foldover_finalNuetralNuetral for now. of course these are fresh opinions and are going to change with more exp. A feels a bit too direction sign soup. Doesnt feel intuituve. B feels tight and quite unfun for red with respawn times, and C suffers from red sided geo. which i cant fault it for of course. It is still fun however, and these issues may be my inexperience of the map. The detailing is nice but with a few odd choices, and C suffers from a lack of texture variation and no not much of a focus on the micro side. The vista looks nice but the texture scale looks off.

this vote might change to no but it'd feel disingenuous to give it that based off of a potentially bad test
cp_siege_b2Yesgood fun, the odd cover on A point doesn't really impact gameplay that much tbh, but a lot of the map is silly fun. The card choices don't feel that impactful, and does feel as if the decisions would've come regardless. Detailing wise it's nice. Nice job
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoJust feels clunky. The card choices don't feel impacful and the detailing is half done imo. Could use more work
koth_splinter_b4YesLooks awesome, but the asymm doesnt feel like its a worthy addition to the map. many areas dont utilise it as effectively as they should. still it is fun. The detailing is good, but does not feel like it is outside the US. The idea is interesting and I applaud the creativity
pl_moonjelly_a5gNuetralGameplay wise, it's a fun map, but the detailing isn't the standard I'd like which is disappointing. I really wanna see the whole thing finished Nuzdot !!!
pl_conclave_b6bNuetralFun map, but could use more time in the oven. The elevator on stage 1 is very fun, and probably my favourite area, AND it fulfills a card. However Stage 2 feels very open and not much of a frontline for B. Also some issues with spawn teleports too. Some detailing leaves bits to be desired unfortunately
cp_diorama_b1aYesLooks amazing, but a bit busy. the skybox ends shockingly close and feels unnatural in places. CatDuctor is obviously a treat and the bespoke assets are 2nd to none here. Gameplay is good, not perfect. Incan understand the concessions made due to the time constraints, and the absolute Gigachad of a gamble to go for the most cards, so it very much feels like a contest map. lovely work guys :D
cp_parkent_b5NoConfusing at times, and flow feels off. The detailing is nice, but some points feel imbalanced
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesClassic Medieval mode fun. The abundance of flames helps sniper too. lots of trimp spots and even water for pyro. And last is still a cluster of players but not just a dogpile
pl_cattower_b0YesDumb fun, unique concept and lots of charm (really is the cat contest)
cppl_puerto_b5NoThe rock detailing could use work, very unnatural. I like 1st stage more, 2nd feels awkward and just like a long line forward
cp_underway_b2YesLooks cool, plays ok, nice vibes. The cover on a feels a bit off, but l
I like B's cover gimmick. The other cards dont feel sd impactful, but its still fun
cp_lamworth_a12YesSolid map. easily one of my favs here. first point stage 1 feels a bit awkward but its smooth sailing from there. I would rank it higher in the voting if stage 2 was detailed however, which im v disappointed about
cp_herbicide_a4aNot Played Yet
pd_azureworld_b1YesGood fun. Good for traversal classes. The jumppads are a fun addition to keep it from going stale. The card choices feel solid enough, and feel natural enough. Frames die a bit but looks great
pl_acadia_a4bNoKinda fun, but the no artpass is ofc not ideal. i like the angles tho. and lobster. Would love to see it finished. Also the train is awesome
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoToo boxy and wide. Not my cup of tea.

Any of these votes are subject to change
Many I have played but not their final versions so ill wait until then to judge
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Feb 15, 2015
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESSolid, enjoyable payload map. Good detailing overall, with a cool theme (no pun intended).
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESVery fun 3CP A/D, despite B (in my experience) almost never being held by RED. Upon replaying the map, I have since seen RED hold B successfully twice, which makes me like the map even more, since each point feels like it has a viable hold, and the difficulty curve works well. Cool theme executed very well, but could perhaps use more differentiation in textures to make areas stand out visually (similar to Hadal).
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESI like this map in general, but having played its previous versions, I think it may have been better for me when it wasn't insta-cap. Insta-cap kinda boils down the gameplay to just defending one point, despite the close proximity of most of the points (which I greatly enjoy -- quick rotates are fun). D is kind of a cluster, but I do find myself thinking the actual area and routing to it works well. I don't like that the flag isn't required for the final cap, though. Detailing is really nice, if a bit overdone in places, and the theme feels really unique. I like that this is the type of map that benefits greatly from actual teamplay, and would honestly be interested in seeing more games with coordinated team strats on this map.
cp_foldover_finalNOBLU spawn to A is fine. A to B is horrible to push through as BLU, since you're at a major height disadvantage going up a cramped staircase that 180s. Lots of blind corners and odd angles to contend with as well. B to C has similar issues, just expanded to a lobby area. Since it takes so long to get to the lobby as BLU, RED usually has control over it, and it's super difficult to push in to even attempt capping C. I tend to like the points themselves -- I think A and B are fun and C is decently interesting, even though I'm not a fan of the radioactive water moat-thing around the point, which feels really jank to play in and around. Despite not thinking the detailing is really all there (C is SUPER RED-looking and other areas are lacking detail/texture variety), I really like the natural detailing on the map -- displacements, skybox, etc, look really great and lend the map a great vibe.
cp_siege_b2YESPretty fun medieval map. Were it not for the cannons, my vote would have probably been neutral or no, but the cannons are a fun gimmick that are implemented well and work really well with the map's layout. I enjoyed A much more than B overall, and I was not a big fan of C since it just turns into another Degroot Keep mosh pit. Detailing looks pretty nice, if a bit generic; the cannons also look pretty basic and chunky.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOLayout is not very interesting, detailing looks pretty mediocre (unaligned beams, odd texture choices, bumpy displacements, seams, alpha brushwork that should have been more detailed in a beta version, etc). Clipping is shoddy (kept getting caught on beams) and many displacements are so steep you can't even walk up them despite it looking like you should be able to. I have other issues not listed here, but my biggest gripe was seeing this go through so many versions with ALL these being feedbacked by various people and none of them being addressed. The planes in the hangar are neat, but not a fan of the rest of the map.
koth_splinter_b4YESI think this is probably the best-looking map of the contest, and it plays pretty well, too. I really enjoy the concept of the BO5 across four different KOTH stages, and I think it's executed here about as well as it feasibly can be (I also don't think that the mode scoring/win condition being "broken," assuming it actually is, is a dealbreaker). The asymmetry between sides is notable, but not so extreme that one team gets a major advantage. I wasn't a huge fan of the Minehead stage, since it felt really easy to hold the point in the tiny houses on the platform, and I thought the highest point of the roof area on the Sawmill stage was maybe a little bit too high/strong, but besides those minor issues, I think the map is pretty solid.
pl_moonjelly_a5gI think the map works well for what it is but, other than the setting, is fairly unremarkable. Nothing groundbreaking, but nothing that majorly puts me off of it either. I think the lack of proper artpass specifically hurts this map quite a bit, though -- I would really like to see the theming fleshed out a lot more post-contest, since I think this could look really great with proper custom assets.
pl_conclave_b6bNOJust feels like pl_hallway, outer routes all feel pretty narrow and separated. Super difficult and not very enjoyable push on first stage towards B. Second stage looks neat, but never got to see it in my testing (will try to if I get to play again). Detailing looks nice overall.
cp_diorama_b1aI don't really have a lot to say about this that others haven't already said -- the ideas on display here are really novel and unique, but I don't think everything is executed as well as it could be. Routing was not super intuitive a lot of the time, detailing looks really good overall but can be pretty busy in some spots and make it hard to focus, and I don't think the gamemode really adds much of anything but more confusion on the routing, especially for new players. The lighting is also fairly dim and shadowy overall, which I don't think helps things. The point designs also seem to make it kind of difficult to set up a good defense, as I don't think people really know where to hold since it's not immediately obvious with the point on a moving platform and a huge train working as cover. I can take or leave the Catductor -- it's cute enough but at the same time I don't think I'd really miss it if it were gone (this also is not factored into my overall rating; it wouldn't change regardless).
cp_parkent_b5YESReally unique Steeltype, I don't think everything works here but enough works to make me enjoy it overall. Routing is a bit complex and spaghetti, especially in getting to E and going around E, but it was nothing that more experience on the map would not fix. I like how each area feels fairly unique in theming, even if certain points see less play than others (B and D in my experience). Dynamic point elements for E are also neat and do a good amount to differentiate themselves from Steel. In my sessions, E did still feel pretty difficult to cap since RED can essentially still drop on top of you pretty easily (and it's hard to know exactly where they're coming from), but that kind of comes with the territory for the gamemode. I also have a slight soft spot for this map since its concept (vertically-stacked Steeltype) was what I was originally going to try to make for this contest. I think it's executed here much better than I could ever do.
cp_shanksgiving_b6NODoes not do enough to meaningfully differentiate itself from Degroot Keep. Despite the points having unique points of interest, none of them were really memorable and not much fighting actually happened around them. I think C is a slight improvement over Degroot, but doesn't really do much to prevent the map devolving into BLU team funnelling in nonstop due to the slow cap progress decay. This map is desparately in need of a major gimmick to make it stand out -- it's a shame the cannons are non-functional, as those could have given the map some more flair. Detailing-wise, the map looks nice, but just feels like stock medieval theme with some custom text overlays, pyres, and an Australian flag. The tree models used in the map also look a bit strange; they seem too dark in the middle and the leaves look weirdly "fuzzy."
pl_cattower_b0NODoesn't do it for me. As a silly mess-around map, sure, but as an actual TF2 map, not my thing. Sorry, Katsu. Theme is pretty fun and unique, though, despite some of the texture choices being a bit odd.
cppl_puerto_b5NOThe CP stage feels like it's scaled for Counter-Strike -- everything feels so tight, and not in a good way; it just turns into a corner spamfest. PL stage is scaled better/is more interesting/enjoyable for me up until the absolutely brutal push into last, which kills all momentum/fun I was having. Map looks pretty nice.
cp_underway_b2YESGreat, fun A/D map, unique point designs implemented well, good detailing. Loved seeing this one drastically change through development to end up with this final product. Great job!
cp_lamworth_a12YESVery fun and enjoyable 2-stage A/D, which I feel like I don't see very often. Map does a great job of feeling like a real place, despite the lack of detail on the 2nd stage. My first impressions were that the map felt a little underscaled in certain areas, like point 1B, but after playing it more, it felt just right and nothing really stood out as being particularly bad or unbalanced. It is a shame the 2nd stage did not see a full/partial artpass like the first stage, but the alpha detailing is very nice-looking and I feel as though a majority of the gameplay makes up for it.
cp_herbicide_a4aherb(my map)
pd_azureworld_b1NOVery nice-looking map, detailing is definitely on-point. Unfortunately, I'm not a fan of the asymmetrical PD gameplay on display here. Most of the fighting in my experience just happens on the mostly-flat beach, and other fighting areas on the bridge/in buildings are pretty small and not super interesting. I understand the boost pads are a point of contention in this map -- I personally never have enjoyed them. They feel clunky at the best of times and like they're actively sabotaging your gameplay at the worst of times. A unique idea, I just don't feel like it fits well inside of TF2 at all.
pl_acadia_a4bI have very mixed feelings about this map. I WANT to like it, since I think the theming is really neat and the layout isn't terrible or anything, but most of it just doesn't work well for me. I think A is generally fine, but the push towards B and C feels like a constant uphill battle for BLU, until they overtake the high ground at C and can basically shoot down onto RED's spawn doors. I really dislike that the payload drops (or doesn't drop, since it just kinda floats there) into gameplay space, since it makes the gameplay around that area feel really awkward. Despite liking the theming, I don't think it's executed particularly well -- the displacement work and texture choices generally leave a lot to be desired. The train going through the map also kind of felt like an afterthought with how it was implemented.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOVery overscaled and boxy. Hard to really judge gameplay due to the scale issues. Feels like it was made in a rush (which I am no stranger to -- I get it). The detailing is pretty sparse, which I imagine is primarily due to time constraints. I do REALLY like the small vista in the window room leading to B, and I wish the map had more of that (and I kind of want to play outside in that area). B is by far the worst part of the map -- a MASSIVE mostly flat room where RED gets almost nothing for defense and BLU gets tons of high ground. The only way to defend is by hoping RED establishes a base on that high ground before BLU gets in and takes it over, otherwise BLU just snowballs right in and wins.

All ratings and feedback obviously subject to change as I play/replay the entries.
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I like frogs :3
Oct 5, 2020
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixyesfun map, looks cool
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2yesfun map, looks cool
ctf_chouhen_b5ayesfun map, looks cool
cp_foldover_finalnoevery entrance to b is a tiny doorway that can be spammed by a single soldier, c has no good spots for engineers on both teams to build, the hazard around c only exists to be annoying.
cp_siege_b2yesfun map, looks cool
koth_splinter_b4yesfun map, looks cool
cp_diorama_b1ayesfun map, looks cool
cp_parkent_b5noIf blu rushes e and sends 2 demoman to watch the exits to e they can basically just instantly win the game from the start.
cp_shanksgiving_b6noTbh this just feels like a rehash of degroot keep and I do not understand why this map is set on Norfolk Island in Australia yet everything looks like a German Village
pl_cattower_b0noFar too open and wide, results in sniper hell making it impossible to defend/push if the other team has a good sniper.
cppl_puerto_b5noBoth stages feel too cramped and brutal chokes for blu team
cp_underway_b2yesfun map, looks cool
cp_lamworth_a12yesfun map, looks cool
cp_herbicide_a4anolast is pretty much impossible for blu to push and red is forced to defend it from two corners lest they be sniped by blu, not fun
pd_azureworld_b1yesfun map, looks cool
pl_acadia_a4bnoRouting on this map feels weird which results in areas where red just gets to walk up behind blu for free.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2anoMap is wildly overscaled, Last point is Impossible for blu team to capture
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Aug 26, 2016
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixyesplays relatively well. Visuals are ok.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2noplays ok. visuals are unique, but dont quite fit TF2
ctf_chouhen_b5anoplay subpar and visuals are only ok
cp_foldover_finalnoplays subpar and visuals are not that striking
cp_siege_b2nogameplay and visuals aren't amazing
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dnoplays poorly and visuals aren't very good
koth_splinter_b4yesPlays pretty well, and i like the visual theming
pl_moonjelly_a5gnodoesn't play that well and visuals are absent
pl_conclave_b6byesplays pretty well and i like the visual theme
cp_diorama_b1anodoes not play well and the visuals are not appealing
cp_parkent_b5nodoes not play well and visuals aren't great
cp_shanksgiving_b6yesplays well and visuals are ok
pl_cattower_b0nodoes not play well
cppl_puerto_b5nodoes not play well, visuals aren't great
cp_underway_b2noplays ok, visuals aren't great
cp_lamworth_a12yesplays well, visuals are good
cp_herbicide_a4anodoes not play well, visuals aren't great
pd_azureworld_b1my map
pl_acadia_a4bnoplays poorly, visuals aren't great
cp_pscp24_coap_b2anoplays poorly, visuals are absent
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AlrexX [she/they]

eater of titty skittles
Server Staff
Jul 31, 2019
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESI've played several iterations of this map and I'm really happy to see the way it has evolved throughout. As it stands it's a very solid payload map with a cool theme and lore. Would be a good pick for a winter update.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESAbsolutely love the theme. Gameplay is fun though I do remember playing a couple matches with stalling issues, but that could just be test bias. This would easily be a runner up for the top spot for me, and would fit nicely in a Summer 2025 update.
ctf_chouhen_b5a-I made this one lol. While things could definitely have gone better, I'm still glad I tried something new with this map. It seems to me, judging by feedback, that this one's a kind of love-or-hate type of deal, and I think I'm cool with that.
cp_foldover_finalNEUTRALWhile I do love the gimmick of having the map "fold over" itself, in the end making it from the lower level to the higher one feels a bit awkward and the second point is frustrating to attack as a result. I really wanna see this concept work - just needs a bit more time in the oven.

Update: I originally voted no, but in the end I still really appreciate what this map is trying to do and I think it represents the spirit of the contest well, so I think a neutral vote is appropiate here.
cp_siege_b2YESThis one's a bit of a surprise for me - might be my favorite medieval map, ever. No joke, I love the combination of extreme verticality and cannons that launch you to the skies! Not only is it a fun and elegant way to introduce verticality into a mode with limited movement options, but it gives the map a unique identity and is hilarious to witness from the ground. Few things can beat the absolute dread of five demoknights rolling out of spawn, taking the cannon and flying towards you at terminal speed.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOI had a good deal of fun in this map, I'll give it that. It just feels a bit too scattered to me, the scale is pretty big and A/B feel too disconnected. Theming also leaves a bit to be desired, although I do like the setting and rainy mood.
koth_splinter_b4YESA unique and exciting take on KOTH that almost feels like TC if it was good (fight me). Theming is really pretty and polished, all around I'd be surprised if this one isn't added to the game officially down the line.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESI had tons of fun in this one, although some areas of the map did feel a bit unfocused gameplay wise. Regardless, very solid map with a cool underwater theme, and I love how that final room turned out too!
pl_conclave_b6bNEUTRALThis one's just fine for me, I hate to say that it doesn't stand out too much personally. It's decently fun and fits TF2's theme nicely, but in a pool of many adventurous gameplay and theme ideas this one ends up seeming a bit underwhelming.
cp_diorama_b1aHAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_parkent_b5YESI was originally gonna vote neutral, because in truth I'm kind of on the fence about this map. On one hand, I love the point designs in concept and find them fun at times - but on the other attacking feels absolutely brutal. Unless teams are very unbalanced you'll often find BLU being stuck attacking the first couple points until they run out of time. Maybe this could be an issue of players not focusing on E enough, but in my experience any stray players trying to be cheeky were dealt with easily thanks to the quick rotation times RED has (which would usually be good if the other points were easier to attack). In the end though, this seems like it would be easy to fix by redesigning some of the attack routes BLU gets, and I do feel like this map is very much in tune with the spirit of the contest.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YESI absolutely love the chaos of that final point, and the bridge point is also a very fun fighting area from what I remember. Overall just a super fun map, especially for medieval, which is a gamemode that can easily go wrong, at least for me.
pl_cattower_b0HAVEN'T PLAYEDAll I have to say is I kinda wanna see this be a finalist just for the memes.
cppl_puerto_b5NOThis one's not bad by any means, but when it comes to attacking it's always felt really frustrating to me, although this depends on the version, since in later versions it seemed to switch the other way around for stage 1, where defending was really tough instead. Fond of the tropical theme but overall there's sadly too many gameplay flaws for me.
cp_underway_b2YESThis is another map I've seen grow and evolve throughout the contest. Very happy with the final result too, I think reworking last was the right call in the end. However, I will say that the most memorable element (point B) can also be its weakest, due to the fact that it can be a bit frustrating to attack. Regardless, I've always had fun playing this one, and I believe the artpass is pretty decent aswell.
cp_lamworth_a12YESHaven't played it an awful lot, but in my experience it's very solid and fun to play on, and it makes the most of the London theme, which is always nice to see. Love that the second stage is set around a metro station. This one also feels like it would be worth including officially in-game at some point (when finished).
cp_herbicide_a4aYESI had a ton of fun on this one, the gamemode (while far from perfect) is quite unique and fits the contest very well, and I love the general theme and the gimmick of killing the plant and changing the layout for D. Solid work!
pd_azureworld_b1YESIf I had to pick a winner it would most likely be this one. From the moment I played the first version, despite having plenty of flaws initially, I already saw potential for something special, and I have to say in a very short time that potential has shown itself in my opinion. This map is crazy fun and has a very clear and colorful identity. I could straight up just write a whole essay on how much I love this map. Even if it doesn't win, it will always be a winner in my heart, and I would be devastated if it isn't included in the next summer update. Solid work guys!
pl_acadia_a4bHAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOVisually it's barebones, but there's a very nice direction going on - you can tell there was planning behind the texture/color picks and the vista outside that one window is wonderful. Sadly the map itself is very overscaled and lacks in cover, which leads to a rather lackluster experience for most classes.
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✖ ✖ ✖
Feb 20, 2018
cp_siege_b2NEUTRALUnconventional for medieval, works/doesent work in some parts, hit and miss, over all neutral.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOfelt like i played this almost every imp i joined, neat ideas, doesent really play that interestingly, hurts my soul as a Gpit enjoyer to give it a no
pl_moonjelly_a5gNOjust not fun, all of the points before last feel like they lack focus, feel samey. Last is probably the best part of the map, might be too easy, and why is there hazard tape if it doesent actually roll back and just slows down? feels weird.
cp_diorama_b1aNOReally neat idea, good scripting, cat is funny, nice theme though I think it could use some work/different texture choices (custom ones are a mix of fine and "could use more work") that are less dark, unfortunately just not for me probably..... :( personally feel some spaces are pretty open and unreasonably hard to defend, namely B and A2, it feels like lost potential, cuz you had the opportunity to make A really easy the first time, and harder the second time but instead he made it easier the second time? A1 and C are my favourite points! the train cars the train picks up on B are very odd looking, next to the Steam-Engine FGD5 made, those new train car models are so over detailed in both modelling and texturing. The brick texture used on large parts of the map also stands out as being oddly uniform, next to the more un-shapely valve made bricks. Simplification could go a long way in improving the look of this map, but that's my personal preference. Lots of positives and neat ideas behind odd gameplay and detailing, all high effort! good job in spite of this negative rating!
cp_parkent_b5NOT PLAYED ENOUGH
pl_cattower_b0NONot the brand of gameplay for me unfortunantly. The theme excellently evokes the feeling of classic rat sized community server maps tho.
cp_underway_b2NOT PLAYED ENOUGH
pd_azureworld_b1NEUTRALI'm very mixed on this one, aesthetically its pretty good, and i like the boost pads. The gameplay, however, suffers, not because of asymetricality but just because of point designs, personally i find PD maps that feature a moving capture zone (watergate, selbyen) the perfect way to execute PD, when your layout doesn't allow for that, you need to have some sort of mechanic that pushes players off the point and cuts off access in a smooth manner, this map does neither, opting for the Dual Point approach, which i think could work, but I've yet to see any map execute it satisfactorily. Over all, neutral so far, but leaning toward a cautious no, need to play again.
pl_acadia_a4bNOreally interesting layout idea! feels too open and under-baked imo.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOway too massive and empty, not really that interesting detail wise either while the textures are used in a pleasant manner that doesn't feel noisy
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I'm sorry Mario, your logic is in another instance
Server Staff
Oct 9, 2021
Preliminary note: Everything below reflects how well I think the maps did in this contest and whether I think they are in harmony with the contest's spirit and rules, and not necessarily as standalone releases. I think this should be differentiated, otherwise the contest just becomes an arbitrary time frame in which we make maps and the actual theme and restrictions don't matter anymore. I'll likely change my opinions during the final round of voting or at least adapt them to more general criteria.
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYES(more to be written)
(more to be written)
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESThis is an interesting mix of a gamemode I like a lot (multi-point A/D), a gametype I don't like very much (A/D CTF), and a gimmick I'm ambivalent about (the Degroot Keep capture timer). A risky combination, but I think it has paid out. Playtests have generally been hectic, but enjoyable, and the map has a lot of interesting gameplay ideas. There are a few issues, like overtime being a bit unpredictable and at times frustrating, as well as the capture points varying greatly in difficulty. Capturing C last is significantly more difficult than any other combination, and I think that hurts the map. If BLU has multiple options on what to attack, those options should be more or less equally balanced (Gravelpit, Degroot Keep) unless one of them is very obviously intended to be harder (Steel, Sulfur Last). Definitely fixable, but will require some further balancing and testing.
Card #3: Probably my least favorite part of Chouhen. This point is incredibly difficult for BLU to capture as it is, and I don't find that this hazard adds a lot here other than adding to BLU's frustration while they're already at the most stressful part of the round. Personally I would suggest just removing this post contest.
Cards #4, 5, 8: No contest.
Card #7: Definitely adds to the pressure BLU is under, but in a good way. Feels like a natural way to design Last, although I'm not 100% certain I like the physical location of the point in the map. Will need to do a bit more thinking on that.
Card #10: I like it. The map feels very interconnected, and the mixture of interior and exterior feels very natural as well.
Card #14: As mentioned, I'm a bit ambivalent about this. It feels like a natural part of the map, but I'm not really sure I like it all that much. It just feels so frustrating having to do all the map progress all over again as BLU, and I wish there was at least something permanent. Maybe each time Last's timer runs down, one additional point stays captured for BLU? Or maybe they get some other advantage? Would love to discuss this more, I think there's some cool things that can be done here to make BLU players feel better without compromising how the map plays.
Busy, but beautiful. Really liking the general vibes. Disagreeing with some of the texture choices, but I don't know your references so this might actually be accurate as far as I can tell. I think my main detail criticism (and I really do like the artpass) is the objectives: BLU is trying to blow up a data center/main frame, with three different nodes and then the central processing thing. But there's very few actual computers, and they feel kind of.. not part of the location? Like the objective was put in after the artpass was already mostly done. Might just be my feeling. I think just placing some more computer props and perhaps cleaning their surroundings a bit might be enough to get the feeling across better.
Card #1: Works for me. I feel like the globe could be made a bit more impressive though: Put some red pointlights in it to make it shine, maybe highlight it a bit more, I dunno. It should really draw the eye.
Cards #2, #4: Executed very well.
Card #5: Yeah, that's not enough for me. Suggestions: More computer sounds, traffic down below, beeping alarms, dripping water, birds on rooftops, steam pipes. Could definitely have done more here.
cp_siege_b2YESHonestly my biggest criticism of this map is probably that Medieval Mode gets kind of exhausting after playing it for half an hour. This map does it really well, though.It's weird: I kind of did a full 180 on my opinion of this map's layout after playing it a couple of times. Really hated it at the start, perhaps because I didnt figure out how to airstrafe with the cannons, but now I think it's really good. Verticality is difficult to do in medieval mode since there's no mobility tools, and while I hate jump pads in normal play, they work very well on this map. Not sure I like the damage you get when using them, especially since it is seemingly inconsistent (is it a trigger_hurt? Maybe make it a OnTouch -> !activator -> hurtPlayer instead so players can't just avoid the trigger). I'd also wish the main path the map seemingly wants you to take (the big draw bridge) wasn't locked almost all the time. Funnel players more clearly towards the cannons and make them brighter to make it obvious they're not just background geo. Still, very solid gameplay, with a lot more strategies and learning than your average medieval duke-it-out map. Maybe adjust some of the flight paths slightly. Clipping could also be improved in places.
Card #3: Honestly feels like this was added only to fulfill the card. Not liking this one. Don't punish players for using the most awesome feature of the map! They already get fall damage anyway.
Cards #5, #8, #14: Solid execution.
#15: It's the next evolution of the Nipple Point! The Bunghole Point!
The artpass is a bit rough in places, but more or less solid. I already voiced my opinion on those atrocious brushwork market stall covers. Generally, I think the artpass could benefit from more polish in quite a few places, and it could really need some bespoke props here and there.
Cards #2: Works.
#4, #5: I had trouble noticing either during gameplay, if I'm being honest. I kind of hate the default medieval soundscape because it's so obnoxiously loud, and I think it kind of hurts you here. The vista also isn't very visible, but I suppose both cards are narrowly fulfilled.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNO(more to be written)
koth_splinter_b4NOThis was by far the most difficult one to decide on. Ido's layout skills are excellent, and the detailing is very consistently high-quality (although some areas could maybe use slightly more of it). There are a lot of areas on this map I find interesting individually. The location being Germany/Austria obviously also has appeal to me, and I kept looking around the map to spot more location references and German signage.
For my decision: The official criterium for this vote is, among other wordings, "Should this map be a contest finalist". I think more dev time should have been spent honoring the contest's rules (or they should have been considered more from the very start), and I find that the map only narrowly fulfills several of them. I'm voting No on it because I don't think it fulfills the spirit of the contest very well. It doesn't feel like it was designed with the contest in mind. I think this is a very solid map with the potential to be excellent, but I'm sorry to say that I don't want it to place in the Stack The Deck contest. I hope my reasoning is understandable.
This was fun to play on. All four areas have a different feel to them, layout-wise. I do wish that there was some kind of progress tethered to them. Show all stages on the HUD at all times to give players some orientation, maybe. Or mark them as A/B/C/D. The subtle dynamic elements covering two of the points are a nice touch as well. Some of the spawns do feel a little awkward, but considering the layout the paths all feel intuitive and lead towards the (respective) point, which I imagine was a challenge on this map.
My main gripe is the lack of asymmetry. Yes, the map is technically asymmetrical, but gameplaywise it really doesn't feel that way. All four points themselves are inherently symmetrical, with some changes here and there, and it feels like a lot of care was taken in putting all the asymmetry as far away from the main combat as possible while still adhering to Rule #1 of the contest. If you're already doing asymmetrical koth, I would really expect more from the actual fighting part, not just from the paths leading to the points. I can't help but compare the map to Azure World, which also does the symmetrical gamemode but asymmetrical layout concept, but does so in a much more involved way.
I can't say much to cards #1, #2, #3, #7, and #11, these are all solid executions.
Card #6.. I don't know. The spawnroom doesn't really change ownership, it is simply assigned to a team depending on stage. And the stages aren't part of the same round as far as I can tell, making each part of the map pretty much its own round, so this seems like another technicality.
Card #15: Not sure how much cover that sawblade really offers, especially with how fast it moves, but I guess that might have just been me. Suggestion: Make it like twice as big! That way it's better cover, more intimidating, and differentiates it from the 23428078 other maps who also have a sawblade on the point.
It's a very solid detail job. Especially the lighting and the general ""real-ness"" of the place are very good. I do wish the three exterior stages had a stronger individual identity. The download page says the multiple stages give you ""more map per map"", which is true, but then the detailing gives you a lot less map per map than expected. All the buildings use pretty much the same rooves and walls and all cliffs and floors have the same color. There is no team identity whatsoever, which is admittedly difficult to do on a multistage map with ownership changes, but still. At least throw some dynamic signs in places that change skins or highlight some buildings in different ways. It's a bit strange, since clearly a lot of care was put into the buildings individually, but then they were all detailed to kind of blend together? It feels boring, I'm sorry to say.
Now for the cards:
#2: Yeah.. not sure about that one. I've put a lot of research and thought into how one could make a map very clearly set in Europe.. and this ain't it. There's some German signs on the map (which I love!), but that is pretty much the only thing that doesn't look typically American to me on this map. This might be an artstyle question and definitely open to debate, but come on. The map uses the upward tileset and colors with some trees here and there. There are sandy-looking cliffs and rocks spread out, and the only green thing in the whole map are the trees and treecards. To say it in a different way, would this map be recognizably in Europe, let alone Germany/Austria, if you removed the German words?
I don't think this map fullfills the ""clearly-not-in-america"" card. At least use different fonts than the typical TF2 signs, dammit!
#4 No contest there. Love the out of bounds details. A lot to see here, and as mentioned, the lighting is top notch.
#5 Another frustration to me. There's the sawmill and the waterfall, alright. Where's the idling truck noise? I couldn't hear one. Wish more had been done here. Suggestions: Birds, alarm siren in the underground area, (louder) computers, passing trains, working machinery. Doesn't the map use custom soundscapes?
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESProbably the unfinished artpass I'm the saddest about. Please promise me you'll finish this one. It's a very ambitious style, if not necessarily in layout, and I think it will motivate other mappers to try making maps that are really "out there". I think the map only very narrowly fulfills Rule 5 of the contest.Played a lot of rounds on this, and usually had fun. I don't think I encountered any clearly unbalanced round that couldn't be explained due to bad teams (or Tails stomping us in the ground - this map takes place underwater, I think we should just ban Pyro :))))) ). I think Third might need more work, I'm not convinced about the wideness of the area and the more or less random barriers throughout, but that might just be me.
Cards #6 and #8 I don't have much to say about. I think a little more could have been done with #11, and perhaps with #9 as well. The delay mechanic wasn't particularly impactful as far as I was able to tell, and it took me more than one round to really notice it at all. #11 would be cool to see built on more, with a path going parallel to the cart path or something. Just some thoughts.
Really loving the idea and the implied details. Very sad the artpass hasn't progressed further, otherwise this would probably be one of my favorites. Really hoping this will get finished after the contest, it's too good to stay in this shape. The setpieces, even in their barebones form (the BLU spawn submarine, the sunken ship, the city in the background) are so cool.
#6: Doubtlessly.
#5: Despite the unfinished artpass, this card was very clearly fulfilled. There's few areas in the map where you don't hear something. I suppose the deathpit water noise is arguably whether it's a visual detail that makes noise, but considering the map's direction, it seems apt. You definitely want some dedicated water flow particles or something similar to go with it later on.
(more to be written)
cp_diorama_b1aN/AHaha gottemN/AN/A
(more to be written)
cppl_puerto_b5YESThis map is by far not perfect, but it's a very genuine attempt at fulfilling the contest's objectives. I originally voted NO on this, but have changed my mind upon further review.This map is a bit of a mixed bag for me. I've had both high and low gameplay moments on it, although it's not in a bad place overall right now. I'm sad to see the degroot timer gone, but have to admit it does play better now. Overall the map could probably be a bit longer, especially the second stage, but that might just be me.
I can probably say more about Stage 1 simply because I played it more. A and B are both good and very varied points and their BLU-sidedness doesn't feel like a huge issue given BLU is usually split up when attacking them. I enjoy the general pathing around the stage, and it makes good use of verticality for one-way paths. Especially the RED spawn exit towards B side is a design I'll have to steal at some point. Point C has often felt like a bit of a chore to attack, which is probably my largest frustration with the map. It's weird, there are three pretty accessible entrances for BLU but it feels super hard to even get close to them. I think adjusting spawn times or inhibiting RED's ability to take over BLU territory some more would help. In retrospect, making C a different elevation compared to A and B would have been ideal, but I guess that's a bit too late now.
Stage 2 is the weaker one, I think. It probably received less testing and development overall, or at least if feels that way. The general pathing isn't bad, but some of the sighlines and their attempts at combating via barriers are not super well thought out to me. Most payload maps make several 90 degree bends for a reason, something this stage is kind of lacking.
Not going to address each of the Cards individually, since I think they've all been executed well (although I'm not a huge fan of #15). Props to trying to fulfill so many cards!
I'll keep this short. The general idea comes across well, and the map's general location is immediately obvious. The exterior lighting and general color scheme are chosen well for Stage 1. I think the ssbumpmapped rock texture on Stage 2 is pretty atrocious though and dominates it visually.
The artpass is very obviously unfinished, with a lot of very blocky geometry and areas I feel could be fleshed out a lot more. The beach isn't even a displacement yet, which makes it look pretty flat and unappealing. Something that bothered me especially was how literally none of the window textures on S1 are aligned correctly. It feels a little bit like texture lock wasn't used at all while making these, or all of them were selected and aligned to world (and if so, why??). Overall, the texturing could use a lot more work, although I don't hate the general textures chosen.
The reason I'm voting YES on this map is because it does have a lot of details I missed before, and while the artpass has many flaws, it was very much made with love. I've been flying around the map for a while now, and keep finding little things that I didn't expect. I just wish this kind of attention was distributed a bit more evenly, especially around the ""boring"" parts of the map.
Card #2: No contest. If there were any doubts about this being set in South America in Stage 1, the temple in Stage 2 makes it clear.
Card #4: I'd count the ocean view, but the mountainside really needs more work. As mentioned, I think the rock texture does the map a huge disfavor.
Card #5: There were quite a few. While writing this, I actually got startled by the ship's horn, lol
cp_underway_b2YES(more to be written)
cp_lamworth_a12NO(more to be written)
cp_herbicide_a4aNOIt's a fun one, for the most part. The layout is strong, with flank routes, both large and small spaces, and interesting capture point designs. The weakest part by far is the last point, mostly due to the ridiculously strong defensive positions engineers are given. I really don't think it would take much to balance Last (nerf the big ammopack, fix that Solider jump over the wall near RED's upper spawn door, improve some sightlines for BLU), but as it is, attacking has been pretty frustrating. Big potential though, and we need more Steeltypes.
I find all gameplay cards to be executed generally well.
Not much of a detailing pass yet. I guess there are no dev textures, but it sorely lacks in detail, and considering it still desperately needs some layout changes, I struggle with calling it fully artpassed. I think this map will be very good eventually, and hope the artpass will do it justice.
pd_azureworld_b1YES(more to be written)
pl_acadia_a4bNEUTRAL"I feel shame every time someone says they think this map is fun" - YOYOYO, when asked about his opinion on Acadia's placement.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNO(more to be written)
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Jun 27, 2019
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESDesolation is a straight up fun payload map through and through. The looks definitely seem to pull from several existing tf2 map visuals to REALLY make the map fit in with official ones by looks, but at the same time, uses interesting concepts and overall unique detailing elements to really make Desolation come into it's own. The detailing between the 3rd and final points feels a little empty, but not bad, everywhere else I'd call the detailing rather good. I don't quite know why, but the 3rd point kind of feels like a last. It's not bad to hold, and the flow of the map paired with the detailing at and going into it make it feel like a finale. Makes coming back outside into the snow feel a little weird if I'm being honest, but that may be a bit of a nitpick.

Onto the arguably more important thing though; gameplay! Not only is the 1st point visually unique and interesting, but the same can be said for the gameplay! While i'd say most of this map is a smash hit, 1st is by far my favorite point to play in. The amount of angles red can try to defend the point, while still making it not too hard a push for blu is very commendable. I will say that while I love the robot pit at last, something feels off about the gameplay space there, though I can't qquite put my finger on it...
The cave between 2nd and 3rd is interesting. it really feels like it's building the 3rd point up for reasons i can't explain, but The way the cart moves through this area is really interesting. The times I played, the cart usually only got stopped in the cave once per round, though for a decent amount of time. Each round in the cave felt very different because of that. I like it.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESWhile I haven't played half the maps at this point, I'd have to say Thalassophobia is currently my favorite standard A/D map. I've been able to play this a nice handful of times throughout development and it's been cool to see how the routing has changed over time. The end product is something I feel is above all: coherent. The flow of this map is superb, and something I really feel you nailed on the head. I never felt lost on the map, which is almost surprising due to how evenly the theming has been spread across the map. I especially like how unexpectedly interesting it is to fight in some of the corridors, as small bits of geometry like short crates do a surprisingly large deal to flesh out a simple room between points.

I just wish it was easier to climb onto (and therefor die) to the gear on last :p
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESThis map is unique in more way than one. Pairing ctf with degroot style a/d is an unconventional pairing that actually works quite well. At first hit, the short time it takes to cap a point feels jarring, but once you get used to it it feels rather natural. Gameplay wise, the mind games with the points is interesting. People I played with generally weren't super used to the map, so I'd see them all huddle toward A. That made it easy to pick B or C to cap. Since it's easier for red to defend B i usually try and go for that to great success. That's a map knowledge issue as I see it and losing a point generally feels warranted as red. If red is at A, you better hope your team realises that because red fully set up at A can be hard to fight against. TLDR just go where red isn't :clueless:. In all seriousness though, I can't really fault the map gameplay wise much. D feels a little akward to fight around since such a small room doesn't have a good fighting area built around it. It can make D feel a little... random? Not sure how to describe it. If I were to hazard a possible fix, I'd maybe put a more substantial room in front of D to give more of a frontline for both teams to fight at. That's just my take though, you only try it if it sounds cool.

As for the visuals there are less than zero complaints. The map generally is stunning. Plenty of detail, great color choices. Each point feels distinct. The high up skyscraper aesthetic is for sure a fun one. Very unique. This map really hit it out of the park I think.

(Also the spawn death window is perfect and anyone saying it's dumb is factually incorrect)
cp_foldover_finalNUETRALThis map feels small and simple. Kind like older tf2 maps. The gameplay is tighter, but not in like a "dUstBowl 2" way. IT feels rather nice for the most part. I don't think I care for the stairs going from A to B though. Looking at that angle while fighting is a bit annoying, especially in such a cramped area. Almost wish there was a room to the side of at least one set of stairs to move around more. Maybe make a flat bit in the middle of the stairs for people in that room to get back onto them, since I do feel like the top and bottom being a choke is intentional. Anywho, something about the spytech after B feels slightly off? maybe it's just how much of that saturated RED texture is used, maybe it's the sudden shift into the spytech, I can't tell. The points feel fun to play around, though I think it's a bit of a walk for BLU to get to A. maybe shorten that area somehow. I think it's a good map, but overall needs a bit of work. I don't think I'd put it in top 10, but i'd still put it up decently high. probably somewhere from 11th-15th. I know that's bottom half but this contest has some stiff competition i'd still say that's high.
cp_siege_b2HAVEN'T PLAYEDLike, actually. Still.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOThe concept for this map is interesting but generally it all feels a bit unrefined. I wouldn't necesarily say the scaling is off in any way, but the geometry feels rather messy, and the routing could use some improvements. for A and B i don't think the problems are too bad, just some tweaking here and there, but C is a bit of a pain point, and that mostly seems to be due to the routing towards it. from A, there's this little door into a room with rather significant highground. it's really easy for red to lock down that room with a single power class or sentry (god forbid both). on the other side from A, blu seems to do fine until they get to the room before C it's got a height disadvantage, and a low ceiling, making manuevering difficult especially for mobility classes like soldier and scout. even just raising the ceiling by 128 hu would really help that room. as for each point, they feel a tad unfinished. something these points could use is better theming, and more importantly; more interesting geometry. at A, the planes don't make for great cover to play around. they don't do a great job protecting of really obscuring players for either team. B's point feels a little tucked out of the way for both teams, and the area inside the point feels rather empty. some props for classes to jump on or hide partially behind could help that. I'm assuming C is a control tower for the airfield? I think playing into that more could help both looks and gameplay. look at reference photos to really see how to shape the point. At the moment though, the area RED has to hold the point with feels a bit akward. Generally the geometry at C doesn't feel great to stand around, so RED has tended to hold further forward in the rooms right before C on either side.
koth_splinter_b4YESit's an interesting take on koth. essentially having 5 shorter rounds of 4 random maps is kind of fun actually. a shame the logic was broken but generally i had no qualms with that. I wouldn't say any of the points were particularly spectacular, but i'd call all of them solid. To give them a mini ranking, I'd say my least favorite was the point with the fence props and the small buildings. Not sure what irks me about it though. after that is probably a tie between the cliffside point and the covered point on the tracks. my favorite is the underground point. i don't really know why.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNUETRALI'll be honest, I'm a bit torn on this one. The gameplay I think is quite good. No area feels particularly annoying from the perspective of either team. There are few areas that bug me in any way. Most of them are just areas that would be within reach if there was an oil drum to jump on top of (just as an example of height). I think maybe the routes into last from the sides should dip down near the point to encourage blu to go to the cart, rather than toward red's spawnroom. Other than that though the map gameplay wise is pretty on point I feel.

Detailing I feel is left a bit empty. The brush built models such as the jellies and coral, along with a decent bit
(but not all) of ground geometry not being displacements makes alot of the map feel a bit unfinished. It feels like the map hasn't gotten an artpass. (for a5g that's to be expectedf tbf) I'll say that's fair since you can only do so much during the contest deadline, but it's something I feel I should count in my vote. The only areas that stand out in this regard is the indoor room before B, and the inside of Last. These give a nice glimpse of the final direction you're taking the map in, and they look good. But with those two areas specifically being the only artpassed sections I think I'll mark a bit off. The skybox looks really nice, though the kelp in it looks a bit odd.

Generally, I think this is a really good map, and while stylistically I'm not sure it fits with base TF2, I wouldn't dock it any points for that. This map is a solid one, and with a full artpass could be something worth very high praise.
pl_conclave_b6bNUETRALconclave is a generally fun, if not a somewhat basic map. the gameplay is fine, I can't think of anything I'd particularly change, but at the same time I wouldn't say any gameplay space really stood out to me. Maybe it's just the simple detailing. The map doesn't look bad, but perhaps just doesn't stack up to some that i'd place higher.
cp_diorama_b1aYESI like trains. I am biased in that regard. The animation on the engines is wonderful, and you can really feel how the map is built around the engine. I like just looking at it. In terms of gameplay I feel there's alot of empty space to give the engine some room to travel. following it on foot is the easiest way to find the point but is a bit time consuming because of that. The area around A feels a bit tall in terms of gameplay space tbh, but honestly the fights around each point feel pretty good, barring maybe last a little. Last feels a bit cramped. Maybe the station platform could've been a bit wider or something. I dunno, hard to say. And lastly, the Catductor meets expectations, give them my compliments. I look forward to voicelines...
---cp_parkent_b5---OUR MAPGive it a good think...
cp_shanksgiving_b6NUETRALIt's an interesting, if not somewhat simple medieval mode map. I might like it more than DeGroot Keep tbh. This does well to follow the theming, but to that extent I also feel it doesn't do much to stand out. I understand what you're going for with the while feast thing, but I dunno, maybe that theme could show itself of more throughout more of the map. putting the final point in a pit is nice, and the nearby bonfire is notable, but I don't think I'd consider it top 10 material for the sake of the contest. I do think however, that it'd be a great fit for the game at the end of the day! that might seem contradictory. I'm sorry, I don't understand how my brain works.
pl_cattower_b0NUETRALDespite how generally open the map is, sniper is actually not the annoyance i thought he'd be. One thing I think the map could improve on is nobody goes for the cart right away. The fact that it's tucked out of sight under the shade may be part of the reasoning for that. Generally it's an interesting map to fight on, but alot of things feel a little weird in a way i can't quite put my finger on. It doesn't feel much like TF2, but for the sake of how i'm ranking things I don't really want to take that fact into consideration. The detailing doesn't seem to be all there yet, so a slight dock for that but not much. The detailing feels almost finished, but at the same time a bit bare. I would say the map is pretty good, but I probably wouldn't put it at top 10 material. Sorry Katsu :( still want to see this map continued though. It's gotta be the ace up your sleeve for gameday afterparties in the continued future.
cppl_puerto_b5HAVEN'T PLAYEDI tried playing it again, but everyone left since I did a late night test. We had enough players to somewhat give it a shot, but I'm not comfortable voting on it yet.
cp_underway_b2YESUnderway actually a very nice map. It does something interesting with it's theming by having the entirety of RED's base be under construction. I don't know how that hasn't been thought of... The map feels very vertical, but not in an overbearing way for the most part. Last feels a little overscaled and alot of the gameplay area feels very seperate from the point. Despite that it's very fun to play at, so I wouldn't change much over there really. the first point feels a little weird with the suddenly wood, in an otherwise heavily stone and iron construction area, but it feels nice to play around. I have to assume it's some form of lumber yard that's been there before RED decided to set up shop. Either way, I especially like the highground by the suspended logs. My favorite point is B. It's such an oddly shaped point, but the gameplay feels extremely solid around it. It's especially fun since you can block capture as red, and blu can see you do it, but if they want to do anything about it they have to escape the shelter that wall provides.
cp_lamworth_a12HAVEN'T PLAYEDLike, actually. This is annoying since I just missed playing this when it was put up on the last contest night. I want to play it. I will get feedback for everyone for preliminary voting, mark my words.
cp_herbicide_a4aNOHerbicide is a decent map. It's rough around the corners though. A lot of the points feel a little off. A feels fine. B feels a little easy for RED to defend considering how close it is to blu. Can't pinpoint why though... sorry if that's unhelpful. C feels a bit empty honestly. Not a whole lot of geometry closer around it. Despite it being outside it was a bit open and empty. Having some more geometry close to the point might help. maybe even have some leaves on the plant to stand on? just spitballing... D is a weird one. It feels easier to cap at the start of the round due to how low it is. it's hard for sentries to get to it and reds going to defend it have a similar problem. it's a bit of a walk to get back from the point when it's down low, and a bit difficult to lob damage down at. I like the concept of the plant wilting taking away ground for red, but I wish it did a little more with that as red still held that point pretty easy. Maybe replace a little bit more of the platforms overlooking the point made of plant, or have some vines holding open window covers, so when the plant wilts the covers shut giving red less area to shoot out of. The plant assets look a bit unfinished but we all only have so much time for modelling, so i won't mark off points for that. It's still a fun map, but I don't see it as top 10.
pd_azureworld_b1YESThis map is great. The visuals are spot on, and the gameplay is really solid. I wish a little more of the map was the inside section being more close quarters for classes like pyro and heavy, but generally, the map is split rather well. In fact that's one thing I really like about it. The gameplay space in a gamemode like pd is alot more nebulous than more linear gamemodes, so quiet spaces can be harder to come by. Not here! The indoor part of the map is a nice breather area, and it's good for sneaking away with some hard earned points when the boardwalk is like a pile of angry bees, or just a good place to re evaluate a situation as spy.
The boost pads are rather fun. I can feel the map was built with them in mind and wouldn't want them taken out. Sometimes they can get in the way if I'm in the middle of a firefight near them, as accidentally touching them while focused on an enemy usually ends poorly. Don't know what i'd do about that. Generally though they can be rather interesting to use to your advantage. revving into them as heavy can be very fun, and using them to close the gap as spy is great. It's also fun as engineer seeing someone use that to burst into the center of an area you placed a sentry. They just can't escape before they die. I'd count that as a negative if it weren't so easy to avoid the pads during pure movement gameplay.
pl_acadia_a4bNOThis map has less points than a typical payload map. I actually kinda like it. More concentrated payload. In the future i'd suggest an engine other than the german once since this map doesn't seem german in location, though that's a nitpick and i won't knock you any points for it. For the most part this map is solid. Nothing mind blowing, but generally pretty fun.

The area near the payload crossing feels off. I can't quite recall what though.

The large rollback zone near last feels a tiny bit too punishing, it could probably be shrunk by 128hu or something. some hazard stripes along the length of the rollback tracks would also work better than the small ones marking the start and end. It doesn't feel like most of this map got artpassed, and while gameplay is more important I do think that loses some small points due to how many maps did get at least an early stage artpass. I don't know if this makes it more or less annoying, but i'd say this is pretty close to getting in top 10. 15 or above. considering the competition, i'd say that's pretty high. Makes me consider how i'd make a tierlist for these maps...
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOThis map feels a bit off. The area before A feels mostly fine. The hanging platform feels a bit odd to have but no major problems there. The room in front of the point feels a little empty though. not just in terms of detail. small props like oil drums and crates and be nice bits of 'micro gameplay' that can liven up an area a ton. The map could use some of this. After A, the room past it is fine, also a little empty, same situation.

The triangle room it leads into though is a bit of a pain point for the map though. I've seen some people call it overscaled, but I don't think that's really true. It's just empty. The only thing in that room is a couch or two around the edges. I like the window, but I feel more needs to be going on in here. I don't know exactly what you're going for detail wise so i'm not sure what should go in that room, but some geometry to cut up that area into smaller fights may be a good plan. I'd also add another door exiting into that room. maybe one closer to the window? perhaps you could have a second floor in that room around part of it that takes longer to get around, but may act as a good area to move around snipers and sentries long enough to get within fighting range.

Last is also pretty empty, I like the 'moat', but there doesn't seem to be too much reason for it for either team. Some cover in the room to help red would probably go a long way along with the micro gameplay i mentioned earlier. The balcony at last that I'm guessing is for blu seems easy for red to hold but i find no problem with that. Red has a big lock on that area since it's the shortest route for both teams. It's hard to get to the door on the other side of the room where snipers like to sit, so most of blu team doesn't go oever there. That second floor idea I mentioned might help that if it encourages some of blu to go to that door, though if you have a better idea for that then go for it. overall I'd say this isn't top 10, but it's a good attempt, and I don't think needs to be redone from scratch to make a good map. It's got the foundation, you just have to work with it more.
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L1: Registered
Jun 2, 2024
Will update as I play through them.
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesGenuinely want this map polished and put onto the workshop. Love the theming, and I think the map overall plays great.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesMap is visually great, and I've always had fun while playing it.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesThis map feels chaotic but in a good way? I find it fun. Plus, the visuals on this map are one of my favorites of this contest.
cp_foldover_finalNeutralI've had some fun on this map and I like the theme, though I do think both gameplay and visuals could be improved.
cp_siege_b2YesA good, solid medieval map. Had fun playing on it, and I enjoy the use of cannons to get around.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoMap is consistently unfun to play on; the map is extremely cramped and displacements are very rough to walk on. While I do like the concept of the map, the actual visuals aren't that great.
koth_splinter_b4YesI really love this idea of multi-stage koth, and I think it's executed really well here. I've had fun playing this map. I really like the visuals, though I wish there was a little bit more color used to differentiate the stages better.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYesI like this map's visual theme, and think gameplay-wise this map works fine enough. Any flaws this map has regarding gameplay I feel can be easily fixed with time, and I'd love to see this map fully artpassed.
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralWhile this map has some flaws (particularly with stage 2) that need to be ironed out, I think overall this is a solid map, with some nice visuals. This map isn't really groundbreaking, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing; It's a fine, standard payload map.
cp_diorama_b1aYesI really enjoy this map, even if in it's visuals moreso than actual gameplay. Gameplay overall on this map can be quite hit-or-miss, and I think there's lots of room for improvement (particularly with point B). That being said, I still generally have fun, and feel like the positives of this map outweigh the negatives. (and I'm just a big fan of trains...)
cp_parkent_b5NeutralThere are a lot of things I like about this map, and I actually do have fun on it, but I feel like this map needs a bit more balancing that I really don't think I should give it a Yes.
cp_shanksgiving_b6NeutralIt's a fine medieval map, with fine visuals, but that's just it; there's nothing about it that really makes it stand out. It kind of just feels like another version of degroot keep.
pl_cattower_b0NoWhile I enjoy the concept of this map, gameplay wise I just have not had fun, sorry. Map just feels way too open. The visuals are also quite basic.
cppl_puerto_b5NeutralMap is a bit cramped in spots, but I've had some fun playing this map. I like stage 1 more than stage 2, and I also think visuals could be improved.
cp_underway_b2YesThis is a solid, fun map with nice visuals. I particularly like the construction theme (I feel like it isn't used enough...) and generally have had fun playing this map. I think the visuals could be improved just a little bit, though.
cp_lamworth_a12YesI really enjoy the visuals, and I've had fun while playing. I hope you take the time to finish stage 2's artpass at some point.
cp_herbicide_a4aNeutralWhile I like the concept of this map, and have had fun playing it, I think the gameplay's flaws and the unfinished artpass unfortunately make me put this in neutral rather than Yes. I'd love to see this map continue to be worked on after this contest.
pd_azureworld_b1YesI really like this map; both visual and gameplay wise. It's fun to run around this map and take in all the little details while fighting. I also enjoy the boost pads, they're fun to use personally.
pl_acadia_a4bNoMap is very flawed and visuals are pretty rough. While this map has some concepts that I like (I like the lobsters and the trains going around the map), overall this map will be getting a No vote from me.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoIn this map's current state, I cannot in good judgement vote Yes for it. That being said, if you fixed the overscaling issues I think it could turn out pretty good. I also do like the use of textures on this map, it looks neat.
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L1: Registered
Oct 11, 2023
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESlooks great, plays well, well polished, unique theming
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2NEUTRALlooks decent, plays well enough, easy to get lost due to winding routes and every room looking pretty much exactly the same, unique theming
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESlooks great, plays well, best use of the flag in a/d ctf I've ever seen
cp_foldover_finalHAVEN'T PLAYEDn/a
cp_siege_b2NOnavigating the map feels confusing and annoying due to the unique layout and gimmicky movement options
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOlooks unfinished, poor brushwork, has many gameplay issues that were never addressed
koth_splinter_b4YESa bit confusing but fun, looks good, has some small issues (sightlines, broken capture points, etc.) that add up and bog the map down
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESlooks good yet clearly unfinished, plays well enough, unique theming (always happy to see Amaurot), heavily bogged down by the severe lack of polish it has, felt heavily attacker-sided last time I played but not by enough to say no
pl_conclave_b6bNOis decent both visually and gameplay-wise, but is far from notable in any way
cp_diorama_b1aNEUTRALlooks great, plays well enough, can be confusing to navigate sometimes but surprisingly not often
cp_parkent_b5NOso defender-sided that it can be considered genuinely unplayable
cp_shanksgiving_b6NOseems like it's just a remake of degroot keep (which I find kinda boring), unique theming, poor use of cards
pl_cattower_b0NOinsane sightlines, strange layout makes navigation feel odd, feels more like a trade map than a map designed to actually be played, unique theming
cppl_puerto_b5NOlooks good, last point is the only point that gets defended in both stages, first point doesn't fit with TF2's map design
cp_underway_b2YESlooks good, plays well, layout choices feel refreshingly unique even for this contest
cp_lamworth_a12YESlooks good (on the first stage at least), plays well, somewhat unique theming
cp_herbicide_a4aNOlooks unfinished, D having less vines after each capture is an interesting idea but is executed poorly to the point that D gets increasingly impossible to push as the previous points are captured, unique theming
pd_azureworld_b1YESchaotic yet fun, looks great, janky gimmicks (launch pads, boost pads, etc.) only bog the map down for me
pl_acadia_a4bNOlooks unfinished, strange layout that often feels unfun to play around
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOlooks unfinished, really bad layout (consists almost entirely of either huge rooms with big sniper sightlines or tiny corridors)
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Malachite Man

L6: Sharp Member
Oct 16, 2015
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesExtremely Solid Payload map that has tons of charm, from the grinder in blue spawn to the robots strewed about the map this map has tons of charm, some of the points can get very chokey but it still manages to be very good all around. On the visual end solid, could use more contrast from the very cold snow but still good!
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2NeutralIt's been very hard to talk about this map personally, it has so much potential in my eyes but there's still things I feel it falls short on. The underwater theming is cool but alot of the areas I feel still need more visual flare & color, an map like hadal can get away with this due to the color coding around the map but most of this map unfortunately looks dull. This is not to say the map lacks any flare at all because things like the Underwater Cow, Giant Cog & Submarine are still extremely sick but generally the map needs more & I personally feel it should use the Underwater theme to the fullest extent. As for gameplay the first point is generally pretty fun to defend/attack all things considered but the map sorta falls off with B. Most of the time blu steamrolls red & caps B extremely quickly, Red can't rebound after losing A. Then onward to the last point, C it's a drag to attack into & defend. It's gotten better over the version but Engi's weld extreme amounts of control over the points due to the way it's all designed. Generally the map needs more work on B & C, despite this I don't think this map is bad & I feel as if it has loads of potential still. It's just right now it lacking in the things I talked about for me to give it any higher than a Neutral. Keep at it!
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesOne of my faves from this contest, extremely unique a/d CTF map that takes place on the roofs of a dusk soaked city. Absolutely loved this map, from the way the setting plays into the gameplay to the chaotic frenzy of flags juggling from person to person as blue is utterly getting stomped on at a staircase or likewise, I also want take a moment to appreciate the visuals too. The map reminds me a lot of Die Rise from Black Ops 2 Zombies, and I say this in a good way. It used voids skybox well while also having a real feeling of a dense urban area, all around great map!
cp_foldover_finalYesGood Map! I liked this one alot! Having the points be ontop of eachother adds this sense of vertical gameplay that I feel is very unique to this map. Points are fun to attack/defend into. Except last which is where I feel the map really falls apart, C isn't good but A & B so 2 beats 1 meaning this map is a Yes! Visuals all around are good, skybox needs some work in terms of smoothing displacements too but still solid. Good Job!
cp_siege_b2YesFun little Medieval Map. It maybe shouldn't work but it does nevertheless.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoUnfortunately this map just isn't very fun to play on as either, red or blue. Points feel extremely helpless to defend so you'll always get pushed back to C but then it devolves into an utter display of confusing obtuse fighting, point also just feel obtuse to attack into also, displacement work doesn't help in this. As for the visuals the map doesn't do too much in the way of setting itself apart from the drab jungle/swamp theme too much to really have anything too notable aside from the Aircraft Hanger in the map which is by far my favorite part of the map. I'd argue that area has potential to be a good gameplay area in worked on more but for now I am going to have to give this map a No. Keep working on it & please add some color too! Too much Grey/Green lol
koth_splinter_b4YesWished I had come up with this idea first, just an all around really great map with a good idea. Ido's signature architectural work shines through while these really nice neutral beige like colors just really grounding this map. Along with the ever changing gameplay due to the rotating KOTH gamemode it's just all around an extremely good map. Had loads of fun on it.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYesGenuinely sad this one isn't more finished/detailed. It's a really solid payload map. Some payload maps slog in the beginning push but this map actually makes it dare I say... fun? Even with the last heavily based off borneo it's still all around very fun! I wish I could give more to the detailing but it's sadly unfinished, I think with detailing this could've pushed it well over the edge as a top contender for me. Keep at it!
pl_conclave_b6bNoAll around this map is alright, however I feel as if that's a problem? The map does everything pretty ok but nothing really stuck out to me, the first point isn't very good to push into as blue or even that worth it to red & the last point of the first stage just isn't very fun at all. Red either get's steamrolled due to spawncamping or has such a strong grip on it that attacking it from any angle is fruitless at best. The second stage I feel picks it up the pace a bit but ultimately the second stage is extremely chokey. On the detailing part the map is ok. It doesn't do anything that's too out there in terms of uniqueness but it also doesn't go the full mile with it's own theme I feel? There's a lot of areas of this map that feel very drab & just kinda empty? The Half-Life-esque Cliffs are cool but this doesn't do much when the rest of the map just isn't doing much for me. All around has potential but it needs more things going on for me to enjoy it.
cp_diorama_b1aYesFavorite Map of the Contest. The map is utterly brimming with creativity & character that really pushes into a whole new level. The Boomerang Control Point concept mixed in with the Catductor train is incredibly well executed while also serving the double function of making the map feel like as if you are really progressing as a team. All the points also provided unique gameplay scenarios in terms of height variation & the such that defending/attacking feels very good to do. The only possible critique of this map is that I feel as if double A (the second time blue must defend A) is rarely ever actually defended, I feel like this is due to red not being able to rebound from losing B. This however does not lower my opinion of the map in any which way, extremely fantastic map, D is my favorite point to attack into/defend. Good Stuff!
cp_parkent_b5NoThis was hurts to give a bad rating to because I think the map has really good parts in it. However I cannot the gameplay shortcomings that come with this map. To delve into the weakpoints I have to point out the layout. The map is a Steel-Type CP gamemode and these are known for being easy to get lost in but with just the most tad of map knowledge an average player can navigate the map. This is not the case on this map, the paths in the map don't flow into E in any natural way. This leads to getting lost more times than not & ending up in points you have already capped. I am convinced that my team (blue) lost because we simply couldn't find E or those who did got separated from the rest of the group & thus no offensive could be mounted. D is also a point that is just not good to fight into, it feels awkward to do & has connecting paths leading into it that makes being blue kinda suck. Okay now for the good, A & B are fun as shit. Attacking or Defending those two points are the best parts of the map & I'd love if you could keep those points & redesign the rest with what works for those two. The detailing has charm but does still feel a bit underbaked, the submarine is sick though. Map has potential but needs tons of work before I can give it a Yes. Keep at it.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesSame deal as Siege, fun little medieval map that's a total bloodbath. I'd rank Siege higher due to the verticality & general weirdness with things like the catapults. Overall fun, shoutout Norfolk Island
pl_cattower_b0YesI have played so much cattower send help. All around fun map, snipers are a bit brutal & some of the detailing right now isn't the best but still all around a map I always have fun on.
cppl_puerto_b5YesExtremely on the bridge with this one, the first stage is great & I love it! However, the map falters heavily in the second stage, the payload layout doesn't play super well in my own opinion. Under normal circumstances that would turn this into a firm "No" but damnnnnnnn the map has Character that I cannot overlook, small little details including the payload cart drilling poke a soft space in my heart that I simply cannot dismiss, so you are getting a Yes. Keep developing the map with that same love going forward please.
cp_underway_b2YesSolid A/D map. The giant bridge with the construction theming going on is extremely cool. The theming brings an almost apocalyptic vibe to the map. Last could use some work but B makes up for it by being so dang fun. Good Map!
cp_lamworth_a12YesFun little 2 Stage 2CP map. Map is compact in a Goodway, don't have much to say. Not a fan of the British or the art direction but it is well detailed (atleast for the first stage). Map has interesting set-pieces in both stages that are visual eye candy.
cp_herbicide_a4aNoI wanna give this map a better standing but I feel like it still needs tons of work to get it to a place where I would call it a Yes instead of a No. The idea of plants in a Steel Type is an EXTREMELY rad idea & I think with what you have rn it is cool! I can't deny however that the map doesn't flow together super well & I ended up getting lost more ways than one which is expected on a Steel Type but the map didn't do much to point me where I needed to go. This map has tons of potential rn but in it's current state I must give it a No. Keep going at it!
pd_azureworld_b1YesOn the bridge with this one but I'll give it a Yes. The map to feels really disjointed & not super cohesive. The two drop off areas concept is cool but makes it so I could be on one side of the map and never encounter like half the players. I legitimately never used the statue drop off area as opposed to the bridge. I also must mention the framerate of this map is very rough & even on a more powerful computer like my own it had me chugging a bit. So with a strongly worded response like this it would've been a No but then something clicked about the map that made me look at it in another way I hadn't before. It's almost like a microcosm of a game like Super Mario Sunshine as absolutely batshit insane as that statement is. What I am trying to say is that it's a chill map, it's not trying to be or maybe it is but ends up doing some else instead, a map that isn't trying to be an ultra balanced PD map that's super well rounded. It's a chill summer map with a bright & an ecstatic environment that breaths character & joy. The map has a freaking Orca on it for gods sake, because of these reasons the map is pushed over the edge, to being a Yes, It has grown on me tons.
pl_acadia_a4bYesCan't believe Mary-Ann Yonder learned how to use a Computer & picked up mapping
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoThis one is very very rough in the gameplay department, okay so. The Map is extremely overscaled with these big rooms of kinda nothingness that funnel into extreme chokepoints that feel like water going through a cheerio. It's hard for RED to defend for any reasonable time frame because the chokey nature means that BLU can just dish out extreme amounts of suppressive fire until they overtake the points. Reds spawn is also designed in a way where it can be spawned camped pretty easily too. In a weird turn of inconsistency, the maps detailing isn't actually that bad? There's areas in the map that are very good looking & it makes me kinda feel as if this map started as a detail set-piece but was then hastily converted over into a 2CP control point map for the contest. This map doesn't play well at all unfortunately.
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L3: Member
Apr 13, 2020
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesfun map, nothing to say really, good enough detailing, a lot of interesting elements incorporated like the A elevator and the lava platform, map has interesting environmental storytelling.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2Yesfun but i would like more time on caps, simple colors with stylish detailing.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesi like the 3 points before last gameplay a lot more than when last is in play, map fun. Great detailing.
cp_foldover_finalYesbrings the 2008 to 2024, fun.
cp_siege_b2Yesfun medieval map, nothing more to say.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNonot good enough detailing for Beta, i don't like the layout.
koth_splinter_b4Yesno comment
pl_moonjelly_a5gYesInteresting theme
pl_conclave_b6bYesSecond stage is a lot more fun than first stage, i like the detailing.
cp_diorama_b1aYesno comment
cp_parkent_b5Yesmight comment
cp_shanksgiving_b6Yesanother fun medieval map, good detailing.
pl_cattower_b0NoDon't like layout and theme.
cppl_puerto_b5YesI like first stage a lot, simple, fast, fun. Seconds stage might be a little bit lacking compared to first stage but it's still fun enough.
cp_underway_b2Yesfun until last point, good detailing, especially i like the massive over B.
cp_lamworth_a12YesGreat map, unbelievably fun, good theme +points.
cp_herbicide_a4aYesi would go No due to layout being very skeletal but i feel like it has good future after the contest and could turn out great.
pd_azureworld_b1YesGreat pd map, feels like a real deathmatch, asymmetry rules the world.
pl_acadia_a4bYesFun map, train should be able to blow up the cart and blu team will instantly loose.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoGreat concept for theme but the layout itself is poopenfarten, pardon my german.
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Fault in Maps

Hello Kitty pays my bills
Jan 19, 2021
While I've found the C point particularly lacking, the first half of this map more than makes up for it. The area in front of B is a particular fun choke; tough but fair, and rewarding once blu finally gets the shove off. Detailing is exceptional here, I feel cold just standing around in the snow here.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESA is a particular highlight for me, especially now that I see the window route favors blu but could still be used by Red. The gear at C is an interesting gimmick, though I wish it played a more pivotal gameplay roll. Detailing is solid, but would love to see the three points stand out from each other more than just the slow shift into redder colors. (Wish underwater was a more pivotal mechanic; this map fails the clown test imho.)
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESI can't say I ever had the greatest time here. I think a lot of the spaces just clash with the way I like to play TF2. They aren't bad by any means, and holy cow is the detailing good. Really makes you feel like Spiderman. Would love to see how this map would play without stuck with its 'D' gimmick. Maybe a more defensible final stand at B, I wonder?
cp_foldover_finalYESThe two major things I dislike on this map are the routing between A and B and the symmetry of last. The former being the worse offender, having to fight down tiny hallways to have a chance at stopping an A cap is not my idea of a fun time. I would have loved to see a more creative exploration of verticality between the two points there. Detailing is solid, but could do with another in-depth pass; that is a lot of the same red wall around last.
cp_siege_b2HAVEN'T PLAYEDThis looks solid! Hope it makes it into imps in the future.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOWhile this has some solid ideas, overall gameplay space and detailing execution is lacking. I would have loved to see more drastic changes through out our times testing it; many of the gameplay spaces are awkward to navigate around or lack enough interesting design. While the map is textured, it doesn't feel detailed; take note how Valve approach's architecture and more minute detailing in their maps.
koth_splinter_b4HAVEN'T PLAYEDI've only played like two rounds of this, so I can't give a vote or full feedback. Fun gimmick to multi-'stage' KOTH though, and the detailing is "chef's kiss!" Except those double crossovers in the railyard; those are an offense to everything I stand for!
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESI am on the fence with voting for this map. While I have had an absolute blast with a lot of the gameplay, a lot of these spaces need one last facelift to really, really shine. B and the area around C are particular weak points; B feels bland, and Red is never able to do any defending on C. Detailing is what really makes me want to vote NO however; the map feels unfinished in this regard. While textures and some detailing have taken place, the map lacks the level of finer detail that we've come to expect. (As with Thalassophobia, this map fails the Clown Test; would have loved to see the fact that it is underwater make it into gameplay; imagine if the jellyfish stunned or shocked people!)
pl_conclave_b6bYESHaven't played this as much as some of the others, but I had fun with what I did play. A could have been more defensible I think, but I otherwise don't have any qualms. Detailing, while nothing spectacular, does the job and doesn't feel half-assed. Though some of your rockwork could use another pass. Not much to say; solid entry.
cp_diorama_b1aYESOh boy, Diorama. You guys already know my thoughts on the map, so I'm not really gonna parrot it here. The map is good, not the direction I would have taken a lot of things, but you guys know what you're doing and the map deserves all that's coming for it. Fuck you Catductor. (if ya'll want me to update this to be more in line with the other reviews I've written here, lmk! I'll update.)
cp_parkent_b5YESI hate Steel Types and I hate the 'This is the only spawnroom for your team' gimmick (Do those go hand in hand? Is it unjust to have them as separate things in this case?) Do I hate this map? No, but I don't think I enjoy it much either. Many of the routes are long and fights tend to happen either without teams or at long ranges. However, some of the individual spaces are excellent executed (C, in particular, is a highlight for me), and the detailing is solid enough that this deserves a chance.
cp_shanksgiving_b6HAVEN'T PLAYEDAlternate name suggestion; cp_bonfire. As with siege, I haven't played this and thus cannot provide feedback. Looks great though, excellent work.
pl_cattower_b0NOI'm sorry Katsu :eek:. While the concept is interesting, I can't say I am a fan of the execution. High ground is dominating and difficult to get up, and the general openness means team fights aren't meaningfully structured. The change of who's attacking and defending is also a huge turn-off and not an engaging gimmick. Detailing could have used another pass and is my biggest gripe; I understand the downscaling of our characters for the theme, but some better texture work and especially skybox detailing could have been done to help really sell the effect. Also needs a skybox boss that is THE CAT.
cppl_puerto_b5YESWhile I'd argue Stage 1 could use some rebalancing (Capping: A/B too easy, C too hard), some interesting gameplay spaces and control point design make this a pretty solid map. Detailing works as well, though the skybox and some of the rockwork (that drill wall is atrocious) could absolutely benefit from another pass. Overall, not much to say here, so good job!
cp_underway_b2YESI fucking love B so much. Like its so busted, but that's what makes it fun. A does feel a touch on the large size, I wonder if it could benefit from getting scaled down. Not much to say on C; B is such a pivotal point on the map that it never got much play. Detailing looks pretty good, though I have to question why all the construction equipment AFTER the train crash? Seems backwards, though man it would be cool to have a train car that fell from the bridge suspended somewhere above B.
cp_lamworth_a12YESThis map has some really solid ideas. Individual points are interesting, especially A on both stages. I think Stage 2's B point is the weakest, as Blu has to do a lot of navigating around to take advantage of the flanks. It's a shame that the second stage hasn't gotten the detailing love that the first has, because it looks great! Flying around though, I'm curious why Blu spawn is connected between the stages; why does Blu retreat back (lore-wise) and why is there no connecting details between the two spawns besides one door?
cp_herbicide_a4aNO(re-evaluated) After playing through a little more, I think the impossible last, and that the vines and plant aren't more integral to the maps overall design are really holding it back. I think some of the individual point designs are solid, but the flow between them and thus the pacing of the entire map feels off. Once D is the only point, Blu is still incentivized to attack via A, otherwise losing time running around to B/C. Salvageable with some more iteration, but its a no for the contest version for me.
pd_azureworld_b1NOThe detailing here is immaculate; the map looks incredible, I'd love to spend a good few days vacation here. If I had to nitpick, I hear fireworks go off occasionally but never see any? Where Azureworld loses my vote is in gameplay; I cannot find a way for myself to enjoy this map; there is no class that I find engaging here. The asymmetry also feels very off to me, something the speed-pads around the map does not alleviate. This ain't it for me I'm afraid.
pl_acadia_a4bHAVEN'T PLAYEDHaven't played this enough to give a solid vote, but I remember being cautiously optimistic about the goofy round-a-bout last. The rest played decent as well, from what I remember. Detailing feels like its halfway there; a good amount of effort but still needs some more to bring it home. Why is it snowing in the tropics? Skybox clashes hard with the particle effects. Also 0/10 no train IRL could make that turn radius.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOThis feels like a last minute entry, but hey, it was a memorable play! Overscaling and lack of viable routing really holds the map back from contending against the other maps here; I don't like fighting in a big empty space while people spam through the only usable stairway. Definitely could use some more iteration work there. The detailing is passable, if a bit one note. You clearly have the detailing chops, as with the one skybox zone, but sadly that skill doesn't really roll over into any of the gameplay zones.

A massive MASSIVE congrats to everyone for getting your maps submitted! What a herculean task to have completed (I couldn't have done it!) I hope I haven't been too harsh here, it has been one heck of a time getting to play all these awesome maps! If anyone wants me to elaborate on feedback here, feel free to DM here or on Discord! Again, CONGRATS!!!! May the best map win.
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Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesExcellent payload map, easily the best map in the contest unless the two maps I haven't played yet end up blowing me away in the next stage, A can be a bit annoying to attack if you park two good snipers at the back of the point but other than that I got no real complaints to make.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesI haven't got much to say here, it plays decent and I like the theme. A and C fun to attack and defend but B is very awkward to defend because there is no good place to hold it from.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesI am on the edge with this one, when everyone knows how the map works, it can be pretty hectic and contested in a fun way but it doesn't feel like the map does the best job directing players where they should be. It's not that the layout is confusing, it is actually pretty simple, I think it's a detailing issue. All the indoor areas look the same and none of the points really stand out, it doesn't help a lot of the lighting indoors is red tinted and kind of dim, with the bright spots not actually guiding the eye to anything important.
cp_foldover_finalNoAll the points on this map feel like red is forced to defend by standing out in the open against thousand doorways littered in every direction and the best course of action is to keep pushing away from the point to prevent blue from ever even reaching the area, this is not helped by blue having instant respawn for some reason, so there are no breaks in the attack.. Worse yet, if red manages to get a proper foothold in the area above A, it is basically over for blue and they are forced to take part in minutes of grind where they have to try to push through two long stairwells that end in tiny doorways surrounded by red high ground. Feels like a map that is full of patchwork changes in place of layout changes and reworks.
cp_siege_b2YesI am voting yes on a medieval map, hell has frozen over. This map does everything I have wanted 99% of medieval maps to do for years, just go crazy with height variation and give classes other than demoknight a way to fly about the map.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoFeels like something made quickly just before deadline, everything is made out of large blocks, the scale is way off, the routing makes no sense and is very maze like. The hangar is a cool idea for a point but the execution is not there with random brushwork planes just scattered about with no rhyme or reason.
koth_splinter_b4Not played yet.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNoIt's an early alpha map, it looks and plays like one with lots of weird routing and other usual kinks that need to be ironed out with time and testing. Do not like how A and D points come down to spawn camping red as hard as possible, with first red spawn basically shoved in a ditch, begging for blue to camp it. I don't think it is that bad but I can't say it is in a state that it should be in the top 10 either.
pl_conclave_b6bYes(Will write more later.)
cp_diorama_b1aNoI am voting no but I do think the map has some cool ideas, it's aspects are very neat in a vacuum but feels like it all comes together in a very messy and confusing way. I like the train but it took a lot longer to figure out if I am dealing with a normal control points map or something else than it should have in my opinion. There are a lot of interesting gameplay spaces and height variation (I really like the second point as an overall concept) but the routing feels awkward and it is very easy to get lost sometimes, and last especially feels like blue is just attacking you from four dimensions at once. This is also one of those maps where detailing gets in the way of the experience, As lighting makes it next to impossible to see red snipers or just red players in general in the distance very well, some of the custom textures are very busy looking and there is a lot of detailing all over that draws the eye to places that are not important which probably attributed to why it took so long for me to really grasp where exactly I am supposed to go a lot of times. It's like the map is afraid of there being just a plain empty wall or a boring looking building every once in a while.
cp_parkent_b5YesBig enjoyer of this one, all the points are fun to play around, the theme is cool even if it is plainly in early stages and still needs work. I think the two big negatives going against this map are: 1. A feeling a bit awkward to attack, it is hard to approach the point without crossing a sightline from the A yard and roamers feel almost too effective at disrupting the blue pushes. 2. The final point not being the easiest to find when playing for the first time, there are signs that point towards B but a lot of times I see people doing loop at B or ending up in a dead end.
cp_shanksgiving_b6Not played yet.
pl_cattower_b0NoIt's basically a funny rats map from 2008, amusing but not something I can vote yes on.
cppl_puerto_b5NoStage 2 is alright but to actually get to the good part of the map, you need to survive the most cramped Gpit style map of all time.
cp_underway_b2Yes(Will write more later.)
cp_lamworth_a12YesI have no strong opinions on this one, it's alright, I don't hate it but I can't say I love it either. Finale is a bit of a doorway and hallway hellscape but rest of the map is perfectly serviceable, I like the theme, look forward to seeing it with full detail pass.
cp_herbicide_a4aNoI really like the theme as a concept and look forward to seeing with less placeholder assets but I am not sure I like the rest of the map as much. It feels like the difficulty of taking control of the last point increases with more points you take and last in general is kind of miserable to attack because of all the high ground spots red can be in that are behind tight corners. This map also suffers from serious case of doorway soup, lots of rooms and doors to keep track of, the successful steel-types at their core keep the routing and layout simple when you really get down to it, Steel itself is a circle with a lot less complexity to it than seems at first.
pd_azureworld_b1NoI like the speed pads, the spawns that launch you into the battle are kinda funny and the map is very pretty look at, but those are the only positive things I can say about this map because to be totally honest, this falls apart in all the other areas completely. First of all, the map clearly wasn't made optimization in mind and it doesn't feel like the detailing tried to account for that fact either, this map makes my frames drop in hundreds and I had some friends who were struggling to get even 30 on decent PCs. This isn't a map optimization contest but I think there is a point where the performance is so bad that it can't be ignored. On the gameplay front you have the speed pads but the map doesn't really give any gameplay spaces where you could do anything interesting with them because at the end of the day this map consists of two hallways, a small-ish indoors room and massive open space. This also results in the combat being incredibly dull at best and complete chaotic clusterfuck (and not in a fun kind of way) at worst, once the novelty of flying out of spawn at max speed wears out, it becomes pretty clear there really isn't really anything else to the map, it's just a big distraction from the fact if I try to do just normal deathmatch I am kinda just running at thing mindlessly in a big box until the round ends. I think in a gamemode where DM is the whole point, the map should not have the actual DM element be the least interesting thing about the whole experience. If you try to just play normally, it also becomes very evident that the blue spawn really drew the short stick when it comes to spawns. I don't mind the asymmetric element in PD that much but red has a whole little building to play around with and is much harder to spawn camp, where blue just gets a dim tunnel that has red players doing their best cosplay of The Flash as heavies come flying at you with the speed pads as soon as you open the door.
pl_acadia_a4bYesI originally voted yes but after sleeping on it I decided to change my vote, it is almost top ten worthy despite it's clearly unfinished state, the gameplay spaces are all neat and the theme is unique and stands out despite it's unfinished state. What kills this map unfortunately is just how unreasonably brutal attacking B is, where A is just stone throw away from blue spawn, B is miles and miles away behind multiple uphill struggles and sightlines, it doesn't feel like blue ever has a chance to truly take hold anywhere once the defence is locked in. I suppose this is the tragedy is submitting a map still in alpha. All that said, please keep working on this, I know this sentence has been overused to hell and back on thousand maps per year but this map has potential, genuinely, I think you got something here but it clearly still needs more work. I look forward to seeing what comes of this map in the future. (After playing some of the other maps, I've changed my mind a bit and decided this is good enough for a yes vote after all.)
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoOverscaled and mostly made out of giant empty rooms
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