Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck [Preliminary Voting]

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L1: Registered
Aug 8, 2024
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesProbably my favourite of the lot, I really like the theming and have no faults I can think of with the gameplay.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesLove the detailing, I had fun on this map although some parts are a bit chunky between the points.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesThis map looks nice and I generally have fun when playing it, I feel the map centers around C though, A and B tend to get captured very quickly and D is placed in such a way that it essentially game over once it opens up.
cp_foldover_finalNoFrom BLU spawn to A is a meatgrinder with health and ammo placed in such a way that RED can spawn kill very easily. I can't really comment on the visuals either.
cp_siege_b2YesA fun medieval map, I like the verticality and the drawbridge, looks great. Note that you can block the drawbridge from closing if you stand on it.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoNo connection between A and B leads to the teams splitting up completely, some of the buildings have very low ceilings for some reason. Not a very good looking map either.
koth_splinter_b4Have Not Played
pl_moonjelly_a5gNeutralOverall it is a decent payload map but points B and D are very difficult to push. The visuals could be cool but unless you look up at the skybox you tend to forget you are underwater.
pl_conclave_b6bYesA solid payload map, can't fault it but it wasn't my favourite either.
cp_diorama_b1aNeutralVisually I really like the map and I generally have fun when playing, but it feels too large and due to the layout you can walk straight to the other teams' spawn at points with nothing to stop you from doing so.
cp_parkent_b5NoI'm generally not a fan of steeltype's and it seems to be very RED sided.
cp_shanksgiving_b6NeutralIt's a fine medieval map but there's nothing I particularly like or dislike about it.
pl_cattower_b0Have Not Played
cppl_puerto_b5NeutralA little too claustrophobic for my liking and C in the first half is very difficult to take, it would be a yes if areas of the map were more open as the layout is fine. I like how it looks for the most part.
cp_underway_b2YesI have a lot of fun on this map, no issues with the visuals other than it's a little too dark. Please never remove the ability to sit on the side of the saw.
cp_lamworth_a12Have Not Played
cp_herbicide_a4aNoA bit difficult to navigate in areas and the last point is difficult to push. Visually I like the idea but needs polish.
pd_azureworld_b1NoFPS drops in places and the distance between the two spawn points is very short leading to a lot of spawn killing. The outside beach area is where all action happens whereas the building with the statue tends to just either be ignored or owned entirely by one team. It looks nice.
pl_acadia_a4bNoVisually a bit of a mess and is somewhat overscaled in areas.


L2: Junior Member
Oct 29, 2021
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesOverall enjoyable map, not a fan of some of the routes just ignoring some gameplay areas
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesOverall enjoyable map, kinda sad there isn't water in gameplay space (exlduing blu spawn of course)
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesDo like how each round plays differently to the last. Lotsa strategy can be done on this map
cp_foldover_finalYesFun when it was 6v6 so it should be fun when its 12v12
cp_siege_b2NeutralMedieval map that's better than DeGroot Keep
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNeutralKinda forgetful tbh but the few memories I do have weren't negative
koth_splinter_b4NoAll mids are barely asymmetric so map plays like a few koth maps were stapled together
pl_moonjelly_a5gNeutralBanger theming, layout leads alot to be desired
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralDecently fun but nothing too special
cp_diorama_b1aNoOpen environment leads to unsatisfying gameplay
cp_parkent_b5Not Played
cp_shanksgiving_b6NeutralMedieval map that's better than DeGroot Keep
pl_cattower_b0NeutralMap makes good use of its map throughout the map
cppl_puerto_b5NoFeels like its doing too much and spreads itself thin
cp_underway_b2NoOutside of the B point the map isn't really trying anything new
cp_lamworth_a12Nothe map feels awkward to play
cp_herbicide_a4aNeutralBig plant's cool just wish you went a bit further with the plant theme
pd_azureworld_b1YesSymmetrical gamemode with a good asymmetrical layout
pl_acadia_a4bNoOpen environment leads to unsatisfying gameplay
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNot Played
Last edited:


Nov 13, 2022
I don't really like A and the paths to B that are easy to camp. The forcerespawn on B for red when B is capped doesn't make sense. Still, C is nice.
Overall flat and narrow in some areas. I'm not really having fun on this map.
Really big and easy to get lost even with all the signs. I find it more confusing than helping.
If you cap C the last point become harder to cap, this doesn't really make sense.
The map is ok but that's all. Multiple visual issues and I don't really like to play around C.
Its overscaled in general and B is just an empty box. However the artpass is really nice


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYVery nice
ctf_chouhen_b5aYVisually busy, strange to play, but kind of fun???
cp_foldover_finalNSpaces feel weird, not much flow, very visually bland. Structure seems okay, but the routes could be massively opened up and simplified.
cp_siege_b2NUnderdetailed, but fun on red. Can't block cap on A. Final point is lacking, even for medieval. The height doesn't work well with the mode, even with the cannons.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNUnfinished, not fun. Bland, flat, uninteresting holds.
koth_splinter_b4YWorries about some balance, but unique enough for me to want to test it more.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNFeels rather safe, not many routes take you away from the cart. Seems to roll very hard. I like A, seems like it's the only point Red can hold other than Final sometimes.
pl_conclave_b6b---Neat! I have yet to play Stage 2 despite all my attempts (except for one time I joined part way through it and got rolled), so I will abstain from voting.
cp_diorama_b1aNVery visually noisy, doesn't look or feel like TF2. There's far too many semi-transparent textures; you can't tell what is level boundaries or in gameplay space. No capture point holograms make it confusing to tell where to cap sometimes. Lots of dead space to accommodate the train means teams have to run very long distances between objectives, so you feel like you are playing catch-up rather than making a push. Fighting on the moving platforms isn't fun since you jitter around so much. The pacing is bad; every point is free for Blu most matches, and the times it isn't it's a total lockout. A lack of (or very subtle?) fog makes everything feel uncanny and hard to judge distance. I want to like this since it's so creative and interesting, but the final product just doesn't do it for me.
cp_parkent_b5YI love this, it just needs tweaking. Player flow is surprisingly good. A is too hard to cap, not enough time is added on cap. As of right now, I think this is my favorite in the contest.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YVery well done
pl_cattower_b0NCute, but no. The team color switch kills it, even if the layout hadn't already. It's way too hard to get stuck on the lower floor as a non-mobility class.
cppl_puerto_b5NI want to love this, but something about it isn't quite there. Lots of tight spaces, on the second stage in particular.
cp_underway_b2NBland visually, plays alright. Scaling seems off, and it could have benefited from a stronger art direction.
cp_lamworth_a12YStrong art direction, fun spaces!
cp_herbicide_a4aNSolid base, would love to see more versions of this. Capping C makes it impossible for Blu to win. I think it needed a bit more time in the oven.
pd_azureworld_b1YA bit noisy, but mostly cohesive. Kind of fun, but not alternating zones means the fights are unfocused and teams just camp one spot. Overall, quite novel! Teams should probably switch sides between rounds.
pl_acadia_a4bNVery unfinished, but fun spaces. First is too short for how wide it is, second is awkward. Final fascinates my level designer brain. Has a bug where teams don't switch.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNVery unfinished, routing lets A fall too fast and makes B impossible to cap.
I can provide more feedback on request for any map that does not make it to finalists after the finalists are determined.


L1: Registered
Aug 25, 2024
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesLOVE all of the little twists and turns on this map. The overall environment is really cool, and environmental hazards are used really well. The final push feels a bit too straightforward and Blu-sided, but otherwise, this is an amazing map!
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesGot to play a few rounds on this one. Really fun first and second points, and the verticality makes moving around interesting, especially for B. The last point is particularly hard to defend for some reason, and more gears would most definitely be appreciated, as it is a fun addition. Theming is impressively cool. Probably had the most fun on this map.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesReally loved this unique take on CTF. I do think the gamemode concept needs some improvement, but it is incredibly balanced and fun as it is now! Map can take some getting used to, but once you get it, you can really begin to master it. All of the theming is amazing as well!
cp_foldover_finalHAVEN'T PLAYEDNo comment.
cp_siege_b2YesThe medieval mode gameplay is really fun, though C could probably be balanced slightly more. The cannons are a blast (pun intended), and the water wheel is funny to mess around with. Looks great and A and B play pretty great!
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoLove some of the ideas present, namely the two fronts that Red has to resist from when it comes to point C, and the hangar space for point A. Unfortunately, it is pretty messy on the whole, and definitely needs a few more polishes before it can really shine.
koth_splinter_b4HAVEN'T PLAYEDNo comment.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNoThe theming is really neat, and I like some of the ideas and routes present. Definitely leans on Blu. Didn't feel super fun to play, unfortunately. I feel like the vibes are cool, but need something a little bit more.
pl_conclave_b6bYesPretty good. I like the elevator at the end of the first stage, and the overall environment is nice. Not too much else to say on this one, just a good one.
cp_diorama_b1aHAVEN'T PLAYEDNo comment.
cp_parkent_b5HAVEN'T PLAYEDNo comment.
cp_shanksgiving_b6NoA fun medieval mode map with some unique aspects. I just feel like it didn't introduce enough unique ideas, and both spawns kind of feel like DeGroot Keep. With some more additions, this could most certainly stand out better.
pl_cattower_b0YesThis map is super fun to mess around on, even if it isn't the most serious. Sightlines are incredibly devious, but the theming is incredibly fun and some cool ideas are still present. I can't possibly say no to this one!
cppl_puerto_b5YesThis map is beautiful and super unique. While the first stage might be as little too Blu-sided, the payload portion is more balanced, from what I experienced. The rock wall looks a little silly, but is overall pretty interesting. Love the overall concept and execution!
cp_underway_b2YesThis one seems pretty balanced, on the whole, and delivers a fun experience. I think the vibe fits with some other maps in the game, and it has a few neat gimmicks. The wall on B is certainly the most interesting part of the map. Red doesn't have much to work with on C, but the map is still enjoyable nonetheless.
cp_lamworth_a12YesA jolly good map! Love the details, and the first stage is definitely a very fun fight for B. While I was not the biggest fan of the second stage, it's hard not to love all of the unique ideas present with where the fighting is taking place! Verticality is much appreciated on this map, and makes it super fun for several classes!
cp_herbicide_a4aNoWhile I do love the concept and points A, B, and C, it's hard to get around the issue that is the final point. Making it nearly impossible to capture with all three other points removes the incentive to capture them, making this feel like a weird tug of war. As said, the other points are pretty well done, and the overall layout is not bad, it's just the raising point that hurts this one.
pd_azureworld_b1NoI thought this map was just too chaotic whenever I played it. It just ends up with one team camping the building, and everyone else fighting outside randomly. The speedpads are cool, but go a bit overused in my opinion. Not bad, but the layout needs tweaked to make this a bit more cohesive.
pl_acadia_a4bHAVEN'T PLAYEDGot a little bit of time on this map, but not enough to make a good judgement.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoThe vibes on this one are quite unique, but I could not enjoy the wide opens rooms... Some parts looks really pretty, but it's almost impossible for Blu to cap the final point, so you're pretty much spending most of the time staring at the same two hallways. Vibes are good, but gameplay suffers.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jul 7, 2022
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixNeutralHaven't played too much of this and it crashes my game pretty constantly but I still feel a good amount of effort has gone in to justify this vote. The artpass is amazing and layout (even though I'm not at liberty to say really) is apparently pretty good. I really like this map mainly due to the usage of the contest cards. This map uses them really well and feels like it's made for the contest and didn't just fall within contest bounds
This one was a hard one to vote on. I really dig the detailing and I feel it's one of the best of the contest, which I should expect coming from Gex. But I can't just judge based off looks and sadly I'm not a huge fan of the layout. It feels extremely open with huge rooms that I can snipe across/ be sniped from. It also is quite big and took quite a bit to get from area to area because of it. I found the only way for me to enjoy the walk times was to use Scout to shorten them. Didn't help that the flanks are good and useful for using against enemy players, but when it came to the capture points they were too open with little cover to defend or cap behind and seemed quite out of the way.

The map does have creative usage for some of the cards, such as the vista card. I really dug the oceanscape this map uses even if it could've been a bit more detailed in areas. But some of the other cards felt a little boring in their implementation compared to other uses of them in this contest. Most of these I do still think are fine though, just not anything that blew my socks off in amazement. Do want to draw attention to Gameplay card #3 which I feel was a pretty poor implementation of the card. I do see the gear can harm players, but it's pretty out of the way and honestly is quite hard to achieve imo. Could've been better and I do really like using it as cover as it's quite dynamic, just not the best for harming players.

I really hate to give the map this vote but it does have some issues that kind of hampered my enjoyment a bit and was expecting something a bit more after hearing all of the hype. Sorry Gex :(
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesOh Chouhen, I like it! pretty sure I've given some of my thoughts on it before but is good to run through again just incase. The layout was quite fun to play around in. I liked most of the flanking options and there was a decent bit of fear around deathpits which is always a nice feeling to instill in players. Did feel though that the last point was just ok. I feel the main problem was just the contest cards though as the hazard felt pretty out of the way and didn't add too much and the timer made capping it near impossible in the matches I played. But apart from that I really enjoyed my time on the map!

Detailing was also quite good! I do feel it was a bit overdetailed in areas but for the most part it did still look nice. Could've probably narrowed down the variety of assets as well but I think what you have here looks nice and does deserve to be on a card. Speaking of cards, I feel this map does have some creative and fulfilling implementations of these cards and does fit the contest with their usage. Overall I really like it, keep it up!
cp_foldover_finalNoThis one is a hard one. I do like what's here, and there are good ideas. But I feel it's held back by a number of layout problems that led to some more Red sided rounds that left Blu struggling to get out of the basement.

i also found it weird as the layout has odd sections where it's either incredibly open or extremely claustrophobic to the point where Blu can't push forward as one heavy, medic and engineer can lock it off completely.

I do think this map looks nice in areas although the artpass as a whole could've been more fleshed out I feel. Card usage was pretty good though. I feel if you were to fix some of the layout issues and put a tiny more work into the artpass it'd be great. But as it stands it has a lot of flaws that should've been solved in early alphas.
cp_siege_b2YesI like this map. It has a fun take on medieval gameplay with a more vertical layout that leads to more fun movement than across an open field I'm meant to traverse as Demo.

Visuals are nice. I like the tarp even if it was constructed in the most difficult way possible lol. I feel card usage is pretty good although the Degroot timer may have worked better if the point was more open, it was hard pushing into it. Overall still a good map!
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoWasn't a huge fan of the artpass and felt the layout could've been improved in spots. Cards are ok and the planes are cool. Not too much to say on it though.
I kept bouncing back and forth from "Neutral" and "No" but landed on this. The map feels weird, it was hard to notice the asymmetry with all the combat going on and it doesn't feel like a map designed for the contest. I never really noticed half the cards in action and those I did felt lazy and tacked on. i will say, the artpass is nice, even if it doesn't feel like Germany. The layout is pretty good. Again the asymmetry could've played a larger role but the layout works. Overall though it felt kind of lackluster in relation to the regulations and contest cards.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNoThis map is another hard one. Played it a lot but never found myself enjoying it. Whether for other reasons or the map I just never got into it. The layout feels kind of big and long to traverse. Sightlines seemed to be a big problem and poor angles to attack sentries. I do like the theme though even if the detailing seemed very unfinished and rushed. The card usage works and I like the vista. I would've loved to vote higher but I feel this one needed more time in the oven and I never got a good test in. Keep it up though, could see lots of good ideas.
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralAnother map I played a lot of and had similar issues with. Layout is kinda big and has angles that suck to attack on. I like the visuals and the card usage is fine. Could've maybe used some more polishing but I feel it's fine.Overall not bad, could be a tad bit better
cp_diorama_b1aYesCatductor burnt down my house, stole my girlfriend and shagged my mom... I give this map two thumbs up!!!
cp_parkent_b5YesThis map, while still needing some polish was fun! I liked the layout for the most part, although B was awful for both teams and led to Red winning most of the time. The map, while unfinished visually, still has an interesting look to it's visuals and I hope to see it more fully fleshed out. Card usage was good. Overall even though it could've used some more time and balancing, I like it!
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesWas a fun medieval map, did a good job with layout, detailing and card usage. Good job!
pl_cattower_b0NoI've already voiced my concerns somewhat on this one so I'll be brief. The map has a great gimmick and ideas, but feels pretty poor in the layout and detailing. The layout was sightline central and was way to open. Some people like it but I never got the hype there honestly. Detailing is cute and I like the theme. It is quite rushed though and is really dragging it down. Although credit where credit is due, this is impressive for a first map in such a short timespan. overall was pretty cool but it feels rushed. Sucks but I'm looking forward to what comes from yall next!
I like this one. Layout was fun and detailing was alright. Card usage was good and it's clear a lot of passion went into the map. Overall I enjoyed it!.
cp_underway_b2YesSweet little map. I like the layout apart from B point. Had some great flanks and height variation. Detailing was pretty good and I love the first area. Card usage was pretty good. overall I like it even if the latter points kind of drop off.
cp_lamworth_a12NoThis map was alright, was kinda let down though. Heard all the hype but felt it was kind of overrated. The layout was alright, although the flanks felt too open and the points felt too cramped, should be the other way around. Geo looked nice but the detailing fell flat. I mean... stage 2 isn't even detailed. That kinda broke the camels back for me sadly. Keep at it though, could shape up really nicely!
cp_herbicide_a4aNoWas never my jam really. The layout was kind of big and had little incentive to cap the points. Last was brutal and was very unfun for me if I'm being honest. I do like the idea though and I have to give props for you trying steel type on a contest like this. Detailing was very unfinished though and card usage was alright. Not the best, not the worst. Overall just not my jam sadly.
pd_azureworld_b1Quadruple yesMy map :3
You know how I feel :)
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoNot much I can say, just didn't really like it on all fronts.

Sorry if the feedback is half assed. The website wiped most of my feedback and I had to rewrite most of it again tired, at 5:00 am, on a Steam deck... If anyone feels strongly about their feedback or want more, please contact me on Discord. I'd be happy to talk and want to discuss them better awake!


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYGreat at times, alright most of the rest, with very clear potential. Needs more chokepoints than just B... The lighting needs work, generally each light could be +50% brighter and each texture +50% lighter too. Both are needed because the color of players is a constant that shouldn't get overexposed. Some areas feel open suddenly without ways to hold them, especially RED's last. RED has no chance and no real cover or advantage, it's all just flat ground. If it were made into a big slope with walls and windows, would probably fare much better. Let the sun do its work on this map.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YFairly good, wish for areas to hold; every part is about as accessible as every other part and that prevents teams from setting up a presence anywhere in particular. I think you could do this just by adding some doorway chokes, pretty easily. Good detailing, add MOAR gears! Check out Hephestus in Bioshock, or the Create mod in Minecraft. Show me that this base runs on gears. Oh, also, if the doors to the sub bay are open, the entire place would flood and/or crush everyone inside: needs to be an airlocking thing with two sets of doors, with at least one set closed at a time! Can still (and would still) have water in it, too.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYThis map makes me think of how I might make this theme. Very close to being a Neutral or even a No, but I am committing to have 10 Yeses. Detailing is cool and thorough, I love that. But the contrast of many things is too high; too many brights and darks next to each other, and then on top of this the lighting is too dark and hides all that work! On B, playing as BLU, I held the flag. I walked right past the cap and into the dead end... that was the hallway right outside RED's spawn door. The cap was a dim red in a room of dim red, so I went for the bright white. Fortunately, all you need to do is move & tilt that white light to shine it onto the cap. Imagine a field, and then imagine Medic standing in it. How the sun shines and makes the sight so apparent. Beautiful and the player stands out. That's the goal. As for the layout, I would describe it as a rare octopus that has all its tentacles curled. Let it relax and spread out some. A lot of areas have 3+ directive letters (A, B, C, D). This is a symptom of things being too condensed, I believe (also, signs are almost never the answer, but lighting always always is). In addition, the room sizes are mostly the same all over, and spawns are very close to each other (and points). This combination means that holds and chokes just can't happen, the players are too evenly spread out all the time. The map needs more dead space / connectors, but also, negative space - areas where there are just no "real" rooms - just big implied rooms that you can't actually enter, used to space things out.
cp_foldover_finalYLoving it. Straightforward and classic TF2. I only wish there was more map for BLU to get through before they reached C, it feels a bit short. Needs more detailing, has quite good direction already.
cp_siege_b2YThis is refreshing and fun, so much so, I wish there were more map in the map! Many areas are dark. It's too condensed in the distance between red and blu (front-back). Needs more and bigger courtyard areas.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNNot much flow to the map, dark lighting; there's nothing to highlight or imply to me where I should go. Signs aren't the answer: lighting is. I think that the layout needs more variety of room sizes. Courtyards between chokes, rooms to hold with on either side. Crucially also - give the player more space between junctions. Have the player choose where to go only after seeing each junction from farther away. I do love the theming though.
koth_splinter_b4YGreat. Not getting much vibe it's not in the USA but I recognize this is due to the architectural ambiguity of "TF2 wooden shack #396329678932796" & familiarity of the wood textures in the classical USA TF2 maps; I wish that custom textures were used instead, and some way to reference more European architecture (especially with Ido and Zythe on the same team). Last point needs more cover for BLU; RED can take the highground easily and the lowground has no cover. Glad to see full detailing.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNSorry to say, this is one of those maps where the visuals really distracted me from anything else going on for the most part. I'll start off by saying the subthemes that are here are good choices individually, but they don't cohere together. The detailing really lacks any sense of route highlighting; everything equally grabs my attention, pulling it in too many directions, quite distractingly so. Likewise, the detailing doesn't have enough cohesion; the subthemes don't yet fit with the underwater theme, and especially don't fit with each other. There are ways to fit together disparate themes (cobblestone roads, spytech, manor-style stuff) but it requires careful consideration of color palettes and a lot of edits to textures in most cases. I like what was going on with the cart sometimes, but other times areas felt like they had oppressive sightlines because flanks were hard to find or get to. Killer skybox, lighting's not bad too. Close, keep working on it and I know it'll get there!
pl_conclave_b6bYEnjoying it. Detailing is fairly basic. Stage 2, B point, has too much advantage for RED: height as well as flanks. I think the easiest solve is to raise BLU spawn (even if not the cart). Give BLU balconies that extend to rooves in the arena area, so they can actually have a presence. It's kind of like running into a woodchipper atm. The elevators NEED plazas / landings around them at the top level, because otherwise RED can only defend the base. The track needs to go on for just a bit after, so RED can orbit the cart at all times. Think of Upward last, though even less vast, perhaps.
cp_diorama_b1aNI had what I feel is a lot of input on the map, so, as I said to Brokk, I am going to be equally as thorough and critical with my review here, laying it all out. I will also disclose that I have offered, and Brokk has asked, for me to do the lighting pass on this map. It's something I have a critical eye for. With that said... I love the idea. I love the architecture. I love the dynamism and I love the passion. However... The layout has fundamental flaws as-is. There are massive flat plains without cover or advantage for incomers. The detailing is not cohesive. Too many textures and areas of the map are very dark. Players are not highlighted and sink into the background. There's variety on top of variety on top of variety and I think simplification and mastery of each subtheme's palette and color composition should have happened before attempting so much all at once. It has the classic "lots of striking highlights and accents" combined with "dark and deep" aesthetics, which clash badly. The individual elements are good, but there's no composition (especially color composition) across the map; there's no visual flow at all. The lighting is unrelated to gameplay, unfortunately. I played an earlier version where there was a lot less detail and peculiarities of lighting and I thought it was much better; but very sadly, it genuinely distracted me too much this time and I was unable to enjoy the map or even really see what was going on in terms of team flow. In the area of the transducer, I was always second-guessing what team someone was on because it was so dark. The sun needs to do its work, the map is far too much in shade. There are really bad sightlines, especially between BLU's initial spawn and A point. The entire path is a long no man's land and there was nothing to do as Heavy but die to sniper fire, and I pointed this out in development. As BLU, getting to A even after that is also kind of troubling, as the most direct and obvious route (along the gravel and grass) brings BLU into an L-bend where, again, snipers can just shoot you - this time from the end of the transducer's path rather than the start. I really must emphasize that the area surrounding A is really dark and I had pointed this out during development. The choice of sun angle is extremely unfortunate, but also, no artificial lights were placed to compensate for putting this crucial area of the map in shade. One area of the map that I think is really unusual is the catwalk that directly connects a BLU spawn exit with a RED spawn exit, and there's also a set of resource packs there too. Overall, this map features pretty much zero advantages for BLU at any point, and always gives RED every advantage (aside from cover). I will say, the route to B for BLU was a lot better than it had been, but it's still too easy for RED I think. The leadup to C was instant death for me as BLU - it was a long courtyard with no cover and the entire RED team at the end. Just, nope! Maybe a toll booth in the middle would break it up, maybe it's all blocked off so you have to clamber over it both ways. As for the Catductor, I find the idea cute, but the execution is far too heavy-handed and the decision to give it text chat that looks like a player typing is really not one that works in practice - it's extremely distracting and kind of spammy. The best way I can put it is: the cute and useless gimmick is being put into the place where crucial information usually goes; it is dilutative and distracting. A much more suitable place would be where !csay text goes. That would be very much significantly better, I think. Similarly I would disagree with any globally-heard sounds from the catductor; if you do them they should just be spatial (and I recommend nothing more than Meows, because chatbox characters can be very annoying and the catductor being an actual cat is much funnier and cuter to me. Also, it wouldn't need localization.). Love the Sprinkles graffiti. Please keep at it, gentlemen. I will be here to consult further on all matters and I hope that I can find the time to do a good lighting pass for y'all if the offer is still on the table.
cp_parkent_b5YThis map is really strange, which is good, but it's also confusing and the detailing is lacking so far. Too many junctions too frequently, spread them out. Take some choice away from the players, railroad them to some degree. MAKE them flow how you want. Needs more room size variety. Courtyards and pinchpoints and rooms to hold, not just battle arenas. I do like B, though. That bridge space is fun, and honestly? It's a really weird map. I make really weird maps (so weird, they can't manage to pierce the veil of unreality to actually get published!) - and I like this map, but I'm just not sure if it reaches top 10... You know what? Yes, it does. I feel the same about this map as Chouhen in terms of wanting to analyze it further and pit it against competitors. Congratulations, you get the 11th Yes from me, dawg!
cp_shanksgiving_b6YI like it, but man. The gate music gets annoying even the second time. To make it sound like Australia I think some crazy animal sounds could be used (Kookaburra is a classic!). A is shoved into a corner and B feels a bit too off to the side, but still, I'm enjoying it. Some sort of extra highground in the area around the cap would be good, like, a shack with a deck that faces the cap. Love the visuals and audials (but cut the music and the thunder, imo). Absurd theme idea that works well, you love to see it!
pl_cattower_b0NEven just loading in for the first time and looking around, this reminded me of Opposing Force multiplayer maps, in the "rats" style (Honey I Shrunk The Mercs / players shrunken down and let loose in fine detail in real-life, often mundane, locations). One in particular map took place in a bedroom as well. I absolutely loved those maps. However, they were all deathmatch maps. There was no goal, no timer, nothing. Kill or be killed until the server switched to another map, form alliances, do whatever... I think that this sort of 'open-world' layout really can never work with a structured objective like PL, or at least, not regular PL where you have to follow a track yourself. Much more suitable would be PD, because that would just be deathmatching, which is a tried and true success on maps of this layout style. Rugburn deathpits? That is hilarious and I love it. The theming is cute, but even if it were PD, it still needs a lot of cover; people have to be able to meaningfully hold areas AND... hold areas in mind. The map is so jungly I cannot recall where any particular area is on ground level, let alone the dozens of perch points all above me; there's just no way to not be killed in unpredictable ways on this map. As for the teams being switched - I've always thought it made more sense for RED (Reliable Excavation Demolition) to push the bomb! Unfortunately, the logic is buggy: the cart was red, fine, but the outline was blue, and the points on the HUD were blue which... yeah, they should be, but any little reminder of the normal color associations makes my mind flip back to the standard where BLU pushes. It's just visual "muscle" memory that has no reinforcements at all (a map with very strong team theming and some sort of visual story - a bomb, a factory, mines, etc etc - would be able to remind me 'yeah you're RED and you're busting down BLU's thingy'). Also, the massive height differences and long track make it impossible to get to the cart, simply because I have no idea where it is; it's like trying to find a kite stuck in a tree in the Amazon Rainforest. Also, RED spawn is super easy to camp, because it's a lone building in the cat-jungle of open areas; there are no walls to segregate different regions and force players to accumulate progress, which I think is a core part of Payload. The detailing is surprisingly good for such a novel theme, kudos. The lighting is also surprisingly good, but the theme restricts the map from really having artificial lights, so there are still areas that are way too dark. I would like to suggest (super-sized) Christmas lights for something that could reasonably fit thematically, could be placed almost wherever you want, and would look really cool. If they were white or off-white colored it wouldn't even have to be xmas-themed. Full disclosure: I do not get along with Katsu and keep a boundary between us (I have her blocked); I'm not going to get into it, but I disavow any bias here. The map just has fundamental flaws and its detailing is basic. I am ever curious of how it will morph, because it's not nearly as bad as one would think from the screenshots. But it's not good just yet.
cppl_puerto_b5Haven't PlayedNoclipping through this, I would give this a Yes. Looks really interesting, the detailing needs work so far. I love what the layout seems to be. B is genius.
cp_underway_b2NeutralInteresting routing but sadly I think it's somewhat overscaled - or - you have too much positive space and not enough negative space, so that team concentration really doesn't happen, except in that "basement dropdown", which is a meat grinder for BLU that actually almost works. Reminds me of the right turn to D on Herbicide, actually. I think if you condense things or just entirely block off areas (it feels like there are 2 main routes that each are 2x as big as they should be / they're giant courtyards more than they are paths), you'll have a really cool map!
cp_lamworth_a12YGood heavens: intuitive and natural routing!! I really like the holds that can be done. I think that the large courtyard under the viaduct needs more cover for BLU and some height advantage - catwalks and maybe some kind of "supervisor shed". Think the underbridge area in HL2. I wish you had more time to detail it, but I quite like what I see already, very competent, with just enough detailing that I will consider to score it in further detail later on. Never ever think about dropping out ever again, you madlad you.
I like the idea but only some of the execution. I do like the plant and herbicide stuff themselves though, that's metal. Real neat. The routes are rather spaghettified, with awkward connections between areas. Too many routes connect at once, like, too many junctions. Too many places to get attacked from at a time, too hectic. I did enjoy defending as RED but... it was quite biased against BLU, so yeah. The right bend into D reminds me of the dropdown "basement" on Underway, actually. I do think you have something here, though. It just needs simplification. Railroad the player, trust them less with path selection. The detailing has a clear path ahead and I hope to see how far it can go!
pd_azureworld_b1Haven't playedNoclipping around, I would give this a yes. The looks are fantastic. There's not enough layout or map, I want more, it's just one area and a room, gimme moar! And I want it even more asymmetric! The speedpads are brilliant.
pl_acadia_a4bYBad news first. Detailing lacks symphony and synergy. The layout double-disadvantages BLU - lowground AND no cover. Many areas are too big and open. Not much height variation (or cover) around B. Very sparse. Overall, a lack of chokepoints or distinct "regions". Could be solved by adding fences to separate areas, or extending/adding buildings inwards towards the track, especially to pinch off certain areas. There are also really hard-to-notice sightlines at really odd angles compared to the flow of players, so I can end up getting sniped or sentry'd from behind, from another part of the map nobody is really in. The good news is that despite all this, I still had fun, I still think the actual structure and style of the layout works! It just needs to be 67% its current scale, just a bit too big; and add some fence-doors or something to create chokes. I look forward to seeing this map in the future!
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNIt's rare that this happens, but I think literally the only singular problem with this map is its scale. If you select the entire map and go into vertex edit and make everything like half its current size (or even 2/3), I think this map would be really neat to play. Keep the layout, just shrinkify it! Curious what detailing will be like in the future. Keep the flame, yo!


Hale's Own Programmer
Sep 7, 2022
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESSometimes you want a well-done old-school TF2 map set in a generic factory. This is exactly this, and for which I like it. It's hard to describe why the layout is good, but it is.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESUndersea factories are goated, and the layout is also pretty good. The map is on the wider and flatter side, but for this map in particular it works.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESI like the visuals, the layout and the gamemode. I like how the first 3 points allow you to single-handedly do an objective, but because there's 3 of them and they're easy to capture in any order, your responsibilities don't drag on for too long.
cp_siege_b2NeutralMedieval is not my jam.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOTo add to everything others said, the combat spaces are not interesting at all, they're too tight, and the walk times for BLU are too long.
koth_splinter_b4YESA great take on the TC gamemode, great visuals, and a great layout with lots of useful height variation.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNot Played
cp_diorama_b1aYESI REALLY like how it looks, and its open layout is also refreshing for the game. A rare map gets you excited about the map as a place, and this one does.
cp_parkent_b5Not Played
cp_shanksgiving_b6NeutralMedieval is not my jam.
pl_cattower_b0YESGreat representation of what for-fun community server maps used to be.
cppl_puerto_b5NOThe tightness of many spaces holds the map down too much. When comparing it to cp_lamworth, I realised that it's not the tightness itself, but that all routes are mostly the same and they don't feel good to fight in.
cp_underway_b2Not Played
cp_lamworth_a12YESWhile every space is a bit underscaled, I like this map anyway. It's by comparing this map to cppl_puerto I realized that the combat space design is what makes this map fun. I like where this map is going visually.
cp_herbicide_a4aNOI like the general layout and where the map is going, but the map is currently too far from being complete.
pd_azureworld_b1YESA visually stunning open-world Player Destruction map with lots of places to jump onto. The best kind of Player Destruction, if you ask me. This is what I play PD for.
pl_acadia_a4bNOWhile layout isn't bad, it didn't stand out to me either. With a decent artpass I'd rank it as neutral, but without one, it' a no.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOThe last point is extremely large and has barely been developed, I assume the map author was short on time.

I'm on the fence if I'd call the rest of the map overscaled: yes, on paper the spaces are large and Snipers have huge uncovered sightlines, but it could be solved with more geometry and walls inside the spaces, rather than making spaces themselves smaller. Except last, that one is too large.

I like the vibe of the triangle-roofed room before last.

Brandini Panini

Robot Girl Enjoyer
Feb 10, 2017
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesSolid map all around. I still think that A > B could use more work as attacking it is not very fun if red gets any hold around the corner as there is basically only two options that funnel you straight into enemy fire. Last could also use a tiny bit of work as the defending areas are a little awkward and some of the attacking routes can be fairly separated. Detailing is pretty good, but I personally find the robots to be a little corny. That's just a me thing really and I saw the detailing will be getting updates so looking forward to that!
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesVery cool theming, love the underwater metal structures. Like some feedback said I would try and incorporate more gears if you want the last to have them so there is a little more cohesion. Balance wise its pretty alright, but not every route feels good to use as attackers. I find myself at an awkward fight disadvantage in a lot of routes on A. B in general is cool but the angles and holding point could get updated a bit to feel a little more intuitive.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesAn interesting entry for sure. I can't say im wholly in love with it but I've had a good time on it before. Unfortunately I honestly can't really think of any changes that could improve the gameplay as I would have no idea how to tackle this mode if I made a map for it. The detailing is cool albeit a bit noisy. Could definitely do with another pass through to simplify a couple things and make points of interest stand out amongst everything else in the map.
cp_foldover_finalNoThis is a map I think could have some potential but it just isn't realizing what it currently set out to do. The folding over concept is very neat but the execution on the routings is absolutely brutal if the defense is competent in the slightest. The respawn and walk times need a lot of work, they just aren't balanced well at all. (Also to fix the force respawn on second capture add a 0.01 delay to the force respawn trigger so red properly respawns on last) Most of the gameplay space is pretty alright otherwise, if a bit empty feeling in places. Detailing ranges from decent to basically prop spam in places. Way too many grouped pipes and windows in places. The texture work is alright for the most part though.
cp_siege_b2YesFun and unique take on Medieval! The amount of verticality on this map is a lot of fun to mess around with, a lot of times I flew down and crit someone out of no where haha. I think the canons should not do as much damage as they do, and you should add hay or something that breaks fall damage on landing too. I want to use the canons not almost die by using them! Detailing is kind of just okay, could definitely use more work but its in the right direction!
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoThis is a rough one. Simply not worked on enough, doesn't feel like a beta at all. I don't know why the route between A and B was removed at some point in development, makes it impossible to try and rotate as defenders or attackers. That was also one of the only changes I even felt as its barely changed from other early versions where a lot of its flaws were pointed out in feedback and it was not acted on. Still looks in alpha tbh, cant really note anything other than that for detailing.
koth_splinter_b4YesSolid, as someone who has done multistage koth i respect this entry. The asym aspect may be a little on the subtle side overall, but I think its still fine enough and does use the cards enough to say it belongs. I think some stages could use a little work, like im not a huge fan of the stage thats in railway tracks and you can walk over it. Overall I still think its fun though. Detailing in great, awesome job pretty much no notes from me.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNeu.Unfortunately the map just needed more work. I like all the concepts here it just isn't finished enough for me to say yes. I still believe that C is basically a nothing point and could use a rework or something, that one little balcony window thing is not enough for defenders while attackers have all the space in the world. B could also use work, as the point area is very condensed and awkward for defenders but can be hard for attackers at the same time leading to some weird feeling gameplay. Detailing is notably unfinished, but I really want to see you finish this, I want to see amaurot come to live in tf2!
pl_conclave_b6bNoI just don't really feel much when I play this map. Its pretty "Eh" all around and there are some spaces I find not very fun. The choke on stage 1 A points is straight up awful, so awful that attackers just bail on it and go exclusively on the flank to try and push it. Pushing the elevator on stage 1 B also felt kind of bad overall. Stage 2 is better but nothing spectacular. A can get held very well with an engie or two and i found B to rarely get held. Last is okay. Detailing is bland but acceptable for the most part.
cp_diorama_b1aNoI think a lot of people will have voiced the same concerns I have way better than I can but I'll still try and add my voice. The ideas here are all very interesting and there is a lot of card usage but unfortunately I don't believe it came together in one nice cohesive package. Whenever I play this map I don't have the desire to play any class but like scout or maybe soldier. I do not want to deal with all the traversal the map has without some mobility. I don't know how I'd ever play engie on this map besides the last point. Defending as a whole is really odd feeling, and sometimes like A2 I dont see any way to even defend that. Its a giant long hallway to the only place red can defend and blu spawns right across the hallway. Detailing is decent but busy. Plenty of people have said already that some things don't feel like they fit tf2's simplified style and I agree for the most part. I still think there is potential for something really cool here, keep working on it!
cp_parkent_b5Neu.This is a map I really want to like, but the balance in the current version is killer. The ideas and fighting spaces are generally pretty cool and I can have fun with it. However it is SO defender sided its painful. With just a little balance toward offense this map could have been pretty good its honestly sad to say it. Detailing is alright, could definitely use more work but its not bad.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesStandard take on Medieval, but its still fun and well made. I don't really have a lot to say about it cause its so stock but that's fine. If it just did a little to be less degroot that would be nice! Detailing is pretty good all around.
pl_cattower_b0YesThis maps reminds me of the good ole days of fucking around on things like convoy or wacky races. We could always use more maps like this. Could maybe use a little more sightline blockers but its supposed to be a silly map put down those sniper rifles guys cmon :rolleyes:
cppl_puerto_b5Neu.This is an odd one, I think there are some neat concepts here but the executions leaves much to be desired. The first stage honestly boils down to C because A and B are basically undefendable. The C gameplay can be fun but that makes like 2/3 of the stage almost pointless. Stage 2 is alright, feels like a pretty standard payload stage. The train hazard feels just kind of put off to the side though. Detailing is okay, but it doesnt feel entirely cohesive imo.
cp_lamworth_a12Neu.Another map im kind of mixed on. I don't really have any issue with the map being designed tightly, but the gameplay it makes just isn't my favorite. I don't think I can really say what to change cause this kind of map isn't my biggest cup of tea and I'm sure it was designed that way intentionally. I particularly never liked stage 2 B point, just really awkward all around and can be a pain to push. Detailing on stage 1 is great, well done, but I also can't really overlook that stage 2 is full of dev textures.
cp_herbicide_a4aNoIn concept very cool. In execution there is a lot of issues. D is a nightmare to push, especially if you capped C, making it a bad thing for attackers to play the intended objective. I do want to see this map worked on more though, I think with some changes it could be a really fun map. The layout honestly doesn't need any big changes, with some balance changes I think it would be enough to shake up the gameplay enough to be fun! Detailing is clearly not fully realized, keep working on it I think it'll look pretty neat!
pd_azureworld_b1Neu.This is another one I want to like completely. The gameplay just falls hard flat for me unfortunately. The boost pads are just placed everywhere, I think the map would benefit from more thoughtful placements in more sparse impactful spots instead. Its so chaotic I don't feel like I can play anything but heavily DM based classes. I know that PD is basically a DM gamemode but having almost no way to play some classes especially in the outside area is a bit frustrating. The interior sees very little traffic, so much so I played a round where I tried to hold it with mini engie so my team had a place to bait enemies into and I saw a grand total of 2 enemies the entire round. Detailing wise you absolutely killed it. If its a finalist it might be the only map to get a near perfect detailing score from me. Love all of the sonic inspiration. I will say that the map needs some optimizing though.
pl_acadia_a4bNoSuffers from feeling unfinished. Some gameplay areas feel fairly decent, but I can't say I love anything a lot. It feels like it loses steam as the map goes on. Last just isnt too great to push. Red's spawn are also a little awkward, could use a little more simplifying. Detailing also feels unfinished. Honestly it just need some more time put into and I think it could be alright, but it really needs that work.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoCrazy big sniper heaven. I probably dont need to repeat what has been said a thousand times. I will say that I think you can repair this, shrink it and add some variation in geometry and it could work. The cabin like area with the outdoor area is really nice looking and I think you can channel that energy in making this better!


L1: Registered
May 2, 2023
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixNocool theme tho
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2Yestoo shiny
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesdecent fun. hurts a bit to look at tho
cp_foldover_finalNeutrali like the roads in the 3dsky below the playable area
cp_siege_b2Yesfunny cannons
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNocool planes tho
koth_splinter_b4Yespretty cool. even if had problems with knowing where i was at times
pl_moonjelly_a5gNothe jellyfish should explode when shot. that'd be pretty funny i think
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralcan't think of anything to say abt it :/
cp_diorama_b1aNeutralit looks kinda cool
cp_parkent_b5Nogot nothing to say
cp_shanksgiving_b6Yesi liek medieval mode
pl_cattower_b0n/ahaven't played it. looks interesting tho
cppl_puerto_b5NeutralB cp is smol. but in a fun way
cp_underway_b2n/adon't think i've played it :/
cp_lamworth_a12Yesis this what gang wars are?
cp_herbicide_a4an/adidn't play it :/
pd_azureworld_b1Noi don't care for the jump pads
pl_acadia_a4bn/adon't think i played it :/
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNothe snipers were funny


Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
At our discretion, since @Switchgeer hosted some last-minute testing and had notified us they were missing 2 entries on their ballot so soon past the end of voting, their 2 votes & notes (for both Airfield and Conclave) have been edited into their ballot, just as DM'd on Discord.
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