Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck [Preliminary Voting]

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47 crashes and counting
Jul 10, 2017
NOTE: I've filled out this entire table before, but chrome deleted every vote right after finishing. This may lead to smaller notes.
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESI have a huge amount of respect for how far this map has come. If I’m not wrong, I’ve been playing it since the map was in the desert dunes. You have set the bar for every other map with your commitment, effort, and commitment. The story in the map is fun and unique, and the gameplay only got better with every version. Your willingness to start from scratch in some areas is admirable.
While the theme is creative, my one gripe is your reliance on brutalist buildings. After spawn and the elevator building, some architecture simply doesn’t look tf2 to me. This is a personal thing and won't affect the score AT ALL, just felt it was worth mentioning for the future.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESDare I say to the Hadal team, THIS is an underwater base in tf2 done RIGHT. Borderline steampunk in mechanics, the Grimy-ness and texture work is STELLAR. The work you put into this map shows in every angle.
Here’s my grip: even with TWO intriguing and uniquely covered points, The map still plays somewhat generic, and very similar to a usual 3 cp map. This isn’t bad, but for a high-ceilinged underwater base, I was hoping for more height variation to allow for interesting jump class plays, drop downs, etc. I think in the next versions, you can push the dynamica more.
P.S why do bubbles come out of the pipes indoors? Brother has never been underwater.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESRisk breeds reward, and this map risked a lot. a/d CTF degroot style? In the high top soho style? You took a lot on your plate, but made sure to stuff your belly. This map took on the spirit of the cards like no other, but I feel teamwork suffered from it. I assume this was more on the cards than the map itself. I’ve always liked playing this map, and don’t feel like any one class is overpowered. Always good.
Here’s my gripe: For a map at this size, it’s always good to limit yourself to 3 - 5 base textures (not including beams, smaller misc details, etc.). This map has upwards of 18 textures every point section, and can lead to each area itself suffering in landmark-ability. While I understand it’s meant to be a city, even cities can be simplified into a few brushstrokes. Something to look into going forward. (Brew is of course a good example of “only 3 main textures,” take a look at it, but keep in mind it is a VERY extreme case.)
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOI’ve played almost every version of this map, and am baffled by the lack of change throughout. As per every alpha map, jungle airfield did have the potential to go further, but this potential was dwindled with every new version. The first 2 lessons every map must learn: Kill your darlings; and trial and error.
I will say, I’vr always had fun as an engineer on this map, but that fun came from dominating the last point and top scoring in the last second. Imbalance should not be the source of my enjoyment, but I had fun regardless.
koth_splinter_b4YESI'm giving this map a cautious yes; Ido and Zythe have knocked the Atmosphere, Brushwork, and Look of the map out of the park. I never have much luck while playing, but still enjoy how dynamic but locked in the Gameplay is. That being said, I'm one who believes Splinter was made as a Map first, Contest Entry second. Not to beat a dead horse, but the map being in Germany-Austria is silly. You two have worked on Asymetrical maps before to great success; why make a psuedo KOTH map? This contest might not have been the best place to re-invent the wheel, and with all due respect, you're shooting yourself in the foot by not serving us another Awesome Ido-Zythe payload or control point etc. map.
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralI feel the worst on this Vote. This map is definitely an honorable mention, and I like how far it’s come, but it doesn’t quite fulfill the spirit of the cards. It’s my belief the “multistage” and “3 points” cards limited creativity, and this map fell for that trap. It seems this is your first payload map, which is why I need you to continue making it. I had fun playing it, and while I'm sure this contest was a good incentive, I don't feel it was the final goal for this map. Which is good; you should finish the map regardless of this contest. Godspeed.
cp_diorama_b1aYESThis one is an absolteuly from me. The look is definitely unique, but for this contest that works in your favor. This map has what, a whopping 15 cards? Sprinkles and Brokk have proven to us time and time again they are masters at logic. This map is as competent as it is fun to play. Even while making the entire map dynamic, every section is as intuitive as you could want, and each area flows into one another like a train barreling on its tracks. (I for one have never gotten lost on this map.) A point traverser is a yummy appetizer, B point is a great breathe of fresh air on the cliff, The rebound to A is a daring choice, but one that definitely works (story and gameplay), and that C POINT. by god is that a fun C point. I don't even need to talk about the Catductor here, it speaks for itself. Cheers to the one map that is impossible to DQ.
cp_parkent_b5NoThis map has its fun moments, and the interactions are as TF2 as one can get. Yet each time I've played, the map stops before it even begins. A point is untouchable, so E point is left as the only option. A fun only option, but not how I think a steel-sulfur map should play. The detailing leaves some to be desired - I do like the solar panels and the submarine - but the brushwork is Suessian and Wonkian in some areas. Overall I see this map's potential (always need more sulfur/steel types), but it would require a full reworking on the A point at the very least.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YESWhile I love medieval (as my history shows) I’ll leave that out of my Bias for the vote. And the verdict is: This map is FANTASTIC. The pacing, the flow, the creativity. I was yelling in old English the entire time I played this map. There was a battle everywhere I went, everytime. And the fire pyres. God, they're ingenious. They bland perfectly into the theming and detailing, but have several functions. Cover, a TRIMP RAMP, a Fire Hazard, Detailing! Oh boy. I love this map.
My gripes: The detailing. The map looks nice all together, but much of the Architecture is flat, and thin. I wish you’d been more bold, especially for a medieval map. Many buildings lack 3d-ness and outline. It did take a decent bit away for me, but I can’t deny the map is fully detailed.
Also for a map based around ham, I swear I only saw a few in red spawn. What’s the deal?
pl_cattower_b0YESThis map reminds me of my days goofing around on public servers. I like diversity and Creativity, and this map has them both. Though you will be hearing from my lawyers about a specific mouse trap full health. While it may have taken me a second to realize we were on a Cat scratch tower; it was excellently executed. HOT WHEELS? A FULL ROOM SKYBOX? What more could you ask for? Well... maybe a full dynamic cat running around in the 3d skybox. One can dream.
The gameplay stuck out to me, with some lovely height, complimented by the lack of a death pit at the very bottom. Overall an easy-going map, and I hope to see this map in servers at some point!
cppl_puerto_b5NeutralThis map fell for the same trap Conclave did, which hurts to see. using Multistage as a full card limits how creative one can be, and the on top of this, the train was haphazardly put in. I very rarely saw someone killed by it in an amusing way. The only card that stood out to me WAS very well implemented (the drilling delay), but it is very much too little to late.
I've always enjoyed the first stage, since the earliest version, but never really got much from the payload stage; which is strange to me since Payload is usually always a slam dunk compared to CP.
The degroot keep style points is applied fantastically. I like the theming you went for, but the brushwork leaves quite a bit to be desired.
This is another map where I want it to be finished. Reimagine some areas to feel like real, immersive places, and completely rework the payload area. This is hard to hear, trust me I get it. I loved seeing the ocean, and get a kick out of the control points. But a cricket on my shoulder stops me from giving it the Yes. This map would be an honorable mention, and I feel it still deserves a card. who cares if the deck has 12?
cp_underway_b2YESWhat’s there to say? Picture perfect uses of many cards. One of the most solid “unusual covers” I’ve seen. If I remember correctly, it’s what influenced me to make Oil Change mid how it is. The saw blade fits perfectly with the construction theme, (while maybe a little underwhelming in size, it had good comedic effect. Sawmill just used more for a smaller room, which makes this look small).
Blue’s battle for mid takes strategy, but doesn’t need players to turn on 110% of their brain. Perfect balance for players. The construction theme is knocked out of the park, though I do wish to see a fully polished version.
I don’t think I have any gripes with this map.
cp_lamworth_a12YESWhat do I even say? gorgeous picturesque snippet of Britain's streets. Every building has excellent attention to detail while not being too distracting. I've been playing this map throughout development, and have never felt the gameplay too rugged. Each version only got better, but the original ideas were already ingenious. The blue spawn on stage 2 tube? Lovely exits. The little access on the metro bridge? Terrific. Roof gameplay? drop downs? all splendid. This map is another knock-out-the-park
I do have a gripe though, but it’s small. All of the second stage is dev texture. That being said, I did not notice this the first couple times I played, that’s how fantastic the brushwork is. The train station looks like a train station, the elevator shaft an elevator shaft. Still sad, but no use crying over spilled Sainsbury
cp_herbicide_a4aNOPlease finish this map! On the first play through I was not impressed with the gamemode, but on a retest I’m actually quite into the flow. The map has interesting points, and i LOVE the plant that gobbles people up AND acts as routing. The Vista 3d skybox is an awesome concept. But that’s the keyword, “Concept.”
The routing is quite twisty, and took me more time than necessary to figure out. Might be a steel problem, but I was able to figure out steel faster. I’m sure you were working hard to whip the layout into shape, but the visuals of course suffered with the time cut in half.
When I say please finish this map, I mean continue with it, beyond the contest. I think you HAVE struck gold here, you just need to keep chipping away the other stone. Godspeed.
pd_azureworld_b1YESMap maker knows my thoughts. Cinematic scene, well implemented booster pads, I myself have never had an issue playing this map, and always have fun. If this map were dumbed down anymore than it would lose the fun people have who understand the map already. The orca finale is sexy.
pl_acadia_a4bMy map, and the cause of all evil
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aYESOoh wee, this will be a controversial one. This map definitely suffered from the lack of testing and reworking that’s gone into it. But that just shows your impressive level of intuition. While some areas are massively over scaled, others have the appropriate density to support fun battles. The map has an interesting theme that I want to see you go further with.
Currently, the final point needs the most work, but at least the room before it is drop-dead GORGEOUS. Real professional work there.
I couldn’t bear to see how this map was doing in the contest, as it is a hidden gem. A hidden gem that’s still hiding, sure, but a gem nonetheless. Take this map, and finish it after the contest. You owe it to me. Godspeed
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Another Bad Pun

In the shadows, he saw four eyes lit by fire
Jan 15, 2011
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Jun 22, 2016
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesI really enjoy playing defense engi on this map. Always pretty fun.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesLove the theming, the giant gears on last are really cool. Plays pretty well too.
ctf_chouhen_b5aNeutralDislike the inconstancy between the other points and D, feels strange that the flag isn't needed for it.
koth_splinter_b4YesI really enjoyed the arena version, but this is cool.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYesEnjoy attack and defense on this map.
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralPathing between points feels off, makes attacking some points weird.
cp_diorama_b1aNeutralI dislike the overall scale of this map, dislike how huge swaths of the map are transitional with no real gameplay.
cppl_puerto_b5NeutralReally like stage 1. Stage 2 feels undercooked.
cp_underway_b2YesI think point B has been my favorite card usage from this contest, love the splint point.
cp_lamworth_a12NeutralDefense feels too hard, can only ever reliably defend last.
pd_azureworld_b1NeutralReally dislike the speed pad gameplay. Density of detailing also feels off. Skybox is nice.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNeutralIts fun tho
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L1: Registered
Sep 9, 2023
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesThe map is pretty good all around. The final point flops a bit but it isn't really that bad considering how hard it is to make one.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesI had fun on the map. One nitpick, it seems a bit too effective on the final point for RED to put a sentry just right outside that spawn door, which is kinda boring.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesI've seen all the troubles this map has but I still have consistent fun on it. A/D CTF is pretty cool but I don't know if this map really benefits from it rather than just being normal A/D.
cp_foldover_finalNeed to play moreI've played it once now. It hasn't given me good impressions given how hard it seems to defend as engineer, but I'm gonna give it another chance to have fun. It's visuals are basically what I want out of any TF2 map.
cp_siege_b2My mapI used the best of time and abilities to make the make the map good : ) Hope y'all had fun!
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoI don't like how disconnected A and B feel for a gravelpit A/D. For RED, it feels like you have to commit on only one of those points because of how long it takes to go rotate between them. For BLU, when you cap either of them you are directed towards C where you pass so near to RED spawn you are very tempted to spawncamp.
koth_splinter_b4YesI had fun on the map, simply put. Despite being asymmetrical KOTH I think it was fairly balanced and I really like the visuals. If I were to criticize this map for anything, is why would you make it so hard to make a map? There was no need to make 4 different interconnected maps even if it's very cool, and this wacky idea could've very possibly gone wrong. Like, there is no need for maps like hydro with a lot of replayability, there are like a quadrillion maps now. If it was to simply show off, you impressed me.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNeed to play moreI played some old versions of this but still haven't seen how it has shaped up to be.
pl_conclave_b6bYesI'd say it plays pretty decent. My main gripes are how 1st stage last point feels so difficult to defend as engie (Am I missing some good spot or something?) and also there's a couple flanks that feel kinda weird, like that one on 2nd stage last.
cp_diorama_b1aYesThis definitely is something a solo mapper couldn't have done. Despite how many people seem to have trouble navigating, I'd say the map tries its best to direct the players the correct way, and plus the train has like the silouette and stuff. From playing I'd say I had fun, I've seen both teams win on every point (except the second A point, that doesn't seem to hold well for RED). I really like the detailing.
cp_parkent_b5NoThis is tough because the map obviously has the potential to be very good, but from what I've tested the map looks unbalanced in favor of RED. There are very few things I'd change: I'd make A easier to cap, and I'd make BLU have more time when capping B. I can't give feedback about C or D because on every test it has never been in play or it has been rolled.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesPretty cool medieval map, with an original theme. I had fun on it, although I wish A had a bit more stuff around it to play and jump around.
pl_cattower_b0NoWhile I think the map is funny and I would probably add it to a server's map rotation (if I had one) for the funsies, I don't think this map plays well enough to be granted a Yes. Sometimes the defending team spawn right next and on height advantage to the point, and the sightlines are kinda wack, it feels unsafe to walk in too many places. Height differences are always cool but it feels annoying to get hurt from fall damage everytime you go to the bottom floor.
cppl_puerto_b5Need to play moreI played this when it was only the first stage. And now I've played one round of the 2nd stage. I still need to make up my mind.
cp_underway_b2YesThis map meets my standard for getting a Yes vote, despite not being one of my favorite maps. It seems that the weird cap area for B is pretty abusable by RED, you can just stand on the other side of the wall. Despite that, I think all the point play fairly well. The artpass is good enough, and I like the nighttime setting.
cp_lamworth_a12YesEven though the artpass is not finished, I want to vote Yes on this because I feel like the layout is pretty solid and the theme is pretty cool. I want to see this map finished.
cp_herbicide_a4aNoSimilarly to Parkent, despite having a lot of potential I don't feel like it quite reached my standard for a Yes. The D point seems easier to cap if you dont cap C, and it doesn't hold up well visually, despite having a cool theme. I hope to see this map finished someday.
pd_azureworld_b1YesI had fun on the map. It felt pretty balanced even if it wasn't symmetrical and the speed pads are pretty cool, even if they feel a bit clunky at times. Visually this map is gorgeous.
pl_acadia_a4bNoThis is a funky situation. I had fun on the map, but the map is not detailed. Kinda like Lamworth. But idk, lamworth still looks good with its geometry, and this map's detailing is really wack. I just realized it was snowing. The train is funny.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoThe rooms are definitely oversized. Despite that, the map still was able to have normal TF2 gameplay, with its holds and sentry spots and everything, to the point where I was very tempted to vote Yes. Nevertheless I don't think the gameplay holds well enough. I like the color palette.
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Sprinkles The Opossum

Stinky Possum
Jun 24, 2017
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESI like this map! visually and gameplay wise, except last. very restrictive for blue. if you tweak last and finish the art pass this would be a great map! i have high hopes for this map!
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2NOI personally feel like this map is very much like merceny park in terms of gameplay, i like the ideas and visuals but the gameplay holds this back in my opinion
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESvisually very pleasing and i love the gameplay space. took a bit to understand the gamemode but after i did it i had a blast! i have high hopes for this map!
cp_foldover_finalNOAs much as i enjoyed this playing as red it doesn't feel great for blue. The tunnel gameplay isn't great.
cp_siege_b2YESI love medieval mode (besides hitreg for melee) the cannons and gameplay space feels really nice to play around! i have high hopes for this map!
koth_splinter_b4Haven't Played
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESI love this map gameplay and visual wise! i feel like after the contest if you artpass good and maybe tweak some minor things this could be a really good map! i have high hopes for this map!
cp_diorama_b1aN/AHaha gottem
cp_parkent_b5NOThis steel type map just doesn't do it for me, the pathing just doesn't feel fun to play around
cp_shanksgiving_b6Haven't Played
pl_cattower_b0YESactually really fun
cppl_puerto_b5NONot a fan of the CP part of the map it feels really tight. The PL part map is fun!
cp_underway_b2YESi don't have anything to say about this map just stock standard
cp_lamworth_a12NEUTRALI heavily enjoyed this map, shame it didn't get fully artpassed i feel like it could be a winner!
cp_herbicide_a4aNOI personally love the sulfur type maps, sadly i feel like you final point is holding the map back. It is actually better to have 2 of the 3 caps then all of them because you don't get any cover for the CP
pd_azureworld_b1YESI personally have jokde with seacat about voting no on this map but i really do enjoy PD maps and this one is really unique in style and gameplay! my only real gripe is FPS most battles happen on the beach with is the really tanky area
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOThis map is really big and not really friendly to short range classes.
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Sep 15, 2022
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESThis map has been consistently fun to play on; the geo and height variation are
excellent and the difficulty from point to point feels appropriately scaled, feeling
pretty fair for both teams the whole way through. The secret robot army theme
is cool to see, and the map's artpass so far is very solid.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESI had some reservations about this map playing it for the first time, but over time
with the help of some recent changes I've grown to really like this map. All of the
points have interesting routes and geo to utilize for differing advantages, and
each point feels like it's hard-fought for on both sides. The underwater base
theme is pulled off flawlessly, and although the giant gear is somewhat odd to
fight around, it's still a very cool set piece.
ctf_chouhen_b5aNOI really like this map's rooftop cityscape theme, but the gameplay has always
felt off. Defenders have always had a rough time on this map, mostly due to
having to watch over 3 points that cap almost instantly. Attackers have almost
total control over the flow of the map as they can simply look at what point is
being defended the most, run over to the 2 undefended points, clear out any
stragglers, and capture them before RED even has a chance to rotate. This
helps focus BLU's attack onto the last point before main, and the generous 90
second point timer gives ample time to dogpile into the small main control
point room. In my opinion B could be cut from the map entirely so defenders
have less to keep track of.
cp_foldover_finalNOThe first point of this map is entirely free for attackers. There is almost nowhere
to set up, and the routes to the point are flat with blind corners that spill
attackers almost directly onto the point. The tables are quickly turned after A is
captured however, due to BLU now having to push from 2 narrow tunnels with
low ground that are easily spammed out by prepared defenders. The area
before B is pretty messy, with lots of hallways and fences all overlapping and
connecting to one another. Even with long respawn times B is very difficult to
clear since RED spawns right next to the point. All of the area leading to C and C
itself have left/right symmetry, which makes it feel stale to attack and play
around in general. I like this map's ideas, but they could have been executed far
better. I like the large skybox and the theming, but the detailing is a bit flat and
the red walls of C are a bit of an eyesore.
cp_siege_b2YESI really like the A point on this map, the spiral cliff/cavern with the water well
dropdown makes for some very interesting fights. I wish you could ride the
water mill at B, but it's a pretty solid point regardless. I don't like C as much as
the first 2 points as it's a bit cluttered and narrow, but the cannons do help
alleviate that a bit. The detailing is a bit blocky, but it's still pretty good.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOThis map has always been pretty rough. The displacements are bumpy, the
buildings are flat and blocky, and there's no connector between A and B for RED
to rotate with. A is almost always neglected by the RED team for the fact that it
is cluttered with airplanes you have to navigate around like a jungle gym, and
the catwalks for high ground are very narrow and easy to clear out. B is the
more favorable of the 2 first points as it has decent high ground over BLU's
approach and plenty of cover to hide behind. Even then, it's still pretty flat and
the engagement distances can be quite long. B's routes to C are also superior to
A's which is comprised of a single shutter door that can be easily camped. C is
very awkward to play around; all of the openings in the tower make enemy
locations extremely unpredictable, and the point being on the ground means
RED spawns very close to the point. The theme is interesting, although the
detailing is subpar.
koth_splinter_b4YESI thought the arena version was very fun, so I wasn't sure about the gamemode
being switched to KotH. But, it turned out to play just as well. All four of the
point arenas are super engaging and have plenty of unique elements that create
differing strategies for each one, without making any particular classes too
prevalent. The reduced 2 minute timer works very well for these smaller arenas
and ensures each area doesn't get stale. This is probably the best-looking entry
of all, the artpass is absolutely gorgeous and each area feels like it serves a
distinct purpose in the context of the map.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESUnderwater maps usually take place in some sort of facility or bunker, but this
one plants you right on the sea floor among the vegetation and titular jellyfish.
The detailing is pretty basic and unfinished, but the gameplay was always fairly
solid with just a few minor issues to be resolved. Last has a somewhat powerful
sightline once the main door opens but the other points just felt like classic
payload gameplay.
pl_conclave_b6bYESDespite some frustrating areas to push through on the first stage, I think this is
a mostly solid map in need of some fine tuning. The elevator at the end of the
first stage certainly feels unique, although some of the chokes near B make it
more of an all-or-nothing type push from BLU instead of something they are
fighting for constantly. Where this map really shines is the second stage; it's a
lot more open overall and there's more options for both teams to utilize. I really
like the setting of the map, it makes for some very nice colors. Although the
detailing could be worked on a bit more, what's there is pretty good so far.
cp_diorama_b1aNOThere are some very cool ideas in this map, but they're spread out across a
massive area that's often times very open, resulting in frustrating fights and
oppressive sightlines. It just feels like there are too many places to go, making it
difficult to coordinate with the rest of your team; attacking or defending. The
best point on the map is C by far since both teams can focus on a single area
that feels appropriately scaled for combat. The detailing isn't bad by any means
but it is very busy with the sheer amount of brick, panel, tile, and gravel textures.
It is difficult to focus on one thing at times and only contributes to the overall
disorientation players experience.
cp_parkent_b5NOI think this map has potential, but in its current state it's just a bit clunky and
convoluted. There are lots of opening and closing doors to keep track of, flanks
to watch, and hazards to look out for. The points don't feel like they scale in
difficulty appropriately, A and B can be very challenging for BLU but then C is
usually just free. D and E are somewhat awkward to capture since you have to
leave the point to challenge defenders on the high ground over both of them.
The current detailing, while unique, does not feel cohesive. The buildings seem
like a mish-mash of different textures that don't go very well together or don't
transition smoothly.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YESProbably one of the best takes on the DeGroot Keep formula I've seen. Excellent
geo on every point that facilitates great medieval mode combat, and the more
generous distribution of pickups is welcome. The buildings at the front of the
fortress could use some beams or trims, but other than that the detailing is very
good and the landscape is pretty.
pl_cattower_b0YESDespite the strange geometry and flatness, this map is pretty fun to play on.
There could be some more cover on the higher sections of the map, but the way
the cart path flows and overlaps in the map is interesting. The artpass is pretty
basic and some of the colors are a bit too striking, but I appreciate the
commitment to the cat tower theme.
cppl_puerto_b5NOI like the idea of incorporating gravel pit style a/d and payload into the same
map in 2 stages, although here it just feels like the a/d is an unnecessary extra
step to get to the payload section. The first 2 points capture so quickly that RED
can't rotate to defend, and the third only requires one good BLU push to take.
The payload stage starts off okay, the bridge area is a bit chaotic. The final area
after the drill is a bit frustrating to defend and does feel a little cramped. The
theming is cool, I like the color choice for the buildings in the first stage, and the
natural environment of the second stage is nice, not to mention the temple.
cp_underway_b2NOThis map starts off pretty strong with the A point, the geo is fun to fight in
although the sawblade hazard is mostly inconsequential and the route to the
flank building is almost hidden. B just feels confusing in comparison; there's no
straightforward way to attack despite the main entryway because RED can easily
watch anyone attempting to approach through the wire fencing, and block their
capture from the other side of the point. The capture area being on 2 sides of
the same wall results in funny, but awkward fights. This causes BLU to spread out
to try the dropdown, stairs, or jump onto the shipping container to flank from
behind, which in turn causes RED to also spread out resulting in lots of
unfocused fighting. C has some interesting spaces, but it's just too big. There's a
lot of awkward angles you end up fighting at because of all the ledges and
ramps. The construction theming is well-done and the detailing is sufficient for
the most part, although the walls do feel a bit barren in places.
cp_lamworth_a12YESFirst and foremost, the brushwork on this map is immaculate. Pretty much every
area feels perfectly scaled and the geo is solid. The first stage's BLU spawn being
so close to the first point felt off-putting at first, but the chokes greatly help
mitigate the distance advantage. Although the first 2 points are holdable, they
don't feel impossible to take and feel as though their fate lies in the strategy of
either team rather than any inherent advantages they may have. The second
stage's first point is a bit too easy for attackers to walk on, and feels like
defenders need a stronger forward hold. The last point is much more difficult, as
it should be, and feels like a proper finale. The detailing on the first stage is
great, only complaints being that interiors are a bit basic, and that it doesn't
continue into the second stage.
cp_herbicide_a4aNOA point plays decently well, although sightlines prove to be a bit annoying. B is
also just alright, but at this point in the map already too many routes begin to
sprawl and split up both teams. C is typically free as defenders can't seem to
reach it in time. The KotH timer element rarely comes into play with D point,
and when it does, it doesn't make a difference since BLU typically just captures
A-C anyway. BLU's routes into D are extremely easy to hold due to RED's distinct
height advantage with just one route leading upwards, and the main route from
A having a giant window and fence to see attackers approaching. This is how
almost every single round on this map has played out: BLU rolls through A, B,
and C, then gets completely stalled at D. The giant plant monster is a cool idea
and makes for some interesting landmarks. The detailing is extremely basic, but I
am a fan of the theming. I just think this map is in dire need of some
pd_azureworld_b1NOThe speed pads are neat, but they end up serving more of a detriment to the
map's design than an enhancement. They completely throw off your
expectations in terms of enemy positioning, allowing any class to be anywhere
on the map and in a short amount of time. It's easy to just dip out of any
engagement by using the speed pads to retreat. It's also easy to accidentally
stumble onto one since they are placed somewhat haphazardly around the map.
They make it more difficult to secure kills and catch up to enemies, which is not
desirable in a player destruction map. I do like how the asymmetry is handled, it
doesn't feel like either team has a large advantage over the other. I also really
like the detailing and environment, it's top-notch. I would probably enjoy a
version without any speed pads much more.
pl_acadia_a4bNOThis map has a lot of potential, but lots of small issues add up to make it not as
enjoyable as it could be. A is a bit overscaled but still plays okay, but once BLU
starts pushing B the walk from spawn becomes quite a journey. The cart path
on B itself suffers from some pretty bad sightlines, and the corner push right
next to RED's high ground makes this an extremely difficult point for attackers.
C is more open-ended but it ends up just feeling a bit confusing in terms of
routing. RED spawn is extremely large, and it feels like this is the case more so to
accommodate the train than the different exits to each area of the map. It's a bit
annoying to spend a good chunk of your walk time to the point in your respawn
room. I wish the train appeared in more parts of the map, as it being an obstacle
that blocks the cart just after A and way before B makes it somewhat forgettable.
I like what the detailing is going for, but the snow just feels totally out of place.
The interiors have a lot of mismatched textures and there's lots of visible nodraw
around the map. The displacement work is okay, but there are some oddly thin
rocks around A and C.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOOverscaled and empty, but the layout itself isn't all bad. I think it could work if it
was just shrunk down and more cover was available. Although there are other
issues, such as A being blocked from behind until captured which makes it feel
like it is always being defended from a forward hold. B is a large flat plane that
has only a pit around the point and the staircase/high ground area for depth.
The area near BLU spawn is completely devoid of pickups, which makes it feel
like a wasteland considering it's the second most overscaled portion of the map
besides point B. The texture choice is fine and the lodge area looks pretty at a
specific angle. Other than that, the detailing is barebones.
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Mar 23, 2010
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESReally fun map, plenty to do without being overly sized. A has some really fun height variation at the edges that go into the building, the other side of the tracks is a bit less interesting to me and feels like routes should maybe not bypass the elevator bit so much. The one-way-door in the cave bit can be a bit weird, I feel like it would be better if it were a height advantage that looped around the edges of the cave, but it does the job as it is rn. D is a bit boring, and could probably use more areas that feel specialized to each class' abilities, I enjoy fighting for the side flank that has the neat vent dropdown, but winning the point area itself doesn't feel climactic. The balance of every point seems really solid.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESA is always fun, even when I lose, and and while B and C don't seem too defendable from what I've played, they aren't a complete gimme for blu, creating satisfying rounds even if it's probably not the highest of highs I've had in tf2. Detailing is a real strength here.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESI think the A and C areas are really solid. I feel like the biggest downfall of this map is how both teams get split immediately out of spawn, with it being more of a problem for blu than red. However, the small size does mitigate the damage quite a bit. The second thing that bothers me is D being placed in such an enclosed area with limited approaches feels like wasted potential, but I think the mechanic itself along with the gamemode adds a level of excitement and variety in how rounds play out that is severely lacking in most flag-based gamemodes. Kind of wish the finale involved bringing many flags to a central defendable area, but that's probably for a different map.
cp_foldover_finalNOThis one's close for me. The underground, blu climbing out bit is an interesting idea that frequently goes wrong due to it being too campable and in this case, it is executed well with red not being able to really camp blu out too much. The shack in the center of the above ground is key. Good job! B i think, becomes an after thought to this climb-out bit, but I'm not sure why/what could 'fix' this because it's hard to give blu height advantage without it being used by red. C i think works well enough from a layout perspective, but red respawntime is too low and the symmetry makes it a bit boring. I feel like this one just barely isnt quite at the level of the competition.
cp_siege_b2HAVEN'T PLAYEDI played this for like 5mins at the end of its time and I dont think that's enough to evaluate it properly. Cannons seemed cool, but the area I went didn't have any :(. Everyone deserves a cannon!
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOI like the area with the planes and the idea of the theme. The vast majority of the areas in which you fight are small boxes with small doorways. C can be fun, but requires blu to spawncamp more or less. I'm interested in how you could improve both visuals and gameplay cause I think they would go hand-in-hand here.
koth_splinter_b4YESI have only played this map twice, and it does require a bit more learning than other maps in the contest, so I may be too judgemental here, but for some reason, the back and forth over each point area does not work for me, except maybe the point area with the buried, tall, steep roofs over point. It felt too difficult to get to point area and too easy to forward hold so often I was fighting for connectors rather than point areas. (honestly not sure why this happens with tc-style maps? like i feel like i just described hydro). I wish there was something like a granary conveyor route that just dropped you right over point, or a viaduct cliff, or a very strong dropdown balcony/battlements surrounding point instead of a route that goes over top of point/bypasses it and seems to encourage the "forward hold vs forward hold" dynamic where I am not actually encouraged to physically go to point hardly ever. Routing seems to seal point into a small boxed in area where teams actually fight over the very limited, 2-3 routes of access.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESThere are so many maps in this contest that are 'pretty good' I feel like this is another one. Nothing too amazing, nothing too bad to me about this one. The pier bit around C is awkward, not as good as pier B, feels kinda jammed into the map. B is like...there's nothing really going on geometry-wise except a red spawnroom that's close by. A and D are solid, i think A is my favorite part. I feel like the height variation could be increased around B and the area before D, and I wish the low ground at C was more relevant to both teams. I wish there was some fancy underwater geometry to play around. Maybe play around with displacements and see what happens, cause wowie does all the geometry feel SUPER manmade.
pl_conclave_b6bYESThis ones a pretty good map, but doesn't really appeal to me personally. There's always a lot of flanks that spread out the teams without being relevant. Thinking about which height advantages have been useful that I think 'I have to fight for that!' when I play this map, I would say it's <50%. 1-2 is a good elevator area, but the areas around it make it fall flat (pun?) and the walls limit the power of the height variation, making it not really feel like an elevator (which might be a good thing tbh bc I don't really think elevator payloads work well). I would say the best use of height variation is the sentry spot over stage 2, point 1. The opening areas are too big for red to hold, and just seem to be a couple props and ya called it a day, which personally I like when red can hold the gates a little bit, and I didn't see it much. 2-3 is decent. 2-2 is fun, but kind of weird, feels unique though, I like the new catwalk but blu seems to miss it. 1-2 needs more stuff to do as blu, I like the new hatch, but feel like there are some routing on the sides that could be changed more drastically cause they don't really work for being fun for either team imo.
cp_diorama_b1aYESThe train is a pretty awesome and effective way to guide players around a layout like this. I feel like the spawnroom moving to 3 locations for red is not needed, and could be just one central spawn, with the door rerouting a bit when points are capped. There's some spawncamping issues and an annoyance to red engy trying to setup after A is capped. Also seems to be some balance issues where A and final are the only times red is able to rally together. I feel like the area between B and A is bloated and the train path could be done more interesting/maybe more of a payload section or with another checkpoint? I'm not sure but I feel like there's more potential fun to be unlocked with the train path as it loops back around to A. The more I think about this, the more I wish it were payload tbh.
cp_parkent_b5YESMy favorite steeltype! so fun! I love building bases as engy. Favorite of the contest. Only complaints are stuff like better blu healthpacks at C, B water making people too hidden, and that hearing A fighting while at E is jarring. Detailing around A could be greatly improved. I think blu spawn area especially. I bet if it had a detailing upgrade that also guided (blu) players more it'd be 10/10 best steel
cp_shanksgiving_b6YESThis one's pretty fun. Somehow had a blast whipping my demoknights with soldier?? and doing stuff as scout. I feel weird ranking a medieval map ahead of realtf2 maps that are harder to design, but I think the side control points especially are much improved over degroot.
pl_cattower_b0YESI think payload where there is one giant area with a big looping path like this has potential to be overall more fun and better than hightower. In fact, I would say I enjoyed this one more than hightower, cause there's way more to do. I wish there was a place or two to build an engy base though and more to do on the low ground flank tunnels where one feels safe, but ends up just putzing around a mostly useless low ground. I don't really think it would be OP to offer more powerful ways up the heights. It can be useful for red to rotate between too. #justice4bigopenmaps
cppl_puerto_b5YESI think this one's first stage is not very good at all. Like I'm sorry but it absolutely does not work for me in any way. It's a maze, a collection of small, long tunnels without any focus or chokepoints. There isn't much height variation that seems to matter, sentry spots are nonexistent unless you are using them to defend your spawn. and it jives with gpit mode (which I already do not like) in a way where the C battle is not fun at all to me because you end up getting very limited attacking angles (both with height and with uhh horizontal). The second stage however, has some fun areas other than blu starting area. It has a really cool use of the rideable train. It's powerful for sure, maybe too powerful. This one was very close for me. I think the detailing puts it a bit over the edge.
cp_underway_b2YESB point is very cool. Everything else is just pretty good to me. Not a fan of how blu frequently pushes behind A to capture A, but it's not bad. maybe the areas leading into A and C are a bit big and bloated? Like I feel like both have flanks that are too separated from the main path, and fighting is all split up. I would maybe add more ~128u height advantages within the main paths to spice them up a bit and probably some rotations to the bigger heights that don't take you along a separate path.
cp_lamworth_a12HAVEN'T PLAYEDdamn i wanna play this
cp_herbicide_a4aNOI've only played this twice. Gamemode doesn't seem to really jive with the layout, where capping D is incredibly difficult. The plant idea is really neat, but could be even bigger/more relevant. The ABC points are really neat, it's a shame there isn't much relevance to them within the gamemode/macro layout currently.
pd_azureworld_b1NOThe speedpads are cool to me, but the layout and gamemode don't really work with it to me. It doesn't feel like there is much to do. It's too flat. Routing is too limited and the areas aren't varied enough to make your route choices feel like they matter. The split capture zone spreads out the stakes of the fights. I did enjoy taking the cliff/waterfall exits that let me on top of rocks for this reason, but I don't see a reason why there couldn't be more rockiness (height diff) on the beach, where most the fighting takes place. I like the angles on the boardwalk, but it feels kind of awkward with how it sort-of provides cover and separation with the short handrail walls and thin beams. It's probably the most interesting/fun part of the map but it makes the side areas of the map feel useless. I think the pads would be better as a "capture area is unlocked" sort of thing also so theres a dynamic of "normal tf2" and "chaotic get to the capzone, aw shit they took our points ok now we took their points" kind of thing. Also there is some detailing that gets in the way of gameplay like the vine that blocks your vision and hides stickies. It also feel symmetrical without being technicaly symmetrical similar to splinter.
pl_acadia_a4bNOThis map has made me enjoy rocketjumping again. However, seems like a lot of classes struggle to feel comfortable among the long sightlines, long walk, general openness. Pyro, Heavy, Spy and so forth. It's got potential though, if the main route were sized down at the beginning, and everything smushed together. Really like the areas around B.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aHAVEN'T PLAYED

mite change these, gotta add some more notes etc.
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Aug 6, 2016
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L1: Registered
Jun 25, 2022
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixNoAll areas look and feel very similar too eachother
and outside of the final point there isnt a real setpiece. Some of the detailing is behind glass is cool tho but a lot just feels like stuff. The underground with the light shining from the hole is cool but doesnt feel impactfull enough visually.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesReally cool theme and excecution with cool setpieces even at routes. First point couldve been a little more interesting. Overal like and had fun on this map.
ctf_chouhen_b5aNoOveral really messy look to everything with too many textures which i get was the point but it feels like too much. Playtesting felt a bit confusing going around but i had fun and the layout is not too bad. The gimick doesnt feel too important but i like the idea and the theme ontop of buildings is fun. Almost a yes.
cp_foldover_finalHaven't PlayedIt looks really cool tho
cp_siege_b2Haven't PlayedI need to play this map in a match it looks superfun with the canons
It's barely worked on
koth_splinter_b4YesReally fun idea to make multistage koth. Really good more og tf2 lookin map. Heard this was meant to be germany and it doesn not look like germany.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNoIt looks unfinished but fun and wacky
pl_conclave_b6bNoIt's not terrible but feels too blocky and alpha and really long
cp_diorama_b1aNoIt doesnt feel very tf2 but is really interesting and different, maybe a bit much trying to look realistic. Has a lot going on visually similar problem to chouhen. It's an original idea but i didnt enjoy playtesting this map a whole lot during so far.
cp_parkent_b5Haven't PlayedLooks a bit too blocky
cp_shanksgiving_b6YesI just really like this map and medieval mode in general, would love to play it in a casual match.
pl_cattower_b0YesReally fun community map. I really enjoyed playing on this and felt like a fever dream. Im not sure if its good but i like it
cppl_puerto_b5NoI enjoyed playing this map a lot but I dont think it looks as good as it could.
cp_underway_b2YesI like it visually, i like playing it, it has a good solid aesthetic
cp_lamworth_a12NoThis alpha feels and looks more beta than other betas in this contest, really good job. Looks good and enjoyed playing it. can't wait for more versions. If only it was more finished.
cp_herbicide_a4aHaven't Played
pd_azureworld_b1YesI didnt have much fun playing on this map but i like the theme and i think it looks good. Felt a bit big but id like to play it a few more times.
pl_acadia_a4bNoUnfortunately not finished but would love to play it more in the future.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aHaven't PlayedSeems really open and really blocky and really empty, needs more stuff going on.


L1: Registered
Dec 11, 2021
I love this map, another amazing snowy payload map, has fun and cool routes.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2NOI enjoy this maps theming, but I overall wish it dove deeper into the whole being underwater thing. Also as red I have never really had a pleasant experience playing last as a spy main.
cp_foldover_finalYESI love every point on this map, and the above ground and underground rotation is great.
cp_siege_b2YESI LOVE MEDIEVAL!!! The Cannons are FUN and I love the height on last.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOI find this map, too cramped? I'm not a big fan of points A and B and I feel it could lean into being a airfield more.
koth_splinter_b4HAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_diorama_b1aYESIncredibly unique and fun map, it needs optimization, and the option to make catductor SHUT UP is great.
cp_parkent_b5NOI like points A, B, and C, but I hate fighting over D and E.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YESThis map is like degroot keep but with more height variation. Amazing for a spy main.
pl_cattower_b0YESA fun map, with some cool gimmicks, and HEIGHT VARIATION GALORE
cppl_puerto_b5HAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_lamworth_a12HAVEN'T PLAYED
pd_azureworld_b1HAVEN'T PLAYED
pl_acadia_a4bHAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOSUPER Over-scaled.


L1: Registered
Apr 17, 2023
cp_foldover_finalHave not Played
koth_splinter_b4Have not Played
pl_conclave_b6bHave not Played
pl_cattower_b0Noits a silly fun map but the entire map is a huge sightline
cp_herbicide_a4aNoThe koth timer seems to cause more issues
pd_azureworld_b1Nothis map is very unoptimized


The The The
Jan 6, 2020
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixyesThe map was indeed fun to play, felt like a good pl map
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2yesUnique theme that has finally been done justice, the map played like a dustbowl or a goldrush, but i enjoy those
ctf_chouhen_b5ayesProbably one of my fav maps in here, it felt comfortable and wacky to play on and it was well detailed (ps: having a sentry on the last point door before it opens up is just so fun)
cp_foldover_finalnoSadly while the detail was decent, i feel like the corridors are a bit too easy to get lost and bypass the point
cp_siege_b2yesle funny medieval WITH CANONS
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dnoi wish you the best of luck with your future maps, be a trooper and never give up
koth_splinter_b4yesI LOVE KOTH!!!!!!
pl_moonjelly_a5gnoWhile the idea is very cute, i dont think the map is cut out to represent the adorable idea to its 105%
pl_conclave_b6bnoWhile the gameplay was ok and i did have my fun, it was a bit of a non stand out map? i feel like with some good detail this would have been a yes
cp_diorama_b1ayesChoo Choo motherfucker!, fun map with an interesting gimmick and a silly lil adorable kitty cat
cp_parkent_b5yesthis was really close to a "no" but that last is just so cool
cp_shanksgiving_b6yesI LOVE MEDIEVAL!!!!!!!
pl_cattower_b0noWhile i had my fun i dont think its cutout for a yes, keep up making maps katsu please :3
cppl_puerto_b5nothe differente between the stages felt very disconnected, the gameplay on the first stage was pretty chocky and a bit annoying to play on, but stage 2 was pretty alright
cp_underway_b2yesI dont have much to say but the map was pretty alright
cp_lamworth_a12yesFun and visually amazing map
cp_herbicide_a4anoWhile the whole being overgrown by the giant growth of the plant is a really cool idea, i just wish it was done better
pd_azureworld_b1yesHe is a blue mobian hedgehog born with the ability to run faster than the speed of sound, hence his name, and possesses lightning fast reflexes to match. As his species implies, Sonic can also roll up into a concussive ball, primarily to attack enemies. Also, he gifted with the ability to control the Chaos Emeralds.
pl_acadia_a4bnoIm sorry yoyoyo but i didnt PERSONALLY like the map
cp_pscp24_coap_b2anoDont really have much feedback for this map, but the detail felt kinda simple


L1: Registered
Jun 28, 2011
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESLove the layout, theme, and detailing! One of my favorite maps featured in this contest!
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESVERY unique theme and detailing, I prefer this map over Hadal.
ctf_chouhen_b5aNOIdeas are solid, but the overall layout and detailing is a bit messy.
cp_foldover_finalYESI'm quite surprised the gimmicks employed in this map don't make me wanna pull my own teeth out, props to you! I also enjoy the overall theme a lot.
cp_siege_b2YESI like the verticality and new types of interactions this map brings to medieval mode. I do still think the shadows are too dark!
koth_splinter_b4YESSUCH a weird idea, but it keeps rounds fresh and unique! Layout and detailing are also very great!
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESI enjoy the overall layout a lot, hope this gets detailed more in the future!
cp_diorama_b1aNOWhile I appreciate the ideas and effort presented, I still can't stand the layout and frame drops.
cp_shanksgiving_b6NOA little too flat for my liking.
cp_underway_b2YESLove both the theming and points' layouts, even if last is still impossible to push as Blu
cp_lamworth_a12YESI hate pushing the last point as Blu, but everything else is great!
cp_herbicide_a4aNOLayout is a bit too large and sprawling for my taste.
pd_azureworld_b1NOThe speed pads are a cute idea, but honestly just get in the way more than I'd like them to. Great work on detailing though!
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOOverscaled and empty as FUCK, especially the last point. Layout does seem fun though, just needs to be scaled down.
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Certified in best in fun
Dec 12, 2012
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESHonestly a great map all around, lots of unique spaces, plenty of areas to attack from but doesn't give each side too much advantage. Teamwork is really a key factor for winning on this map and honestly that's a good part of what makes it good. Visually, it looks pretty good with the lighting, textures, geometry, architecture, etc. and there's good environmental storytelling going on
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESA fun map that places pretty well, interesting theme, good gameplay stuff going on overall and visually an interesting experience.
ctf_chouhen_b5aNEUTRALI was originally going to vote no, considering I didn't really enjoy the objective aspect of this map. Points seemed to cap way too quickly and there had to be a lot of splitting of RED's team to try and cover all the areas. The gameplay spaces sometimes feel pretty tight and a few spots feel too underscaled for general gameplay. Visually, this map looks very good and I think it's one of the best detailed entries into this contest and I see there's a lot of potential with it. Overall, it's really not a bad map and it only needs a few minor tweaks to really get it even better.
cp_foldover_finalNEUTRALIn general, I had an okay time on this map but nothing really struck me as really interesting or notable. I see the two points are stacked on top of each other in totally separate gameplay spaces, but because they're so separated you'd never actually know you were fighting on top of the previous space. I do find it interesting how the layout does "foldover" on itself as BLU has to basically make a 180 while getting up, but there's been instances where RED can easily hold that area and it just becomes a series of killboxes with barely any room to push. Visually, this map look okay, nothing too notable or anything I haven't seen before. Lighting seems good, geometry is pretty standard, architecture is okay.
cp_siege_b2HAVEN'T PLAYED
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOI feel like I'm just writing this feedback into a void because all the time I did leave feedback on this map none of it was implemented or felt like it was even considered. Every time felt exactly the same and I dont think I've ever had that much fun on this map. A lot of the spaces are very underscaled, lots of props strewn about which can get in the way, very low heights for everything, and in general just too cramp and filled with killboxes. Visually, I think this map would actually look better if it was just flat dev textures. The textures are too dark and lighting in this map can be especially bad. Geometry is very subpar and architecturally its just boxes.
koth_splinter_b4YESMy personal favorite. I've always enjoyed maps that strive to be experimental in nature and I think this one paid off really well. Not just giving a new idea of koth in featuring it all in one consistent map space similar to TC, but also bringing back multiple rounds for koth all while being asymmetrical. It might not exactly fit the "spirit" of the contest, but spirit be damned, this is a fun map and I want more of it in my personal opinion. Visually, it looks pretty good, very impressive architecturally, lots of interesting geometry going on, lighting is actually used to guide players along with the signage. Textures used are perfect. Detailing is used absolutely well to guide players around areas of interest. My only complaint is that architecturally it does not feel very German, despite it's location.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESVery fun map, pretty good scale, interesting ideas, good pacing. I think at first I didn't know what to expect with this map, but over time it really grew on me. The spaces aren't exactly revolutionary for what you would see out of a typical payload map, but it does it's job well and I see a lot of potential for it in the future. Visually, its not often you see a completely underwater theme, but it seems to work pretty decently here and it never really distracted me or annoyed me. It's pretty decent, nothing too notable because I understand its really just a basic first pass, but I do see a lot of potential in the theme.
pl_conclave_b6bYESI had pretty decent fun on this map, the gameplay spaces are all pretty enjoyable and interesting and well thought out and balanced. It's a pretty decent experience and while not being super unique, it does payload and it does it well. Teams are rewarded for playing together and the pushing between the different spaces is fun on its own. Visually, I really like the theme and the use of the pink rock textures. Lots of interesting geometry and angles, plenty of stuff to look at, a good sense of place, and a great sense of progression through spaces. Honestly its pretty rock solid.
cp_diorama_b1aNEUTRALI was also originally going to vote no on this a while ago, but after understanding just how much effort and love went into this map I had to change my mind on it. In terms of gameplay, this map strives to do something unique with it's boomerang CP mode while also being situated around moving a train between spaces. I REALLY like this idea and I have to give it points for trying something new. Although, a lot of issues come in play with it's messy layout and weird connectors between spaces. I got lost so much when I first started playing and it really takes some time to learn the map and all the spaces it has. There's so many "dead" areas that could be cut and I feel could be beneficial to gameplay, but I also love a lot of those spaces too. There's also numerous issues with sightlines and cramp doorways between spaces. Visually, this map is just too noisy for my taste and it doesn't complement TF2's art style well. Textures on this map are often too contrasting, noisy, and mismatched with the fundamental design style of TF2, where textures are supposed to "bleed" into the background to allow characters to stand out against them. I often had hard times trying to quickly identify enemies. Lighting is also an issue in this regard as well as I felt that lighting was not used well to compliment gameplay, a lot of places feel way too dark and lighting is not used to highlight areas of interest as it should. Architecturally, it is VERY German and I really appreciate how well it is faithful it is. I will question why battersea power station is in this map though. The train looks VERY good and well detailed, the animations on it are perfect, and the catductor is a small added bonus. Overall, I think this map where it is is okay. I see a lot of potential with map as long as changes to the layout are in-order and some fixing with the textures.
cp_parkent_b5NOPlaying this map is often time kinda cumbersome. I love steeltype maps but this one has a lot of issues in terms of the gameplay spaces and scaling. Lots of areas feel kinda repetitive for my taste. The balancing is pretty off as RED seems to win a lot of the time. I probably would have spent more time trying to test the layout and balancing as much as possible. Visually, this map looks okay when you stop and look around. I question a lot of the textures and their use personally. Some of the architecture is interesting to say the least, I feel like a lot of it is too out of the way from the gameplay space for anyone to notice. Geometry and lighting is okay. Overall, it's getting there but I don't think its enough for my vote.
cp_shanksgiving_b6YESA pretty decent medieval map. I don't really have much to speak on gameplay wise because it does its job as a medieval map. Nice ways to play, similar to degroot keep. Only thing is I wish this map was more original because its essentially just degroot keep and not too much else. Visually, pretty decent, I don't expect too much when it comes to medieval and it gets the job done. Good textures, good lighting, good geometry and architecture, not too much else to say here.
pl_cattower_b0NEUTRALAs far as gimmick maps go, this one isn't half bad. The main issue I have is just how large and open the spaces are and how much they enable snipers by allowing them to basically oversee the map from RED's spawn. I feel like nobody really cares about the objective too much except for a few, and this map isn't good at getting teams to work together. I would just fit it in the same box as harvest and hightower, but in both of those maps sniper isnt nearly as powerful. Visually, its just a cat tree in a large room and I don't have too much to say about it.
cppl_puerto_b5NO(will write later)
cp_underway_b2YESPlaying this map just feels solid. Solid points of attack, solid points for defense, good variant in routes and height. I feel like I don't need to explain too much because its a pretty run-of-the-mill type of map, but it does its job well in the gameplay department. Visually, pretty decent, I like the construction theme assets and they serve a nice backdrop without getting in your face. Lighting is good for a night-themed map, geometry and architecture isn't very interesting so I would say thats a place that needs improvement, but other than that, it's good.
cp_herbicide_a4aHAVEN'T PLAYED
pd_azureworld_b1YESAt first I didn't really know what to expect with this map or how it would play, but after playing it, it felt actually pretty decent. There's a good variety of gameplay spaces going on, either hallways, open yards, bridges, or open lobbies. The teams are pretty incentivized to keep moving around the map, giving it some decent flow. The two capture areas are nice to stop one team from completely taking over the main objective. The only gameplay compliant I have is the speedpads don't really contribute anything to gameplay except make things annoying by constantly disallowing you to backpedal or just randomly flinging you about. I actually feel the map would be better if they were gone. Visually, I think this is for sure one of the better looking entries. This is a great job at a nice tropical vacation spot theme. Lighting looks good, textures are nice and fitting, and architecture and geometry seems pretty good compared to other entries. Honestly, very solid and hope it keeps getting the love it deserves.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aHAVEN'T PLAYED
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Feb 21, 2024
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESProbably my favorite. Very solid map that feels good to play on any class and team.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESI like the theme, and the map feels good to play. Last can sometimes be a bit frustrating to attack. Also scubacow.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESI like the idea of the map quite a bit. Though it never feels like C is fought over, it's mostly A and sometimes B.
cp_foldover_finalNOBarely doesn't make it for me. Walk times feel extremely long, and I kind of really don't like attacking the last point.
cp_siege_b2YESI don't vote YES easily on this one, since I hate medieval mode with a passion, but the stupid cannons and stuff salvage this one for me. Also, it looks very nice.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOA and B are kind of alright, but C never feels fun to attack or defend.
koth_splinter_b4YESNot much to say, feels quite balanced for being asymmetric, and the varying stages make it interesting.
pl_moonjelly_a5gYESQuite solid map. Certain sentry spots can be annoying to deal with, but overall I like it.
pl_conclave_b6bNOLast stage kind of kills this map for me, past the halfway point I just feel like I never have fun. I can't quite put my finger on it, but especially defending last feels kinda bad to me.
cp_diorama_b1aYESLove the look of the map, and the train theme is fun. B can sometimes be a bit annoying to attack, but other than that I like the gameplay, even though I feel like I suck on this map. Also Catductor.
cp_parkent_b5NONinja attacks on E feel like they can never succeed, unless the entire enemy team pays zero attention or gets lost. The defender window is too ridiculously strong. Steel for instance gives defenders quick access to E until D is capped, but never quite a lot of high ground. Until D is capped you have so much high ground as a defender here that it is almost pointless to attempt an E cap, and I feel like the threat of E being capped should be the whole point of a Steel-type.
cp_shanksgiving_b6NOAs mentioned before I really don't like medieval and this map adds nothing exceptional for me. It feels like an alternative version of Degroot Keep to me, which isn't enough for me.
pl_cattower_b0n OW i mean YESThere is no gun pointed at me. I'm not quite sure how this map works. At first glance, the sightlines seem oppressive, but in playtest it just never really felt that way, and it played surprisingly well. It's not really a very serious map, and as long as you embrace that, it's quite fun. There is no gun pointed at me.
cppl_puerto_b5NOFirst stage C seems kinda hard to cap, and the whole gimmick is that 2nd stage is a whole different game mode - which you don't get to see a lot of times. I like the theme and all, but it feels like two maps mashed together for no good reason to me.
cp_underway_b2YESJust another quite solid map to me. I like the shenanigans around B, where there is hard see-through cover that can block/cap the point on either side. Invites weird but fun pushes.
cp_lamworth_a12NEUTRALI was shitfaced every time I played this map so I don't feel confident giving my opinion.
cp_herbicide_a4aNOI like the idea, but not really the layout of the map. When BLU set up from A, flanking them is really hard unless you can jump the dropdown fence. Capping all points as BLU can make it HARDER to cap or hold last. It just invites a weird metagame where capping all points is discouraged.
pd_azureworld_b1YESI'm not a fan of PD at all, but the visuals save this one for me. The map is gorgeous. Some people experience performance issues on the map, but I personally don't so I can't take that into account. The launch pads feel a little bit like an afterthought to me. The ones on the beach are fine, but the ones on the main bridge thing annoy the crap out of me every so often, since I keep backing up into them. Other than that, gameplay is fine. And, again, it's very pretty.
pl_acadia_a4bNEUTRALOnly played once, and I don't feel confident rating it.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOQuite a few things that don't work for me on this map. Huge rooms with little cover, sightlines that approach or exceed 4000 HU. Last is a sniper fest. Don't really enjoy it much.
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Server Staff
Jul 8, 2019
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYESfinally played it, its good except for third point
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YESOne of the rare maps where I have fun on engineer. Not sure why. Good gameplay
ctf_chouhen_b5aYESGamemode needs some work but most of the gameplay spaces were interesting and the artpass is nice
cp_foldover_finalNEUTRALLow playercount test but leaning towards no, routing between points seems awkward, first point is probably the worst especially for defenders. last is ok
cp_siege_b2YESPretty fun, looks decent
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNOvery rough artpass and flawed gameplay, teams are constantly split up and A is rarely defended
koth_splinter_b4YESfun gameplay, good artpass, biggest complaint i had was the optimization
pl_moonjelly_a5gNOChanged my mind, no longer neutral. Previous complaints still stand. Needed more testing and polish, the gameplay is ok but first point isnt great, the visuals are rough. The theme seems really incoherent, people weren't even sure if it was supposed to be actually underwater or not. the second half of the map just looks like random industrial buildings. The map doesn't do anything offensive but it also doesn't do anything that stands out
pl_conclave_b6bNOThe gameplay is good but the visuals are so empty and unfinished I don't think it can be considered for the top 10
cp_diorama_b1aYESA lot of decisions that I disagree with on this map but the gameplay and artpass is passable
cp_parkent_b5YESGood gameplay on all of the points, very blocky artpass, somewhat confusing routing
cp_shanksgiving_b6NEUTRALMay be subject to change, good artpass but it doesn't feel like it does anything that stands out from any standard degroot edit
pl_cattower_b0NOThis does not feel like it was built with tf2 gameplay in mind. It is funny but I don't think it fits in with the rest of the entries
cppl_puerto_b5NOThe two stages don't really fit together that well both in terms of gameplay and detail. It overall feels unfinished. Second stage first point is too open and lacks chokes and the layout doesn't really focus players towards the objective
cp_underway_b2YESGood theme and creative control points
cp_lamworth_a12NONot a big fan of how either stage plays, first stage has a lot of weird high ground that is awkward to contest, second stage A was not fun to push into and last point needs to be simplified as there seems to be attackers scattered everywhere. The artpass on second stage is also clearly unfinished
cp_herbicide_a4aNOThe last point of this map needs to be heavily reworked noone seems to be able to capture it outside of random backcaps at the start of the game I'm not a fan of fighting on B and every time I've played this map C has gone uncontested I haven't really seen gameplay on it.
pd_azureworld_b1YESI hate pd and have many issues with this map but I think it is too polished to say no to. Maybe I am compensating for my pd hatred too much by giving the gameplay a pass but I was able to have fun on scout sometimes at least
pl_acadia_a4bNOToo unfinished, no pickup patches or rollback markers, very limited detailing, confusing routing from spawn, seems overscaled
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNOEvery gameplay area is massive and empty. It lacks polish and last point doesn't play well. It feels too simple given that the map is basically split into four big rooms with not much else.
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Still trying to add
Nov 25, 2013
@Ponds34 @Katsu! :3 @Nixxk @RatsInYourWalls @Emil_Rusboi @MayaMogus @half @Ismaciodismorphus @Stack Man @AlrexX [she/they] @zythe_ @Brokkhouse @Switchgeer @bonez @GalacticSparrow @Malachite Man @Plainz @Fault in Maps @Wilson @YOYOYO @Another Bad Pun @Gruppy @robopan @Sprinkles The Opossum @ArtZ @Prestige @Whatpantz @Erk @Comfy_ @ChristmasFlavoredJukebox @djmatt18000 @Rhamkin @Robogineer @Auwi @Meff @Xbmann

Hi voters, this is a public ping post to make clear that you have all been notified to the existence of a Neutral vote (which is a valid vote that does not move the score of a map). Remember that you need at least 15 maps (which is 3/4 of the qualified entries) with a YES / NO / – (NEUTRAL) vote. A vote of HAVE NOT PLAYED does not count for this 15-minimum-vote limit!

Remember the voting criteria, too: for each map, you must judge if you believe the map qualifies to be a finalist, taking into account gameplay, detailing, and card usage as you see fit.

Please react to this message with RateAgree if you understand your option and your ability to update your ballot as desired, as well as the updated guideline. (Quota: 36.)

The thread is now open again. Thank you for your patience.
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L1: Registered
Jul 6, 2024
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesThe theming of the map is pretty cool! I especially enjoy that each point has its own flair and identity. As for gameplay it feels mostly fair and fun to play on offense as well as defense.
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesJust another map I had a good time on. I enjoy the underwater vibe a whole lot. Though there were one or two spots that were confusing for me to navigate I don't think they were bad enough to ruin the experience.
ctf_chouhen_b5aHaven't played
cp_foldover_finalNeutralPurely from a visual standpoint this is my favourite map. From a gameplay standpoint I really enjoyed the first few points, but the map kinda loses me at C. Not enough for me to vote for No though.
cp_siege_b2YesI'm a medieval hater I'll be honest. But this map does a few things that make it more fun. Strong mobility is usually only given to the demoknight thanks to trimping, but the cannons at both teams spawn allow for some silly approaches to get to the action faster. It's also a neat looking map with some fun ideas in its layout. I particularly like the point with the well, and that you can drop down that well. I personally didn't find that to be practical, but its fun.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dHaven't played
koth_splinter_b4YesThis is probably my favourite of this bunch in terms of gameplay. I'm not sure if the logic kinks have been ironed out yet but even if they haven't, multistage asymmetrical koth is just such a fun concept in theory, and apparently also in practice if done right. All the stages look nice and are fun to play on. Big Fan!
pl_moonjelly_a5gHaven't played, BUT-I have sat in SourceTV while this map was played and I am a big fan of the skybox. The theming of this map is very creative.
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralThis map plays pretty well and doesn't look bad. But I also feel really lukewarm about it. I can't even put my finger on why I feel this way so I'm chalking it up enitrely to my personal preferences. I will note that often times I ended up needing to change loadout in spawn to get to where my team was after Blu capped since I wouldn't have known where to go to find them otherwise. Maybe I will change my vote on this to a yes if I play it more and warm up to it during the playtests.

Edit: After having played it a couple of times more, unfortunately my opinion has not changed.
cp_diorama_b1aNoThis No hurts out to give because I REALLY enjoy the presentation of this map. The theming is nice, the scenery is pretty neat, every point feels like it has its own identity and the Catductor is also endearing. But when I played on it I just didn't have a lot of fun. There's a lot of walking involved which isn't all that fun as slower classes like Heavy, and it's also very easy for Red to see Blu coming from my experience. The last point was often held until the clock ran out, and only sometimes would a pubpush break through. I am however looking forward to the future of this map.
cp_parkent_b5NeutralI am a fan of the idea, but the map has a few problem areas that are defender sided, such as B, that usually prevented me from experiencing all of the map.
cp_shanksgiving_b6Haven't played
pl_cattower_b0NeutralThis is one of those fun maps you would boot up if you just want to autopilot at TF2. It's not something I'm always looking for, but for the few times that I am this is awesome. Sniper sightlines are huge, but so is the airspace, and as a Beggars Bazooka enjoy I just enjoy flying from one corner of the map to the other. The presentation is also cute. (Though I think I preferred when this map was still in someones bed or living room)
cppl_puerto_b5NoAnother No that hurts to give out, I would have left it at Neutral since I did have fun on this map, but also it is way too Red sided for me not to acknowledge it. I basically didn't play the pl_ part of this map since C was very consistently held. The few times I did play on the pl_ it also turned out to be hard for Blu to push last.
cp_underway_b2YesAgain the theming helps for me to enjoy this map. The second point feels a little awkward to attack due to it being divided by a wall, but other than that I have nothing bad to say about the gameplay.
cp_lamworth_a12YesI admittedly only played this map once, but I really enjoyed it. The layout is fun to work with and the theming tickles my fancy. Sadly I don't have much more to say.
cp_herbicide_a4aYesI had a lot of fun on this map. I'm a fan of the sulfur gamemode and this map pulled it off pretty well. I had fun playing around each individual point, they felt fair to me and the plant monster on D is really neat.

Edit: While it is unfortunate that capturing C has the consequence of making D harder to cap unintentionally, I think this could also be fixed by communicating this better. I think it would be really an interesting dynamic to buy more time in exchange for making the point harder to cap, sort of like a deal with the devil.
pd_azureworld_b1NeutralI think this map has a lot of ups and downs. Sadly one of those downs is that I am just not a pd_ fan. I do however love to look at this map. The orca at the end is cool, the different setpieces are some neat eyecandy and the whole theme is just really fun. The boostpads are a neat addition to help slower classes move about in an open area. I wish I could say I loved the launchpad out of spawn, but bumping my head on the ceiling every time took a lot of the fun out of it. I also don't know a lot about the inside areas of this map because staying outside seemed desirable to me. The path to the outside was straight forward, and when I went into the interiours I generally didnt find many other players there either.
pl_acadia_a4bNeutralAgain it's another payload map that looks fine. But I simply feel lukewarm about it. Maybe I will change my vote on this to a yes if I play it more and warm up to it during the playtests.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoI don't think I can say much about this map that hasn't been said already. Sightlines are big, the rooms are overscaled, it really feels like a last minute submission without the luxury of regular playtests. That negative stuff out of the way, as others have said, there's some pretty parts to this map. And I can't deny that this map didn't evoke the same type of fun I had when I was a wee lad who would join cp_orange. Perhaps not the positive feedback one would want to hear, but regardless it is a type of enjoyment I felt.
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L1: Registered
Jul 27, 2018
pl_desolation_b3a_bugfixYesVisually nice (could do with a touch more polish though), the layout's fun. Can't complain!
cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2YesThe gameplay's decent, though last is still rough to push. Love the unique theme this has! Feel like you could've went for more cards but it's acceptable.
ctf_chouhen_b5aYesLooks awesome and the gameplay's fun. I've honestly got no complaints here - the backcapping that can be done might be a little odd but it's forgivable since the last point is on a timer.
cp_foldover_finalNoNot bad, but respawn times are an issue and certain spots (stairs after A and the chokes into C) feel like meat grinders if well defended, not particularly satisfying to play. Visually it's fine, though it can feel pretty flat in areas.
cp_siege_b2YesHonestly one of the more fun medieval maps I've played, especially playing around the cannons. The detailing is usually nice, though there are a few odd spots that don't look too great. Main problems are that lighting can be too dim in areas, and I think the last point could be more interesting.
cp_jungle_airfield_b5dNoFeels pretty clunky and chokey to play around. It feels like A/B could be interesting but were shrunken down to try and fit the gravelpit style gamemode - it might be worth trying to add onto them, with more traditional routes. I like where some of the detailing's going (and the theme's pretty fun!), but the map overall needs quite a bit of work.
koth_splinter_b4YesFun though at times chaotic, the 4 quadrant style works well and lets each section feel unique and natural. I do think the map could be given a liiiittle more space to breathe (especially the chokes going into mid on some quadrants), but the way this map can play is good fun nonetheless. Detailing is good, very TF2 (which is a compliment) though the arrows could be a little more thematically fitting.
pl_moonjelly_a5gNoThe layout is decent, but does have issues - C for example is a neat idea but right now it's almost impossible to defend. The visuals aren't finished but they're interesting, I can respect you trying to go for such a novel concept but it feels pretty unpolished at the moment. Cards are fine, though I feel like you could've gone for more.
pl_conclave_b6bNeutralMap can be pretty fun, though it's a little unbalanced and awkward in places. The detailing's going in a good direction, needs more polish though. 6 cards is fine but I think you could've tried getting more.
cp_diorama_b1aNoI do like this map a lot, though I have to admit that quite a lot of the points have some issues - B and D don't feel great to push, while the third point (A) isn't too fun to defend (with this point I've noticed red struggle to get back to A after losing B). Visually nice, though the lighting can get in the way of readability and some of the skybox kinda clashes with the rest of the map in terms of quality (railbridge is a good example of this). Conceptually this map is very cool, but in practice it needed a little more time to truly pull it off.
cp_parkent_b5NoI do like many of the areas, but it still feels pretty defender sided (point A, small amount of time given per cap), which can be fun but often instead leads to frustration. Layout could be better with guiding blu to the last point. I like where the detailing is going, I just think it needs to be a bit more polished.
cp_shanksgiving_b6Haven't played!
pl_cattower_b0Haven't played!
cppl_puerto_b5YesNeeded time to think on it but I do quite like this map. Both stages are pretty good, though each have their own weaknesses (and the PL stage is still the weaker of the two). Both stages link together relatively nicely and it's got a nice theme overall.
cp_underway_b2YesHonestly really like the layout and aesthetic, was fun to play and the theme was well executed! Weakest link is the first point, it could be a little more interesting.
cp_lamworth_a12NoLayout can feel cramped and frustrating, though I usually have fun playing around it. This could be a visually fun map, but it's unfinished and a little disjointed in places - 1st stage 2nd point (1s2p) looks kinda generic to me, while the visuals of 1s1p and the blockout of 2s1p are great. I'd like to see this map finished!
cp_herbicide_a4aNoUnfortunately a bit too large and unpolished, and could do with a bit more detailing. Also suffers from a few balance issues. There's a really cool map here, it just needs a lot more testing and work. Will say that the theme is rad too, this could make for a fun halloween map that can stand tall without any of the usual gimmicks like spells or whatever.
pd_azureworld_b1YesAs visually wonderful (maybe a little too much?) as this map is, I'm torn on the gameplay. Feels like the indoor area needs a lot more space - the two points are so close and yet they feel like they're different maps entirely. The jumppads can be fun, but can also be very frustrating and sometimes not particularly reliable. In all honesty I would mark this as a neutral/no, but the visuals and the use of 14 cards has saved it.
pl_acadia_a4bNoThe concept and aesthetic is fun, but the layout needs quite a lot of work and the detailing could be a bit better. First point seems impossible to defend, second onward feels awkward to attack since red get a lot of flanking power there. (Not too sure why detail card #3's number is crossed out, I'm assuming this doesn't mean anything.
cp_pscp24_coap_b2aNoFeels very overscaled. With its layout A would actually be pretty interesting if it were scaled down a bit, but B feels woefully unfinished. Visually you've done well making a pretty unique environment I've not really experienced in any other map (surprisingly warm and cozy), but it does feel like the visuals took precedent and you simply ran out of time making a proper B point.
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