Major Contest #18: Stack the Deck [Finalists Voting]


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014

Banner artwork by @Pdan4, background by @MC_Labs15

Main Thread | Upload Thread | Voting (Preliminary) | Voting (Finalists) | Results

Voting Deadline: October 1, 2024 2:00pm EDT (18:00 UTC)

Let's all give a round of applause for everyone who worked on a map for this contest! And let's give it up for our top 10!
From highest Y/N ratio to lowest, our finalists are:
  1. pl_desolation_b3a_bugfix by @MayaMogus
  2. koth_splinter_b4 by @Idolon @zythe_ @pont and @Sarexicus
  3. cp_underway_b2 by @Brandini Panini
  4. cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2 by @RatsInYourWalls
  5. ctf_chouhen_b5a by @AlrexX [she/they]
  6. cp_siege_b2 by @robopan
  7. cp_lamworth_a12 by @Auwi
  8. pd_azureworld_b1 by @Seacat08 @Stack Man @Pinewabble and @Lacry
  9. cp_shanksgiving_b6 by @MegapiemanPHD @FGD5 and @SedimentarySocks
  10. pl_conclave_b6b by @GuardianAngel
Click here to see all the vote tallies and scores!

The spreadsheet lists all the maps in the order they were submitted. To view them ordered by score, you can switch to the "Scores (Decending)" view, found here:

Download the map pack (thanks to @nesman !) here!

@Pdan4 will be contacting the finalists to discuss what your finalist map cards will look like soon.

Now it's time for the penultimate act. We'll need the help of our seven magical assistants (judges), @14bit, @Sonoma, @Diva Dan, @Erk, @Defcon, @ScarlettValkrie, and @Yacan1! They will be showing up for scheduled Finalist Judging tests during the judging period.

This finale will have you all on the edge of your seats, but don't get too rowdy or turn this into a sports game! We stagehands will be keeping along and making sure people don't get riled up as the results carry on - we are all here to have fun after all - so keep in mind that if things get heated or frenzied, we will implement score censoring until the polls close. Please don't solicit tallies or offer them. So, let's try to keep a lighthearted atmosphere in our hobbyist community and magic amphitheater tonight! And please make sure you've played and are voting on the specific map versions listed in this post.

All scores are out of 10. Decimals are allowed. All maps will be judged based on two main categories as previously stated, Gameplay and Detailing. Gameplay is worth 67% of the final score, and Detailing is worth 33%. All public scores will be averaged and will be worth 60% of the final score. Judge scores will be averaged, and will be worth 40% of the final score.

Gameplay and Detailing each have two subcategories, each worth 50% of their main category: Overall, and Card Usage.

To track your own scores, a spreadsheet with all of the calculations is available here for you to make a copy of:


The Overall Gameplay score is how well the map plays, out of a maximum of 10 points.
  • Is the map unique?
  • Is the map balanced?
  • Is the map fun?
The Gameplay Card Usage score is how well the claimed/valid Gameplay cards are integrated into the map, out of a maximum of 10 points. You may score every card individually and average them into a score of 10 if you wish.
  • How well are the chosen cards integrated into the map?
  • Were the chosen cards beneficial or harmful to the gameplay of the map?
  • (If applicable) Did going for more than the minimum number of cards benefit or harm the gameplay of the map?
The Overall Detailing score is how good the map looks, out of a maximum of 10 points.
  • Is the map visually interesting?
  • Is the detailing complete?
  • Does the map accomplish the art direction it is going for?
The Detailing Card Usage score is how well the claimed/valid Gameplay cards are integrated into the map, out of a maximum of 10 points. You may score every card individually and average them into a score of 10 if you wish.
  • How well are the chosen cards integrated into the map?
  • Were the chosen cards beneficial or harmful to the detailing of the map?
  • (If applicable) Did going for more than the minimum number of cards benefit or harm the detailing of the map?

*If there is a tie at the end of this vote, we will introduce tiebreaker voting (the card printing company only allows enough for 10; it is a physical limitation out of our control in our price range and pack quantity, unfortunately).

To track your scores, a spreadsheet with all of the calculations is available here for you to make a copy of:

To vote, please enter your scores into a table in this thread like the one shown below. You must vote on all 10 maps for your ballot to be valid. Calculated scores will be automatically done by our final spreadsheet. Please use the linked spreadsheet above to see what your scores calculate to, as tables on the forum can't do math! Feedback/notes are optional, but strongly encouraged! Spoilers for notes for each map are included in the copy-pasteable template below.

MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

[TH]Overall Gameplay (score out of 10)[/TH]
[TH]Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)[/TH]
[TH]Overall Detailing (score out of 10)[/TH]
[TH]Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)[/TH]









































[SPOILER="Feedback for pl_desolation_b3a_bugfix"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for cp_thalassophobia_b5i_fix_2"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for ctf_chouhen_b5a"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for cp_siege_b2"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for koth_splinter_b4"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for pl_conclave_b6b"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for cp_shanksgiving_b6"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for cp_underway_b2"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for cp_lamworth_a12"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]
[SPOILER="Feedback for pd_azureworld_b1"]Put notes here![/SPOILER]

Put together by 14bit with added detail from the uploaders' posts, brought in by Pdan4.


By MayaMogus


#6 - VALID - "Respawn Room switches Teams: RED's first spawn becomes BLU's spawn after C is capped"
#8 - VALID - "3 or More Objectives in a Stage: Self-Explanatory, there are 4 objective points."
#9 - VALID - "The map contains a delay mechanic On C, there is an elevator you must wait to raise up to continue pushing the cart."
#12 - VALID - "At least one objective involves an elevator: To cap point A, you must use a payload elevator to cap, akin to Pheonix Last."


#3 - VALID - "Map Contains weather events: Throughout the map there is snow blowing around"
#5 - VALID - "Throughout the map visible details make noise: In the facility there are many areas that feature computers, machinery or lava that create noise and ambience"
#6 - VALID - "Have Team Coloured Lighting: The first half of the map is set mainly outdoors, in cold lighting, but C and D feature more warm (red and orange) lighting from the foundry lava or warmer lights in the buildings"



By RatsInYourWalls


#3 - VALID - "Riding the big gear up crushes you"
#7 - VALID - "Point A is in a 512x512 room"
#8 - VALID - "There are 3 capture points"
#15 - VALID - "The big gear at point C acts as cover"


#1 - VALID - "The big gear is a non stock hero prop"
#5 - VALID - "Computers make computer noises"
#4 - VALID - "Out of bounds area is next to a deep sea trench"



By AlrexX


#3 - VALID - "Inside the mainframe room there is an exposed electrical box tucked in a corner that will damage nearby players and instantly kill anyone who touches it."
#4 - VALID - "RED spawn is directly above terminal B, and even has a one way window that allows them to see it from inside their spawn."
#5 - VALID - "Both RED and BLU spawn never change."
#7 - VALID - "The mainframe room is exactly 512x512 (unless my measurements are wrong)."
#8 - VALID - "There's a total of 4 objectives."
#10 - VALID - "Terminals A and B are 1024 units from eachother. I believe this may also be true for B and C but I don't know how to verify that."
#14 - VALID - "The tf_logic_cp_timer entity is used for the mainframe, and also opens/closes the doors to access the room accordingly."


#1 - VALID - "The holographic globe and the crane in the main outside area could be considered hero props."
#2 - VALID - "The map is set in Hong Kong."
#4 - VALID - "The vistas around the map are of a sprawling cityscape. (Judging by feedback it's notable enough, lol)"
#5 - VALID - "The exposed electrical box in the mainframe room emits an electric humming sound. Doesn't feel like the best match but I couldn't find anything better..."




By robopan


#3 - VALID - "The cannons people launch off of deal explosive damage that can kill low health players."
#5 - VALID - "Both spawns never change."
#8 - VALID - "There are 3 capture points."
#14 - VALID - "The last point is analogous to how Degroot Keep's last point works."
#15 - VALID - "The A point (the Well) has cover inside the capture point, similar to a nipple."


#2 - VALID - "The map is set in a european medieval fortress."
#4 - VALID - "(Maybe?) You can see the river flowing as a vista in the 3D skybox."
#5 - VALID - "The fire, gears and waterfall make noise (although the medieval warfare soundscape kinda dampens them)."




By Idolon and zythe_, with assets by pont and Sarexicus


#1 - VALID - "There are four stages."
#2 - VALID - "There are four stages."
#3 - VALID - "Sawblade."
#6 - VALID - "The spawnroom in the Minehead stage is used for both teams."
#7 - VALID - "Bunker stage point is in an enclosed space smaller than 512x512."
#11 - VALID - "Three of the four point designs all feature significant playable space accessible to all classes over the control point."
#15 - VALID - "Sawblade."

#2 - VALID - "Map is set in Germany/Austria."
#4 - VALID - "Big open vista on Sawmill stage."
#5 - VALID - "Multiple waterfalls, sawblade, idling truck."




By GuardianAngel


#1 - VALID - "Map has 2 stages"
#8 - VALID - "3 objectives in both stages"
#9 - VALID - "S1 door leading to C, S2 has route that opens on A. S2 routes from B to C open after capping B"
#12 - VALID - "S1 C is an elevator for the cart"


#4 - VALID - "S1 has views of the canyon and the expanse beyond. S2, same view but there's a train zoomin by."
#5 - VALID - "Most computers make noise, burst steam pipe near S1 A. S1 dripping air vent outside Red's second spawn. S2 Train honks its horn as it passes. S2 turbine room and lair room have engine noise."




By MegapiemanPHD, with assets by FGD5 and SedimentarySocks


#3 - VALID - "Map has at least one non-deathpit hazard - Drowning in water, Ignited by bonfire"
#8 - VALID - "At least 3 objectives in a single stage - 3 capture points"
#14 - VALID - "Make use of the tf_logic_cp_timer entity - Degroot Keep style A/D"
#15 - VALID - "At least one of the objectives has unusual cover - A point hay stack"


#2 - VALID - "map is set in a location other than the United Stages - Norfolk Island, Australia"
#5 - VALID - "Have visable details throughout the map make ambient noises - fire"




By Brandini Panini


#3 - VALID - "Map has at least one non-deathpit hazard (Saw on A)"
#6 - VALID - "At least one spawnroom can change ownership (Red's first spawn becomes blu's last spawn)"
#8 - VALID - "At least 3 objectives in a single stage (3 CP)"
#11 - VALID - "At least one objective under another, separate playable space (Area over B)"
#15 - VALID - "At least one of the objectives has unusual cover (Wall dividing B)"


#4 - VALID - "Your out-of-bounds area(s) should set your map in a notable vista(s) (Giant bridge over map and valley below)"
#5 - VALID - "Have visible details throughout the map make ambient noises (Saw, Vehicles, Generators, Lights, Pipes)"




By Auwi


#1 - VALID - "Map has second stage"
#4 - VALID - "Active spawnroom directly below/above active objective (Red's stage 1 spawnroom is directly below CP 2)"
#5 - VALID - "Spawnroom never changes, even across multiple stages (Blu keeps same spawnroom on both stage 1 and stage 2)"
#7 - VALID - "One objective in room no bigger than 512x512 (Stage 2 CP 1 is in small room)"
#9 - VALID - "Contains delay mechanic (Stage 1 door between CP 1 and CP 2 is delayed and opens slowly)"
#10 - VALID - "At least two objectives within 1024hu of each other (Stage 2 CP 1 and CP 2 within 1024hu)"
#11 - VALID - "At least one objective under a separate playable space (Stage 2 CP 1 has playable space above)"
#15 - VALID - "At least one objective has unusual cover (Stage 2 CP 2)"


#2 - VALID - "Map is set outside of the United States (It's in London!)"
#4 - VALID - "Map is set in a notable vista (Among landmarks of London)"


Azure world


By Seacat08 and Stack Man, with assets by Pinewabble and Lacry


#3 - VALID - "Multiple details around the map injure the player from a non-deathpit hazard, such as the torches igniting players letting them burn."
#5 - VALID - "Both team's spawns stay the same through the entire match"
#7 - VALID - "The boardwalk point is in a little shack measuring out to under 512 x 512 units"
#9 - VALID - "As it is PD the point is disabled for 30 or so seconds after the cap time is over"
#10 - DISCARD - the objectives are 1068.172271hu apart at their closest point
#11 - VALID - "The boardwalk shacks are accessible and able to be played on without direct access to the capture area."
#15 - VALID - "The main building point has a fountain, statue and concave capture zone leading to some unusual cover to play around"


#1 - VALID - "There are multiple hero props found around the map such as the statue in the main building and the lighthouse"
#2 - VALID - "The map is set in an Italian styled resort with Italian influences and signs"
#3 - DISCARD - after extensive discussion among judges. It is not a "major" part of the map, as the rule states, since the two effects are only seen in one room each."
#4 - VALID - "The 3d skybox contains a perfect view of the cove that t"he resort lies in with a glimpse of the ocean beyond, alongside a mountain off in the distance
#5 - VALID - "Multiple details contain sounds like record players playing music, bongos and bells that make sounds when you hit them alongside flowing streams and bubbling lava" (Note from Pdan4: the boost pads seem to make a very, very faint humming noise.)
#6 - VALID - "Red side is coated in yellow and red lighting with Red spawn being illuminated by lava. Blue spawn is painted in cooler colours mainly coming from the damp caves and flowing streams that are on that side of the map."
#7 - VALID - "The skybox uses moving clouds, a moving orca and when the point is captured the orca bursts through the boardwalk in the skybox."

Good luck everyone!
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L3: Member
Dec 9, 2023
Congrats again to all entries and good luck to the other finalists !!!
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

I gave (a hopefully accurate) final score of each vote using the table provided that calculates it. these scores are subject to change though so don’t get too attached

Thank you all for playing my map. It’s been a blast to work on it. I started this contest with no inkling of what makes a good map and I’m blessed to have been able to create something you all had fun on. thanks to all who’ve been desolation-heads since day 1 or will vote on it well after the last few weeks of tests. Regardless, this is a contest so I concede there are flaws to my map yes, so I’ll take any criticism in the votes happily, as to improve the next version. Thank you all again, and may the best map win :3
With the 2 rounds of it, i can say i do enjoy the map gameplay wise, but the detailing i take some issue with. Many textures aren't tf2 styled and the theme itself is quite far from tf2 itself. The gear as a hazard also feels a bit silly and only counts on technicality, still a cool map though
(6.245) Chouhen was a very interesting map to see develop with its game mode changes and whatnot but I think it's found a somewhat stable foundation for a good map. It's gameplay card choices are very well executed and it's fun to see where they're used (the spawn above B is v cool :3) but the gameplay itself feels a bit unfocused at times near C mostly. The detailing is quite nice but does get quite busy, but is still overall quite nice to look at. It’s just the gameplay inconsistency that kinda does it for me unfortunately, but it’s still fun
(6.003) Out of the two medieval maps, siege is the better of the two imo. Both of the maps suffer from being quite similar to degroot and relying too heavily on the timer mechanic, but where siege does better is that it tries more to have a unique identity, mostly with its cannon gimmick. Still, it still suffers from a lack of depth in gameplay which is fine for this map, but hurts it for this contest when it comes to ustilising the cards to their fullest and and in a creative way that doesn't copy other formulas
(7.168) Easily a top 3 contender here. Lots and lots of great decisions were made with this map, and it's generally fun enough to play. Not much I can really complain about other than what you already know about ido (asymm use and the location :/ ).
(5.5) Well conclave. It's a mixed bag for me. I do enjoy a good bit of stage 1 although the frontline isn't well established most of the time. I've had a sort of DM ish experience with it which might seem odd for others. It might be due to the long flanks on the left side, but the cliff area is quite nice and looks pretty sick with the vista. The map unfortunately struggles when it comes to stage 2. Blu spawn is quite tricky to initially push out of and feels to similar to dustbowl stage 2 spawn. But after that it's a flank fest until the final point, which is where the gameplay picks up a bit again, which is nice. The big rocket is very cool, and I love the elevator on stage 1. The card usage is somewhat lacking interesting experimentation but is nice nevertheless. The delay mechanic I've never noticed in game though, so that's not ideal for me
(4.665) Shanksgiving to me is just too similar to degroot. I still have fun, and it's still good ol' medieval, but it borrows too much from degroot keep. My main concern with this map is that it doesn't feel like it was made for this contest. The only notably unique thing to it is the haystacks on A and C but besides that, it's just a regular medieval map. It doesn't try much to deviate from degroot as much as siege does and that's unfortunate. It's still a fun map, and I do enjoy playing it, but it doesn't hold as well in terms of creativity. The detailing in the interiors is pretty sick I will be honest, but the exteriors have some areas that are lacking, notably the buildings on the gate wall. The gameplay cards as I've said are 3/4 just by using degroot mode (and I think you'd qualify for spawns not changing too) but the fire damage is notable addition though and I like it as a sniper. The detail cards are sufficient enough but the Australianness isn't quite as apparent as I'd want it to be other than a few flags, but they are a nice detail to the map.
(6.835) Underway is just a solid map. It doesn't exceed spectacularly in just one field, but does very good in all of them, which puts it quite high and in my top 3. The gameplay is good and B is my favourite point as it's unusual cover is very evident. The detailing is a bit dark and the final point could use a bit more work but I absolutely dig (pun intended) the construction theme
(6.845) Probably my favourite gameplay out of the bunch has some great use of vertical spaces and the amount of gameplay cards is very respectable. However as I'm sure you understand it's detailing isn't up to standard, at least for stage 2. The detail cards are fulfilled just cause of a few skybox props and not much else, except for a few buildings in stage 1. Stage 1 B is 90% that red metal texture and of course, stage 2 is in dev textures. I can understand the stress of time limits but this is a contest so I'd have to mark it harshly, but I think the amazing gameplay makes up for this
(6.575) Azureworld is quite the map. While it's gameplay might be lacking, and some of its gameplay cards aren't utilised as well as they could (the fire damaging you for eg. It is quite negligible), it's vibe, detailing and spectacle and more than make up for the small dips in gameplay quality. The effort put into this was not wasted one bit
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Boomer by Sleep
May 4, 2010
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

  • Most of the areas are fun to play in, good back and forth and good options for all the classes.
  • Really nails the cold and desolate vibe, this map really feels cold.
  • Good utilization of the gameplay cards, even if the picks are bit on the safe side, none of the card additions impact the map negatively.
  • Full marks for detailing card usage, executes everything really well.

  • B is not impossible to push but it is not fun to push, there are few very awkward sentry spots to attack because of the bent shape of the point.
  • Feels a bit too easy to push blue back to A when defending, a lot of the time the routes the attackers are meant to utilize are being abused by the defenders instead.
  • C has a touch too much gameplay which comes down to pushing through doorways into awkward corner angles.
  • The map looks nice but it doesn't really feel like it has areas that stand out from one another, B to C really stands out but everything else all blurs together.
  • Finale does not really scream finale, it feels like just another room, just slightly larger than usual.
  • A and C play decent enough but there is quite a bit room for improvement.
  • The gear is a cool hero prop.
  • Good card usage overall.

  • B is a mess, it is really awkward for red to get a foothold in time after losing A so most of the time it is captured with no contest. If red manages to actually get a hold going, it is absolute misery to push. Way too many pushes that involve walking through doorways into long angles that are practically around the corner.
  • Routing overall on this map feels very spread out, you are really locked in once you pick your angle of attack, this results in teams sometimes splitting up into lots of small groups.
  • Above problem also means red keeps consistently sneaking behind blue and pushing away from their objectives, there are rounds where it felt like I was the one on offense when playing on red.
  • The gear, while cool, is surprisingly "hidden" for such a big element of the map, I feel like it could be placed somewhere else on C, maybe in a different angle, to really get in the mix.
  • Detailing is a touch too blocky, especially around last.
  • Map overall lacks that TF2 flair, it looks alright but when I think of a secret underwater base in the TF2 universe, I see something you would see in old James Bond movies. This map, especially the computers and the sliding doors, look like something I'd see in System Shock.
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L1: Registered
Jun 2, 2024
All scores may be subject to change.

MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

Feedback for Chouhen, Siege, Splinter, and Shanksgiving has been written:
Put notes here!
Put notes here!
Overall Gameplay: This map is fun in the most chaotic way. Points will get taken without you even noticing, a well placed sticky trap will stop an entire team push, and the fight for point D is a wild shoot fest in the hopes of killing something; all together making a map that's fun just to watch and see what happens.
Gameplay Card Usage: This map uses quite a few gameplay cards, and I think all of them put together are what makes this map as enjoyable as it is. I particularly like having point B underneath red's spawn; it's a neat touch being able to see through the glass floor.
Overall Detailing: This map has my favorite detailing out of the contest; seeing the city skyline surround you while fighting through the halls of the skyscraper you're in is just genuinely enjoyable. Everything about the map feels lived in in a way that I feel like other maps don't quite have.
Detailing Card Usage: All of the cards used when put together is what makes this map what it is; even if they're little additions like the electrical noises. The map simply wouldn't be the same if some of these cards were gone, and I feel like that's a sign of good card usage.
Overall Gameplay: This map does a good job of taking the "degroot keep formula" and putting a unique, fun spin on it. The cannons are fun to use, and the verticality this map has is a breath of fresh air for medieval maps. The only issue I have is that point C is just boring and feels more of a slaughter fest than it needs to be.
Gameplay Card Usage: Most cards used are simply given due to this map being a degroot keep-like, however the unique A-point design and the cannons being a way of killing you (even if I think that's a silly use of the hazard card) work on making this map a bit unique in that regard.
Overall Detailing: This map's detailing is quite nice, even if it's not particularly fancy. The giant, looming castle in front of a moat makes this map feel unique compared to other maps using the medieval assets, and it overall does a good job at conveying what the map is; a medieval invasion of red's castle.
Detailing Card Usage: The cards are used nicely, but aren't particularly unique; 2/3 of them are given from simply using the medieval theme. That being said, I do like the river vista. I think more could've been done with the detailing cards.
Overall Gameplay: This map has four different koth stages put into one map, and all four stages are fun! It's an incredibly unique idea that I think payed off in the end; it makes the map have it's own unique identity without actually sacrificing gameplay. Every stage feels unique to fight in, and I've just generally had fun when playing this map.
Gameplay Card Usage: I feel this map uses its card pretty well, from the multiple stages, 3/4 stages having gameplay space above the point, and the use of a saw blade as cover. I think it all adds up to pretty unique experience.
Overall Detailing: This map is just really, really well detailed. It does a great job with feeling distinct while still taking a "classic" approach and fitting in well with the rest of tf2. I like it.
Detailing Card Usage: This map simply does not read as German. That being said, I don't really know what rural industrial Germany is supposed to look like in the first place, so I don't really think its your fault it doesn't read that way to me. Without the translated signs around the map, I think it would be very easy to assume it just takes place somewhere in America.
Put notes here!
Overall Gameplay: This map certainly doesn't do anything wrong, but it also doesn't do anything to make this map stand out in terms of medieval gameplay. It just feels like degroot keep, to the point that the attacker's spawn room is almost identical to degroot's. I wish it was more original in terms of gameplay.
Gameplay Card Usage: While this map does fulfill the cards it uses, once again I wish this map did something more unique to make it stand out. Half of the cards fulfilled were given simply because of the gamemode, and the two other cards fulfilled aren't spectacularly used.
Overall Detailing: Once again, the detailing isn't bad by any means, but it's not the best thing i've ever seen, either. The detailing feels flat overall, and I think it could be vastly improved.
Detailing Card Usage: This map only uses two cards; and neither feel really used to their full potential. The map is said to be in Australia, and while there's an australian flag on the map, outside of that there isn't really anything that makes this map particularly "Australian". The other card is for ambient noise, which is only used for the fire found on the map. I wish more cards were used.
Put notes here!
Put notes here!
Put notes here!
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L1: Registered
Oct 11, 2023
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

The most consistently solid map of the contest, in my opinion. It may fail to have the unique gamemodes, layouts, or gimmicks that other maps have to help them stand out, but it makes up for it by having both excellent gameplay and visuals.
The gear at C, which is used for half of the cards in the map, does not make good use of any of them. Also, the entire map looks the exact same, which makes it visually boring and somewhat difficult to navigate.
A fun, creative map that provides a gameplay experience unlike any other map I have ever played. The gameplay is unique and dynamic, and the visuals are excellent. Overall, a fun map that stands out in a good way.
This map easily has the strangest layout out of any of the finalists in this contest. Everything in this map feels like it was oriented around the cannons, while failing to consider movement without them.
A gambit of a map idea that somehow ends up working well. Excluding some gameplay oversights, the map plays well, and the visuals are excellent.
A map that only be described as "mediocre". Both the gameplay and the visuals are acceptable, but fail to stand out in any way whatsoever.
This map is perhaps the least innovative map of the whole contest. The gameplay is very reminiscent of DeGroot Keep, except it lacks what makes DeGroot Keep a fun experience. The visuals are nothing to write home about, but the theming around it is at least notable. Finally, the cards are used very poorly, often only counting out of technicality rather than fitting in naturally. Overall, it is a somewhat boring map, both in how it essentially recycles another map, and in how it fails to take advantage of the most important part of the contest: the cards.
A solid map overall, with creative applications of cards around B. Unfortunately, I don't have much else to say about this map, but I can safely say it is one of the better maps in the list.
A solid map that, unfortunately, ends up falling behind the others. The map is solid gameplay-wise overall. Where the map is lacking, however, is in the visuals, with the first stage looking somewhat lackluster and the second stage lacking detailing whatsoever. I look forward to seeing this map as it further progresses, but it fails to live up to many of its competitors as it is now.
This map, while visually beautiful, has many gameplay issues that hinder the map severely.

  • The map plays very differently from what it is intended to. From what I can tell, players are supposed to cycle throughout the map dynamically between a "main" point and a "safe" point. However, what usually ends up happening is that the teams set up on each side and only occasionally poke their heads out to gather leis to capture. The actually playstyle is the antithesis of what I suspect it is supposed to be, and it leads to a campy, somewhat boring gameplay experience.
  • The various gimmicks around the map usually serve to hinder gameplay rather then enhance it. Boost pads, for example, are a good idea on paper, but end up being more of a burden in practice. They don't do much for movement, and can often get in the way during combat if you aren't paying attention. The only time I imagine they would be useful is as a single-use mobility option during combat, which debatably undermines fundamental TF2 design in relation to class mobility. Many of the other gimmicks in this map, such as the cannons in each spawn, feel much the same: unique, yet ultimately either pointless or detrimental to the map's gameplay.
- This map is easily one of the best looking maps in the contest.

Card Usage:

I'm too lazy to finish this feedback rn, but I'll do it later.
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L1: Registered
Nov 9, 2023
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

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Feb 15, 2015
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

Simply a great map. All points feel distinct, routing is good, combat spaces are fun, detailing looks pretty good overall, but some less-important areas can look a little weird.

Card feedback: no complaints, 10/10.
I like this map a lot, but there are some problems, specifically at B. B can become impenetrable if RED is able to set up, but if BLU pushes in early enough, it's a throwaway point due to RED's respawn time. Despite that, it's still very fun and looks good overall. I wish there were greater progression of detail throughout the map to make areas feel a bit more distinct.

Card feedback: #3 is a little questionable, since even though technically the gear CAN kill you, I have almost never seen it happen. Everything else is good.
My opinion remains unchanged from preliminary voting: "I like this map in general, but having played its previous versions, I think it may have been better for me when it wasn't insta-cap. Insta-cap kinda boils down the gameplay to just defending one point, despite the close proximity of most of the points (which I greatly enjoy -- quick rotates are fun). D is kind of a cluster, but I do find myself thinking the actual area and routing to it works well. I don't like that the flag isn't required for the final cap, though. Detailing is really nice, if a bit overdone in places, and the theme feels really unique. I like that this is the type of map that benefits greatly from actual teamplay, and would honestly be interested in seeing more games with coordinated team strats on this map."

Card feedback: Having both the crane and globe be considered hero props feels kind of wishy-washy and like it perhaps was not given as much attention as the other cards. No other complaints.
Fun medieval map. Cannon gimmick works great, A and B are cool distinct points, but C kind of ruins a good amount of the fun of the map for me, since it feels a bit too close to DeGroot Keep last, which I am not a fan of. Detailing is decent overall, medieval theme is executed fine, but kind of messy in some places, and the cannons are just begging for higher fidelity brushwork/a custom model with how core they are to the map's identity.

Card feedback: The river does not feel significant enough for a vista in my opinion. I get that the map has the medieval theme so therefore must be set in Europe, but it feels kind of... cheap? without anything else to reinforce the theming. I don't mean for this to sound unfair, but I think different detail cards maybe could have been executed better. No other issues.
My opinion remains unchanged from preliminary voting: "I think this is probably the best-looking map of the contest, and it plays pretty well, too. I really enjoy the concept of the BO5 across four different KOTH stages, and I think it's executed here about as well as it feasibly can be (I also don't think that the mode scoring/win condition being "broken," assuming it actually is, is a dealbreaker). The asymmetry between sides is notable, but not so extreme that one team gets a major advantage. I wasn't a huge fan of the Minehead stage, since it felt really easy to hold the point in the tiny houses on the platform, and I thought the highest point of the roof area on the Sawmill stage was maybe a little bit too high/strong, but besides those minor issues, I think the map is pretty solid."

Card feedback: The only additional thing I must add here is that I do agree the map doesn't do enough to really sell that it takes place in Austria/Germany -- I appreciate the effort that went in to the custom German signs, but they alone don't make me buy it, since the rest of the map just kind of feels like it could be any other TF2 map taking place in America/wherever else. Everything else is done well.
I have much more to say about this now that I've played it more. The difficulty curve this map has feels inverse to what it should be -- stage 1 feels a lot more difficult to push than stage 2, unless RED is able to set up on stage 2 last before BLU takes over all the space. I don't like that a lot of routes go so far behind the current point; it leads to the feeling of people ending up in random spots and flanking at random times. I like stage 1 more than stage 2, because stage 2 feels a lot more aimless in layout design. That said, I am still not a big fan of stage 1, due to aforementioned routing issues and the fact it still feels like "pl_hallway" to me at the beginning of the map. I still think the detailing is pretty good overall, but some areas are lacking a good bit of polish/look unfinished.

Card feedback: One of the few gameplay cards I take issue with is #12 for this map -- the elevator at the end of stage 1 feels unnecessary and makes it much too difficult to cap a lot of the time. I think it actively harms the map and should have been swapped for a different card. For detail, vistas are good, but card #5 does not feel integral to the map's identity and like it could have been implemented in a more impactful manner.
My opinion remains unchanged from preliminary voting: "Does not do enough to meaningfully differentiate itself from Degroot Keep. Despite the points having unique points of interest, none of them were really memorable and not much fighting actually happened around them. I think C is a slight improvement over Degroot, but doesn't really do much to prevent the map devolving into BLU team funnelling in nonstop due to the slow cap progress decay. This map is desparately in need of a major gimmick to make it stand out -- it's a shame the cannons are non-functional, as those could have given the map some more flair. Detailing-wise, the map looks nice, but just feels like stock medieval theme with some custom text overlays, pyres, and an Australian flag. The tree models used in the map also look a bit strange; they seem too dark in the middle and the leaves look weirdly 'fuzzy.'"

Card feedback: Gameplay #3 including drowning feels cheap, but ignited by bonfire is fine, despite it not really adding much to the map. The map definitely shows it's set outside of the US, but it's a little on the nose.
I have a great time on this map. Point designs are unique, layout is interesting and fun, my only real complaints are that C can feel a little weird to both attack and defend, and that may just be because of how the room is set up, and that the area connecting B to C is not that interesting for how much gameplay feels like it happens there. Detailing is really solid, but I think it could lean into the construction theme a bit more, especially around point A, with point C transitioning to more spytech influence.

Card feedback: I take a tiny bit of issue with the vistas card since it's not really a "traditional" vista, but overall it's executed well and is unique. Everything else is good.
Pretty fun map; my main complaint here is that stage 1 B can sometimes be extremely difficult to attack due to how split the routing is, and the fact that the area BLU has to push through is relatively cramped. Other than that, I really enjoy all the points and think the layout works well. Detailing looks super great overall, but due to the fact the second stage is still dev textured and clearly not finished (though it still looks good simply due to the geo), I have to dock points.

Card feedback: No complaints.
The map just generally feels not great to play on. Being shot out of spawn by the boost pad has you hitting your head on the ceiling, and landing on the flat beach area where a LOT of combat takes place, despite it being an uninteresting combat space that (I feel) is further hindered by the presence of boost pads. The boost pads just feel like they interfere with gameplay more than they enhance it. The only boost pads I thought were neat were in the blue team tunnel where one of their spawn exits is, since those pads felt like they made sense given the geometry of the area, but at the same time, I don't think I would miss them if they were removed entirely. I barely ever saw fighting happen at the building point; I really don't like that the map splits up players so much. It feels as though there are two maps completely at odds with each other here, and I wish they were better integrated with each other, or that one of the points were removed entirely. Additionally, clipping felt poor around structures like the bridge point and in the interiors. This was also the only finalist of the contest that I experienced significant frame drops on due to the optimization. I think the detailing is generally done really well, and the theming feels very unique and well-executed, but I feel like the coolest details don't get the spotlight that they maybe should receive. For example, I never actually got to see the Orca finale, since I didn't know where to look, or I was dead.

Card feedback: I am mixed here, because while #10 is was deemed to not be a valid card per the rules of the contest, I still feel like it's one of the biggest contributors to why the map feels so large and split apart (objectives forced to be too far apart), and since the map was designed with it that card in mind, I have to lower the gameplay card score a bit.
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L1: Registered
Sep 9, 2023
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)

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Jan 20, 2019
MAPOverall Gameplay (score out of 10)Gameplay Card Usage (score out of 10)Overall Detailing (score out of 10)Detailing Card Usage (score out of 10)