Looking to hire a mapper with skills

Lt. Maverick

L1: Registered
Aug 24, 2017
I own a gaming community and I'm looking to hire a map-maker to build at least one and possible two TF2 maps for me. I will pay a reasonable price in US dollars for the work. The first map will be a fun map for gathering achievements, idling and general fun gameplay. It's not for major competitive play.

Qualifications sought in map-maker:

- Must be friendly and easy to deal with
- Must be able to complete the map(s) within a reasonable and agreeable amount of time
- Must be detailed and willing to work well with others to accomplish the work
- Must speak and write well in English
- Must be willing to make changes to the map during beta-testing so it's done to my satisfaction
- References and sample work required

If you're interested, please reply and let me know.

Thank you,
Mike Vail
Santa Rosa, CA. USA
Steam Profile: http://steamcommunity.com/id/scso1502
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Take a Chance on Me
Jul 31, 2016
I could take a jab at this, add me on steam to discuss the details or just PM me, either works. I do want to help out, and am willing to help you.

Edit: at the time of posting the top part of this, I didn't take into account the chance that the requester may not have enough time to make his own map or the skills to do so, thus requiring a skilled mapmaker to make a map for him. I'm sorry for not making this clear beforehand, and not having thought about that before posting.
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Back from the dead (again)
Apr 25, 2009
It would be best if you learnt how to map on your own. Why pay someone to do work you can learn yourself? After all, you already have an account here.
Learning Hammer (the tool used to make maps) is fun and easy to use; learning it isn't much of a hassle.

I find the idea of being paid to map rather flawed, you may not be happy with what you receive and you can't do much about it. Had you made it yourself, you could've known what to fix and how to fix it by yourself. It would also give you more creative freedom. Once you learn how to map, you can map whatever you like whenever you'd like to.
Some people might not have the time to learn, really. Especially if you have a day job + admin a server.

I've done previous commissions in the past if you'd like to PM and discuss what you're looking for.

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
I find the idea of being paid to map rather flawed, you may not be happy with what you receive and you can't do much about it. Had you made it yourself, you could've known what to fix and how to fix it by yourself. It would also give you more creative freedom. Once you learn how to map, you can map whatever you like whenever you'd like to.

You know, you don't need to buy a car, you could just learn how to make them yourself. You'd be able to customize it and you'll be much better with it in the end.

Lt. Maverick

L1: Registered
Aug 24, 2017
Thanks guys, I considered learning it but have heard it's very time-consuming. Time is the one thing I have very little of. I work 3 jobs including managing my own business and a fulltime government job, I'm a dad and I manage a community. As much as I'd love to take learning it on, I just don't think I'd have the time to take on another thing. But I agree, doing it myself would be ideal. Thanks for the feedback!
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Party Time 2.0!
Jun 8, 2016
Learning Hammer (the tool used to make maps) is fun and easy to use; learning it isn't much of a hassle.

easy to use...isn't much of a hassle...

You sure you're talking about hammer?

Lt. Maverick

L1: Registered
Aug 24, 2017
Thanks for the replies everyone. I have found a couple people to work with. I'm looking forward to making some cool maps with them. I hope to eventually learn how to do mapping as well. In the meantime, take care and thanks again!


Spiritual preprocessor
Dec 19, 2015
easy to use...isn't much of a hassle...

You sure you're talking about hammer?
Jokes aside, while day-to-day experienced use of Hammer will reveal a lot of flaws, Hammer actually is one of the most accessible level design tools out there.