Prop contest.
Sounds dumb, but everyone is given a single prop they have to work somewhere into their map (ie badlands spire)- Only large / game-changing props counted (ie foundry roof cover, large cargo crates, doomsday rocket, doomsday elevator)
quarry_rockpike.mdl (the badlands spire)
upward_bridge_supports1.mdl (the upward 3rd point)
center_cap_building_harbor.mdl (foundry's mid)
blue_steam_whistle_harbor_ref.mdl (foundry's wistle)
props_nucleus stuff
cliff_bridge.mdl (the hightower_event light-path towards the clock)
road_railing01.mdl (hydro's road railing)
mine_elevator.mdl (bigrock's mine elevator)
dome_roof.mdl (some dumb 17000x17000 units model)
Pick one or more
must be used creatively
must be important to the map- landmarks and/or important gameplay elements
must not be used for detailing only