|changed some cover around at last
|made one of the dropdown routes two-way
|visual changes to use new assests
|map is funnier
|completely redesigned the second half of the map
|pickup placement has changed
|increased RED's respawnwavetimes back to 10 seconds
+added more sounds to the Ballonicorn
|made flank route next to the main choke for cp2 a dropdown instead of two-way
|changed the sun angle by 200 degrees
|detailing stuff
|reduced the height of the cake
|changed the ramp leading up to one of the dropdown routes and made a little cubby for engineers to build
|changed picket fence with a more solid wall to fix head glitching
|moved the final control point closer by 128hu
|increased the time rewarded for BLU when capping cp1
|reduced the volume of Ballonicorn idle sound
+added a small health...
|Pyroland effects are now handled via Vscript instead of triggers
|Soldiers, Pyros, and Demomen will now properly get their baby bottles to replace their grenades
|Special thanks to @leezo for walking me through basic Vscript, and fixing my mistakes, and @Yaki for getting the MTP baby bottles working (and fixing my mistakes too)
|changed some textures around to use newer assests
|detailing changes
|RED spawn is now connected...
|Pyroland effects are now handled via Vscript instead of triggers
|Soldiers, Pyros, and Demomen will now properly get their baby bottles to replace their grenades
|Special thanks to @leezo for walking me through basic Vscript, and fixing my mistakes, and @Yaki for getting the MTP baby bottles working (and fixing my mistakes too)
|changed some textures around to use newer assests
|detailing changes
|RED spawn is now connected...
-removed present bombs, they didn't really add much anyways
|detailing changes to use new assests
|made one of BLU's drop downs to cp2 two-way
|detailing changes to make use of new assests
|fixed parts of the cp1 building being visible in certain areas on cp2
|moved the health and ammo in the cave route by cp2
|lowered the volume of the ambient twinkling in the soundscapes
|nudged door for the full health building over a few units
|nudged cart path by cp2
|adjusted thickness of some planks to allow Engineers to build teleporters under the platform by the small health next to the choke before cp2...
|detailing changes to use new assets
|fixed RED some RED spawn points being inside walls
|brighten up some areas
|reverted the change that made one of BLU's drop downs a two way
|extended balcony by one of BLU's drop downs
|detailing changes and improvements
+added a set of doors that blocks off one of BLU's flank routes until cp1 is captured, this should in theory force any BLU players pushing forwards after wiping RED off of cp1 to be funneled into the main choke where RED players are more likely to see them and deal with them
+attempted to add an engineer spot on cp2 with some copium ammo to draw attention to it
|reverted the change made that made this dropdown one-way, back to a two-way
|increased the ammo on cp2
+added a new hut with one of BLU's routes that may or may not suck, we will see
+added more doors that block BLU before cp1 is capped
+added new cart transition thingy