Candyland has moved to Beta!
Gameplay is mostly being finalized and the artpass will be the main focus from here on out, thank you for all the playtesters for their invaluable feedback on alpha and test versions.

+added snow particle effects to Stage B, can be disabled via your Weather Effects setting in Advanced Options
+added new original music that the cart plays, composed by @Polybrow
+added new sound effects to replace the old custom win themes and domination/nemesis/revenge sounds composed by @Polybrow
+added new interaction with Balloonicorn, shooting him now displays a 'Miss!' effect showing that nothing happens when you try to attack him
+added new pyroland themed icons on the HUD for the Goal String box
+added new pyroland themed icons for the Dueling Minigame
+added new pyroland themed icons for getting Best Friends
+added new pyroland themed icons to replace skull icons with ZZZs
+added new custom point holograms
+added more theme appropriate voice lines for the mercs to play
+restored old flamethrower particles so flamethrowers now shoot actual rainbows again, instead of the hue shifted flame particles, will revert if it affects gameplay too much
+imbued the Candyland Team with an ancient power
+added the Balloonicam
to the Balloonicorn so you can follow his journey throughout the map
|fixed a stuck spot on Stage B

|updated bouncy balls in spawn to prop_soccer_ball to add kicking physics and prevent players from getting stuck in it, if it stopped moving
|changed sounds for gibbing players
|improved Ballonicorn healthkit collision system to fix cases where pickups dropped by the Ballonicorn would phase through the ground if the ground was at a steep angle
|fixed some walls showing shadows through themselves
|health and ammo adjustments on Stage A and C
|altered cover and detailing on Stage C CP2 to reduce noise and help readability
|changed position of spec cam on Stage C CP3
|altered a staircase on Stage C CP3 so it doesn't exit as close to red spawn as before
|nudged RED's spawn points on Stage C backward spawns back every so slightly
|expanded cubby on Stage C CP1 slightly
|blocked unintended sniper sightline on Stage C CP3
|updated existing assets
|updated soundscapes
|updated Goal Strings to be more descriptive
|updated Mission Briefing message to be more descriptive
|detailing updates to use new assets
|visual fixes/updates
|visibility improvements
|improved clipping in some areas
|further measures taken to reduce number of edicts used during gameplay
|changed Balloonicorn's appearance sound
|changed Balloonicorn's healthkit drop sound
|Demoman and Soldier are not as hostile towards one another now

|DX8 optimization pass

Note there are still some placeholder assets that we are still working on replacing, we just couldn't wait to get this new version out to the public
|fixed missing clip brushes above RED's spawn on Stage B
+added proper collisions to cart checkpoint props to prevent demomen from hiding stickybombs inside them
|cart now has more accurate collision box and is now easier to constistantly jump on top of

|fixed clipping errors
|detailing adjustments to use new assets
|visual updates to Stage C CP3
|Mayor Ballonicorn is now animated
|file size optimizations
|updated some existing assets
|visual fixes
|made the "boy tunnel" on Stage C CP3 smaller
|fixed several instances of areaportalwindow brushes not being completely transparent
|visually changed the hut on Stage B CP1 to provide simpler and more reliable cover
|altered one of Mayor Ballonicorn's paths on Stage B
|fixed ending pit screen shake not shaking your vision if you are in midair when the screen shake started
|cleaning up cart path_tracks to be more accurate, and have consistent naming throughout the map, reducing entity count when possible
|removed some railings from the balcony on Stage C CP2
|lowered the volume on the cart music for the time being
|prop fade adjustments

|updated menu photos
|fixed an exploit that allowed engineer to build inside RED's spawn on Stage A
|attempted to fix a rare bug that occurs on Stage C where the cart begins to move on its own during setup time
|attempted to fix a bug where you could get stuck in the world while the cart was moving into the cave on Stage B
|updated some assets
|minor detailing adjustments
|altered the geo around Stage C Last, goal is to help RED engineer more, and giving them more effective sentry spots
+added new particle effects done by @Yrr
+added new highground on Stage C cp2

|health and ammo adjustments
|fixed water on Stage C not preventing fall damage
|detailing improvements to use new assets
|implemented several measures to reduce entity count throughout the map
|implemented a failsafe on Stage B to fix rare cases of the cart getting stuck and not progressing to the next stage
|updated soundscapes
|altered some cover at Last
|moved staircase on Stage C cp2 for BLU to make certain sentrygun positions more viable
|changed Stage B's cave area slightly
|fixed certain props having the wrong surfaceprop
|added collisions to trusses map-wide to prevent Demomen from hiding stickies in them

-removed the Comically Large Spoon, replaced it with a single wooden plank on Stage B
+added new chat command for those who do not believe in magic "/togglefx" which toggles all Pyrovision related effects like laughter and particles. Thanks @Mr.Burguers!
+Mayor Balloonicorn has returned for Stage C!
|health and ammo adjustments in Stage C

|cover adjustments on Stage C
|cover adjustments on Stage B
|detailing updates
|updated menu photos
|updated soundscapes

I may make some changes to Stage C CP2 in a future version
|reworked the connector from cp2->cp3 on stage 3
|reworked some cover on stage 3 last
|made the hut on stage 1 cp2 harder to get on once more
|lowered some pickups on stage 1 cp2 that were hard to get
|detailing adjustments to use new assets
|lowered the pitch of the Administrator's lines

-removed ramp leading up to some highground for stage 3 cp2



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+added new route from Stage C cp3 to cp2 which should allow RED easier access to some high ground
|moved cp1 on Stage C further down the track inside the building
|health and ammo adjustments on Stage C
|altered some cover on Stage C cp1
|made the bridge on Stage C cp2 less wide

|fixed some pickups on stage 2 being slightly stuck inside a wall
|updated soundscapes

|detailing changes to use new assets
|visual bug fixes
|combined all stages, the map download is now a proper three stage payload map!
|other changes

Stage 3 is still in active development, we reached max brush sides during the merge, so we got a lot of modeling work to do!
|adjusted which side of the middle building the lower door is on to favor RED more
|detailing adjustments to use new assets
|expanded the lower area of last a tad

|changed high ground at cp2 and cover
|made RED's shortcut route two way instead of one way
|pickup adjustments

-removed BLU's flank for cp2, and replaced it with a pickup cubby