custom gamemode

  1. Billo

    Rainbow Six Siege Map Idea

    Especially recendly i am playing a lot This Game , i find it very interesting and fun , and i thought you know what? i would love to play rainbow six in team fortress 2 , and if you think about it, it is actually possible. of course it needs a new logic for the map , to allow only 6 classes 1 at...
  2. Ten_Tacles

    traincrossing a3

    This is a small map intended for a variation on CTF. Instead of having to cap the enemy intel a few times, you will see a timer and no number of caps. Once the timer counts to zero, the team wins which has more flags in their base. Flags can be picked up from a flag pile, 5 of which can be...
  3. =PB= LightningStab -TPF-

    Past 72hr Jam Entry IntelGrab (custom Game mode test map) B1

    1 Minute Setup time. Blu has to capture the flag 3 times before time runs out (4 minutes) to win. Red has to run down the timer. Each capture adds 2 minutes. This is just proof of concept and i suck at mapping.
  4. KaydemonLP

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Objective Destruction Bunker Buster b4

    Map without the props packed inside of it: In this map you have to invade RED's bunkers and destroy the cores inside of them. Optionaly you can capture points that when captured turn mines that are...
  5. Kurius Kokie

    Past 72hr Jam Entry Crappy Cookie Clicker Clone A1 A1

    Here's a functioning concept for a map I plan to make. I had to start late for the contest (2PM EST 7/24 is when I started) without any plans/layouts or design theorys... But I had the idea to make this game mode for a while (I know it will probably fail but it's worth a shot). So I did. When I...
  6. Kube

    Jimijam A4

    This map is now part of Kube's Fumble Bundle! Old site thread for reference: 24843 koth_jimijam is now ml_jimijam. "Well, what in tarnation is ML?" you ask. Missile Launch is a custom gamemode, that's what. It takes all the fun of Tug-O'-War and compresses it into a single, stationary capture...