This map is a prototype for my custom gamemode : loot. A mix between player destruction and neutral CTF.
In Loot, your objective is to gather diamonds in the cave, and bring them to the train. The first team to 80 points wins.
***IMPORTANT NOTE!*** Requires tf_flag_caps_per_round to be set to 0 in order for the gamemode to work. This can be done with SourceMod using the command "!cvar tf_flag_caps_per_round 0". This should reset automatically on map change
A map that I've made for a custom gamemode that I've come up...
Install Instructions:
The download contains a README with full instructions, but here is the short version for singleplayer or LAN:
1. Add "+sv_allow_point_servercommand always" to your launch options, without the quotes.
2. Place the "_earthquake custom files.vpk" file into your custom...
Here's the logic for the PLR/ToW hybrid mode used in stage 3 of Guava Gulf. Carts begin as in a standard PLR mode, but can merge onto the same track to become ToW. Once a team makes it to the other end of the zone, the carts separate again.
This version of the logic is designed for Single Stage...
Hybrid (cp_hybrid_v2) is the result of a large-scale effort to create a competitive-oriented map with community friendly elements, that has a CP gamemode similar to Soldier_engie-demo's ato_mission. The project was headed by Jack5, responsible for map logic, certain custom materials...
Team domination is a custom gamemode made by me:
How it works?
You have 3 neutral cps on your map that can be capped by both team, every 2,5 second each control point gives one point to its owning team, the first team with 150 points wins the game! (This is a koth rework).
This gamemode was...
My map for the 72hr summer jam.
This map features an unique gamemode made by myself named "Team Domination" (TD), you can see it as a rework of the KOTH gamemode, I made the gamemode logic back in october 2015 but never got to make a map for it, and I found 2 days ago that scrapped gamemode...
i got one idea. but its kind of slopy. it involves 4 trigger push. pushing the spy around in a squar. making him move but not go anywhere. dus draining the meter.
but that could cause slight shakynes. so is there any other ways? i dont want spies hiding in one place all the time on my HUGE map...
Especially recendly i am playing a lot This Game , i find it very interesting and fun , and i thought you know what? i would love to play rainbow six in team fortress 2 , and if you think about it, it is actually possible.
of course it needs a new logic for the map , to allow only 6 classes 1 at...
This is a small map intended for a variation on CTF.
Instead of having to cap the enemy intel a few times, you will see a timer and no number of caps.
Once the timer counts to zero, the team wins which has more flags in their base. Flags can be picked up from a flag pile, 5 of which can be...
1 Minute Setup time.
Blu has to capture the flag 3 times before time runs out (4 minutes) to win.
Red has to run down the timer.
Each capture adds 2 minutes.
This is just proof of concept and i suck at mapping.
Map without the props packed inside of it:
In this map you have to invade RED's bunkers and destroy the cores inside of them.
Optionaly you can capture points that when captured turn mines that are...
Here's a functioning concept for a map I plan to make.
I had to start late for the contest (2PM EST 7/24 is when I started) without any plans/layouts or design theorys... But I had the idea to make this game mode for a while (I know it will probably fail but it's worth a shot). So I did.
When I...
This map is now part of Kube's Fumble Bundle!
Old site thread for reference: 24843
koth_jimijam is now ml_jimijam. "Well, what in tarnation is ML?" you ask.
Missile Launch is a custom gamemode, that's what. It takes all the fun of Tug-O'-War and compresses it into a single, stationary capture...
If this is your first time logging in after the migration (Feb 8, 2022), you must reset your password to log in. Follow this guide if you're having trouble