Why do you love steam convos?


Sep 11, 2013
6:46 PM - Tuaam: I have played Tylers maps
6:46 PM - Tuaam: Quite nice

ive finally hit the big time
Last edited:


Not the correct way to make lasagna
Aug 31, 2014
6:46 PM - Tuaam: I have played Tylers maps
6:46 PM - Tuaam: Quite nice

ive finally hit the big time

Hey! No unauthorized emoticons!


Notoriously Unreliable
Mar 27, 2015
Corvatile: imagine losing a leg
Corvatile: cos the doctor says he has to remove it
Corvatile: and then you see him in the street the next week
Corvatile: with your leg
Corvatile: like he has your leg
Corvatile: bastard
ODSP: is he wearing the leg?
LeSwordfish: like, sticking out of his bag?
Corvatile: he like actually has the leg
Corvatile: like he removed his own leg
Corvatile: and now he has your leg



semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
21:23 - Corvatile: "BONK"
21:23 - Corvatile: - The Scout
21:25 - Corvatile: "Medic!"
21:25 - Corvatile: - The Demoman
21:25 - Ynders: "I am a big nerd!"
21:25 - Ynders: -Corvatile
21:26 - Corvatile: "I believe that Communism is key to human progress and I support the installment of a puppet regime in every Western democracy to carry on the legacy of Lenin."
21:27 - Corvatile: -Ynders


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
4:26 AM - Old Face Magenta: Snip* were you there for the splatoon porn?*
4:26 AM - CurrentlyFapping: squid girls are exciting
4:27 AM - Ms. Mudpie: i once got linked to minion porn
4:27 AM - Ms. Mudpie: i wish i could forget that
4:27 AM - Wilson: Thats even worse
4:28 AM - Wilson: I mean least with squid girls, well, they are girls. Minions like lemons with legs


Dec 5, 2007
12:36 - Red Robot: it's really worrying that all humans need to do in order to create a new sentient life is bump into each other
12:37 - Non-Essential Joseph: Nah, you know what's worrying.
12:37 - Ms. Mudpie: sure wish people would bump into me more
12:37 - YM: :/
12:37 - Non-Essential Joseph: That people would be proud of that.

Ms Mudpie starting up the TF2M lonely hearts club again?


L14: Bit Member
Oct 5, 2014
I forgot to post this many weeks ago during the first alternate 72 hour weekend:
puxorb: keikoku just needs a better name
ido : the whole chat
=PB A= Glitchy647: Gaben, count from 1-5.
Freyja: I know
puxorb: its still my favorite custom a/d map
=PB A= Glitchy647: 1,2,4,5
Freyja: I can't think of one though
[UEAK]Crash: poor freyja, taking so much shit for koth_suijin when you didn't even want to make it in the first place and just gave in to pressure
Freyja: I was thinking bedrock but I think there's already a map called that
=PB A= Glitchy647: 0_o
puxorb: cp_rockrock
Fantasmos: level 3 sentry glitchy
Freyja: or dryrock
[UEAK]Crash: cp_rock005
Fantasmos: level 3 sentry
Freyja: I was considering cp_dryrock
ido : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbK0LNhw9LQ aka func_door
april fools: cp_badrockland
MrHat{TLF} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
tyler ☂: theres a ctf_bedrock but its super old
ido : theres probably a better video of this
=PB A= Glitchy647: cp_quarry
Freyja: cp_drybed?
Fantasmos: cp_mountaintrack
ido : quarry is already taken
Freyja: coz it's like
Freyja: a
tyler ☂: http://forums.tf2maps.net/showthread.php?t=11634
=PB A= Glitchy647: I figured.
[UEAK]Crash: yeah name it quarry
Freyja: a dried up canyon
14bit #72hr: cp_woodandsomedirt
=PB A= Glitchy647: how about cp_rocks
ido : if you name it quarry you have to pay me 5% in royalties
Fantasmos: cp_outback
Freyja: Oh there's already a dryben
Freyja: drybed
april fools: I love that guy's avatar
ido : even though i stole the name from a ctf map
Fantasmos: cp_outbackcanyon
tyler ☂: cp_couchrock
[UEAK]Crash: cp_outbacksteakhouse
Fantasmos: delicious
april fools: I would go there
Lovrés is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Freyja: it's not australia
=PB A= Glitchy647: Why not just cp_outback and you play in teh back of a steakhouse
Fantasmos: make it australian
[UEAK]Crash: outback steakhouse isn't either
Freyja: Because there's already an outback
=PB A= Glitchy647: And you fight against Saxton hale the chef
Fantasmos: umm
Freyja: And I don't want to be associated with swaty at all
tyler ☂: what about promontory
ido : cp_nicerock
MrHat{TLF} is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
tyler ☂: continue your trend of long word geographic features
[UEAK]Crash: cp_nicerack
=PB A= Glitchy647: cp_wubwubtrainsawlaser
puxorb: http://cdn.steamcommunity.com/economy/emoticon/B1
Freyja: that's...actually a good idea tyler
Freyja: It'd go well with escarpment
ido : cmon crash we only talk about dicks in here
ido : and butts
tyler ☂: exactly
[UEAK]Crash: cp_nicecock
ido : thank you
[UEAK]Crash: cp_cockrock
Freyja: except doesn't promotory need an ocean
Fantasmos: we talk about boobs too
april fools: Is this really how you guys name maps
puxorb: cp_rock_005
april fools: lmao
=PB A= Glitchy647: cp_mapname
Fantasmos: a lot
tyler ☂: yeah so
CurrentlyFapping✡: lot of phallus in this chat
=PB A= Glitchy647: cp_cp
tyler ☂: you cant use that
[UEAK]Crash: I'm honestly usually really good at coming up with names but blanking on this one, freyja
Freyja: rock_rockrock
ido : we have the best map names
Fantasmos: cp_suijin_pro
puxorb: controlpoint_capturepoint
Freyja: ^ fanta lol
tyler ☂: april youd be surprised how many map names are taken
ido : i made a map that i didnt like the layout of very much so i called it cp_asswipe
=PB A= Glitchy647: cp_capturetheflag
april fools: I don't wanna know
=PB A= Glitchy647: I do
ido : but it turned out fun so i continued it and now its called cp_ashpipe
[UEAK]Crash: wait
[UEAK]Crash: freyja
Freyja: cp_promontory is winning so far
[UEAK]Crash: cp_butte
tyler ☂: sometimes you have to just throw shit out
=PB A= Glitchy647: liteerally
tyler ☂: even valve had that problem with doublecross
Fantasmos: cp_bridgepoint
tyler ☂: it was called nightfall in dev
tyler ☂: but psy beat em
CurrentlyFapping✡: title_pending


Sep 11, 2013
5:38 PM - worMatty - Repacking evangelist: Trying to find a server full of newbies and it's not easy
5:38 PM - Turbo Lover: Join a TF2M test, Matty


Dec 5, 2007
21:45 - YM: crash, if you should know anything about the internet, it's that having a bigger e-peen is always an advantage :p
21:45 - Turbo Lover:

21:45 - Layl: I think I'm gonna splurge and get one