With the full optimization (Areapotals, Hints, Model draw distance and etc.), FPS at ~10-15% less than on detailed and large Valve maps.Although it looks good i also have the feeling its slightly overdetailed. Everywhere i look it shows details. That might be because you only made screenshots of focus areas. But its something worth noting as overdetailing has negative effects on gameplay. I just hope im wrong at it being overdetailed though as the screenshots look excelent.
For instance, аt hard detaled Valve maps i get around ~170-230FPS average, at my map (b1) I get around ~160-210(220)FPS. With 32 Bots ~110-150(valve), mine ~90-150FPS.
Also my PC spects: i5 4690K @4.5Ghz/8GB/GTX660 2GB.