Couple things:
- You probably don't want any bumps or dips in the middle/"play area" of displacements, and if you do no more than what'd be a puddle (or sort of the same level down, but upward instead)
- Are the displacement brushes connecting properly? Seems like you're just mashing them together, they should sort of meet up like how when you make shapes out of paper as a kid and all the corners of the shape connect.
Edit: The upper side still looks very awkwardly steep, too
They're connecting and are sewn, yes. The only one that isn't is the lower cliff wall and the lower ramp. which i think i had to miss because of the shape.
I might remove the bump, it's a leftover from a earlier subdivision. I think i'll have to redo the top ramp anyway.
About the steepness: Like i said in the thread, i added about 90 units to the width, which is now 580/288 height - If i make it any wider, it'd have to move quite a lot of geometry because of the minimum track width + required rollback/rollforward zone. It is as steep/flat as the lower ramp actually, it just is missing the ramping up/down area for now.
I comparison: The ramp in Hightower is 576/256, so it isn't much steeper.