WiP in WiP, post your screenshots!


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
Someone suggested something very cool on that one TC map that's been dead for like twice as long as I've been here (the one with the earthquakes) so I decided to play on that really cool idea.

Don't mind the low quality, missing models and cubemaps and apparently also the motion blur.
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Finisher of Maps
Oct 29, 2010
Working on a new map, gonna try and record it all!
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&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009

Here's the point entity logic behind my "Flag Arena" (fa_) gamemode idea. I'm more teasing it than anything at the moment. The general map layout for a flag arena consists of a neutral flag on one end of the map and a capture zone on the other. On opposite sides of that you have RED and BLU.

For example;

I might make a map now to practice with it then start up a fresh map for the 72 hour contest, using this as a prefab. If anyone is interested I'll make a public .vmf.

Gamemode Rules:
  • Respawning is disabled (Respawn wave set to 9999)
  • After 45 seconds a neutral flag is enabled
  • Capturing the flag respawns your team
  • The flag is reset 20 seconds after capturing it

Win Conditions:
  • Eliminate the opposing team
  • Capture the intelligence twice

Known Issues / Misc:
  • You can elimination win during "Waiting for players" (So; 1v1 as everyone loads in)
  • Announcer is missing VO for pickup / dropping / capture / return of intel
  • VO overlap issues: Sometimes the flags "beginning to spawn" as the round is resetting
  • There are no first blood crits
  • If you capture the intel twice to win you get a humiliation on the enemy
  • You need a trigger_multiple over the whole playable area (For elimination win condition)
  • Knowing the above; if the last person on a team leaves that trigger area that team loses

Here's an album of it working;

EDIT: DERP I forgot to demonstrate the game_forcerespawn OnCapture; please take my word for it that it works.

I'd like to know what everyone thinks about this. I've spent a few days getting it to work and I'll be heading to bed after this post. I intend to start something with this gamemode tomorrow; at the very least I'll be practicing for the 72 hour contest.
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Sep 11, 2013
I think that sounds cool, but please make an instructions material that is simple and concise and spam it in both spawns. I'm looking forward to trying it!


&#128296 Grandmaster Lizard Wizard Jedi &#128296
Sep 5, 2009
I think that sounds cool, but please make an instructions material that is simple and concise and spam it in both spawns. I'm looking forward to trying it!

I intended to a make a mission briefing (mainly just the text part, might add images in alpha too) that should hopefully get the idea across. I'm not convinced either that the spawn message and a mission briefing will get everyone up to speed quickly enough; here's hoping though yeah?


Feb 7, 2008
I'd try to go minimal with the instructions, and see how easy the gamemode is to figure out on a first play. If you wouldn't put instructional things in a final version of the map, don't test with them (since ideally you'll have people playing your map for the first time on the final version).

My suggestions would be:
  • Don't use spawnroom doors or visualizers, as this implies (automatic) respawning. Combine this with:
  • Announcer lines from arena like "Fight to the death!" and people will probably figure out that there aren't any (automatic) respawns.
  • Players will want to capture a flag, even if you don't explicitly state a reason for why. Having their entire team respawn is probably an obvious enough thing that it doesn't need explanation.
  • Have the flags "plug in" to a location that only has two slots. Maybe even have a meter that fills up, or find a way to display progress on the HUD if you can.


Sep 11, 2013
If you wouldn't put instructional things in a final version of the map, don't test with them (since ideally you'll have people playing your map for the first time on the final version).
This is great advice actually, yes. But I still think something small would help. I think this for basically any new game mode people create.
Sep 19, 2010
I decided to do the stuff i don't like first. So: Some very early displacements. Wooooo! Woo.
(I still hate creating displacements.)
(I still might destroy and rebuild them all.)
I usually make my displacements a few times to make sure everything fits properly. They can be a pain, but when you line everything up correctly, it's a great feeling.

I really like that area. Looks like a unique fighting space, although the height difference may be a bit much.


resident homo
Dec 27, 2012
So, i got up this morning and completely redid the parts of the displacement i didn't like: The lower ramp and the cliff wall. I'm now way more happy with it.
I also made the top a bit bigger. I didn't have to do a lot, it's a auto-rolldown zone anyway.


Couple things:
  • You probably don't want any bumps or dips in the middle/"play area" of displacements, and if you do no more than what'd be a puddle (or sort of the same level down, but upward instead)
  • Are the displacement brushes connecting properly? Seems like you're just mashing them together, they should sort of meet up like how when you make shapes out of paper as a kid and all the corners of the shape connect.

    Edit: The upper side still looks very awkwardly steep, too


L69: Teeheehee, Member
Feb 18, 2015
Couple things:
  • You probably don't want any bumps or dips in the middle/"play area" of displacements, and if you do no more than what'd be a puddle (or sort of the same level down, but upward instead)
  • Are the displacement brushes connecting properly? Seems like you're just mashing them together, they should sort of meet up like how when you make shapes out of paper as a kid and all the corners of the shape connect.

Edit: The upper side still looks very awkwardly steep, too

They're connecting and are sewn, yes. The only one that isn't is the lower cliff wall and the lower ramp. which i think i had to miss because of the shape.

I might remove the bump, it's a leftover from a earlier subdivision. I think i'll have to redo the top ramp anyway.

About the steepness: Like i said in the thread, i added about 90 units to the width, which is now 580/288 height - If i make it any wider, it'd have to move quite a lot of geometry because of the minimum track width + required rollback/rollforward zone. It is as steep/flat as the lower ramp actually, it just is missing the ramping up/down area for now.
I comparison: The ramp in Hightower is 576/256, so it isn't much steeper.


L69: Emoticon
Dec 15, 2013

I have been very busy lately but I managed to work on my control point map. I think this is getting close to how I want it.


Certified Most Crunk™
Aug 7, 2014
It's like Geomance and Nucleus had a baby.


nothing left
Jul 30, 2014

I have been very busy lately but I managed to work on my control point map. I think this is getting close to how I want it.
- snip -

Holy fuck it took me like 2 minutes to notice the dev textures...

That is fucking amazing


Aug 14, 2009
It really irked me when EotL came out and they replaced all the carts because it left floating snow on top of the EotL carts if you used Tyker's snow. So I decided to make a cart for pl_snowycoast that had integrated snow so that won't happen again, heh. Figured I may as well make it unique and give it a "kill it with fire" theme.


Still working on the texture and LODs. Not sure if I'm going to add more snow/ice. It's pretty busy as it is and getting up there in polycount.

Kitbashed, ice/snow/gascans are original props.


Feb 7, 2008
Looks great, but:


Phong shading is great for making shiny stuff look nice, but it's also great at drawing attention to itself. Assuming that's phong making that bright outline around the cap, I'd get rid of it to make the model less busy. You could probably do the same with the rest of the gas cans too, but the cap is what caught my attention the most.