Why do you love steam convos?


Jun 9, 2009
19:30 - Idolon :^): i need to kill an actual dog to wear his head at gaming related events


Feb 7, 2008
Idolon :^): make a yyler dating simulator
LeSwordfish: yyler dating sim: "So, you like movies?" "Plants and animals speak to my bones in cold sighs"
LeSwordfish: "...is that a no then?"
Mar 23, 2010
1:08 PM - umbratile: oh my god this is the most adorable thing
1:08 PM - umbratile: the sheep and the goat in the garden next door are chasing each other around and playing
1:08 PM - umbratile: so cute
1:08 PM - prestige: put it on youtubes
1:08 PM - stegarootbeer: get all the youtube monies
1:08 PM - umbratile: oh they're gone now
1:09 PM - umbratile: too late
1:09 PM - stegarootbeer: made into stew?
1:09 PM - umbratile: D:<


L2: Junior Member
Jan 15, 2012
4:04 PM - The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by prestige.
4:04 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:04 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:04 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - prestige: i am playing wack a mole
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:05 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.
4:06 PM - You have been kicked from the chat by prestige.


L4: Comfortable Member
Jan 28, 2012
pick and choose your favorites!

Turbo Lover: http://www.mediafire.com/?1atjpwcbaceap1s
Turbo Lover: Guys
Turbo Lover: Get
Turbo Lover: This
Turbo Lover: Now
umbratile: What is it
danecook666: virus
danecook666: bacteria
danecook666: protozoa
Turbo Lover: You download it
Turbo Lover: And run it
JiveBowie left chat.
Idolon :^): what does it do?
Turbo Lover: And a voice speaks all the stuff that Steam chats produce
Idolon :^): heh
umbratile: are you serious
danecook666: sounds necessary to my steam experience
Turbo Lover: I am serious
danecook666: why isnt it automatically on
umbratile: ok i'm downloading
umbratile: if it's a virus i'll punch u in the but
stegarootbeer: so test to speech
stegarootbeer: text*
Turbo Lover: Yes except it's the guy from Moonbase Alpha saying everything
Turbo Lover: Which if you've played Moonbase Alpha or seen a video of
Turbo Lover: You know what I mean
umbratile: It's running but it does notig
umbratile: nothing
stegarootbeer: ah
stegarootbeer: that guy
Turbo Lover: Extract everything from the .zip into a folder
Turbo Lover: Then run
umbratile: Yeah I did that :(
stegarootbeer: does it have an on.off switch?
Turbo Lover: You can close the program
Turbo Lover: It definitely works in group chats
Turbo Lover: I have 3 open and they all work
Turbo Lover: All of them
Turbo Lover: Simulataneously
Jetamo - 9 days to go. is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
stegarootbeer: its running
Turbo Lover: aeiou
umbratile: shitttttt
umbratile: I need this
stegarootbeer: ah, now its working
umbratile: maybe it doesn't like my windows 8
stegarootbeer: doesnt sound like that guy
Turbo Lover: Yeah it's probably the windows 8
umbratile: fuck
stegarootbeer: and everyone has their own voice
Turbo Lover: http://www
umbratile: waht
stegarootbeer: pootis pootis pootis
Turbo Lover: need a dispensah heya
Turbo Lover: So is this best thing or best thing
umbratile: worst thing
Turbo Lover: Your OS is worst thing
umbratile: non
stegarootbeer: it might base the voice on your user name somehow
Turbo Lover: I don't think it does
stegarootbeer: oh no, its just random every time
])oo]v[ left chat.
stegarootbeer: aeiou
Turbo Lover: No each user should have their own voice
umbratile: ??????????????????????????????????
Turbo Lover: ?
stegarootbeer: ?
umbratile: I just wanted to make it say question mark to you
Turbo Lover: danecook666
stegarootbeer: pt
umbratile: You guys
stegarootbeer: pizza
Turbo Lover: u guise
umbratile: don't understand how much I want to hear this
Idolon :^): my roflcopter goes soisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoi
Dr. Spud: omg
Dr. Spud: lololololol
stegarootbeer: rofl
Turbo Lover: aeiou
Dr. Spud: aeiou
Turbo Lover: .
stegarootbeer: roflroflroflroflroflroflroflrofl
Dr. Spud: .....
Turbo Lover: rolf .
Idolon :^): john madden! john madden! john madden! john madden!
Dr. Spud: ?!?!?!?!?!?!??!
Dr. Spud: aw
stegarootbeer: p ness
Dr. Spud: question mark. exclamation point
Turbo Lover: ermahgerd
internet explorer 6: football
Dr. Spud: football
stegarootbeer: foot
Turbo Lover: ermahgerd ermahdergon
stegarootbeer: ball
Idolon :^): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hv6RbEOlqRo
internet explorer 6: teapotoheadron
Turbo Lover: pain is in the anus
Dr. Spud: You are now entering the yi zone
Idolon :^): 999999999999999999999
stegarootbeer: SNAAAAAAKE
Turbo Lover: opopopopopopopopopopopopopopo
Idolon :^): sake
stegarootbeer: poop
stegarootbeer: poup
internet explorer 6: soup
stegarootbeer: pup
stegarootbeer: soop
stegarootbeer: sooooooooooop
stegarootbeer: sope
stegarootbeer: soap
stegarootbeer: sopa
Turbo Lover: What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
Idolon :^): oh god
YM left chat.
umbratile: goodchat
WastedMeerkat: BY that's so old
stegarootbeer: ’
stegarootbeer: ’
Turbo Lover was kicked by danecook666.
Dr. Spud: lol
stegarootbeer: ”
Turbo Lover entered chat.
danecook666: it's so important that i kick whenever anyone brakes the rules even if it doesnt matter
stegarootbeer: “
Turbo Lover: It keeps playing after I get kicked
danecook666: it's important because it's unimportant
Turbo Lover: It's so good
Phi.dt: ø
Turbo Lover: ü
Phi.dt: ð
umbratile disconnected.
danecook666: 1 more stega and u are outta here buster
stegarootbeer: stega
danecook666: oh damn people have been breaking the rules for awhile
Dr. Spud: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
danecook666: look at all this useless spam
Turbo Lover: it's still going
Turbo Lover: It's till
Turbo Lover: going
umbratile entered chat.
umbratile: ok
umbratile: no
umbratile: still nothing
stegarootbeer: sad
Turbo Lover: ö
internet explorer 6: you gotta admit
internet explorer 6: it is something
stegarootbeer: asiou
Turbo Lover: Sel is a cutie
stegarootbeer: QT
internet explorer 6: it's definitely not nothing, that's for sure
Turbo Lover: QQ
danecook666: hi
Dr. Spud: QT is an excellent and widely used gui framework
Turbo Lover: I'm gonna wreck it!
danecook666: this voice isnt squeeky enough
Turbo Lover: doter poo
Turbo Lover: dota 2
Dr. Spud: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
stegarootbeer: 123456789
danecook666: what did you say about me you little bitch
Dr. Spud: someone post song lyrics
danecook666: i'll take the quiet life a handshake of carbon monoxide
danecook666: rap lyrics
stegarootbeer: You know the rules, and so do I
Turbo Lover: “clever”
stegarootbeer: uuuuuuuuuuu
danecook666: Well I'm not sayin' be pompous kid, just recognize your ability
Cause a real MC knows if he's competent, you feelin me?
Leminnes.ps entered chat.
danecook666: hi leminnes
stegarootbeer: ebrbrbrbr
danecook666: leminnes
stegarootbeer: leeeemons
danecook666: lemmines.ps
internet explorer 6: lemmings
Leminnes.ps: yo
danecook666: dang this thing is good
umbratile: Oh my god this fantastic
umbratile: holy
Turbo Lover: Guys let's not scare Lemmines off
umbratile: hoplasdhjf
stegarootbeer: aeiou
danecook666: we are using steam narrator
Dr. Spud: aeiou
internet explorer 6: aiou
internet explorer 6: aou
stegarootbeer: aeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiou
Turbo Lover: Also Leminned, Steam text to speech http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1216809
internet explorer 6: au
internet explorer 6: a
Turbo Lover: Get it for maximum enjoyment
danecook666: they should call it steam narrator
umbratile: stega's voice sounds like his personality
stegarootbeer: MAXIMUM
Turbo Lover: umbratile
danecook666: i need the squeeky voice mine sucks
Dr. Spud: This is the narrator of my real life
stegarootbeer: i dont know if we all have the same voices for the same people
danecook666: shh
danecook666: sh
Dr. Spud: sh
umbratile: fart
danecook666: hah i silenced it
Turbo Lover: Let's try a link
Turbo Lover: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/38202962/1339791892118.gif
danecook666: no i didnt dammit
Jetamo - 9 days to go. disconnected.
danecook666: lol
danecook666: where do i put the sh
Dr. Spud: thanks ants
umbratile: I am muffins
umbratile: I am muffins
danecook666: sh
danecook666: oh it's ongoing speech
danecook666: so if someone does something really long
danecook666: sh
umbratile: \o/
Leminnes.ps: this is bizzare
umbratile: Leminnes holy shit your voce
stegarootbeer: paioup
internet explorer 6: aeiou
umbratile: go again
Turbo Lover: Did you download it, leminnes.ps
Leminnes.ps: yup
umbratile: paiouppaioup
umbratile: paioup paioup
Turbo Lover: Good
danecook666: the voices sound pretty similar
danecook666: where are the women
umbratile: piaoup
Jetamo - 9 days to go. entered chat.
internet explorer 6: are there any good deathpts recently?
stegarootbeer: wait i was working on something
umbratile: pioioioaoaoep
danecook666: stega sounds like a big nerd
umbratile: sxsxsxsx
Turbo Lover: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/38202962/1337811800286.jpg
danecook666: sh
stegarootbeer: xxxxxxxx
danecook666: owned!!
Leminnes.ps left chat.
danecook666: xxxx
Turbo Lover: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/38202962/1337811800286.jpg
danecook666: x
danecook666: x
danecook666: sh
internet explorer 6: sexsexsexsexsex
danecook666: x6x6x6
umbratile: I love gay pornography
Dr. Spud: duh
Turbo Lover: prestige is a huge fucking nerd ass bitgch who loves the D
danecook666: i love x
danecook666: i love sx
internet explorer 6: prestige is my waifu
umbratile: waifuuuuu
danecook666: ilu2
stegarootbeer: esex
danecook666: ily
internet explorer 6: aly
stegarootbeer: es x
internet explorer 6: Aly
umbratile: åly
umbratile: åly
dolt.re.wind: tf2m chat, lowering IQ's since 2008
umbratile: åæø
Another Bad Pun entered chat.
internet explorer 6: aeiou
Another Bad Pun: oh hey look the server crashed
dolt.re.wind: y and sometimes h
umbratile: æ
internet explorer 6: moonbase alpha on steroids
danecook666: Another Bad Pun
umbratile: '
stegarootbeer: did he say casadilla?
dolt.re.wind: not here
Phi.dt: ß
Idolon :^): uuuuuuuuuuu
danecook666: uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Idolon :^): ß
Turbo Lover: Even if the blue wind knocks on the door of your chest now
You’re still looking only at me and smiling
Absorbed in yearning for things that you gently touch
Your childish eyes still don’t even know destiny
danecook666: oooooooooooooooooooo
umbratile: DOLDO
Idolon :^): ▀
danecook666: sh
umbratile: doldo
internet explorer 6: here comes another chinese earthquake ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
stegarootbeer: oho
Idolon :^): Γαß▬▌
Idolon :^): Σσπµ
umbratile: I am having the greatest time of my life
Phi.dt: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
umbratile: µffin
Idolon :^): ╜
internet explorer 6: there was another earthquake
umbratile: wot
Another Bad Pun: whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
Another Bad Pun: whats happening
Dr. Spud: 3.14159265359
danecook666: we are using http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1216809
internet explorer 6: watch out for lemmings that eat your brains out
Turbo Lover: aich tee tee pee colon forward slash forward slash double you double you double you dot
umbratile: I'm cumming
danecook666: sh
Idolon :^): ΓΣτΦΘΩδ∞φε∩≡±≥≤⌠⌡÷≈°∙
stegarootbeer: sh
umbratile: sh
danecook666: ahhaah
umbratile: abba
Idolon :^): ≡≡≡≡
danecook666: I believe I can fly I believe i can touch the sky
umbratile: sh
internet explorer 6: H T T P : / / w w w . google . com
Another Bad Pun: WTF US GOING ON
umbratile: sorry prestige :<
Turbo Lover: antidisestablishmentarianism
danecook666: hey you are silencing my stuff too?
Idolon :^): ·√²↑↓←∟↔ß
umbratile: ABP hang on
danecook666: ahhaha
internet explorer 6: qwertyuiop
umbratile: wait shit I lost the link
Dr. Spud: http://dagobah.net/flash/Pi.swf
umbratile: someone link him
danecook666: circumflakes
danecook666: circumflakes
danecook666: circumflakes circumflakes circumflakes circumflakes
Turbo Lover: Trinitrotoluene
Phi.dt: epbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbpbp
umbratile: e
Idolon :^): └α▀ rttttttttttttttttttttttt
stegarootbeer: circumference
internet explorer 6: this was a triumph, I'm making a note here, huge success.
Idolon :^): dadadadadadadadadadadadadada
umbratile: Idolon :^) u spammer
Idolon :^): nbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbnbntnrljglo
Turbo Lover: Team Fortress 2 Mappers dot net
danecook666: pppppppppp
umbratile: u spamar
Idolon :^): :^)
internet explorer 6: for thw good of all of us except the ones who are dead
stegarootbeer: ttttttttttttttttttt
danecook666: we need a character limit
Phi.dt: tttttttttttttttt
Idolon :^): :^) :^) :^) :^) :^) :^)
danecook666: oooooooooooo
danecook666: oppa gangnam style circumflakes
Turbo Lover: [$ℲΛ] ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu
Sel <3 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
danecook666: oppa gangnam style oppa gangnam style oppa gangnam style oppa gangnam style
stegarootbeer: there an issue with my :
Idolon :^): ;;;;;;;;
stegarootbeer: :3
Idolon :^): !? !? !? !? !?
Turbo Lover: pain is in the anus
Another Bad Pun: so did the server crash or not?
stegarootbeer: aeiou
Idolon :^): chocolatechocolatechocolatechocolatechocolatechocolatechocolate
Phi.dt: tttttttttttt
Turbo Lover: Phi.dt
internet explorer 6: aeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiou
Turbo Lover: danecook666
stegarootbeer: john madden john madden john madden john madden
Idolon :^): <><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>
internet explorer 6: football
danecook666: sh
danecook666: shshshshshshshsh
Turbo Lover: soccrates
Phi.dt: sockrates
Idolon :^): scrotum
stegarootbeer: hippocrates
umbratile: umbratile is best umbratile
stegarootbeer: hippo crates
umbratile: umbrattle
internet explorer 6: plinny the younger was a dirty ballsac
Idolon :^): umbra floor tile
Turbo Lover: »LLF« ::Egan::
Another Bad Pun: fish
umbratile: umbrattle makes it more correct than umbratile
Another Bad Pun left chat.
Idolon :^): ha he hi ho hu
Turbo Lover: Another Bad Pun left chat.
stegarootbeer: aeiou
internet explorer 6: Idolon :^):
umbratile: colon carrot?!?!
Phi.dt: colon carrot
Idolon :^): Turbo Lover: Another Bad Pun left chat.
stegarootbeer: aeiou
umbratile: :^
Turbo Lover: àèìò+
internet explorer 6: colon carrot is another name for a dick
Idolon :^): :^)
Phi.dt: @
umbratile: :^:^:^
Turbo Lover: àèìò+
Idolon :^): ░
umbratile: :^colon carrot:^
stegarootbeer: +
Phi.dt: +
umbratile: :^ colon :^ carrot
stegarootbeer: -
Phi.dt: -
stegarootbeer: =
Dr. Spud: pomf
stegarootbeer: ====
Idolon :^): ▒░
Phi.dt: ÷
Turbo Lover: /V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/V/
umbratile: ^ in my :
Idolon :^): ╟╛
stegarootbeer: sh
Turbo Lover: NO
umbratile: ^ in my :
Idolon :^): ÑÉñ
internet explorer 6: antidisentablishmentarianism
Phi.dt: azazazazazazazazazazazazazaza
Idolon :^): ≥
umbratile: ;
Idolon :^): are u a mungo
umbratile: yes
umbratile: !
Idolon :^): 3spooky5me
stegarootbeer: aeiou
Phi.dt: uoiea
stegarootbeer: snake
Turbo Lover: dÇŐĬňŁΫэ↑⅞⅜↔₧
umbratile: I love stega's aeiou
umbratile: he sounds so shy
Idolon :^): ░38;4"üAÄ∩≥j?ⁿ╣
internet explorer 6: surely you cannot be serious
umbratile: sh
Phi.dt: ¶¶¶
Idolon :^): îîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîîî
umbratile: sh
umbratile: baddies
Idolon :^): sh sh sh sh sh sh sh
stegarootbeer: sh
umbratile: soi
umbratile: :<
Phi.dt: sh sha
internet explorer 6: my my miss american pie
stegarootbeer: shsh
Idolon :^): hold on i need to actually install this text to speech
stegarootbeer: sh sh
Turbo Lover: ┘└┤├┴┼
Jetamo - 9 days to go. is now playing Dota 2. Click here to join.
umbratile: shush
Phi.dt: shshshshshshsh
internet explorer 6: drove my chevy to the levy but the levy was dry
stegarootbeer: ^
umbratile: ^ :
umbratile: : ^
Phi.dt: :
Phi.dt: ^
internet explorer 6: singing these old boys drinking whisky and rye
umbratile: ^colon
Sel <3: !furpile @all
stegarootbeer: :^:^
Turbo Lover: Sel
umbratile: Sel
internet explorer 6: this will be the day that I die
Sel <3: =^-^=
Phi.dt: <3
umbratile: Buy
Turbo Lover: Are you hearing this
Sel <3: <3
stegarootbeer: Sel
umbratile: Buy Sel
umbratile: WHICH ONE
danecook666: http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=6ca_1363386226 gross
Turbo Lover: Sel are you hearing this man
Turbo Lover: SEL
Phi.dt: eww
Sel <3: idk what you are talking about
umbratile: <3
Turbo Lover: http://www.facepunch.com/showthread.php?t=1216809
umbratile: >3
Turbo Lover: FOR STEAM
umbratile: spext to teech
stegarootbeer: aeiou
internet explorer 6: biggest timewaster in the world
umbratile: specht to steeats
Phi.dt: feam stor
stegarootbeer: farts
internet explorer 6: speach to tits
Phi.dt: peach
internet explorer 6: princess peach
umbratile: peach to speech
umbratile: kl
Phi.dt: pl
Idolon :^): potato
internet explorer 6: new in MANN CO PRODUCTS: take your peaches and turn them into speeches
Phi.dt: potaato
umbratile: clop clop clop
stegarootbeer: print ses peech
umbratile: nah
umbratile: snfh
Turbo Lover: mvm_bigcock
stegarootbeer: stegarootbeer
Phi.dt: prihnt sehs piech
umbratile: stegarootbeer
stegarootbeer: phi
umbratile: A Boojum Snark
Phi.dt: yyler
stegarootbeer: phi.dt
umbratile: YM
Turbo Lover: ▐▲▼►◄ỳ₧●Ǻ$
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer: youme
umbratile: youme
umbratile: ya-oom
umbratile: yaoom
Turbo Lover: zpqrei
umbratile: yaoi
Turbo Lover: zpqrei
Phi.dt: yoo mai
umbratile: zpq
umbratile: zippy q
Turbo Lover: Fr0z3n
stegarootbeer: aeiou uoiea
umbratile: zippy queue
internet explorer 6: iay ler uun e co duh uu mbre lla
Phi.dt: zip ee cue
umbratile: zee pee coo
Turbo Lover: Jetamo
Sel <3 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
internet explorer 6: zippidy do da zippidy day
Phi.dt: huehuehue
Turbo Lover: Bueno
internet explorer 6: oh my my what a wonderful day
stegarootbeer: leeroy jenkens
umbratile: internet explorar 45
Phi.dt: haylo 25
Turbo Lover: JENKINS
Turbo Lover: dont
stegarootbeer: dont
stegarootbeer: tnod
Phi.dt: tee nod
Sel <3 is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
stegarootbeer: turbo lover
umbratile: I cant
stegarootbeer: turbolover
umbratile: think of thigns
Turbo Lover: We are never ever ever getting back together
umbratile: turballover
umbratile: turballover
Phi.dt: tur bow luv her
stegarootbeer: franpallow
Idolon :^): aeiou
Idolon :^): aioue
Idolon :^): ioeua
umbratile: sturgareetboar
internet explorer 6: the great TF2 pillow fight
Idolon :^): yaweh
Phi.dt: y y y y y
stegarootbeer: iu
Idolon :^): uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Idolon :^): this is amazing
umbratile: u
umbratile: Æ
Idolon :^): ß
umbratile: A dildo dagger
Idolon :^): ╗
umbratile: Æ
Idolon :^): ╚
stegarootbeer: uhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh
umbratile: Æ
umbratile: æ
Idolon :^): soisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoisoi
umbratile: Æ
umbratile: Æ
Phi.dt: ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
Idolon :^): erbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr
umbratile: Ø
Idolon :^): asdf
stegarootbeer: uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
Sel <3: ok so like
Idolon :^): HAHAHA
umbratile: Ø a dildo ø
Sel <3: of all the useless conversations
internet explorer 6: hahahahahahahahahahhahahahah
umbratile: å
Sel <3: that happen here
Sel <3: this definitely takes the cake
umbratile: ^Å
Turbo Lover: uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
Idolon :^): hahahahahahahahahhahahahaahahahahahahahaaaahahahhahaa
umbratile: Ø ^
stegarootbeer: lol
Turbo Lover: uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh
Dr. Spud: huehue
Idolon :^): hahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaahahaa
umbratile: Ø^
stegarootbeer: lololololololol
Phi.dt: no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no
umbratile: florp
Idolon :^): !? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?!? !?
umbratile: sh
internet explorer 6: walla walla onion rings
Dr. Spud: time to type in my erotic stories
Idolon :^): !? !?!? !?
umbratile: florp
internet explorer 6: lets hear them spud
umbratile: florp on the floor
Phi.dt: whale blubber
Idolon :^): !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !? !?
umbratile: prolf
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer: !?.
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): ,,,
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
internet explorer 6: sh
stegarootbeer: ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
umbratile: ,, get ,
[$ℲΛ] ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Idolon :^): ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Phi.dt: exclamation point question mark
internet explorer 6: sh
stegarootbeer: ,,,,,,,.
Idolon :^): &
Idolon :^): &&&&&&&&&&&&
umbratile: #
Idolon :^): & & & & & &
stegarootbeer: $
stegarootbeer: $$$$
Idolon :^): % % % % % % % %
umbratile: kroner
stegarootbeer: $ dollah
internet explorer 6: $$$ holla holla holla
Idolon :^): ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) ! ! @*#(#$% #$ %@#% #$)%# $*#$%
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): ###
Phi.dt: @@@
Idolon :^): >>
umbratile: will you stop spamming long things
stegarootbeer: +=-
internet explorer 6: octothorpue
Idolon :^): <><><>
internet explorer 6: octothorpe
umbratile: It makes me sad
stegarootbeer: moustache
Phi.dt: must ash
Idolon :^): r u a mungo
Idolon :^): y
Phi.dt: mungo
Idolon :^): r
Idolon :^): u
Idolon :^): a
umbratile: r u a mungo
Idolon :^): fag
Idolon :^): r u a mungo
Idolon :^): golbin
stegarootbeer: pootis
umbratile: I fucking lovre that
Idolon :^): gnort whast speef
umbratile: mungo
stegarootbeer: spleef
Phi.dt: leef
Idolon :^): ಠ_ಠ
umbratile: vast fart
stegarootbeer: minecraft
stegarootbeer: _\
stegarootbeer: /\/\
umbratile: crimefaft
Phi.dt: blimecraft
Idolon :^): '333-', 'c--C'
'4--4--', '4444--'
'c CA  ', 'a a   '
'a1   D', 'd AAaD', 'da   A'
'D  4 B', 'd b 4 '
'dD----', 'd----D'
umbratile: sh
umbratile: non
stegarootbeer: limecraft
stegarootbeer: 8==D
Idolon :^): dint kame scnesce
mroe pants
Phi.dt: mineshaft
umbratile: lime
Idolon :^): bllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllq
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): HAHAHA
stegarootbeer: llll
umbratile: lion king
Idolon :^): blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
stegarootbeer: eleleel
umbratile: sh
Phi.dt: hwehwehwe
internet explorer 6: hastag yo lo swag
stegarootbeer: leel
Idolon :^): it slightly gets higher in pitch
umbratile: idolon plis
stegarootbeer: leelelel
WastedMeerkat: what happened to this chat
Idolon :^): as it goes
umbratile: idolon plis
Phi.dt: leeeeeleeeleeelel
umbratile: aidolon
Idolon :^): stahp
internet explorer 6: eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeels
umbratile: ayedolon
stegarootbeer: keeelelel
Idolon :^): cargflik
umbratile: aydolon
internet explorer 6: idolon
Idolon :^): Eanglish only gusy
har du givet mig alt det diamond armor
stop chamming spat
smae teem
WHEN DOES MOB osland swoa
umbratile: ajdolon
Phi.dt: eye doel lawn
internet explorer 6: eyedolon
Idolon :^): diomand
internet explorer 6: eedolon
Sel <3: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/3332789/gettingfuckedintheass.png
stegarootbeer: sh
Phi.dt: eye doe lawn
internet explorer 6: you drole on
internet explorer 6: you wanker
internet explorer 6: wanker calleen
umbratile: getting fucked in the ass was great
stegarootbeer: wahn ker
Idolon :^): blueberry strawberry blueberry strawberry blueberry strawberry
internet explorer 6: sh
Phi.dt: i can't afford getting fucked in the ass
Idolon :^): i shod him all my sckret stuff i trusted green he stoll from me
stegarootbeer: kill
umbratile: blubbery strobbery
»LLF« ::Egan:: is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
umbratile: blubbery
Idolon :^): shuppy mapre yunt
umbratile: burbur
internet explorer 6: you are a fat whale
Phi.dt: whale blubber
stegarootbeer: leet
internet explorer 6: and considering how whales get
stegarootbeer: leetlelelele
danecook666 left chat.
internet explorer 6: that's somethign
stegarootbeer: leetle
Idolon :^): r u a mungo
Idolon :^): kryptor
internet explorer 6: weeewoooweeewoooweeewoooweeewooo
stegarootbeer: r U a mungo?
Idolon :^): stop chamming spat
Phi.dt: im leaving before i lose all my iq
Idolon :^): stop chamming spat
umbratile: mungo gets me everything
umbratile: time
Phi.dt left chat.
stegarootbeer: mungo
umbratile: ahahaha
Sel <3 left chat.
internet explorer 6: but why idolon :^)
Turbo Lover: First Sasuke clamped the little white teeth on the lower lip gently, then the thin hands lifted and ghostly crept up to his chest brushing slightly, till pale delicate fingers touched his chin, he held back the shiver and was transfixed to watch Sasuke's face, the parts he could see anyway. The warm fingers moved to the sides kind of cupping his face and the little thumbs started the quest to explore him, brushing his cheeks, an index finger then traced his nose and then there was a thumb on his lips stroking from one corner to the other, the blush on Sasuke's cheeks intensified yet Sasuke didn't stop, just chewed on the lower lip harsher, the little thumbs traced his jaw line carefully, moving an index finger down his throat right till the hollow where the neck ended there Sasuke stopped and went still, the warm hands travelling on his shoulders where they stayed.
umbratile: sh
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): cup
Idolon :^): cup
Idolon :^): cup
internet explorer 6: sh
Turbo Lover: Damnit umbra
Idolon :^): cup
Idolon :^): cup
»LLF« ::Egan::: wonderful
Idolon :^): cup
stegarootbeer: puc
Idolon :^): cup cup cup
internet explorer 6: what a wonderful world
Idolon :^): cup cup cup cup cup cup cup
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): skies of blue
internet explorer 6: sh
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): skies of blue
umbratile: iderlon
Idolon :^): no
umbratile: idarlon
Idolon :^): skies of blue
Dr. Spud: wow you stopped exactly what I was waiting for
Idolon :^): aiueo
umbratile: ey darlin
internet explorer 6: sh
Dr. Spud: noob
internet explorer 6: shg
Idolon :^): aeioueioaueoiaueoaieuioeu
internet explorer 6: shs
internet explorer 6: s
Dr. Spud: nooblord
Turbo Lover: His hands meanwhile travelled down Sasuke's back and lower still till they grasped two delicate ass cheeks this time unable to stop his wanting sound, the flesh in his hands were so squeezable, so he did, his intimate touches though caused for Sasuke to squeak and try to part from the kiss squirming, and Sasuke of course succeeded because he was too busy to knead the ass cheeks in his hands to keep Sasuke in place.
umbratile: boob
Idolon :^): aeuoaieuoieuaoeiuaoeiuaoeiueoieuaoeiuaoeiuaoeiu
WastedMeerkat: nice, BY
stegarootbeer: booblord
internet explorer 6: ess ech ess
WastedMeerkat: naruto fanfic
»LLF« ::Egan::: stop spamming chat :C
»LLF« ::Egan::: stop spamming chat :C
umbratile: srlsly
Idolon :^): aoeiuaoeiuaeoiuaeoiaueoiaeuoaieuaoieaoeuaoeiuaeoiaueoiaueoiaueoaiueoiaueoaieuoa
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: seerosly
umbratile: thx
Idolon :^): aoeiuaoeiuae
internet explorer 6: sh
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: rar
Idolon :^): ieouaeaeiou
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): euiaoeuaoieuaoeiuaeoiuaeoa
umbratile: zip
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: png
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): rar
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): rar
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: jpeg
internet explorer 6: sh
stegarootbeer: stop
Turbo Lover: I love that we are all spamming it
Idolon :^): rar
Turbo Lover: And the only way to stop the spam
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): rar
umbratile: bsp
Idolon :^): rar
Turbo Lover: Is to spam more
Idolon :^): jpg
Idolon :^): vmf
umbratile: coc
Idolon :^): tif
Idolon :^): coc
Idolon :^): cup
internet explorer 6: shhhhhhhuuuuuuuuuuuusssssshhhhh
stegarootbeer: mvm juicewater
Idolon :^): golf
Idolon :^): golf
Idolon :^): golf
Idolon :^): golf
Idolon :^): golf
umbratile: bolf
Idolon :^): golf
Idolon :^): golf
stegarootbeer: bolf
internet explorer 6: barf
Idolon :^): that sounds nothing like gold
Idolon :^): golf
stegarootbeer: gold
Idolon :^): rolf
internet explorer 6: au
Idolon :^): tolf
stegarootbeer: au
Idolon :^): aieouea
Idolon :^): aeiouae
Idolon :^): aieoue
stegarootbeer: iou
Idolon :^): aieuoaieu
umbratile: hemorrhoid
internet explorer 6: tu est tres bete
Idolon :^): aeniour
stegarootbeer: aeu
umbratile: hemorrhoid
Idolon :^): aneirousims
umbratile: hemorrhoid creame
Idolon :^): rats
Idolon :^): cup
stegarootbeer: ueiaoueiueeaioooiueaeaie
umbratile: hemorrhoid blood
Idolon :^): kan jag goina dig jag blir hela tiden grifed
internet explorer 6: go get an aneyurism
Idolon :^): grife
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): schoernsteinfeiger
stegarootbeer: stega
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: why are you pasting swedish
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): aeiour
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: :(
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): 8
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): T
internet explorer 6: sh
stegarootbeer: roup
umbratile: ie plis
Idolon :^): ╚
Dr. Spud: ie6 you are the worst spammer here
danecook666 entered chat.
Dr. Spud: nooblord
Idolon :^): ╚
internet explorer 6: :(
Idolon :^): ╚╚
danecook666: guess what nerds
»LLF« ::Egan::: what
danecook666: turbo things i should shut this thing down
danecook666: thinks
Idolon :^): ╚╚╚╚╚╚╚
danecook666: make fun of him
danecook666: for being a fun hater
internet explorer 6: sh
umbratile: turbo u fun hatre
»LLF« ::Egan::: whats it to him
Idolon :^): uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
stegarootbeer: turbo you poop disensher
danecook666: turbo u suck u fun hater nerd
Idolon :^): llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
internet explorer 6: need a poop dispenser
danecook666: turbo do u have any good qualities?
internet explorer 6: sh
Idolon :^): ie6 u r the worst
Idolon :^): at life
umbratile: I hear someone building diaper station
danecook666: Turbo Lover: But it's getting out of hand
danecook666: Turbo Lover: But it's getting out of hand
Idolon :^): at life
»LLF« ::Egan::: the spam is pretty annoing though
Idolon :^): cup
stegarootbeer: dishpenser
dolt.re.wind is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
Idolon :^): out of hand
Idolon :^): hands
Idolon :^): fap
Idolon :^): fap
danecook666: Turbo Lover: This is why you are vurst admin
Idolon :^): fap
dolt.re.wind: dish spencer
danecook666: haha what a baby!!!
Idolon :^): fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap fap
umbratile: I'll fap in your hand
Idolon :^): fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
dolt.re.wind: a hand job
internet explorer 6: this is the TF2maps.net chat we are not allowed to produce any meaningful discussion
stegarootbeer: fap
Idolon :^): fapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfapfap
The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by danecook666.
danecook666: poop
danecook666: poop
danecook666: poop
danecook666: poop
danecook666: poop poop poop poop poop poop
danecook666: popopopop
danecook666: iiiiiiiii
danecook666: there should be a chatroom for this program imo
The chat room has been set to all-users chat by danecook666.
stegarootbeer: poopooopooop
umbratile: yes
Idolon :^): poup
Idolon :^): poop
Idolon :^): poup
WastedMeerkat: hey guys
dolt.re.wind: the dish spencer, taking the job out of your hands
Idolon :^): soup
internet explorer 6: like I said we are not allowed to discuss anything related to TF2
WastedMeerkat: I forgot st. patrick's day is a thing
WastedMeerkat: happy that
Idolon :^): green
danecook666: same meerkat
danecook666: well kind of
umbratile: grean
Idolon :^): dildo baggins
dolt.re.wind: func_dispencer
umbratile: Ø
umbratile: Ø Baggins
internet explorer 6: need a dispenser right here
dolt.re.wind: Dildo tea baggin'
Idolon :^): : Ø
umbratile: onion
internet explorer 6: need a dispenser here
stegarootbeer: poopoopoopoopoopoopoopoopoop
umbratile: unyun
umbratile: anyan
dolt.re.wind: dispensin' an erection
umbratile: erect
internet explorer 6: need a dispenser here,  need a dispenser here,  need a dispenser here,  need a dispenser here
stegarootbeer: aryan
umbratile: a statue
danecook666: hitler
danecook666: hitler
Idolon :^): bill bro baggins
umbratile: p
dolt.re.wind: i am bored.
danecook666: dildo hitler
stegarootbeer: ar ee an
umbratile: p
umbratile: pp
dolt.re.wind: what game shall i play
Idolon :^): bllllllllllq
stegarootbeer: air e an
umbratile: tuch my pp
Idolon :^): twe
Idolon :^): twe
internet explorer 6: scout says need a dispenser here,  need a dispenser here,  need a dispenser here,  need a dispenser here
stegarootbeer: aryan
Idolon :^): tweeeeee
Idolon :^): tweeeeee
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): eeeeeeeeee
Idolon :^): eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
stegarootbeer: lll
stegarootbeer: xxx
Idolon :^): lll lll
Idolon :^): !? !? !?
internet explorer 6: xxsex
dolt.re.wind: sometimes, just sometimes...i'm ashamed of coming in here...
umbratile: sexclamation point
internet explorer 6: sexclamation point
Idolon :^): :
Idolon :^): :::
umbratile: :^
Idolon :^): :::::::::::::::::
stegarootbeer: :;
stegarootbeer: ;
Idolon :^): :^)
internet explorer 6: my voise is more 6y than your voise
Idolon :^): :^)
Idolon :^): ()()()
Idolon :^): ) ) ) )
Idolon :^): aww
stegarootbeer: 6ey
umbratile: 7ey
internet explorer 6: 6e
Idolon :^): 7 8 9
dolt.re.wind: t&a or ta?
umbratile: both
Idolon :^): 2 spook 4 me
dolt.re.wind: :o
internet explorer 6: why is 6 afraid of 7 because 789
The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by danecook666.
danecook666: On a dark winter night outside Elsinore Castle in Denmark, an officer named Bernardo comes to relieve the watchman Francisco. In the heavy darkness, the men cannot see each other. Bernardo hears a footstep near him and cries, “Who’s there?” After both men ensure that the other is also a watchman, they relax. Cold, tired, and apprehensive from his many hours of guarding the castle, Francisco thanks Bernardo and prepares to go home and go to bed.

Shortly thereafter, Bernardo is joined by Marcellus, another watchman, and Horatio, a friend of Prince Hamlet. Bernardo and Marcellus have urged Horatio to stand watch with them, because they believe they have something shocking to show him. In hushed tones, they discuss the apparition they have seen for the past two nights, and which they now hope to show Horatio: the ghost of the recently deceased King Hamlet, which they claim has appeared before them on the castle ramparts in the late hours of the night.
The chat room has been set to all-users chat by danecook666.
umbratile: circumflex
WastedMeerkat: hamlet
WastedMeerkat: nice
umbratile: circumflex
umbratile: flex ur circum
Idolon :^): what if the earth was chocolate
Idolon :^): chounky
Idolon :^): counky
Idolon :^): cunky
Idolon :^): cunt
umbratile: cunky konk
dolt.re.wind: thats a lot of cocoa making them magnetic fields bruv
Idolon :^): helicopter soi soi soi soi
»LLF« ::Egan::: stop that
danecook666: http://vacuumflowers.com/typing/ amazing
umbratile: good
Idolon :^): »»
umbratile: flircumsex
stegarootbeer: °
danecook666: actually it's just ok, not amazing
umbratile: my circumflex degree is huge
stegarootbeer: ±
stegarootbeer: Ø
umbratile: °
Idolon :^): +
Idolon :^): +++
umbratile: ¤
Idolon :^): +-
Idolon :^): ---
umbratile: ¤
dolt.re.wind left chat.
Idolon :^): 3-4
stegarootbeer: a+
Idolon :^): 3-4
Idolon :^): 3-4
umbratile: @
Idolon :^): -4
Idolon :^): 2-3
stegarootbeer: Ȝ
Idolon :^): 2-3=4
umbratile: }
Dr. Spud left chat.
Idolon :^): [
umbratile: *
stegarootbeer: Ƿ
Idolon :^): 8
umbratile: sees a dilla dod
internet explorer 6: this program is actually very bad because it is taking away from my mapping time
»LLF« ::Egan:: left chat.
Idolon :^): ¶
umbratile: I love how everyone is leacving
internet explorer 6: hahaha losers
danecook666: wubwubwubwubwub
umbratile: wuwbuwbuwbwbuwbuwb
internet explorer 6: they should come and spam in the chat with us
danecook666: im not even using the program
umbratile: wbwuuwwuwuwuwbuwbuwbbwubwubwuwubwb
Idolon :^): wubwuwbuwbwuwbuw
stegarootbeer: 2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: http://www.mediafire.com/?1atjpwcbaceap1s
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: Guys
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: Get
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: This
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: Now
stegarootbeer: sh
danecook666: sh
umbratile: glorp
danecook666: shit sh shit sh
stegarootbeer: thats how long weve ben at this
Idolon :^): a
Idolon :^): blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllq
internet explorer 6: asdfghjjkl;'][poiuytrewqazxcvbnm,./
stegarootbeer: 3:50 here
umbratile: sh
internet explorer 6: :o same here
umbratile: SHIT SINCE 2PM
umbratile: IT'S MIDNIGHT NOW
stegarootbeer: almost an hour
internet explorer 6: except 3:49
umbratile: 10 HOURS
danecook666: you have been shitting for 10 hours?
umbratile: AT LEAST
stegarootbeer: 2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: http://www.mediafire.com/?1atjpwcbaceap1s
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: Guys
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: Get
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: This
2:57 PM - Turbo Lover: Now
stegarootbeer: sh
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): blq
stegarootbeer: wrong paste
umbratile: gorf
Idolon :^): blllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllq
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer: ɷ
umbratile: gorsh
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 2
WastedMeerkat: 3
WastedMeerkat: 4
WastedMeerkat: 5
WastedMeerkat: 6
WastedMeerkat: 7
WastedMeerkat: 8
WastedMeerkat: 9
Idolon :^): ¶
WastedMeerkat: 10
WastedMeerkat: 11
WastedMeerkat: 12
WastedMeerkat: 13
WastedMeerkat: 14
WastedMeerkat: 15
WastedMeerkat: 16
WastedMeerkat: 17
WastedMeerkat: 18
WastedMeerkat: 19
WastedMeerkat: 20
WastedMeerkat: 21
WastedMeerkat: 22
WastedMeerkat: 23
WastedMeerkat: 24
WastedMeerkat: 25
WastedMeerkat: 26
WastedMeerkat: 27
WastedMeerkat: 28
WastedMeerkat: 29
WastedMeerkat: 30
WastedMeerkat: 31
WastedMeerkat: 32
WastedMeerkat: 33
WastedMeerkat: 34
WastedMeerkat: 35
WastedMeerkat: 36
WastedMeerkat: 37
WastedMeerkat: 38
WastedMeerkat: 39
WastedMeerkat: 40
WastedMeerkat: 41
WastedMeerkat: 42
WastedMeerkat: 43
WastedMeerkat: 44
WastedMeerkat: 45
WastedMeerkat: 46
WastedMeerkat: 47
WastedMeerkat: 48
WastedMeerkat: 49
WastedMeerkat: 50
WastedMeerkat: 51
WastedMeerkat: 52
WastedMeerkat: 53
WastedMeerkat: 54
WastedMeerkat: 55
WastedMeerkat: 56
WastedMeerkat: 57
WastedMeerkat: 58
WastedMeerkat: 59
WastedMeerkat: 60
WastedMeerkat: 61
WastedMeerkat: 62
WastedMeerkat: 63
WastedMeerkat: 64
WastedMeerkat: 65
WastedMeerkat: 66
WastedMeerkat: 67
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WastedMeerkat: 80
umbratile: holy shit no
WastedMeerkat: 81
WastedMeerkat: 82
WastedMeerkat: 83
WastedMeerkat: 84
WastedMeerkat: 85
WastedMeerkat: 86
The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by danecook666.
danecook666: To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--
No more--and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep--
To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprise of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.
danecook666: where is seba
danecook666: or another officer
danecook666: i am lonely
danecook666: all these ppl in chat wont talk to me
danecook666: do i smell bad
The chat room has been set to all-users chat by danecook666.
stegarootbeer: aeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiouaeiou
umbratile: gosh
Idolon :^): aeioaueaueio
Idolon :^): aeioaueiaeuaoieuoaiuee
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 2
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Idolon :^): no
WastedMeerkat: 39
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umbratile: no
WastedMeerkat: 42
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WastedMeerkat: 45
WastedMeerkat: 46
The chat room has been set to officers-only chat by danecook666.
The chat room has been set to all-users chat by danecook666.
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer: sh
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): sh
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): sh
stegarootbeer: crap
Idolon :^): sh
Idolon :^): sh
Idolon :^): how
Idolon :^): why
Idolon :^): bl
Idolon :^): bl
Idolon :^): gold
WastedMeerkat entered chat.
Idolon :^): golf
danecook666: the numbers they are too much 4 me
WastedMeerkat: ok I"m done
stegarootbeer: because they are all individual posts
Idolon :^): 2spooky4me
Idolon :^): 3spooky5me
stegarootbeer: sh
stegarootbeer: sh
stegarootbeer: shs
stegarootbeer: hsh
umbratile: they are all individual toasters
Idolon :^): 3spooky5me
Idolon :^): h
umbratile: shs
umbratile: shs
umbratile: sh
Idolon :^): r u a mungo
umbratile: shs
Idolon :^): whast
umbratile: shshshshshshs
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer: shush
umbratile: shs
Idolon :^): lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer: shoosh
stegarootbeer: swoosh
internet explorer 6: why am I even in this chat anyway
umbratile: poot
stegarootbeer: because u luv us
stegarootbeer: b cuz
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 2
WastedMeerkat: 3
WastedMeerkat: 4
WastedMeerkat: 5
danecook666: 6
internet explorer 6: I don't even have the program running so what's the point
umbratile: GO
Idolon :^): lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
umbratile: sh
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 3
WastedMeerkat: 4
WastedMeerkat: 5
WastedMeerkat: 6
WastedMeerkat: 7
WastedMeerkat: 8
WastedMeerkat: 9
Idolon :^): llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
umbratile: please wasted, no more
umbratile: sh
danecook666: i think kicking people would be more fun than officers only
stegarootbeer: tin
danecook666: just like a rampage
danecook666: of kicking
umbratile: tintin
WastedMeerkat: how did I get the 2 on another line
danecook666: whenever anyone says anything
stegarootbeer: 10 tin
WastedMeerkat: without making it message
umbratile: tintintin
WastedMeerkat: what is this
danecook666: master programmer you are
umbratile: furries
Idolon :^): are you enjoying this meerkat
stegarootbeer: by pressing contoll i bet
umbratile: freeze
WastedMeerkat: maybe
umbratile: freeze, furries
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 2
WastedMeerkat: 3
WastedMeerkat: 4
WastedMeerkat: 5
WastedMeerkat: 6
WastedMeerkat: 7
WastedMeerkat: 8
WastedMeerkat: 9
WastedMeerkat: 10
WastedMeerkat: 11]
umbratile: frees
Idolon :^): aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
umbratile: frees freeze furries
stegarootbeer: sh
umbratile: frees freeze furries
danecook666: some1 do some really bad spam
danecook666: so i can kick them and set ane xample
umbratile: spam
stegarootbeer: some really bad spam
stegarootbeer was kicked by danecook666.
WastedMeerkat: turbo should post more fanfic
umbratile: shs
Idolon :^): rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
umbratile: shs
danecook666: yeah you dont want that do ya
umbratile: shs
umbratile: chc
stegarootbeer entered chat.
umbratile: csh
umbratile: dorn
umbratile was kicked by danecook666.
stegarootbeer: really really bad spam
stegarootbeer was kicked by danecook666.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
umbratile entered chat.
umbratile: dorn gummit
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 2
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WastedMeerkat: 56
WastedMeerkat: 57
WastedMeerkat: 58
WastedMeerkat was kicked by danecook666.
umbratile: no
umbratile: no
umbratile: ffs
stegarootbeer: sh
umbratile was kicked by danecook666.
Idolon :^): rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
WastedMeerkat entered chat.
umbratile entered chat.
Idolon :^) was kicked by danecook666.
WastedMeerkat: dangit
umbratile: stop kicking everyone D:
Idolon :^) entered chat.
WastedMeerkat: I wanted to see how high I could go
Idolon :^): sh
stegarootbeer: prestige is the coolset admin
stegarootbeer was kicked by danecook666.
Idolon :^): coolset
stegarootbeer entered chat.
Idolon :^): oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
WastedMeerkat: 1
WastedMeerkat: 2
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WastedMeerkat: 39
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WastedMeerkat: 41
umbratile: sh
WastedMeerkat: 42
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WastedMeerkat: 51
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WastedMeerkat: 55
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Idolon :^) was kicked by danecook666.
WastedMeerkat: 59
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WastedMeerkat: 88
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WastedMeerkat: 91
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WastedMeerkat: 93
WastedMeerkat: 94
WastedMeerkat: 95
WastedMeerkat was kicked by danecook666.
umbratile: motherfucker
stegarootbeer: sh
stegarootbeer: sh
WastedMeerkat entered chat.
Idolon :^) entered chat.
stegarootbeer: sh
WastedMeerkat: 100!!!!
umbratile: stop ruining it
danecook666: ok let's pick a topic
WastedMeerkat: life complete
stegarootbeer: only 95
danecook666: that isnt just what can the computer say funny
danecook666: let's talk about girls
stegarootbeer: nine t 5
WastedMeerkat: it was 100 on my screen
stegarootbeer: boobs
danecook666: icky? or not icky?
umbratile: grills
umbratile: grils
umbratile: grls
umbratile: gruls
Idolon :^): grills
WastedMeerkat: bbygrl
danecook666: dammit muffin
danecook666: i see what you are doing
stegarootbeer: bros b4 hoes
umbratile: bbgrl
Idolon :^): gggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
umbratile: bbygrl
Fr0z3n entered chat.
Idolon :^) was kicked by danecook666.
WastedMeerkat: frozen
stegarootbeer: sh
WastedMeerkat: welcom
WastedMeerkat: e
Idolon :^) entered chat.
danecook666: fr0z3n the kids are out of control
umbratile: I am so hungry 4 a bbygrl
umbratile: bbygrl
WastedMeerkat: welcome to tf2maps spamfest 2013
stegarootbeer: bbyddl
umbratile: I want a bbygrl
umbratile: with cheese
danecook666: we were at 25 people in chat a lil while ago
stegarootbeer: lilililil
umbratile: bbygrl witchis
stegarootbeer: aeiou
stegarootbeer was kicked by danecook666.
umbratile: carp
stegarootbeer entered chat.
Idolon :^): r u a mungo
umbratile: EVERY TIME
Idolon :^): r u a mungoo
umbratile: ahahaha
Idolon :^): mongoose
umbratile: mangoos
Idolon :^): mungoo
stegarootbeer: mugo
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
umbratile: mengul
stegarootbeer entered chat.
prestige: i pick on stega too much
stegarootbeer: hi
umbratile: prestoo
umbratile: breastoo
WastedMeerkat: fart sounds
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
umbratile: breastige
prestige: dammit stega quit spamming
umbratile: prestige
prestige: hi
umbratile: prest each
umbratile was kicked by prestige.
umbratile entered chat.
stegarootbeer: its ok i got a shortcut to get back in chat
Idolon :^): spamming vowels make it sound like a digeridoo
umbratile: orc
prestige: does it announce name changes?
umbratile: did jerry do a didgeridoo?
Fr0z3n: yes/
stegarootbeer: aeuaioueoiaueiouaeaoeuiaueoi
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
umbratile: : did jerry do a didgeridoo?
stegarootbeer entered chat.
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
umbratile: Ø:^
WastedMeerkat: lol
Idolon :^): stegarootbeer entered chat.
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.stegarootbeer entered chat.
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
umbratile: sh
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
umbratile: stegatebeer
Idolon :^): stegarootbeer
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
stegarootbeer entered chat.
Idolon :^): stegaroot
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
umbratile: stroogtbeer
Idolon :^): stegarootbeer
Idolon :^): strogoooeb er
stegarootbeer entered chat.
WastedMeerkat: Code 'LLLLLL' = '0'
    Code 'LLLLLR' = '1'
    Code 'LLLLRL' = '2'
    Code 'LLLLRR' = '3'
    Code 'LLLRLL' = '4'
    Code 'LLLRLR' = '5'
    Code 'LLLRRL' = '6'
    Code 'LLLRRR' = '7'
    Code 'LLRLLL' = '8'
    Code 'LLRLLR' = '9'
    Code 'LLRLRL' = 'A'
    Code 'LLRLRR' = 'B'
    Code 'LLRRLL' = 'C'
    Code 'LLRRLR' = 'D'
    Code 'LLRRRL' = 'E'
    Code 'LLRRRR' = 'F'
    Code 'LRLLLL' = 'G'
    Code 'LRLLLR' = 'H'
    Code 'LRLLRL' = 'I'
    Code 'LRLLRR' = 'J'
    Code 'LRLRLL' = 'K'
    Code 'LRLRLR' = 'L'
    Code 'LRLRRL' = 'M'
    Code 'LRLRRR' = 'N'
    Code 'LRRLLL' = 'O'
    Code 'LRRLLR' = 'P'
    Code 'LRRLRL' = 'Q'
    Code 'LRRLRR' = 'R'
    Code 'LRRRLL' = 'S'
    Code 'LRRRLR' = 'T'
    Code 'LRRRRL' = 'U'
    Code 'LRRRRR' = 'V'
    Code 'RLLLLL' = 'W'
    Code 'RLLLLR' = 'X'
    Code 'RLLLRL' = 'Y'
    Code 'RLLLRR' = 'Z'
    Code 'RLLRLL' = ' '
    Code 'RLLRLR' = '_'
    Code 'RLLRRL' = ','
    Code 'RLLRRR' = '.'
    Code 'RLRLLL' = '?'
    Code 'RLRLLR' = '!'
    Code 'RLRLRL' = '''
    Code 'RLRLRR' = '"'
    Code 'RLRRLL' = '('
    Code 'RLRRLR' = ')'
    Code 'RLRRRL' = ':'
    Code 'RLRRRR' = ';'
    Code 'RRLLLL' = '~'
    Code 'RRLLLR' = '+'
    Code 'RRLLRL' = '-'
    Code 'RRLLRR' = '*'
    Code 'RRLRLL' = '/'
    Code 'RRLRLR' = '='
    Code 'RRLRRL' = '<'
    Code 'RRLRRR' = '>'
    Code 'RRRLLL' = '^'
    Code 'RRRLLR' = '%'
    Code 'RRRLRL' = '$'
    Code 'RRRLRR' = '&'
    Code 'RRRRLL' = '|'
    Code 'RRRRLR' = '@'
    Code 'RRRRRL' = '#'
    Code 'RRRRRR' = '\'
umbratile: sh
prestige: dammits tega!
stegarootbeer was kicked by prestige.
umbratile: stragobert
stegarootbeer entered chat.
umbratile: stragobert
Idolon :^): stregarobot
Idolon :^): robot
Idolon :^): ot
umbratile: borot
Idolon :^): bot
Idolon :^): lil
Idolon :^): lililili
umbratile: boerot


Half a Lambert is better than one.
Nov 14, 2009
Oh cool, I'd been wondering what engine NASA used for Moonbase Alpha's voice. FonixTalk, I'll have to remember that.


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
ordinary fucking people: one day
ordinary fucking people: i am gonna grow wings
running deer: and go too close to the sun
running deer: and fall into the ocean and die
ordinary fucking people: phidt thats a cool idea for some kind of writing did you make that up
ordinary fucking people: i will make it a plane called the flytanic


Feb 18, 2009
[SM] Vote successful. (Received 50% of 22 votes)
[SM] The answer to best mapper on tf2m is: terwonick.
Sep 7, 2012
1:02 AM - stegarootbeer: parents left for their anniversary, leaving me in charge
1:02 AM - stegarootbeer: brother goes out and doesnt give me a time when hes going to get home
1:03 AM - stegarootbeer: and i got to makes sure he gets up in the morning because hes super bad about it
1:04 AM - »LLF« ::Egan::: isnt tomorrow easter friday anyway
1:04 AM - »LLF« ::Egan::: whats he have to get up for
1:04 AM - stegarootbeer: school
1:04 AM - »LLF« ::Egan::: no school for me :eek:
1:04 AM - stegarootbeer: he doesnt have the day off
1:04 AM - stegarootbeer: im on spring break
1:10 AM - nightwatch: stega you should smash him over the face with a hammer
1:11 AM - stegarootbeer: but hes not even here
1:11 AM - nightwatch: when he gets here

---interlude of many lines and minutes ----

1:35 AM - stegarootbeer: well hes finally home
1:35 AM - stegarootbeer: time to find the hammer
1:37 AM - stegarootbeer disconnected.


Feb 18, 2009
17:19 - Sel <3: snacks
17:20 - Sel <3: what ps2 faction are you
17:20 - Snacks: TR
17:20 - Sel <3: fascist scumbag
17:20 - Snacks: you?
17:20 - Sel <3: vs
17:20 - You have been banned from the chat by Snacks.


Jun 9, 2009
Snacks using the officer powers for good, for once
Jan 8, 2011
Idolon :^): fun fact: every word that has has "oeia" has "poeia"
umbratile: thanks
umbratile: that fact was pretty fun!
Idolon :^): fun fact: you will die
Sep 7, 2012
3:18 PM - stegarootbeer entered chat.
3:21 PM - nightwatch: hey stega hows that map coming
3:21 PM - nightwatch: the one with the thing
3:21 PM - phi.deer <3: i remember that map
3:21 PM - Idolon :^): yeah me too
3:21 PM - Idolon :^): it had that thing that did the thing
3:21 PM - Idolon :^): and the other things
3:21 PM - phi.deer <3: yeah and it was near that other thing
3:21 PM - nightwatch: and then you won when the time was over
3:21 PM - phi.deer <3: it looked sort of like something though
3:21 PM - nightwatch: or when you captured the thing
3:22 PM - phi.deer <3: when you did something, something happened
3:22 PM - phi.deer <3: somewhere
3:22 PM - stegarootbeer disconnected.
3:22 PM - nightwatch: i thought the detailing could use some work though
3:22 PM - Seba disconnected.
3:22 PM - phi.deer <3: he left
3:22 PM - phi.deer <3: i guess we were being too specific
3:22 PM - nightwatch: steam convos here I come


Feb 7, 2008
umbratile: spagett
Idolon: spaget
lazy bones: spage
umbratile: spag
lazy bones: spa
umbratile: sp
lazy bones: s
umbratile: good
lazy bones: goo
umbratile: go
lazy bones: g
lazy bones: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
umbratile: no