Why do you love steam convos?


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
John Doe entered chat.
John Doe: guys
John Doe: how does suckin on gabe's tasly balls feel?
John Doe left chat.
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: how did he know if they were tasty or not

Okay so this guy came back and called us fags for a few hours. This is why we need a uk admin, incedentally.

Some highlights:

Never tell your password to anyone.
John Doe: it's a rather cheap job
John Doe: i know
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: oh hey
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: it's you
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: *sucking *tasty
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: and you should probably capitalise Gabe

John Doe: ok, if you want a good degree in computing, you need get some where real good
John Doe: it means you're fuckin uneducated
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: *fucking
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: *somewhere
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: sorry what was that about uneducated

John Doe: you guys are fuckin dumb lol
John Doe: go back to high scool and yeah
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: *fucking
Manic Pixie Dream Golem: *school

John Doe: fuck you, and get out
John Doe: fag

(such sparkling wit)

John Doe: you should suck on my 9 inch weasel all day long.

John Doe: look do you want to be good in computing?
John Doe: fag

John Doe: he was a fag too right?

John Doe: have people have your dick sucked

John Doe: TF2 is a fuckin fag ass game

Anyway after a while i said i blocked him, and stega left. So nobody in the chat was awake or listening. And what is this guy like when he thinks nobody is listening?

John Doe: http://www.techpowerup.com/forums/showthread.php?t=183224
John Doe: i need one of these for my precision lappy
John Doe: http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Silverstone/Heligon_HE01/3.html
John Doe: this is interesting
John Doe: that's a 38mm thick fan
John Doe: fuck that
John Doe: http://www.techpowerup.com/reviews/Silverstone/Heligon_HE01/3.html
John Doe: argh
John Doe: http://www.tweaktown.com/reviews/5386/comay-pluto-sc3-enterprise-ssd-review/index.html
John Doe: that SF-2481 is new
John Doe: i own a few SF-2281 and a pair of SF-2581 drives
John Doe: those are old drives in comparison to the 840 pro
John Doe: they're still pretty damn fast and great tho
John Doe: i only do SSD's
John Doe: HDD's are inefficient and are a thing of past
John Doe: i'm not usin that board any more, btw
John Doe: i bought a z77 extreme9 and have a 2700k for it
])oo]v[ left chat.
John Doe: i wouldn't suggest that board or any other asrock board
John Doe: they can be quirky
John Doe: the thing just doesn't boot up at all on some settings
John Doe: i'd say asus is the way to go
John Doe: haswell is OTW tho
John Doe: i wouldn't build up a new machine right now unless it's a must
John Doe: i'll buy an AX1200i for this system
John Doe: it's 680 sli and doesn't require a PSU of that size, but i want top notch quality in the PSU
John Doe: i only buy expensive and top notch crap
John Doe: like extreme speed delta fans
John Doe: those things are loud as hell
John Doe: they scream so much when put on a HS, they make you just want to turn the damn thing off
John Doe: it's almost an unbearable amount of noise if you're runnin the thing open air

Dull as shit, that's what.


Jun 9, 2009
Oh my God can we make a separate chatroom, put him in it, then all observe the chatlog


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
prestige disconnected.
Howling Techie disconnected.
WastedMeerkat disconnected.
YM | http://ow.ly/ky0uh disconnected.
theharribokid disconnected.
henke37 disconnected.
Turbo Lover disconnected.
[BMS Dev] JeanPaul disconnected.
Bloodhound disconnected.

Manic Pixie Dream Golem: uh
Your state is set to Offline.
Lost connection to Steam, will rejoin chat automatically when connection regained.
Mar 23, 2010
5:40 PM - umbratile: actually I think I would have gay sex maybe
5:40 PM - umbratile: but the dude would have to leave right afterward

Fish 2.0

L6: Sharp Member
Nov 22, 2012
void asked for some feedback on his *unfinished*




2:40 PM - stegarootbeer: is she naked or did she tape her pants?
2:40 PM - void~: bandaged, you dangus
2:40 PM - stegarootbeer: yeah, bandaged her pants
2:41 PM - stegarootbeer: you dont put bandaging on the outside of your clothes
2:41 PM - ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu entered chat.
2:41 PM - stegarootbeer: ya dingus
2:42 PM - void~: if you get shot in combat you're not going to take off all of your pants to bandage it, simply enough to stop the bleeding and hold it back a bit
2:42 PM - void~: ya fuckin dingus
2:42 PM - stegarootbeer: so she never ever stops fighting
2:42 PM - stegarootbeer: even between rounds
2:43 PM - Fubar: you guys...
2:43 PM - stegarootbeer: fubar you dingus
2:43 PM - void~: stega you're going for the way the bandage looks when one of her moves is firing half of her arm at the enemy
2:43 PM - stegarootbeer: well in the sketch it makes her look naked
2:44 PM - Fubar: woah woah woah, who would fire their arms? that sounds counterproductive
2:44 PM - void~: stega
2:44 PM - void~: do you not see the belt, pockets, and seam down the center of the pants
2:44 PM - stegarootbeer: "ur fired arm"
2:44 PM - Fubar: lol
2:45 PM - void~: and also why the fuck would you just assume "oh she's naked"
2:45 PM - void~: have some common sense
2:45 PM - stegarootbeer: well it looks like it to me
2:45 PM - stegarootbeer: no reason to get angry
2:45 PM - ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: link?
2:46 PM - void~: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/586461/Wacom/maddie-sketch.jpg
2:46 PM - Fubar: void clearly doesn't apreciate naked womans
2:46 PM - ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu disconnected.
2:46 PM - void~: when its more than just a sketch and its fully colored it will make a lot more sense
2:46 PM - stegarootbeer: that isnt clearly a pocket, it could be a small line to imply shading
2:47 PM - ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu entered chat.
2:47 PM - stegarootbeer: yeah i undersand that
2:47 PM - void~: nigga what kind of shadow would be there
2:47 PM - stegarootbeer: it was just my first reaction
2:47 PM - Axio entered chat.
2:47 PM - stegarootbeer: hip bone shadow
2:47 PM - ><> Fish: yeah
2:47 PM - Axio: quite
2:47 PM - ><> Fish: the bottom half of her does look naked
2:47 PM - Axio: um
2:47 PM - void~: the fuck kind of hipbones you be lookin at
2:47 PM - ><> Fish: and I thought the bandage was the bottom of her pants
2:47 PM - ><> Fish: but then it was a bandgae
2:48 PM - ><> Fish: and why have a bandadge outside of pants
2:48 PM - stegarootbeer: see, its not just me
2:48 PM - ><> Fish: so my brain came to the conclusion of no pants
2:48 PM - Axio: the pants were hurt
2:48 PM - Fubar: so where are the pants anyway?

2:48 PM - Axio: what picture
2:48 PM - stegarootbeer: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/586461/Wacom/maddie-sketch.jpg
2:48 PM - void~: fucking christ ok its tape or something to keep the pants together
2:48 PM - void~: its fucking inspired by mad max, clothing wasn't exactly in the best condition there
2:48 PM - ><> Fish: but you just said it was a bandadge
2:48 PM - void~: christ
2:49 PM - Axio: i looked at the left leg
2:49 PM - Axio: saw pants
2:49 PM - stegarootbeer: would be cool f she was just missing half her left pant leg
2:49 PM - Axio: looked at the right leg
2:49 PM - Axio: saw bandage
2:49 PM - ><> Fish: yeah
2:49 PM - Axio: then it looked like there were no pants
2:49 PM - void~: ugh
2:49 PM - ><> Fish: ditch the bandadge and just have half of her pant legs short
2:49 PM - void~: whatever, just wait until its fucking finished then
2:49 PM - ><> Fish: that would look kool
2:49 PM - Axio: just add some pantsy texture to the lower left leg to imply pants
2:49 PM - stegarootbeer: dont ask for an opinion and then get mad at the opinion
2:50 PM - void~: yeah its just the sketch to give me some guides on the tablet
2:50 PM - void~: it will look a lot better finished
2:50 PM - void~: there's no shading, no colors, nothing
2:50 PM - void~: it will look so much better when finished
2:50 PM - Axio: also the breasts are very c shaped
2:50 PM - void~: are you seriously going to
2:50 PM - ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
2:50 PM - Axio: uniboob
2:50 PM - ><> Fish: ^
2:50 PM - stegarootbeer: not c sized
2:50 PM - void~: the style of all these fighters aren't exactly realistic
2:50 PM - Axio: it's fine
2:51 PM - stegarootbeer: c shaped
2:51 PM - Axio: the only thing i would actually say seems wonky at all is the elbow on the human arm
2:51 PM - ><> Fish: >asks for feedback
2:51 PM - ><> Fish: >dosent like feedback and makes excuse its not done
2:51 PM - ><> Fish: lol
2:51 PM - ><> Fish: anyway
2:51 PM - ><> Fish: who the fuck cares
2:51 PM - ><> Fish: it no done
2:51 PM - Axio: this is what void always does, but it's fine i think he secretly uses it
2:51 PM - void~: well it isn't actually fucking done
2:51 PM - void~: they're sketches, you guys
2:52 PM - void~: the basic idea
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: lol
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: ho does he use it
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: *how
2:52 PM - void~: ugh
2:52 PM - void~: fuck you guys
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: lol talking about you infront of you
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: this fucking community man
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: lol
2:52 PM - Fubar: eheh
2:52 PM - stegarootbeer: we vould be talking about him behind his back
2:52 PM - stegarootbeer: could*
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: yeah
2:52 PM - ><> Fish: but thats more effort
2:52 PM - Fubar: too much effort
2:52 PM - Axio: and you asked for feedback, and this is how feedback works, and if something looks weird now it might look weird in the future so we try to help, and you get to choose what feedback you use
2:52 PM - Axio: mr void
2:53 PM - Fubar: so yeah... add pants
Last edited:


Jun 9, 2009
15:14 - Howling Techie: Let's collate and rate all humourous events
15:15 - Seba: Item #1: The Holocaust


semi-trained quasi-professional
Aug 8, 2010
umb: oh for fuck's sake
umb: 4 wasps in my room so far since I woke up
umb: 5
umb: I think #4 just went out and came back in for some reason
Howling Techie: I saw a bee once
Howling Techie: this year
Howling Techie: And that's about it for insects
Howling Techie: Oh, a few days ago I saw some ducks walking down the street
umb: those are arachnids I think


Nov 1, 2009
18:56 - About A Gull: Aw what the shit somebody just threw up out of their window and it landed on my windowsill and splattered into my room.
18:58 - Idonol: hardcore
19:03 - Seba: ahah that's terriblwe
19:05 - About A Gull: i can understand someone chucking up out of their window when pissed
19:05 - About A Gull: but its seven pm and monday

Fruity Snacks

Creator of blackholes & memes. Destroyer of forums
Sep 5, 2010
18:56 - About A Gull: Aw what the shit somebody just threw up out of their window and it landed on my windowsill and splattered into my room.
18:58 - Idonol: hardcore
19:03 - Seba: ahah that's terriblwe
19:05 - About A Gull: i can understand someone chucking up out of their window when pissed
19:05 - About A Gull: but its seven pm and monday

I would probably throw up because of that.


Feb 7, 2008
umb: all I remember was that a girl in my class got expelled for remarking that her name literally meant toilet rat in Norwegian and then the teacher died from cancer a few months later
umb: I've never felt so sorry for a person
umb: /random story
Jethro: that's, uh.
Jethro: odd.
Jethro: sounds like a facepunch ban


I'm so happy :D
Dec 21, 2010
Just had a dude harass me for almost an hour because he was (at least he pretended to) thinking that i was hacking. Got this from after the first map change:

tM{ M1ndz : HACKER
Dr. Element : you again?
tM{ M1ndz : YES
tM{ M1ndz : ME AGAIN
(I try to kick him)
Dr. Element : aww
tM{ M1ndz : lol ..
tM{ M1ndz : im amdin:p
Dr. Element : you know, it's very funny that you really think i'm cheating, but you're starting to annoy me :c
Dr. Element : I'm trying to play here
tM{ M1ndz : you can suck my dick nab hacker
tM{ M1ndz : people like you ruin the game
Peppe Fetish : why?
Dr. Element : How about you learn to play before accusing random people?
tM{ M1ndz : hes a hacker
Peppe Fetish : you got zero points
Peppe Fetish : and write in caps lock
Peppe Fetish : not a good sign
tM{ M1ndz : i played with him before peppe
tM{ M1ndz : shit hacker
tM{ M1ndz : i have on video
Die Zahl : link or ditn happend
tM{ M1ndz : add me on steam i send u
Dr. Element : He saw us doing an über chain
tM{ M1ndz : no lol
Dr. Element : And he's too new to understand it
tM{ M1ndz : u was flying like a monkey
Dr. Element : flying monkey?
tM{ M1ndz : already sended to steam
Dr. Element : k
tM{ M1ndz : also you have item hack
nicolai.qvicklund : mindz, you are making yourself look dumb
nicolai.qvicklund : just shut up
tM{ M1ndz : 1vs1?
Die Zahl : i add you. gief link
tM{ M1ndz : k
*DEAD* tM{ M1ndz : wow hacker
Peppe Fetish : dr element
Dr. Element : hmm?
Peppe Fetish : you did a map?
Dr. Element : yeah
Dr. Element : :D
Peppe Fetish : wich one?
Dr. Element : mvm_sludge
tM{ M1ndz : dont talk to the hacker
Dr. Element : I guess noone's heard of mvm_sludge? :c
Die Zahl : nope, sry
Dr. Element : oh well... It was only 3rd place xD
tM{ M1ndz : Dr. Element do you have anyone reasons/exuces for you hackin history?
Dr. Element : Shut up kid
tM{ M1ndz : i need for report
Dr. Element : Kid, you've been bothering me for an hour now.
Dr. Element : Guys, can you help me get this clown off?
Peppe Fetish : hes funny
(I initiate another kick vote)
Dimitri From Paris : vote
(Vote succeeds)
Dr. Element : :,D

Still not sure if he was trolling or if he was just a brick-dense 12 year old.


Wall Staples
Jun 10, 2009
Just had a dude harass me for almost an hour because he was (at least he pretended to) thinking that i was hacking. Got this from after the first map change:

Still not sure if he was trolling or if he was just a brick-dense 12 year old.

I want to see that video


Feb 7, 2008
Idolon: umb tell me more about your bananas
umb: Well Idolon, they are yellow
umb: banana shaped
Idolon: why are bananas something up with which you are fed
umb: taste like bananas
re‗wind: easy to eat as babies without teath
re‗wind: soft, nutritious
umb: Yes, babies without teeth are easy to eat
Sep 7, 2012
stegarootbeer: how many drives do you have?
Fubar: this way I still have the old and the newe hammer :D
prestige: guess how many rap albums shaq has
stegarootbeer: 19
Eleryn: I have 3
stegarootbeer: you rap?


Nov 6, 2011
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: stega give me some inspiration
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu is now playing Team Fortress 2. Click here to join.
stegarootbeer: was looking for some for you
stegarootbeer: searched "50s industrial zone"
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: hahaha
stegarootbeer: got a sexy prison outfit
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: oh
stegarootbeer: wat
stegarootbeer: like the first 5 pictures are girls clothes
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: wat
Eleryn entered chat.
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: here she is now
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: maybe she can explain
Eleryn: wut
stegarootbeer: why does "50s industrial zone" on google images give me womans clothing?
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: stega give me some inspiration
stegarootbeer: was looking for some for you
stegarootbeer: searched "50s industrial zone"
Eleryn: why should i know
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: because you're a woman
Eleryn: but I didn't live in the 50s
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: oh never mind then
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: maybe prestige knows
ɥɔʇɐʍʇɥƃıu: hes a woman from the 50s