What do you kids not like about Fastlane


Jul 14, 2009
I personally like Fastlane better than Gullywash - you'd think the chokes stalemate similarly but I find Gullywash is even narrower and spammier. It also actually tends to play better on pubs than Badlands does because last is reasonably easy to defend and the terrain doesn't massively favor jumping classes

Rating 5CP maps solely based on how good they are in comp 6v6 is a mistake
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lobotomy success story
Jan 8, 2015
Though, from the analyzing of the map, I've finally unlocked the secret of true height variation, which is something I may have not put on any of my previous maps. I think I have started on what could be my first truly okay map.

G-go on..


Repacking Evangelist
Jul 22, 2014
Tell us. Tell us the secret of true height variation. Because to me it just seems like a term that means different things to different people.


Mar 30, 2014
Idk what everyone is talking about, cause I fucking love fastlane.

My only gripe is that some of the detailing is a little wonky (the skybox especially)

And I don't exactly buy this "map was from another time stuff" people say about the old maps (with the exception of hydro + StickyJumpingPainTrain)

If dustbowl and 2fort were broken by weapon updates, then they wouldn't be the maps that get up voted to the sky every time a mapswitch vote appears. I never understood the big dissconnect between the map community saying that dustbowl sucks, but the player community seems to love it.

But then, i'm the person who thinks that process, snake water, and other competitive oriented maps are bland and uninteresting, so my opinion doesn't count ... i guess. (snakewater's last is cool though)

edit -----

Its a little off topic, but I thought I should elaborate more. I'm not a fan of maps like process because everywhere in it is equally spaced, equally lit, soldier pandering, and safe. It's detailed fine, but the geometry is so perfectly angular that yo u can almost see the dev textures hiding underneath. And it all comes out feeling fake.

I love tf2, and one of the major reasons is cause of all the stupid shit that goes on with a pub team. And when a map is designed so the optimal team can win optimally on it, it comes off feeling dull, especially in a pub (which is where 80% of the player base is).

Maps like dustbowl is fun because it shoves players into awkward spaces, sometimes dim, sometimes tight, and it works. Because real places aren't optimal. They have their tight spots and their dark spots. It makes the map feel less like a map specifically designed for a game, and more like a real place where the mercs would actually be.

The other thing about dustbowl is there are places where some classes are just useless, like scout on final point. Many people point this out as a negative, but I think it strengthens the map. It gives the classes that are weak against scouts a break, and lets them shine for a bit. And fuck you pinklime scout, you've been ruining the fun for everyone the previous 2 sub-stages, now its our turn.

Not that the maps are perfect, gameplay wise, but they don't need to be, tf2 is a flexible game.

Badlands being the anomaly which is loved by both the comp and the pub community. Probably cause the spire is a condensed form of soldier pandering so that the comp soldiers love it, but it doesn't ruin the rest of the map for everyone else.

Rating 5CP maps solely based on how good they are in comp 6v6 is a mistake
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Mann vs Machine... or... Mapper vs Meta?
Sep 8, 2008
The skybox

we're not supposed to be floating above the ground!
That to me is the worst excuse for the map being bad, im sure that most players havent even noticed this. Its a cheap skybox but far from the worst type.

To me the map is just broken in gameplay. its a stalemate allmost every round or teams are stacked in such worse state its not even fun. And its allways the same type of class that makes this happen: Engineer, sniper, demoman. All 3 bring a hazard that isnt fun to face:
- The only counter to the sniper is a sniper
- Doors are that small you are forced to face stickies
- Sentry guns can be places in an area where its obvious when a spy is coming (meaning that its at a safe spot with low traffic but high effectivity). That only spies are coming also shows its hard for other classes to reach it.

The only time i liked it was when the backburner had 50+hp because that overpowered feature ment easier attacks on teams that were a little stronger. As soon as that was dropped the map already became dull by ending the same way each time.

You can have a map in orange textures, and it can play excelent and be fun (see many contest maps which never got past the layout stage). but it can also look decent, but if it plays poor then it remains poor (see cp_junction)


Sep 5, 2014
The skybox always looked off to me, but it was mainly because in some areas it was very obviously a 3D skybox (as in, it didn't blend in with the game space that well). I didn't know it was too low until someone told me.