
CTF Vector Final

  • This map is featured! Our best maps, all together in one place for your viewing pleasure.


Local Man Unable To Map, Sources Say
Sep 14, 2008
you should ignore betas and release candidates, and just keep it in alphas 'til it's done...

you know, to fuck with people, then they feel the need to play more alpha maps, thus getting other new maps more playtime...

until they realize alphas aren't supposed to look as good as that

kind of how aurora was an alpha and fully detailed then jumped to _rc
Sep 12, 2008
Hey, I just wanted to say that the detailed parts look very good! I'm not following this discussion here, so... I played the map once or twice, and in stage 2 I've never seen the final CP in the attacking team. But I think you were also on the server then. Keep up the good detailing eh man!



L6: Sharp Member
May 28, 2008
This map is progressing at a very promising rate. I haven't played it in about a week or so, but the final point has to be a bit less chokepointy. Now following traditional A/D gameflow, the areas should get progressively more difficult to capture for the attackers, but there's certainly not much incentive for defenders to leave the "antechamber" and spread out a bit.

until they realize alphas aren't supposed to look as good as that

I hate it when people who have never mapped in their life and don't see the purpose of dev textures stumble into the TF2Maps server during an alpha playtesting and begin ranting about how it looks like Tron. :thumbdown:


The Imp Queen
Apr 9, 2008
Hah. I remember when my map was on and people were like, "Why is the floor texture so overscaled?". DOES IT MATTER?! :p


L6: Sharp Member
Jan 29, 2008
I hate it when people who have never mapped in their life and don't see the purpose of dev textures stumble into the TF2Maps server during an alpha playtesting and begin ranting about how it looks like Tron. :thumbdown:


...Man, I want a Tron-themed TF2 map now. It'd be pretty meta, if you think about it.


L2: Junior Member
Jan 28, 2009
Played this at gameday. I have some concerns:

Stage 1: With a good push, we could secure this with ease. But when we went into the connection area between CP1 and CP2, it was a lost cause of the offense. Attackers had a very hard time trying to set up proper makeshift defense. Once the defense could push through the dwindeling and weakend attackers, we could push the attackers back to spawn, where spawn camping ensued. The middle part was very chokepointy, which made pyros and suprise heavies (supertoaster :cursing:) an annoyance. In assaulting the second cap, we were met at every angle with sentires and demospam, making it damn near impossible to progress into the house, which is usually always littered with surronding sentires.

Stage 3, Cap 2: This capture made me so angry and annoyed. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was exactly modeled after Dustbowl's CP2 of Stage 3, a very unbalanced final cap. Now, I know the final cap is suppose to be a challenge, but this was impossible. Medic/Demo ubers trying to kill one sentry would be met by 2 more. Snipers could hold down the main entrance fairly well. Also, I didn't realize there was the bottom entrance to the point until a minute left in the game, but I can assume a sentry could hold down the exit from that, as I saw at least 3-4 of my teammates holed up down there.

Map in General: I noticed a great abundance in full health kits. I find these as a crutch for poor players, and it helped the defense tremendously when we were spawncamping/holding the caps.

I'm sure this could be a wounderful map, but these issues presisted during the entire gameday play. :mellow:


Sep 10, 2008


Trying to reduce confusion here. Now tells players which CP is active.


L2: Junior Member
Feb 14, 2009
The first point seems like it's a bit of a pushover. Obviously the first point should be pretty easy in a 6-point map, but caps there get faster and faster with every release of the map, to the point where it felt like today people whipped through there in 15 seconds flat every time. It's sort of just a formality rather than a real point.

I think the rest of the map is wicked. It has very hyperactive action yet still feels like proper TF2. I love it. Knocking people away from the last cap with lobbed stickies = happiness.


Grand Vizier
May 14, 2008
stage 3 cap 2 needs heavy work.
Make the sentry positions more spread out, when you have a base with 3-4 sentries that can ALL shoot at EVERY entrance it gets old fast.

I tried Heavy, soldier and demo to try and get atleast 1 of the sentries down, to no avail (even with uber.. 2 engineers on one sentry repairs too fast and 4 sentries knocks you back too much.
There was no oppertunity to enter the computer room on the opposite side, make that room useful for attackers and there might be a huge change in how it plays out.
I was looking around for a way to countersnipe FoX, but I gave up before even trying. there was just no room for snipers on offence there. Even dustbowl stage 3-2 offers a small ledge you can walk out on (avoiding most of the demospam).

Stage1-2 is too hard for a first stage cap, felt like the times it was captured was by pure luck/coincidence of events (engineers getting backstabbed and heavies running out of ammo, medics getting headshotted all at the same time :))

Also something for all stages: Maybe more ways for offensive engineers to prevent defenders steamrolling attackers back to the spawn? It happends too easily, blue sentries just couldnt survive in the places where they would be useful...


Old Hat
Nov 12, 2007
The first point seems like it's a bit of a pushover. Obviously the first point should be pretty easy in a 6-point map, but caps there get faster and faster with every release of the map, to the point where it felt like today people whipped through there in 15 seconds flat every time. It's sort of just a formality rather than a real point.

This. I've actually given up doing anything at the first point, and started setting up a sentry at the 1-2 as soon as the round started. I'd barely even managed to get it to level 3 by the time blue started coming in.


L6: Sharp Member
May 28, 2008
Now now. Points, as I stated earlier, should become progressively easier to defend and harder to attack as the map goes on. Or at least, that's considered the "norm". Your other option is making them all equally balanced, but that would be total hell.

Compare this to the first cap of Dustbowl, stage 1. I think you're overdoing it if you think capture points (especially the earlier and later ones) should have 50/50 odds of ownership.


L7: Fancy Member
Mar 22, 2009
Looks very nice.
Love the power pole and wires, is the power pole a valve model?
The chimney looks a little odd sticking out of the wall on the side, perhaps a bit to distracting- nothing major really.


Sep 10, 2008
Alpha 24 Released for Gameday

Download + Screens:

-More detailing around CP 1-1
-Added new HUD features
-Raised RED spawn for stage 2 up to prevent rampant spawncamping
-Added additional path on CP 3-2
-Intel now has a forward spawn on stage 3
-CPs are now lettered instead of numbered
-Optimization has now begun
-Several bug fixes
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