Played this at gameday. I have some concerns:
Stage 1: With a good push, we could secure this with ease. But when we went into the connection area between CP1 and CP2, it was a lost cause of the offense. Attackers had a very hard time trying to set up proper makeshift defense. Once the defense could push through the dwindeling and weakend attackers, we could push the attackers back to spawn, where spawn camping ensued. The middle part was very chokepointy, which made pyros and suprise heavies (supertoaster :cursing

an annoyance. In assaulting the second cap, we were met at every angle with sentires and demospam, making it damn near impossible to progress into the house, which is usually always littered with surronding sentires.
Stage 3, Cap 2: This capture made me so angry and annoyed. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was exactly modeled after Dustbowl's CP2 of Stage 3, a very unbalanced final cap. Now, I know the final cap is suppose to be a challenge, but this was impossible. Medic/Demo ubers trying to kill one sentry would be met by 2 more. Snipers could hold down the main entrance fairly well. Also, I didn't realize there was the bottom entrance to the point until a minute left in the game, but I can assume a sentry could hold down the exit from that, as I saw at least 3-4 of my teammates holed up down there.
Map in General: I noticed a great abundance in full health kits. I find these as a crutch for poor players, and it helped the defense tremendously when we were spawncamping/holding the caps.
I'm sure this could be a wounderful map, but these issues presisted during the entire gameday play. :mellow: