I just noticed this and I'm trying to decide if I want to give it a shot. I always try something new with each map so I think for this it would have to be designing the map for optimization while creating the map. Thus building the map to incorporate hint and skips into the map without feeling like my brain is bleeding.
I also have a lot of weird ideas that I probably won't incorporate, like blue starting a runaway bomb cart that red must stop, thus blue is attacking to make sure that red don't stop the car and red is trying to defend by stopping the cart. Would be a very interesting dynamic but I doubt I could get away with that.
Another was an old idea of using another vehicle as the car, like a truck, that failed so I'll leave that one there for someone.
And that is all I'm sharing. I did have another I would love to share but I suddenly have a feeling it would make an awesome payload map that would be very dynamic. All I must ask is, would it be allowed to have capture points for red to, say, add a diversion for blue? Switch the tracks or something.
Would that be too weird?
What I'm envisioning is fully optional for red to help improve their defense but if they wish they can just play the map as is.